Fake || heehoon ||

By stwbry_jin

119K 5.6K 4.1K

"Park Sunghoon, be my boyfriend." "What the--?!" In which Lee Heeseung, a heartthrob, askes Park Sunghoon to... More



4.1K 208 286
By stwbry_jin

'1 more hour...'


"I'm working! I'm working—! Oh— Ma'am."

She chuckled, "You can go home now. Just from the look of your face, I can already sense that you really had a long day."

"But...who will take my shift?"

"I'll handle it from here, you deserve a rest. After all, you've been doing well in your new job so far.

Sunghoon's face lit up and his lips curved into a smile,

"Thank you, Ma'am!"

Sunghoon rushed his way to the locker room and changed back into his school uniform. He packed his things and headed outside the bar. He grabbed his phone from his pocket to text Heeseung and tell him he wouldn't need to fetch him anymore since he was dismissed early.


But it seems like he didn't have to do that anymore.

"Hyung? Why are you here?"

"To pick you up, obviously."

"But it's still 7:30?"


Sunghoon furrowed his brows in confusion until he was able to connect the dots.


Heeseung chuckled, "What? You deserve a rest. Besides, today is your first payday from me. You deserve at least some time to have fun for the day, don't you think?"

Sunghoon sighed, "You didn't have to do that you know."

"Well, I wanted to." Heeseung replied stubbornly.

"I'm not even gonna use the money you'll be giving me for the day. I'll just save it for personal reasons."

"Did I even mention something about spending that money?"


Heeseung chuckled, "Look, I'll treat you today, that's your last mission for the day in order to receive your money."


"Nope, no buts. Besides, it's also a practice. So in our future fake dates, you'll know how to act, right?"

Sunghoon sighed, "Fine."

The rest of the day went well. Heeseung took Sunghoon to a park which had a lot of dogs around. Sunghoon is an animal lover, so he really enjoyed the date. they had some ice cream as they stroll around. It didn't even felt like a date to Sunghoon it felt like a simple day with a friend.

Heeseung took Sunghoon home, it was a peaceful drive throughout their way to the dorm. As soon as they arrived at Sunghoon's doorstep, Sunghoon faced Heeseung and he gave Sunghoon a smile.

"Okay, now here's your salary for the week." Heeseung said as he handed Sunghoon an envelope.

Sunghoon accepted Seeseung and gave him a smile, "Thank you for today."

"It's nothing, you really did a good job as my fake boyfriend." He said, ruffling Sunghoon's hair. "Good night, Hoonie."

Heeseung then leaned in to kiss Sunghoon's forehead and turned his back, walking further away from Sunghoon.

"Good night, hyung."

* * * * *

"Come on, Jungwon! You have to come!" Sunghoon whined as he clutch and shake his hand on Jungwon's shirt.

"Nuh-uh. I'm going to study."

"Please! You have to come! I need you there!"

"What do I get in return?"

"I'll marry you."

"No, thank you"

"Jungwon please"


"I'll tell jay to spend time with you more"

"Sunghoon! You know I hate that guys!"

Sunghoon chuckled "just kidding, I will spend more time with you"

"I don't need your time, don't talk me"Jungwon huffed.

"Jungwon please, i don't wanna go there alone"

"Ugh I hate you"

The basketball game of Heeseung will happen today and Sunghoon promised him that he would be there, especially it's a good opportunity to make Miyen jealous. But Sunghoon didn't want to go alone. he wanted at least someone to accompany him.

Sunghoon packed his things in his bag while he wait for Jungwon to finish preparing. He heard Jungwon whine, indicating that he has regreted his decision on coming with Sunghoon but he doesn't really have a choice anyway.

As soon as he finished, Sunghoon gave him a smile and grabbed his hand and ran for the door.

"Wait, you have a boyfriend right? Isn't he supposed to pick you up always?" He asked.

"Well, he told me today that he won't be able to pick me up since they had to practice before the actual game."

"I can't believe you're actually serious about this job you have."

"Well, you know how desperately I need money."

"Mhm, just didn't expect you would have to pretend as someone's boyfriend to earn money."

"Hm, yeah. But come to think of it, it's quite simple, actually. All I have to do is pretend that I'm in love with him and be lovey-dovey with him."

"You don't mind the kisses?"

