ATEEZ Oneshots (Requests Clos...

By 31LouisTomlinson31

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Just a bunch of random oneshots for ATEEZ, cos, why not (Also this is all fiction and none of the stuff I wri... More

Yeosang ~Attempted Suicide~
Wooyoung ~Too Annoying~
San ~Too Clingy~
Jongho ~Burden~
Wooyoung ~Misunderstanding~
Yeosang ~Hidden Sickness~
Hongjoong ~Sexual Assault~
Seonghwa ~Hidden Injury~
Yeosang ~Abuse With No Mark~
San ~Migraine~
Yeosang ~Anxiety~
Seonghwa ~Paranoia~
Jongho ~Drugged~
Hongjoong ~Fainting~
Wooyoung (Harassed)
San ~Hidden Sickness~
Yeosang ~Too Innocent~
Wooyoung ~Physical Abuse~
Yeosang, San, Hongjoong Seonghwa ~Vehicle Accident ~
San ~Concussion~
Hongjoong ~Attacked~
Seonghwa ~Fear of Heights~
Wooyoung ~Back Injury~
Wooyoung ~Stage Fright~
Yeosang ~Sensory Overload~
Wooyoung ~Telephone Voicemails~
Wooyoung ~Depression~
Wooyoung ~Depression~ [Part 2]
Hongjoong ~Sick or Not Sick~
San ~Shooting~
San & Yeosang ~Break In~
San ~Zombies~
Seonghwa ~Sexual Assault~
Hongjoong ~Healing Wounds~
Wooyoung + San ~Crashing Waves~
Wooyoung ~Useless~
Jung Wooyoung + Kim Hongjoong ~Hotel Fire~
Wooyoung ~Speak No Evil~
San ~Migraine Part 2~
~Wooyoung~ Sasaeng [Part 1]
Wooyoung ~Sasaeng~ [Part 2]
San ~Migraine Part 3~

Wooyoung ~Separation Anxiety ~

3.6K 54 60
By 31LouisTomlinson31

Hyunjin's POV

Performing in Kingdom has been an amazing experience. It got even better when we did a joint stage, being able to get to know ATEEZ and BTOB Sunbaenim's. We've been preparing for our Singing, Rapping and Dancing stages we are collaborating with.

"The food is almost here," Eunkwang said as we were all waiting for our lunch to arrive. All three Mayfly units were sitting together in the one practice room, waiting to have lunch together as a big group.

"Do you want maybe a few people to go and collect it all and bring it over," Hongjoong asked.

"That's probably a good idea. I'll go with Changbin, Minho and San," Minhyuk said. The mentioned people all got up and headed to the door. I heard a soft whine and I looked to the corner of the room to see Wooyoung sitting up straight in Yeosang's lap, looking to the door and biting his lip. Yeosang seemed nervous as well, as he was rubbing Wooyoung's side gently. As soon as the other's left the room to go pick up the food, Wooyoung jumped up and raced to the door.

"Sannie," he called out quickly. Barely two seconds later, San rushed back inside and hugged Wooyoung softly by the door. He gave him a small smile and whispered something into his ear before grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door with him. I was confused at the display and I turned to Seungmin who was sitting next to me.

"Did you see how Wooyoung Hyung was just then. Actually how clingy he's been with San throughout Kingdom," I asked him. He nodded in reply.

"It's actually kind of cute, especially because Sannie Hyung doesn't seem to care at all. In fact I think he actually encourages it," he said. It is quite cute, but it also gives me an idea of something that could be fun.

"Oh no," Seungmin groaned.

"What," I asked with a frown.

"Your eyes just lit up and you have a sinister look on your face," he said.

"It's nothing bad. I was just thinking about how I haven't actually seen Wooyoung Hyung away from San Hyung for more than a few minutes top. It would be fun to trick them into separating for a bit and see how they react," I chuckled.

"I don't know. I don't really think it's a great idea," Seungmin said slowly.

"Come on, it's a harmless joke and it'll be funny," I said with a pout.

"I wouldn't do it. We don't really know them well enough to joke around and prank them," Seungmin said.

"Fine, you don't have to help but I'll still do it," I shrugged. He frowned but didn't push anymore, knowing it was useless because I was going to do it no matter what.


