Rise of a Ranger Power Ranger...

De Everything_Guy456

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Michael Cruger was just your average Reefside student who loved writing music and playing until his life tur... Mai multe

Introduction to Micheal
Day of the Dino Part 1
Wave Goodbye
Back in Black
Diva in Distress
Micheal's New Bio
Game On
Golden Boy
Frank Cruger's Bio
Beneath the Surface
Ocean Alert
White Thunder Part 1
White Thunder Part 2
White Thunder Part 3
Rangers Hang Out
Truth and Consequences
Leader of the Whack
Burning at Both Ends
The Missing Bone
The End and The Future.

Day of the Dino Part 2

2.1K 40 9
De Everything_Guy456

Michael's point of view:

I was driving back home, leaving those idiots to themselves to find Discount Lavgine and finally i reached my home, opened the door with the key, and said.

Michael: "I'm home."

I saw that the house was empty as usual then i sighed and said.

Michael: "Typical, sometimes i ask myself, why do i even bother hoping that they will be home."

I went to the kitchen to see if there's any leftovers from yesterday or something i could make and when i opened the fridge, i saw that there was only one apple and a small amount of Florida Natural Orange juice.

Michael: "Note to self Michael, go buy groceries from the supermarket later."

Then i took the apple and placed it on the table next to the couch and poured the juice into my glass cup and also placed it on the table.

Michael: "And now for the final touches of my peace and quiet."

I went to my room upstairs and got my acoustic guiter and it's pick with me and went downstairs and sat on the couch and adjusted the strings and began to sing a song i was practicing for a while now.

Michael: "Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are. I had to find you, tell you I need you. Tell you I set you apart. Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions. Oh, let's go back to the start. Running in circles, coming up tails. Heads on a science apart. Nobody said it was easy. It's such a shame for us to part. Nobody said it was easy. No one ever said it would be this hard. Oh, take me back to the start."

Then i started to play the solo the succeeds the vocal part and then stopped and said to myself.

Michael: "Why does Coldplay always have the most beautiful songs, i need more practice on my tuning and vocal range.

I let out a huge sigh and told myself.

Michael: "I probably need to eat my food before the flies show up then go out to get groceries."

Connor's point of view:

Ethan and i were in Dr. Oliver's lair wanting to tell him that Kira was captured.

Ethan: "Dr. O, before you off, can we explain why we're here?"

Connor: "Dude, he's just going to laugh when we tell him."

Ethan: "It's the truth. He'll believe us."

Connor: "All right. Kira's gone."

Ethan: "She got taken by these weird looking dinosaur things."

I noticed that Dr. Oliver was giving an unconvinced look at us.

Connor: "He doesn't look convinced."

We stood there in awkward silence until Dr. Oliver said.

Dr. Oliver: "They're called Tyranno Drones."

Ethan: "And you know that because?"

Dr. Oliver: "I helped create them."

Ethan: "Oh, class project?"

Dr. Oliver: "It's a long story. For now, we gotta figure out what they want with Kira."

Then i was taking out my gem out to show him the reason thet wanted Kira.

Connor: "It might have something to do with these."

Dr. Oliver gave us a look of shock when he saw the gem.

Kira's point of view:

I was regaining consciousness and saw that i was in a lab of some kind and heard a voice say.

???: "Give me the gems."

Then i stood up from the chair i was in and said.

Kira: "Who's there? Come out so i can see you."

???: "Give me the gems."

Kira: "Is this about jewelry? Look pal, clearly you've got the wrong girl. I may wear a friendship bracelet once in a while, but."

Then i turn my head and gasped over seeing a hideous looking monster next to me.

???: "I have waited far too long to allow an insignificant teenager to get in my way. Now where are the dino gems?"

Kira: "You mean those rock things we found in the cave?"

Then i turned to other way to see him in front of me.

???: "Yes."

Kira: "I gave mine to Connor and Ethan. You'll have to ask them. Can i go? My mom's going to freak if i'm late for dinner. It's taco night."

Suddenly he disappeared and i said.

Kira: "Okay, That's it. No more cafeteria food."

I turned my head around to see a lady with black clothing in front of me.

???: "You'll be lucky if you ever see food again."

Ethan's point of view:

We were still in Dr. Oliver lair with Connor apologizing about what happened.

Connor: "We're really sorry. How were we supposed to know those things, had, like, superpowers, and those lizard dudes were going to come looking for em?"

Dr. Oliver was looking at Kira's gem and then told us.

Dr. Oliver: "I guess it isn't exactly something you see every day."

Ethan: "Sort of like a science teacher with the ruins of an ancient civilization under his house?"

Connor: "Like, not that this isn't all really cool, but, seriously, dude, you gotta come clean."

Dr. Oliver: "Okay, first of all, don't call me dude. Second, as hard as this may seem, you two need to forget all about this. I'll find Kira."

I was looking around the place while those two were talking until i noticed Connor suddenly come in front of Dr. Oliver.

Dr. Oliver: "The gem's powers are already starting to bond with you."

Connor: "You can tell us all about it now or at my next parent teacher conference."

