Love Geometry - Camilo x Read...

By YourMamaLee

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"You... saved my life." Tiles lunge me forward and I put my hands out to brace myself. My hand ends up on th... More

Prologue: Mirabel's Ceremony
1: Good Morning
2: A Normal Day
3: "Birthday" Gift
4: The First Cracks
5: Sometimes Family Is Best Forgotten
6: Inside A Nightmare
7: What Vision?
8: The Vision
9: Love's In The Air
10: Waiting On A Miracle
11: Behind the Scenes
12: I Have To What?
13: A Date With Mirabel
14: A Date With Camilo
15: Trauma
16: AFAB Suffering
17: A Family Day
19: Getting Ready
20: Happy Birthday
21: What Really Happened That Night
22: Trouble
23: Burn
24: Ends Bring Beginnings
Epilogue: New Life
Original Story

18: Sledding

130 6 12
By YourMamaLee

Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and a bit of spiciness is included. Enjoy!

“Have you ever actually tried to make snow, Tía Pepa?” I eye her carefully. We’re all standing in the backyard, hotter than hell in our warm clothes. 

“Well… not exactly.” She chuckles shyly. “Julieta, when was the last time I snowed?” 

“I can’t remember… maybe… when Camilo asked ten years ago?” Mami shrugs. 

“But do you remember how I made it snow?” Tía crosses her arms. 

“Uhm… no.” Mami hesitates and Tía sighs exasperatedly. 

“Well, he asked for snow because of Tío Bru…” Mirabel trails off as a dark cloud forms over her head. 

“As much as I hate the thought, I think you need to keep talking about him.” Tía says after a deep breath, sounding pained. 

“You know, I looked like Tío Bruno when I was younger.” Camilo smiles. “I mean, I’m not a cryptid rat man who’s, like, seven feet tall now. So that’s a plus.” 

“What’s wrong with rats?” Antonio asks sadly as a rat scampers up to him. 

“What’s wrong with being seven feet tall?” Luisa asks, her brows knitted together in upset confusion.

Tío’s a nice guy!” Dolores smacks Camilo upside the head. “It’s people like you who drove him away.” 

“He literally told you you’d never marry the guy of your dreams.” Isabela crosses her arms. “I mean, he only gave me good visions. I have a reason to like him.” She brags, tossing her hair. Mirabel turns to me, signing a gagging motion. 

“But he doesn’t choose what he sees!” Dolores raises her voice and flinches, immediately covering her ears. There’s silence and suddenly, heavy snow starts falling around us. It’s hard to see much of anything through the flakes and I see Mirabel trying to wipe her glasses off with her gloves. Everyone begins to move on from what happened but I approach Dolores. 

“Are you alright? I’ve never seen you raise your voice like that.” I ask quietly and she waves me off. 

“I’m fine. Just… you’d think that with how much we struggle with our gifts, they’d be able to accept someone who struggles so much like Tío, y’know?” 

“Yeah. I feel bad. He’s so nice, yet Camilo just described him as an eldritch horror.” 

“Oh, yeah.” She giggles. “He does that with kids who haven’t met Tío and I keep telling him to stop but he’s really adamant about it. It’s all because Tío accidentally snuck up on him in the kitchen a few days before he left. He’s terrified of Tío and rats now.” We both laugh and an idea comes to me. 

“Antonio!” I call and he scrambles through the snow to get to me. When he approaches with the biggest smile on his face, it brings a smile to mine. I’d have kids just to have one as adorable and perfect as him. “Do you think I could borrow a few rats?”

“Uh-huh!” He nods eagerly, his hair bobbing. A few rats come scampering up to him and he picks them up, handing them to me carefully. 

“Thank you, Toñito. I promise to take very good care of them.” I smile and he runs back over to Tia, thanking her and sledding down the small hill in our backyard as snow continues to build on the ground. “Watch this.” I snicker to Dolores as I approach Camilo and Mirabel, covering the rats with my other hand. 

“All I’m saying is, I’d let big daddy George Washy-boy spit in my mouth if he wanted to.” Cami argues, shrugging like what he’s saying is normal. 

“You’d let Elmo spit in your mouth if he wanted to, just because he’s a historical figure doesn’t make a difference. You’re a whore, you’re not proving anything with that sentence.” Mirabel argues back, shaking claw-like hands at him. 

“She’s right, you know.” I giggle and their spat immediately breaks up to look over at me. “You told me once that you’d get pegged for a Klondike bar.” 

“He’d get pegged just to get pegged.” Mirabel laughs and Camilo elbows her. 

“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes. 

