Two Sides Of The Internet

By morabroken

21.5K 1.1K 516

A new school year has begun and with it, the big amount of time for streaming has ended, a new phase of life... More

» The Beginning «
» Lucky Or Not? «
» The Classroom «
» Rivals Or New Friends? «
» Duties «
» More To Know «
» One Step Forward «
» Rather Forget «
» Empty Classroom «
» Gate «
» Escape «
» Hider «
» Roulette «
» Regrets «
» Messing Up Once Again «
» Return «
» Great morning «
» Shopping game «
» Invitation «
» Road Back Home «
» Past May Change Your Point Of View «
» Good Idea «
» Quick Introduction «
» Embarrassed «
» Questions «
» Habits «
» Journey «
» Come Back «
» Let The Show Begin «
» Proof «
» Books «
» Backstage «
» Return «
» A bit of past «
» Accidents «
» Sleepover «
» Mission Impossible «
Dear reader
Writer's Note

» Thoughts «

781 41 27
By morabroken

Zhongli stood up, while Ajax was still rewriting the time table.

"Ahem-" said the professor who was already in the class, waiting only for Ajax to notice.

Ajax was still writing, ignoring everything around him. The professor looked at Zhongli.

This is... uncomfortable... Zhongli patted him on the shoulder and Ajax looked at him.

"What?" Ajax said a little bit annoyed looking up at him.

The whole class laughed, but Zhongli and the professor didn't.

Ajax looked around him, already seeing what's going on. He stood up, apologizing.

"Sorry.. I didn't see you coming.." the professor nodded, letting everyone sit except Ajax.

He was standing there as some kind of salt column, when the professor was explaining something about school trips and other things.

However, most of the words were said about preparing and being present in lessons, which was probably useless for most of the people there. They were absolutely ignoring the information, laughing at jokes and... Ajax standing.

Professor's hand hit the desk. The whole classroom got silent except one boy in the back, still wheezing at one joke, already choking on oxygen.

Ajax raised his hand, asking if he could sit down already. Professor nodded, walking near the boy in the back.

"Hey.. What's your name?" Ajax asked quietly while already sitting down. Zhongli stared at him, not saying anything.

"Oh come on! Why are you ignoring me.. I didn't do any-" Zhongli shushed him down, but it was already too late.

"You again? Stand up!" he pointed his finger on Ajax, "And you too."

To Zhongli's surprise, the finger wasn't pointing at him, but at that boy still laughing loudly in the back.

Ajax rolled his eyes, not wanting to stand up, but he didn't have a choice.

The professor smiled, coming to the front asking if someone doesn't want to join them.

Of course, the girls there raised their hands, so they stood up. Their co-sitters stood up too. Zhongli was the only one remaining sitting on the chair, not feeling quite alright. But he wasn't willing to join them.

10 minutes passed by, and the class was finally ending. One more lesson and I can go home. Zhongli smiled at these words, answering Ajax' question.

"I am Zhongli, sorry for not answering you earlier." Ajax laughed, handing Zhongli the pencil he borrowed.

"Naah- It's fine, you had a reason. Also-" he turned his head to him, "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

Zhongli was covered in sweat, still somehow managing to answer his question with a calm mind, "I don't think it's possible."

His little secret was almost revealed, that could mean another apocalypse.

"Mh... but still- I think I know you." Ajax spoke up again, thinking, from where he might know Zhongli.

Zhongli shrugged, smiling widely, unlocking his phone, texting someone back, "It is true that some people, after getting to know each other, they think that they have actually been by their side all the time."

Ajax looked at Zhongli's phone and saw something, "Wait-" Zhongli looked at him after continuing to text someone.

"Is that- CherryBean?"

Fortunately, Ajax' question has not been heard by anyone other than Zhongli.

Zhongli was confused, not getting any of Ajax' words, "Hm? Oh.. you mean, the person I am texting?"

Ajax nodded, looking at the message Zhongli just sent, completely shocked, "Indeed it is."

His jaw dropped, he was completely speechless, thinking of what he just saw. After some time, he finally got the courage to ask anything.

"She- she has 21 million followers on Twitch- H-how did you manage to get her discord user and- you're speaking with her as with a normal friend?"

Zhongli smiled, blocking the phone and putting it on the table, "We have known each other for a long time now. It is no surprise that I am talking with her as with an ordinary person."

Ajax was still in shock from his words and what he just saw.

He's texting with CherryBean... How?

These thoughts totally blanked his mind. He had so many questions but didn't have the courage to ask them.

As Zhongli said, they have known each other for a while, and there's probably nothing much into it.

I wonder if he knows rexlapis too... These were his last thoughts before he went silent once again.

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