Then i had a smile at my face for what Connor was saying at Dr. Oliver.

Kira's point of view:

The lady was approaching me while i asked her.

Kira: "You got a name? You kinda look familiar."

Elsa: "My master calls me Elsa."

Kira: "Your master? Okay, whatever. Look, i'm going to let myself out."

I was getting out of here until Elsa grabbed my shoulder, but i tried punching her, but she ducked in the nick of time and tried punching me. Thankfully i was able to dodge it by ducking and now we were trading blows on each other until i was able to grab her arm, but she was able to break free. Fortunately i was able to kick her and push her back, but she was able to land safely and was giving me a you dead look.

Kira: "Whoa. I so did not mean to do that."

Then i was running away to the exit and a robotic looking thing came in front of me along with the other dino looking things.

Elsa: "Meet Zeltrax."

Kira: "You two dating, or just friends?"

He was about to attack me, but i used my enhanced screams to knock them back and continued running away.

Elsa: "After her!"

I was running away from the enemies until i found a small green portal and touched it and it transported me away.

Tommy's point of view:

Connor, Ethan and i were riding my Jeep trying to look for Kira then Ethan asked.

Ethan: "When you said you helped create those Tyranno whatevers, you were just kidding, right?"

Tommy: "They weren't supposed to be used like this. Someone has modified their programming. A few years back, i was doing research on combining dinosaur dna with technology. My partner, a scientist named Anton Mercer."

Ethan: "The rich guy who disappeared years ago."

Tommy: "Yep. shortly after Mercer disappeared, our lab was attacked. All of our research was destroyed or at least i thought it was."

Connor: "And the guy who did this is back?"

Then i stopped the jeep due to the stop sign and told Connor.

Tommy: "He calls himself Mesogog."

Connor: "And you think he's after the gems?"

Tommy: "Looks like it."

Ethan: "This is all totally fascinating, but how is it helping us find Kira? I mean, she's not just going to fall out of the sky and land right in front of us."

Suddenly a Invisi portal was in front of us and Kira came out of it and landed on my Jeep and we all stared at each other than we all got out to see her.

Ethan: "How did you do that?"

Kira: "I have no idea."

The boys help get her down from the Jeep and she continued saying.

Kira: "One minute, I'm being chased by franken lizard through this creepy lab, and the next thing i know, I'm hood ornament.

Tommy: "Invisi portals."

Kira: "Whatever. Next time, i'm calling a cab. What are you guys doing here?"

Ethan: "We came to rescue you."

Kira: "Nice job. Way to show up when i don't need you anymore."

Now i saw another invisi portal open and hordes of enemies showed up.

Connor: "You sure about that?"

The three of them were preparing to fight them until i came in front of them and asked.

Tommy: "Mesogog find a new goon to do his dirty work?"

???: "You are not fit to speak my master's name. Come with me peacefully, or suffer the consequences."

Tommy: "I'm going to have to say no."

The four of us were now engaged in combat with them and i saw the guys being able to use their powers while i was fighting with the Tyranno Drones until they were able to push me to my Jeep's door.

Tommy: "Looks like Mesogog made a few improvements."

I looked at my side tp see the guy almost slash me with his axe, but i used the Jeep's door to dodge the blow and jumped flip into my Jeep to dodge his array of axe attacks then i landed myself to the ground and continued fighting with Mesogog's new goon until he kicked me to the ground and said.

???: "You're no match for me!"

Now we were hearing a car beeping, but it wasn't from my Jeep and when i turned my head around to see that it was Michael and his car coming in full speed to the guy in front of me and the impact of his car pushed him away from me then Michael got out of the car and said.

Michael: "Hey old timer, strange coincidence isn't it, i was just going to the supermarket until i saw a weird portal and these ugly looking babies showed up."

Then he was looking around and saw the team and then he said.

Michael: "Oh, it seems you idiots found Britney Spears."

Then i saw one of the Tyranno Drones about to attack him, but he grabbed its punch and threw him away from him and now our team regrouped and i said.

Tommy: "Make sure you tell your master Dr. Oliver's back."

???: "I will inform him this battle is over, but the war has only just begun!"

Then they teleported out of the area using the invisi portals.

Connor: "That's the best they can do?"

Tommy: "Let's get outta here. it's getting late. I don't want your parents to worry."

Michael: "Can somebody explain what the H is going on?"

Ethan: "Basically Dr. Oliver knows about those dino looking things and the gems as well, that's why he's an expert at this."

Michael: "Thanks for nothing you little Dwarf. I was asking him?"

Tommy: "I'll fill you in tomorrow after School, i promise."

Michael: "Well, looks like my work here is done."

Connor: "Really? Now you come to help us you Douchbag!"

Then he punched him in the face and made him fall to the ground.

Connor: "When we wanted your help to find Kira, you brushed it off like it was nothing, she could have been dead."

Michael: "But she's not dead now isn't she? Why do i have to concern myself with whatever you all have going on, the only reason i came here was to see the weird portal thing! Nothing more Nothing less."