For the next few hours as we got back to practice, I paid a bit more attention to the Woosan duo. They stayed close together, Wooyoung constantly seeking out San if he strayed too far. The only time the two weren't in each other's sight was when one of them went to the toilet for a few minutes, but only a few. Any more than 5 to 10 minutes and Wooyoung would go look for San. It was cute but also confusing just how clingy they were. I don't think I've ever seen anyone act like that really. It will make the prank a lot more fun though. We had a drink break between practice and I went over to Jeongin, figuring he was the best person to help out with my prank.

"Innie, I have a proposition," I said as I stood next to him by a table.

"I'm listening," he said, taking a sip of his drink.

"I want to have some fun and prank Wooyoung and San Hyung," I said.

"Sure, what's the prank," he asked eagerly. Jeongin always loves having fun and pranking the older members of our group, and I'm guessing it's the same for having fun with any of the older people.

"Ok so I've noticed that San and Wooyoung are always together or like in the same room as each other. I wanna figure out a way to trick them into separating and see how confused they get," I explained.

"Sounds good. When are we going to do it," he asked me.

"I dunno. We can figure that out later," I said. He nodded and we went back to our positions as Peniel called us to get back to practice.

We practiced for another hour before we had another, slightly more lengthy break. I watched as San said something to Yeosang and Wooyoung before leaving the room, telling Peniel he was going to the toilet.

"Hyunjin Hyung." I turned to Jeongin and raised an eyebrow in reply.

"A few days ago I went to go to the toilet, got lost an accidentally ended up on the second floor and almost locking myself in a janitors closet," he told me. I giggled at the thought.

"How did you manage that," I asked him.

"I really don't know, but that's not the point. The point is, San Hyung is going to the toilet right now. What if we tell Wooyoung Hyung that he got locked in the janitors closet on the second floor by accident? He'll go there and then San Hyung will get back here and be all confused," he said.

"You're a genius," I said with a grin, high-fiving him. We walked over to Wooyoung who was standing by himself and fiddling with his drink bottle. He saw us walking over and smiled softly.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Hi Wooyoung Hyung. Um I just wanted to let you know that San Hyung got stuck in the janitors closet on the second floor by accident," I told him. His eyes went wide and he didn't even seem to question why he would be there.

"Thank you," he said quickly before rushing off.

"That was surprisingly easy," I giggled.

"I know right. I thought Yeosang Hyung was supposed to be the gullible one," Jeongin chuckled in reply.

"This going to be fun. I can't wait to see how confused they get," I said happily. We continued to talk for a few minutes before the practice room door opened once again and San walked in. He immediately started to scan the room, probably looking for Wooyoung but when he couldn't find him, his eyes went wide and he seemed confused, then he seemed a little... Panicked? He rushed over to the other members of ATEEZ who were together and begun talking quickly. Jeongin shifted slightly beside me and I bit my lip nervously when they all straightened out and scanned the room, their eyes screaming worry.

"Hey guys, has anyone seen Wooyoung," Seonghwa asked quickly. Oh, they're just confused about where he is.

"He mentioned something about going to the second floor," I said.

"Fucking idiot," San muttered under his breath before he sprinted from the room. Ok, that was a little weird and not really the reaction I was expecting but oh well. There was some more movement and I turned back to the other's to see Seonghwa gripping Yeosang's arm gently.

"Go get Hongjoong and let him know what's happened alright," Seonghwa told him.

"Wooyoung is my best friend, go tell someone else to get Hongjoong Hyung," Yeosang said before ripping his arm away from Seonghwa and running back out the room.

"Fine, I'll do it," Seonghwa grumbled before rushing out the door on the opposite side of the room to San and Yeosang. I'm starting to think there's something wrong, or something we aren't understanding. Yunho was now the only ATEEZ member in the room and probably the only one who understood what was going on. Jeongin seemed to have the same idea.

"Yunho Hyung, what's going on," Jeongin asked. Everyone else turned to him, obviously confused as well.

"Look, I can't get into specifics because it isn't my place to tell you but something happened involving him and someone we thought we were close to and Wooyoungie. Sannie was the one who found out and helped him through it. He's still getting through it even now so we always try to make sure San is with him because it helps him feel safer," Yunho explained.

"I don't know why he would've gone off on his own though. He's the one that doesn't want to be away from San for too long. He almost had a panic attack the last time he was away from him for too long," Yunho added under his breath before leaving the room as well. My heart dropped as I thought about his words and Jeongin paled. I had no idea what had happened and that there was a reason that Wooyoung was so clingy with San. I just thought he enjoyed the affection and now I feel terrible that I've separated the two of them. I just hope he's going to be ok.

