Noire (Kid Flash x OC)

By vonsphinx

8.8K 347 78

Young Justice Fanfic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

/ One | A New Life \
/ Two | The Day \
/ Three | Superboy \
/ Four | Powerless \
/ Five | Happy Harbour \
/ Six | Drop-Zone \
/ Seven | Schooled \
/ Eight | Infiltrator \
/ Nine | Denial \
/ Eleven | Bereft \
/ Twelve | Homefront \
/ Thirteen | Failsafe \
/ Fourteen | Secrets \
/ Fifteen | Misplaced \
/ Sixteen | Coldhearted \
/ Seventeen | Image \
/ Eighteen | Insecurity \
/ Nineteen | Performance \
/ Twenty | Usual Suspects \
/ Twenty One | Auld Acquaintance \
// Twenty Two || The Missing Hours \\
// Twenty Three || History Repeats Itself \\
// Twenty Four || Salvage \\
// Twenty Five || Bloodlines \\

/ Ten | Downtime \

319 13 3
By vonsphinx

||Gotham City
||August 27, 06:17 EDT

"I'm so-uh-sorry I'm late?"

When I ran into the warehouse Robin had sent me the location of, I found the villain had already taken out each of my teammates. Clayface, noticing I had shown up, slowly turned towards me.

"Guess I'm on my own then."

Clayface started walking towards me, leaving a trail of mud with every step. I backed up to keep the distance between us, trying to use heat vision only to be able to see the heat signatures all around me.

"Infrared vision? What happened to the heat vision?"

"Your powers are weakening," Natasha tells me as I avoided getting hit by Clayface's hand.

"No duh!"

Clayface ripped a pipe off the wall, sucking it into his body before flinging it my way. On instinct, I held my hands in front of my face, blocking the pipe. It hit my arm but that was the worst of the damage.

Luckily for me, Batman broke through the glass in the ceiling, using a taser like weapon to stop Clayface before he could do anymore damage. He glanced at my unconscious teammates, then turned to me.

"You could have stopped him," he said.

"I actually couldn't have. Whatever they did to me at Cadmus seems to be fading. My powers are still all over the place because I apparently have infrared vision now."

"I see. If that's the case, it wasn't a permanent thing and should soon be completely erased from your system."

"That's a good thing, right?"

He nodded. "We should still be cautious, we don't completely know what it means."

"Right. I'll keep filling you in on any changes."

"You check on the others while I go talk to the police."

The flashing red and blue lights of the police cars shone in through the windows. Batman walked out to meet them and I went over to the others, all of them starting to wake up now.

"You guys okay?" I ask.

"Took you long enough to get here," Kid Flash grumbled angrily, pushing himself up off the ground.

"I was busy."

"Busy doing what?"

"I was with Batman, alright? Running more tests," He opened his mouth, seemingly to argue some more, but I spoke before he could. "I'm not in the mood to argue this early in the morning. Just stop."

||Gotham City
||August 27, 16:21 EDT

I made my way into Bruce's office, combing my fingers through my blonde hair as I stopped in front of his desk where he sat. Upon hearing me enter, he looked away from the papers in front of himself.

"You wanted to see me, Bruce?" I ask.

"Yeah. I trust you are well enough to get back to your normal life."

"Really? I get to go home?"

"You do. Only under the condition that if anything happens, you come straight to me. Your brother should be in his office, I'm sure he'll want to see you. Oh, if you plan on keeping your identity a secret, you might want to try covering up that scar."

At the mention of the scar, I reached up to my cheek, suddenly remembering it was still there. "Right, I should do that."

After a quick use of my powers to hide the scar, I rushed out of his office, happily making my way towards my brother's office. I stopped outside his door for a moment, hurriedly using some makeup I had taken with me to cover up the scar. When I was satisfied it wasn't noticeable, I burst in through the door, scaring Easton.


"I'm back! Did you miss me?"

"Bruce gave you the okay?"

"Mhmm. Gotta keep an eye out still, you know, being careful, but I'm free to go home."

"That's great. But, first we have a stop to make."

He threw on his jacket as he went out the door. I followed behind him, waiting expectantly for him to explain further. But he didn't, so I spoke up.

"And where are we going?"

"Bruce wanted me to deliver something to the Flash," he explains, showing me a small package he held in his hand.

"And why do you have to do it?"

"It's the Flash. Nobody knows his identity, except us and Bruce is busy. Plus, I made it."

"Right, right."

I shrugged on the black leather jacket I had been carrying with me over my red sleeveless sweater. It really felt like I was apart of this world now, considering I wore the same thing almost every day, this and my hero outfit.