"At first I didn't like it, but I guess I just consider it as a greeting? I don't know, maybe I'll consider kisses special once I'm actually doing it with the person I truly love."

"Aren't you worried?"

"About what?"

"What if you fall in love with him someday?"

"Pfft, that's not gonna happen, Jungwon."

"You'll never know."

"Well, if it does happen, then so be it. You know how I've never been in love, the world was giving me too much choices but none of them was meant for me."

"What if the first person is Heeseung hyung?"

"Aish, you're assuming too much, Wonie~ besides, if that really happens, we'll have to end our fake relationship and return to being strangers. That's for the best, anyway."

Jungwon nodded and remained silent as they walk their way to the campus. They went inside the court and a lot of people were already sitting at the benches which Sunghoon didn't expect.

"Is it always this crowded whenever there's a game?" Sunghoon asked.

Jungwon sighed, "This is why I didn't wanna come."

Sunghoon was planning to take a sit on the front but it was already crowded with a bunch of cheerleaders. they didn't have a choice but to sit somewhere in the middle.

"How are you even gonna make his ex jealous with this? I doubt that Heeseung is even gonna see you here. Besides there are a lot of people, he'll barely hear you!"

Sunghoon smirked, "Jungwon, do you really think i came unprepared?"


"Oh, and did you forgot I'm a dancer?"

Jungwon furrowed his brows in confusion until he gets it, making his eyes widen and jaw dropping.

"Hoon, you're not planning to embarrass yourself, are you?"

Sunghoon raised his brows at him, giving Jungwon a smirk, "Anything for money."

* * * * *

Heeseung was currently at the waiting room, waiting for the signal to come out to the court. Heeseung kept staring on his phone, waiting for a text from Sunghoon. Heeseung started to get worried.

'What if he doesn't come?'

"Well, well, well, look who we have here."

Heeseung looked up, his eyebrows twitching as his eyes landed on an asshole.


He smirked, "What's the long face for? You have no one to cheer you on later?"

Heeseung clenched his fist, trying to contain his anger.He scoffed at him, "My boyfriend is coming to cheer me on."

"Ew, gay."

"You're the disgusting one. Hating on homosexuality? That's bullshit."

"Whatever. At least I have Miyen to cheer me on."

"So? What are you trying to imply?"

"Oh, nothing. Just saying that your ex came for me, not for you."

He was about to throw him a punch when he suddenly felt someone's hand tap on his shoulder.

he looked behind, it was Ni-ki.

"Eunseok-ah, you wouldn't want to get kicked out of the basketball team now, would you?" He threatened.

Eunsoek clenched his fist, eyeing Heeseung with a death glare. He looked back at Ni-ki, "No, Ni-ki."

"Good, now go before I kick your ass off here." Heeseung laughed as he saw the fear in Eunsoek eyes. He went away, giving Heeseung another glare.


"No problem."

Ni-ki is the leader of the Dance club and one of the members there is actually the captain of the Basketball team which makes them have a good relationship.So, Ni-ki has the ability to kick anyone out of the team just by telling the captain to do so.

"Heeseung hyung!"

"What do you want?"

"Is Sunghoon gonna come? If he is, did he bring Jungwon with him?"

'how in the world am I suppose to know...'

"I dont know" Heeseung told Jay and Jay only groaned, being the dramatic person he is.

"Okay, team! The game is starting in 5 minutes! Gather up!"

* * * * *

"Oh? Jungwon-ah! Sunghoon-ya!"

Jungwon and Sunghoon both turned their heads to the right as they heard a familiar voice, it was Sunoo. "Sunoo? Why are you here?" Sunghoon asked.

Sunoo waved his hands at them, getting closer, "I'm with the student council members today, they said they wanna watch too."

They moved their heads and spotted the president, vice president, and the secretary with him.

"Let's go, my sons!" Taeyong yelled.

"Oh? Aren't you Sunoo's friend?" Jaehyun asked as Jungwon, Sunghoon and Sunoo sat beside them.

"Hello, Jaehyun-sunbaenim."

"hello, Sunghoon. My mate!"

"Hello! I'm Lucas, the student council's secretary!"

'Aww he's so cute.'

"hello, Jungwon-ah, Sunghoon-ya!" Taeyong greeted.

"Hello, Taeyong hyung." Jungwon said.

"Is the game starting yet?" Sunoo asked.