"We should make sure everything's alright," Peniel said as he got up. Minho, Felix, Jeongin and I nodded and followed him out of the room. We were walking down the hall when there were rushed footsteps and Seonghwa and Hongjoong suddenly sprinted past us and towards the second floor. Shit, this isn't good. The other two units approached us soon after, obviously finding out something was wrong when Seonghwa went and got Hongjoong.

"Minho, what happened? Seonghwa came and got Hongjoong, he was saying Wooyoung was in trouble," Chan said. Seungmin quickly turned to me with wide eyes and he must have seen my guilty face as he groaned.

"You idiot," he said with a sigh. The other's all looked at Seungmin in confusion before looking at me.

"What's Seungmin talking about," Chan asked. I turned to Jeongin who looked just as guilty as I no doubt did.

"We noticed that San Hyung and Wooyoung Hyung were always around each other so we thought we'd send him to the second floor as a joke," Jeongin admitted sadly. The guilt finally became too much for me and my face scrunched up before I begun to cry. I turned to Jongho who seemed worried but hadn't said anything.

"I'm so s-sorry. I didn't mean to c-cause any harm," I cried. To my utter surprise, Jongho came over and hugged me gently, rubbing my back softly.

"It's ok Hyunjin. You didn't know about that asshole taking advantage of him, and you certainly didn't know that staying near San made him feel safer. It was a harmless prank that went a little wrong but if you apologize, Wooyoung won't hold it against you," Jongho said. I sniffled and nodded as he pulled away and Minho instead came over to me. He grabbed my hand softly and we continued on to the 2nd floor, Jongho quickening the pace a bit. When we got to the 2nd floor, close to the closet, we stopped and I felt 100 times worse than I was already feeling. Yeosang was on the floor with his arms wrapped tightly around San who was sobbing as his wrist was being held by Yunho. I gasped slightly as I saw all of the blood on his hand, wondering how the hell that could've happened. I got my answer a few seconds later as I saw Hongjoong and Seonghwa standing by the closet door that was a little splintered and had blood on it. I'm guessing that's where he hurt his hand and started bleeding. Jongho rushed over to Hongjoong and grabbed his shoulder tightly.

"Hyung what's happening," he asked quickly.

"The door is locked and Wooyoung is stuck inside. Sannie panicked," Hongjoong said softly.

"Get him out, please get him out," San yelled with a sob. My stomach dropped and I wished I had've just listened to Seungmin in the first place. Then none of this would've happened and no one would be hurt or scared.

San's POV

2 weeks before we joined Kingdom, we made a shocking discovery. Or I guess, I did. Wooyoung had been spending a lot of time practicing and I was worried he was overworking himself so I went back to get him to come home. Imagine my surprise and horror when I saw our dance instructor holding his hair tightly and slapping him as the younger cried. I was angry and my years of learning taekwondo came into practice as I got the asshole off Wooyoung. I managed to knock him out and held Wooyoung tightly while he cried. We had noticed Wooyoung being a bit more quiet for a few weeks but we never realised just how bad it actually was. We all looked after him after that, taking him home and trying to help him feel safe and relaxed. After that day, Wooyoung always stayed close to me. When we asked him if he wanted me to stay close, he immediately said yes and said it made him feel safer. He slept on either my bed or Yeosang's every night and I was more than fine with that. For however long it takes for him to feel safe again, I'm fine with him staying close to me. We stayed the same during Kingdom, Wooyoung constantly near me and not leaving my sight except for a few minutes. I knew some other Idols would notice and be confused but I don't really care, Wooyoung is my top priority, he's always my priority.

I made sure to be quick when I went to the toilet, washing my hands properly before rushing back to the practice room. I let out a breath when I got into the room, knowing just being there would help him remain calm. I looked around to find him so I could go talk to him but for some reason I couldn't find him. I looked again, seeing everyone but Wooyoung and I begun to panic slightly. Where the hell is he? I quickly rushed over to the other's who were talking.

"Guys where's Wooyoung," I asked quickly.

"What do you mean where's Wooyoung, he's over, there..." Yeosang trailed off, as he realised Wooyoung wasn't where he thought he was.

"He was there just before," he said quickly. Seonghwa and Yunho looked around, getting worried quickly as none of us could find the younger boy. Where the hell would he be? He still get's scared sometimes when I'm not near him so I don't know where he could possibly be.

"Hey guys, has anyone seen Wooyoung," Seonghwa called out to the other's in the room.