I hopped on my black motorbike, a helmet shoved onto my head, while Easton hopped in his car with the package.

"Hey, East, race ya," I say.

"Don't race people, its dangerous," he told me, but I didn't hear him because I was already pulling away from the curb at full speed.

||Central City
||August 27, 20:05 CST

I stopped in front of the house, waiting for my brother to show up. When he finally arrived, I walked to the door and knocked as he got out of the car. Barry's wife, Iris, answered the door with a smile, glancing over my shoulder to see Easton.

"Come in."

She ushered us in and I noticed all the balloons and the happy birthday banner hanging on the wall. Today had to have been Jay's birthday. Easton headed over to Barry, handing him the package. I stood in the background, waiting silently.

"Hey, beautiful," I heard.

"Oh no. Wally's spotted me," I sighed. "And I was hoping to make this a quick trip so I could go back to my own room and sleep in my own bed."

"Don't act like Noire."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

He stood in front of me, looking me up and down. I gave him a nervous smile and loudly cleared my throat, giving my brother a signal of discomfort. He instantly got the hint, coming over and turning Wally around to face him. Wally looked very intimidated, quickly stepping away from me.

"Welp, that's all, have a nice time you guys," Easton says as we both started walking towards the door, but we were stopped.

"Hold on. Who's this lady you got with you?" Jay asks.

"This is my sister, Brianna," Easton answers. I waved at them, saying a shy hi.

"Why don't you stay for dinner and some desert? We have ice cream," Wally's mom, Mary, turned to the kitchen to see Wally stuffing his face with ice cream. "Cake?"

"Oh, we couldn't intrude," Easton says.

"Nonsense, there's plenty to go around. The more the merrier."

"It couldn't hurt any. What do you say, Bri?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Fine with me."

"Well, the food's not ready just yet. Why don't the kids go hang out while we're finishing up down here?" Mary suggests.

I glanced over at Easton, our eyes meeting. I was silently pleading with him, hoping he'd get me out of this. He simply smiled, his eyes silently telling me to suck it up and go hang out with Wally.

I followed Wally up to his room, not expecting this to go well. But as we walked into his room, my eyes widened as I took in all the science books, comic books and video games he had lined up on his bookshelves.

"Whoa," I gasped, rushing up to one of the bookshelves. "You like comic books?"

"You like comic books?" He asked in return.

"Of course I do. And all these video games. And the science books? You sure have a broad interest."

"You interested in science?"

"Seeing who my parents were, it's hard to avoid. But I love sciences. I also love video games. Anything to keep my mind busy. I tend to fidget a lot when I'm not doing anything," I tell him, subconsciously fiddling with the sleeve of my shirt.

"Hey, that's a pretty bad looking bruise. Are you okay?"

I glanced down at my arm, easily spotting the giant bruise I had gotten from the most recent mission we were on. I had completely forgotten to get rid of it like the scar.

"It's nothing, I can be pretty clumsy sometimes," I tell him. "Why don't we play a game while we're waiting?"

I sat down on the floor and Wally followed suit, not asking anymore questions as he grabbed the controllers. We played for a while, me managing to beat Wally in almost every game, until we heard Mary's voice.

"Kids! Food is ready!" She called out to us from downstairs.

Wally was the first to stand up and race downstairs, at a normal human pace. I calmly followed after him, sitting in the empty seat between Easton and Wally. I tried to eat in peace but Wally wouldn't stop bugging me, trying to talk about many different things.

"So, what do you think of Kid Flash?" He asks.

"Oh," I wiped my mouth with a napkin before answering. "I think he's a great sidekick."


"You truly are cruel. Just terrible," Natasha says.

"Gotta have some fun."

"Uh, he isn't a sidekick," Wally corrects.

"Really?" I ask. "Oh, I only know of him when he's by Flash's side."

"Well, he's actually-"

"Bri, I gotta head back to work, they need me. You can head home whenever," Easton interrupts.

"Alright, East. Anyway, I haven't seen Kid Flash around much lately. I'm starting to think he's been killed."

"He's not dead," Wally says very quickly.

"And how do you know for sure? You sound very certain."

"Oh, because I've seen him on the news."

"I haven't seen anything on the news," I smirked internally, knowing I had gotten to him.

"Well I-"

"Hey, Flash, is Kid Flash dead?" I ask turning to face Barry.

Everybody was shocked, thinking I had no idea he was the Flash. I smiled, showing I meant no harm by knowing the secret. Barry laughed before answering.