"In a minute now."


Jungwon muttered making Sunghoon turn his head to him, "So the 7 legacies of Korea are here, huh."


"I mean,The 7 Royal families."

Sunghoon looked around until he came to his senses, "Now that you've mentioned it, they really are here."

Jungwon chuckled, "Wow, you're actually aware."

"Of course, want me to enumerate them one by one?"

"Be my guest."

Sunghoon cleared his throat, "Taeyong, eldest son of the Lee family, the family who owns a lot of prestigious hospitals in the country. Jaehyun, heir of the Jeong family, who owns one of the most successful entertainment companies in the country. Ni-ki, from the Park family, who owns the most successful business companies in the country. Jay, son of the Park family together with her sister, whose family has the most successful fashion business here. Sunoo, heir of the Kim family which specializes in technology. Lucas, the one and only hotel heir to their prestigious hotel business. Last but not the least, Lee Heeseung. The Lee family, probably one of the most influential families in the country who owns different types of business."

"Ooh~ so you knew what you have gotten into."

"Of course, I wouldn't date someone without having a background check on them."

"Don't you think it would be so nice to be one of the heir or to be a son of the 7 royal families?"

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, "We wouldn't know that Jungwon. Just because our surnames belong to the 7 royal families doesn't mean we're one of them, right?"He said, raising his brow at Jungwon.

Jungwon chuckled, "Of course I know that.Just... fantasizing, I guess."

"What are you two talking about?" Sunoo asked.

Sunghoon gave him a smile, "Nothing."

"Ooh! Ooh! The game is about to start!" Lucas exclaimed.

The crowd went louder as the players began entering the court. Today would be a battle between our school varsity team and another school's varsity team. Sunghoon then spotted the guy who's always with Miyen, and saw him looking somewhat in their direction.he glanced to Sunghoon's left and Sunghoon realized Miyen was in the same row as him, just 5 people away.

He could see them waving happily at each other.He spotted Heeseung who was glaring at them, eyes full of jealousy.He was trying to get his attention but his eyes were too focused on the two.

"You have a thing for Eunsoek?" Jungwon suddenly asked.


"That guy." He said, pointing at the guy whom Heeseung was looking at.

"His name is Eunseok?"

"Mhm, he's a new student for the semester."

"How do you know all these students?"

"It's natural for a class captain to know his batch mates, I guess?"

"So he's our batch mate?"


'Does that make Miyen our batch mate too?'

"Oh, look! The game's about to start!"

Sunghoon wasn't able to spot Heeseung in the first set. Instead, it was Eunsoek and Ni-ki. The two must've separated to avoid any aggressiveness during the game.

Their team was winning, Ni-ki and Eunsoek were the one bringing the team for the first quarter. The crowd was cheering loudly and Eunsoek was enjoying it, his aggressiveness can be seen through his facial expressions. Miyen was giving him a lot of cheer, as if she was a very supportive girlfriend.

Sunghoon could only imagine Heeseung's state right now...

The first quarter ended and their team has won it. There was a short break before the second quarter started. This time, Heeseung was there, together with Jay.

"Eek." Jungwon muttered.

Sunghoon glanced at him and saw him making a disgusted face as he eye one of the players in the court.

"Who are you looking at?"

"That disgusting asshole."

He followed his eyes and spotted Jay. Sunghoon smirked, "Oh jungwonie~"

"Stop, Hoon. It's not funny."

"Yeah sure~"

Sunghoon turned his head to Heeseung. His eyes were full of anger. He looked annoyed, as if he was unmotivated for the game.

The game started and it wasn't going too well. Heeseung was out of focus, he kept on glancing on Miyen's direction. He wasn't paying attention to the game.Their opponent was already ahead of them by 13 points and there were only a few seconds left. The crowd was also getting more silent as they lose points.

The whistle blew.

And so they lost for the second set.

Heeseung is definitely not okay, he's being paranoid. And it's making him play bad on the game, Sunghoon can't let that happen or else things will get worse.Especially if he gets mocked by that Eunsoek guy...

The third set started. Ni-ki and Eunsoek were able to carry the team again and they were able to win for the third quarter, although the scores of each team were just close with each other and the other team was still ahead by 2 points. Now they were only left with the fourth quarter.