"He mentioned something about going to the second floor," Hyunjin spoke up. The seconds floor? Why the hell would he be so stupid and go somewhere when we know he's going to be worried after being away from me too long.

"Fucking idiot," I grumbled before running out the room, not waiting for the other to discuss what's happening. It's been almost 10 minutes since I last saw him, which means he's no doubt already scared. I don't know what he was thinking by going to the 2nd floor of the building when he would know I wouldn't know to find him there. I ran up the stairs, taking them two or three at time to get to the next floor quicker. There were quite a few halls and rooms on this floor so I begun to look inside them. I ran to the first one and flung it open, glancing inside but not finding anything so I moved on to the next one. I finished looking through the sixth room when Yeosang came running down the hall.

"I don't know where he is," I said worriedly.

"Keep looking," he replied. We looked into a few more rooms before I begun to hear crying and paused.

"Sannie, Sannie please." Wooyoung. Yeosang and I immediately sprinted down the hall, stopping outside what looked like a closet. I quickly grabbed the handle and tried to open the door but it wouldn't work. He had somehow managed to get himself locked in a closet. I groaned in frustration and Yeosang frowned as he understood what the problem was.

"Youngie, it's San. You're safe it's just us but the door is locked," I said, calling out. Wooyoung didn't reply and instead keeps crying, if anything getting louder. I tried not to panic but it was hard when there was no way for me to get to Wooyoung and make sure he was ok.

"Wooyoung, it's ok. It's San and Yeosang," Yeosang said desperately as he bit his lip nervously. Once again, Wooyoung didn't seem to have heard us. I looked around the hall, trying to see if there was something that would help us get the door open but there was nothing.

"Sannie, Sannie please," Wooyoung begged from inside. I couldn't bear to hear his cries when there was nothing I could do to help but I had one last idea. I moved up to the door, knocking gently and noticing that it was pretty hollow. This is a long shot but Wooyoung needs help and he's already been alone for way too long. I moved Yeosang to the side before pulling back my arm and swinging quickly, punching the door hard. It hurt quite a bit but I grit my teeth and punched again, my only thoughts being about getting Wooyoung out because he's no doubt terrified.

"San stop," Yeosang yelled with a gasp. I ignored him though, punching the door again as I heard Wooyoung screamed. My eyes were slightly watery from the pain but I continued on. On my next punch, my fist went straight through the door and I let out a whimper as I felt some of the splinters cut through my aching hand. I pulled my hand out, sniffling slightly as the splinters cut my hand again. I let out a small breath and attempted to punch the door again to widen the hole but an arm was wrapped around my waist and I was pulled back.

"San stop," Yeosang repeated once again as he pulled me back a little bit more.

"Let go of me. I need to get him out," I yelled as I struggled in his arms. He wrapped his other arm around my chest and held me tightly. I struggled even more and pushed back, making us smash into the wall. Yeosang grunted in slight pain but I didn't apologize, far too worried at the fact that Wooyoung was suddenly silent. I struggled even more and we fell to the floor but Yeosang kept trying to pin me down. Just as I was almost out of his hold, there was another set of footsteps and I turned my head slightly to see Yunho rushing over.

"Yunho he's going to hurt himself, help me pin him down," Yeosang said quickly. To my annoyance Yunho did as asked and quickly helped pin me down, thwarting any further attempts at getting to Wooyoung.

"Holy shit, his hand is bleeding," Yunho gasped.

"Sannie, how bad does it hurt," Yunho asked me gently.

"I don't care, it's fine but Wooyoung is in trouble," I said, my eyes welling up with tears.

"I need to get him out, he's scared," I cried, whimpering as I continued to struggle but not getting very far.

"San stop struggling, you're going to hurt yourself. We will find a way to get Wooyoung out," Yeosang said.

"Why the fuck is San bleeding." I turned around to see Hongjoong rushing up with Seonghwa, both slightly out of breath.

"Wooyoung is stuck in the closet because it's locked. San panicked and tried to get him out by punching through the door," Yeosang explained. I gave up trying to escape, knowing that there was no way I could get through all of them and I sagged in Yeosang's arms, just crying into his shoulder in defeat. I someone grab my hand I looked to see Yunho gently looking over it.

"This is bad Sannie," he whispered but I didn't reply to him.

"He's scared Hyung, please get him out," I sniffled.

"We'll figure a way to get him out," Hongjoong replied but it wasn't very reassuring. Wooyoung never reacted to us calling out to him and I haven't heard a peep from him in the last few minutes. He wasn't able to look very much before the rest of all the Mayfly units showed up and Jongho rushed over to Hongjoong, grabbing his arm.