"No, in fact he's sitting right beside you."

"Really?" I asked in fake awe.

Wally sat in disbelief, his jaw dropping. His uncle was almost laughing. We all sat in a tense silence for a bit until me and Barry died laughing, everybody staring at us like we were crazy.

"I already know all about your secret, Wally."


Barry answered for me. "She's an Ellegood. They're partners with Bruce."

"But that's his secret, not ours."

"Wayne Tech worked with Barry on multiple occasions. And my parents helped out a lot with the League's equipment," I explain. "Same as Easton. I'm just lucky enough to be let in on the secret."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "How do I know you're not gonna tell the whole world?"

"I haven't spilled Boy Wonder's identity yet, or Batman's, or Flash's. That's how. I have nothing to gain from spilling the secret either. Anyway, thanks for the meal but I should be going."

"Have a safe trip," Barry tells me.

"I will, thanks, everyone."

||Gotham City
||September 02, 12:30 EDT

I was walking around Gotham, my blonde hair blowing in the wind. Well, actually, blowing in my face. Anyway, I had gone to a couple stores for some clothes and was currently carrying around 5 bags as I made my way home.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed mine, taking some of the bags in that hand. I thought someone was robbing me so I gripped their hand tightly, so tight I probably cut off the circulation to their hand, almost breaking it. I heard a yelp, instantly recognize the voice.

"Sorry," I let go, taking the bags back in my hand.

"No, I'm sorry. I probably scared you," Wally says, his voice turning into a mumble as he shook his hand. "You have a really tight grip."

"What are you doing in Gotham? Don't you live in Central City?"

"I do, but I was here for..." he trails off, hoping I got the point.

"Oh. Flash jr. stuff."

"It's not Flash jr, it's Kid Flash," he pouted and crossed his arms, making me giggle a bit. "Here, let me take some of those, they look heavy," he says, motioning to the bags.

"I'm perfectly capable of carrying these myself, thank you very much," he quickly grabbed 3 of the bags from my hand while I was talking.

I was about to say something when Wally called out to someone ahead of us. It was Richard Grayson, also known as Dick, also known as Robin.

"Hey, Brianna, Wally," he says with a smile. "What's up?"

"I was just helping her with her shopping bags," Wally tells him.

"Oh, so you two know each other?"

"Yeah, we met the other day during Jay's birthday party. Her and her brother stopped by to drop something off."


"It's true, I was dragged along by my brother," I tell Dick, stopping in front of my home. "Anyways, I have to go now. Thanks for the non needed help Wally," I took the bags from his hands and walked through the gate.

"Wait! Could I, uh, get your number?"


"Yeah, I'll pass your number along," he assures me.

"Thanks again! I'll see you guys later."

"Did you just give Wally your number?" The voice asks.

"It couldn't hurt... could it?"

"You know what he's like."

They waved goodbye and continued on down the street. I dropped the bags when I got to my room, watching from my window to see Dick and Wally walking into a back alley. They each stepped into a phone booth one at a time and disappeared.

"What mission do we have next?" I ask.

"The Bialya mission."

"Oh, are you going to try to convince me not to go with them?"

"You know what happens, it's up to you if you want to lose your memory or not."

"But I trust you'll help guide me back to my normal self right?"

The voice was silent.


"The mission isn't for a while so I suggest you get some rest."

"You will remember everything, won't you?"

"That depends. Most likely, yes. There's also the possibility that when your mind is wiped clean, I am taken along with it."

"I see. Oh well, I'll get some rest and see what happens."

"Batman has said you do not need to go on the next couple missions, he was very clear about that."

"I know he said I should focus on getting used to my school schedule again, but I don't want to miss this. Besides, I'm not enrolled in school yet."

"When you do go, and just in case, be careful."

"Awww, you sound like you really care~"

"Not exactly. Remember, you die I die."

I chuckled and put my new clothes into their spots, climbed into bed and fell asleep. When I woke up I went straight to the weapons room. It was a secret room hidden by a bookshelf, a very cliché yet cool thing to have.

"You're bringing weapons? What about your powers?"

"They could go at any minute. I don't know how long I'll be able to use them, so a weapon would be handy when in a fight against other people with weapons of their own."

"I'm so proud. You are finally learning things on your own without the need of my help."

"Haha. I'm not stupid you know."

I grabbed a handgun and a throwing knife, placing them in a weapons belt I had also taken off the wall. I hurried outside and across the street, walking through the telephone box. I walked into the cave, now as Noire, and watched the others get briefed on the mission.

"Mind if I tag along?" I ask.

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