“Cami, you’re being so cold to Mira.” I fake pout. “Maybe I should warm you up a bit…” I try to sound as seductive as possible, stepping very close to him. I wrap my free arm around his neck and he looks more excited than Antonio at the mention of snow. “With some heartwarming friends.” I smile, bringing the rats up close to him. 

“Holy fuck!” He nearly shits his pants trying to get away from me and Mirabel doubles over in laughter. 

“But they’re nice.” I frown and try not to giggle as he falls back into a small snow bank. 

“They’re terrifying!” He cries, trying and failing to back away but ending up slipping. This time, his entire body ends up laying in the snow and he doesn’t even try to get back up. “Betrayed! Bamboozled by the only person in this household I trust!” He shrieks.

“Could you at least try holding one?” I ask, kneeling down next to him. He sits up and eyes me warily. “It’s not gonna hurt you, I promise.” He shakily holds a hand out and I smile, placing one of the rats carefully onto it. 

“If it bites me, it’s your ass, you understand?” He asks in a rather upset manner and I giggle, nodding. His grumpy expression immediately changes as the rat rolls around in his hand, squeaking cheerfully and rubbing its nose. 

“See? They’re not that bad.” I smile and he does the same, nodding happily. The rat’s tail slides across his hand and his smile disappears, his eyes widening. It swipes over his hand again and he looks ready to yeet it into oblivion. Instead, he takes a deep breath and puts it back down in my hand with care so as not to hurt it. 

“It was… fine. Their tails are freaky.” He crosses his arms and I giggle, setting the rat down. They immediately run off and I wrap my arms around Camilo in a big hug. 

“I’m proud of you. Dolores told me you were terrified of rats and you held one.” I sigh, pulling away and kissing his cheek. A meek smile comes to his face and a red dust spreads across his cheeks, rubbing the back of his neck. 

“I’d do anything for you, mi príncipe.” He chuckles. I lean over and give him a quick peck, making him blush more. 

“Let’s get sledding.” I smile, standing and helping him up. I turn to Mirabel who’s just been standing awkwardly next to us since her laughter died down. “I’ll always be proud of you too.” I tell her, kissing her as well. We spend hours outside sledding and having fun with our family until something cold hits the back of my neck, exploding on impact. 

“Join us!” Mirabel laughs, throwing another pre-loaded snowball at Camilo’s face. He yelps at the feeling, wiping it off and throwing a snowball at her torso. A determined look crosses my face and we go to snowball war until mami makes us all go inside in fear of anyone getting frostbite. It’s just as cold inside as it is outside and Mirabel uses the fireplace in her room to hopefully warm me and Cami up. 

“Thank you, Mira.” I smile as she joins us under the blanket with a book, snuggling up next to me. 

“Of course, miel. Anything for my love.” She leans up, kissing my jaw before starting to read. Camilo grabs my hand under the blanket and dramatically gasps. 

“(Y/N)! Your hand is so cold!” He frets. “Maybe I should hold it to warm it up.” He wiggles his eyebrows, locking our fingers together. 

“Smooth, Madrigal.” I giggle and he lifts my hand to his lips, kissing it lovingly. “Get a load of this guy, babe.” I point to him with my free hand and she laughs, making him scoff playfully. 

“Excuse me for caring about your hand’s wellbeing.” He chuckles, rolling his eyes. 

“Well, I care about your face’s wellbeing.” Mirabel giggles, closing her book and putting a hand on my cheek. She leans in and kisses me softly and sweetly, flustering me for a second before I start to kiss back. Eventually, she deepens it and I hum into her lips, savoring her taste. She also tastes sweet, but not like Camilo did when we kissed. She tastes like bubblegum and walks in the forest or maybe cuddling together on a rainy day. 

“I think I care more.” Cami challenges and I pull away from Mira to giggle at him. “I’m serious!” He defends, taking his hand out of mine and wrapping it around my waist to pull me closer to him. He kisses me like he did the first time and almost immediately deepens it. It’s more heated and aggressive than Mira’s and I immediately notice that he tastes like cantaloupe and a day at the fair. Blindingly orange sun is what breaks us apart and when I look over at the window, most of the snow melts instantly under tia’s happy, setting rays. 

“I could stay here forever. I’m in heaven, kissing two angels.” I giggle. 

“I’m a devil. Find me in hell getting deep dicked by George Washing-daddy.” Camilo chuckles and I laugh, pushing him away from me playfully. 

Niños! Come get ready for our celebration!” Abuela shouts from downstairs and I stand. 

“Perfect excuse to get away from you.” I poke Camilo’s chest and he pulls me in for one more kiss. 

“You can’t escape my love, mi vida.”

Word Count: 1,616

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (2/16/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,644

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