"Hyung what's happening," he asked quickly.

"The door is locked and Wooyoung is stuck inside. Sannie panicked," Hongjoong replied softly. Why are they talking? Why aren't they helping him?

"Get him out, please get him out," I yelled.

"Hyung do you think we can pry it open, or like pull some of the wood off and make the hole bigger so that we can reach the handle and try to open it from both ends," Jongho asked. Yeosang squeezed my hip gently to reassure me but it didn't help very much.

"I think that's a good idea. Jongho do you want to help me try and pull off more of the door," Peniel asked.

"I'll help as well," Changbin said.

"Just be careful and try not to cut your hand or arms," Hongjoong said. The three of them went over to the door and begun to pull off the wood of the door, making the hole bigger. Changbin poked his head inside after a little bit, probably trying to see if he can get a glimpse of Wooyoung.

"He's alright. He's curled up in the corner of the room but I don't think he's hurt," he told us. I squirmed a little but Yunho stopped me from moving. Peniel suddenly pulled a massive chunk off, the hole now about the size of someone's torso.

"Wait a second, I might be able to open it," Minhyuk said. He reached in and fiddled around for a minute before there was a loud sound and the door swung open. I started to hold my breath while I waited to see what the state of my soulmate would be. Seonghwa rushed in and a few seconds later he came out with a pale and shaking Wooyoung curled up in his arms. I whimper and tried to get to him, Yeosang and Yunho immediately letting me go thankfully. I knelt beside Seonghwa and Wooyoung immediately left his arms to crawl into mine. I hugged him tightly and he let out a sob, clinging onto me like his life depended on it.

"You're safe Youngie, you're ok. I'm sorry for not being with you but I'm here now and I promise you're safe," I whispered, kissing the side of his head softly. He continued to cry and sobbed but managed to choke out a reply.

"Th-They said you were stuck," he cried.

"What do you mean," I asked in confusion.

"They s-said you were stuck on the s-second closet. So I, I went to help you b-but got stuck," he sniffled. Someone told him I was stuck on the second floor, thus making him look for me and get stuck and lead to all of this. I narrowed my eyes slightly and glanced over at the other's milling around, internally cursing whoever tricked Wooyoung. I know they probably didn't mean to cause all the this and didn't realise but that doesn't mean I can't curse them internally.

"I promise I didn't know what was happening," I whispered, kissing his cheek gently. He nodded and relaxed in my arms, just resting in my lap. I let out a breath of relief, thankfully that he seems to be ok and not injured.

Wooyoung's POV

When I was in the closet, I was terrified. I was alone and I had no idea what was going on and who was there. What if someone came and it wasn't someone I trusted and they did something. I can't remember exactly what happened but I know I felt a bit fuzzy and I was having trouble breathing. I heard lots of banging on the door and it scared me even more so I curled up in the corner and hid my head in the my knees. A little while later there was a loud noise and I heard the door to the closet open. I looked up shakily in fear as someone rushed inside and I almost screamed in panic but I quickly recognized it as my oldest and most gentle Hyung. He quickly scooped me up into his arms and I held him tightly, my body trembling. When we got out, I immediately looked for San, wanting to be close to him but I didn't have to look very hard as he was suddenly knelt beside us. I quickly crawled into his open and waiting arms and clung tightly to him with a sob.

"You're safe Youngie, you're ok. I'm sorry for not being with you but I'm here now and I promise you're safe," told me softly as he kissed my head. I appreciated his words but I couldn't stop myself from continuing to cry.

"Th-They said you were stuck," I managed to tell him, trying to explain what Hyunjin and Jeongin had told earlier. Only now did I realise it was probably a lie and they were trying to prank me or something. I don't blame them, I can't. They were trying to have fun and didn't realise it would scare me this much.

"What do you mean," San asked, obviously not understanding what I was talking about.

"They s-said you were stuck on the s-second closet. So I, I went to help you b-but got stuck," I explained. I saw his eyes narrow before he glanced behind me.

"I promise I didn't know what was happening," he said softly as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and settled down in his lap, already knowing that he has no idea what happened and didn't mean me any harm. I wanted to feel closer to San so I reached down and slipped my hand into his, squeezing gently but I froze when I heard him gasp and whimper slightly.

"Sannie," I said gently, sniffling as I pulled away to look at him. His face was scrunched slightly in pain and it worried me. Why is he in pain?