Soon, the fourth quarter started and it was time for Heeseung and Jay to play again. But Heeseung wasn't feeling any better, he needed some motivation.

It's time for Sunghoon to step up his game.


"Sunghoon? What are you doing— oh god..."

* * * * *

The whistle blew.

Heeseung let go of the ball, throwing it harshly on the floor as he head to the benches and drink a bottle of water.

"Hyung!" jay called out, "What's wrong with you? You're not playing very well!"

He ignored him and grabbed a towel, wiping his sweat as he sit on the bench.

"Well,well,well. Look at this,Lee Heeseung, the campus heartthrob, not playing very well at the game? What seems to be the problem hm?"

Heeseung clenched his fist in anger, trying to control himself. He didn't want to start a fight now, not here. He wouldn't want to make a scene.

Luckily, Ni-ki was there to settle things off and threatened Eunsoek, once again leaving him with no choice but to walk away.

Ni-ki sat beside Heeseung.

"You okay?"

"Definitely not."

"Just focus on the game, okay? Don't think about other things."

He sighed, "Okay."

'Park Sunghoon, where are you when I need you the most? I thought you promised me you'll watch the game today...'

The game continued and soon, the third quarter ended. It was time for the fourth quarter to start, which means it was time for Heeseung to play again. He tried to compose himself as he get to the court, but he couldn't get himself to focus properly.


Jay passed Heeseung the ball, he dribbled it and ran his way to the ring but he tripped, causing the ball to fall to the opponent's hands.

He clenched his fist, shaking his head as he try to regain his strength.

The crowd went silent and he could only hear this one familiar voice.

Heeseung glanced to the direction of that one voice. There Sunghoon was, holding a big banner with a picture of Heeseung. He was holding it proudly as if he was the proudest boyfriend in the world. His smile was satisfying. He had this head band on his head which had a 'Lee Heeseung' written on it.

Sunghoon caught the attention of everyone inside the court. Even the players had to stop because of him, even though time was running.

He started to do this funny fortnite dances as he held on to his banner.

 "GO SEUNGIE! GO SEUNGIE! GO BOYFIE BOYFIE SEUNGIE~! KICK THEIR ASSES OFF AND SHOW THEM WHO'S THE KING!" He even had a prepared yell for Heeseung as he kick those fortnite dances off.


A smile curved in Heeseung's lips.He slowly stood up from the floor.He saluted to him and gave him a wink.

"Yes Sir."

He immediately picked up his pace, grabbing the ball from the opponent.He dribbled it and glanced at the time, there were 10 seconds left and they needed 3 points to win.

'I need to win this.'

* * * * *


He dribbled the ball.


He ran towards the ring.


He glanced at the time.


An opponent blocked him.


He ran towards the middle of the court.


He raised the ball.


He positioned himself.






The crowd went wild, especially Sunghoon. He was jumping out of joy as he held tight on the banner. Jungwon was smiling and laughing at Sunghoon while the 3 student council members were cheering with him.

Heeseung glanced at Sunghoon and raised his hand in victory. Sunghoon smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up as he jump in joy.

Heeseung opened his arms and gestured Sunghoon to come down. He grabbed a prepared towel beside him and immediately went for the stairs and went down quickly, still holding on to the banner. He ran towards Heeseung and let himself fall into Heeseung's arms, not minding the sweat in his body.He hugged him tight with his arms around his neck and Heeseung's arms around his waist before pulling away to wipe the sweat off his face.

He could feel Heeseung's stare towards him as he wipe his sweat away. He then grabbed Sunghoon's arm to stop him from wiping his face, making Sunghoon look at him in the eyes with confusion.

"What's wrong—"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence as Heeseung immediately crashed his lips leaving Sunghoon in shock. He tightened his grip to his waist and suddenly lifted him up. The crowd went wild, cheering and screaming as they kissed in front of so many people. Few moments later, Sunghoon started to kiss back. Their lips moved in sync, as if it was choreographed. Sunghoon grabbed on Heeseung's shoulder for support as they deepen the kiss.

Heeseung then put him down before pulling away, brushing away the strands against Sunghoon's eyes as he stare deeply in Sunghoon. they stared at each other for a while but then they were interrupted by another series of cheering.They turned their heads to the crowd and chuckled.

"Congratulations on winning, Lee Heeseung." Sunghoone told him.

"My pleasure, love."

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