"San what's wrong," I asked.

"I-It's nothing," he said, shaking his head.

"He hurt his hand, punching the door to try and get you out," Seonghwa spoke up softly. He hurt his hand? I grabbed his arm and lifted it up and looking at his hand with wide eyes as I saw the blood all over it. He did that, trying to protect me?

"You need to get that checked out," I said worriedly.

"Don't worry about it. I'll look after you first, then I'll get it checked out," he said.

"No, I'm ok. I think. You need to have that looked after," I said, shaking my head.

"I agree San, you need to get that hand looked at," Chan said. That was when I realised the BTOB and Stray Kids members were with us as well. I was a little embarrassed that they would have seen what just happened but I know they won't think any less of me because they aren't like that.

"I'm not leaving Youngie," San said immediately.

"I can look after him if you want." I looked up at the soft but deep voice and saw Felix fiddling nervously with his fingers.

"Yeah, Yongbokie can look after me," I told him.

"I can last a little while without San, it won't kill me. I just wasn't expecting what had happened and that's why I was so scared," I whispered.

"I'm sorry," he said, nuzzling my cheek softly.

"It's ok, I'm alright," I whispered.

"I do not wish to leave you Wooyoung. I don't want you in any distress," he said quietly.

"It will be fine. Yeosang and the other's are here and I trust Yongbok," I said softly. I could see the hesitation in his eyes and I knew why. We trusted our dance instructor as well, but Felix isn't like that, none of the boys here are. He finally let out a small sigh and nodded.

"I'll be quick, I promise. Just stay close to Felix alright," he said. I nodded and gave him one last hug before we both stood up. I stumbled over to Felix, a little unsteady on my feet after what just happened but he slipped his arm around my waist for extra support. I gave him a small smile and huddled close to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"C'mon San, I'll get you to first aid," Yunho said, grabbing his uninjured hand and directing him down the hall. I got a little nervous as I saw him leave, my hand automatically reaching down to grasp the closest one to me. Felix squeezed my hand in return.

"Why don't we go to the break room and sit down until Sannie Hyung comes back," he said softly as Yeosang walked over. I nodded and they both guided me down the halls to the break room. When we got there, we sat on the couch, Felix on my left and Yeosang on my right. Felix cuddled right up to my side and I basked in the skinship, cuddling him right back. Yeosang was more just a calming presence that was there in case I was scared or worried.

"Wooyoung Hyung." I looked over and saw Hyunjin and Jeongin standing nervously in front of me. Ah, they're here to apologize.

"It's ok," I said with a small smile.

"You don't even know what we were going to say," Hyunjin said with a small frown.

"You're going to apologize for sending me there but you don't need to. I know you were only doing it as a joke and you wouldn't have done it if you knew what was going to happen," I replied.

"Well, I mean yeah but we still feel really bad," Jeongin said sadly.

"I know, but I'm ok now. I promise," I said.

"Are you sure," Hyunjin asked.

"Positive. I'm pretty content right here with Lix," I replied.

"Ok," Jeongin said quietly, before they walked away with small smiles. I cuddled closer to Felix, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder. I shivered slightly as it was a little cold and I had no jumper but a few seconds later, a jacket was wrapped around my shoulders.

"Keep warm Wooyoung-ah. Let Hyung know if you need anything else," Peniel said softly. I blushed slightly at the attention from the older Idol but nodded happily. Yeosang chuckled, obviously noticing my reaction and I pouted.

"Aish, so cute," Peniel said, pinching my cheeks softly and making me blush an even deeper shade of red.

"Thank you Hyung," I said quietly.

"Of course," he replied before walking off.

"You're bright red," Yeosang said matter-of-factly.

"What, I admire Peniel Hyung and BTOB Hyungs," I shrugged.

"I think it's cute," he grinned. I frowned and curled further into Felix who giggled and buried his head in my neck. I love the fact that Felix loves skinship because I love it as well and he's really cuddly. I rested head on top of his and closed my eyes, letting out a breath.

I'm safe, I'm ok. Everyone's ok and they're going to stay ok. That's all I could really ask for I guess. Just to keep those I love happy and healthy.


I know technically Hyunjin shouldn't be in this because he was only there for the first round of Kingdom due to his unfair hiatus but oh well, he can be here if I want him to be because as we all know, this is fiction

This was requested by @Marauderette and as always, it was a pleasure to write. I hope it was what you wanted and you enjoyed reading it

Thank you to everyone for reading and I hope you liked it

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