I was looking at Michael's eyes and mannerism and i could tell something was up? As if he was lying, i'll think more about it later then i saw Kira come between them before a fight could start and said .

Kira: "Hey cool it, both of you, Look Connor i appreciate you and Ethan trying to rescue me, but it doesn't mean you can judge Michael for not helping, if he doesn't wanna help than let him be."

Then she turned her direction and told him.

Kira: "Look Michael, I don't know why you're like this, but antagonizing everyone won't get you any friends and instead it pushes them away. I wanted to believe that you could change, but now i see that it may never be possible. So if you don't want anything to do with us then just forget you ever met us and we will do the same."

I noticed that Michael's body tensed up when Kira said that, but he quickly regained composure and he said.

Michael: "Couldn't agree more. I have things to do and i don't want to waste any more time on this stupid clubhouse of yours!"

Now he was walking away, but he pushed Ethan and yelled.

Michael: "Out of my way Nerd!"

Ethan: "Hey!"

Tommy: "Michael, wait."

Michael: "Buzz off teach."

Then i saw him enter his car, but he looked at us and said.

Michael: "Don't worry about your secret, it's safe with me, i won't tell."

Then he closed the door and left us while i told the others to ride on my Jeep so i could take them home before their parents start to worry.

Michael point of view:

I had just left those imbeciles to themselves and was driving to the supermarket until i said to myself.

Michael: "Those idiots think they have the right to judge me. I didn't want any part of this mess, what if i die to those freaks. If those four are willing to risk their lives for this pointless war, let them be and if they die, i could give two scarps about it."

Then i was speeding up because it was getting late and i really need groceries then i started to remember what Kira said to me.

Kira: "Look Michael, I don't know why you're like this, but antagonizing everyone won't get you any friends and instead it pushes them away. I wanted to believe that you could change, but now i see that it may never be possible. So if you don't want anything to do with us then just forget you ever met us and we will do the same."

I sighed to myself and was slowing down so i didn't exceed the speed limit and said to myself.

Michael: "She's right, as if someone like me deserve any friends. I'm better off alone."

Now i was driving my way to the supermarket to get my groceries.

Kira's point of view:

It was the next day and i was entering class with Connor and Ethan until Cassidy came next to me and asked me.

Cassidy: "Kira Ford. Cassidy Cornell, Reefside news network."

Kira: "Cassidy, i know who you are. We're in homeroom together."

Cassidy: "Yeah, anyway, what can you tell me about the mysterious goings on at Reefside? For example, the sudden friendship between you, Connor Mcknight, Ethan James, and Michael Cruger."

Kira: "Look."

Cassidy: "Or better yet, the strange creatures that appeared out of nowhere and they just attacked you in broad daylight. What about that, huh?"

Before i could answer her, someone pushed her to the ground and told her.

???: "Out of my way Barbie."

I saw that it was Michael who pushed her making me not able to answer her question thankfully.

'He wasn't kidding when he said he would keep our secret safe.'

Cassidy: "Hey, you almost broke my recorder you douchbag."

Michael: "I know, Don't care, go ask daddy to buy you a new one."

Michael was now walking past me and went to his seat while i went to mine then Dr. Oliver arrived and told Cassidy who just got up from the ground.

Dr. Oliver: "Cassidy, unless you plan on giving a lecture on the Mesozoic period, i suggest you take your seat.

She did just that and he told her.

Dr. Oliver: "Thank you. Okay, who can tell me when it all began?"

Suddenly we felt rumbling happening and we tried to hold onto our desks then we saw in the window that the sky was dark and lightning was emerging then Devin showed up while Michael left unnoticed by anyone but me.

Devin: "Yes. You're not gonna believe  this."

Cassidy: "Let me guess. The sky just went black in the middle of the day?"

Devin: "It did? Whoa, look at that!"

Cassidy: "Devin, hello what?"

Devin: "Oh, yeah, right, look, i just heard this whack report about mechanical dinosaurs attacking downtown."

Cassidy: "Ooh, grab your camera."

Devin: "I've got it."

Dr. Oliver: "Wait, hold it, you two."

Then we heard Principal Randall speak through the School microphones.

Randall: "Students, remain calm. The mayor has declared a state of emergency. Please report to the the front of the School for immediate dismissal.

I saw Devin and Cassidy leave the class while Dr. Oliver approached us and i asked him.

Kira: "Dr. O, now would be a good time to have a little chat."

Dr. Oliver: "We're outta time. If Mesogog revived the Biozords, we gotta act fast. Come with me."

Ethan: "What about Michael, he's as much part of this as we are."

Connor: "He made his decision, we just have to go do this without that douchebag.

Ethan: "Fine, what's the worst that can happen."

Then we followed Dr. O to his lair while i asked him.

Kira: "So those mechanical dinosaurs. They're your friends?"

Dr. Oliver: "Biozords. Fusion powered replicants using actual Dinosaur DNA for their neurofunctions."

Ethan: "Wait, let me guess. You heleped build them."

Dr. Oliver: "I'm afraid so. But right now we. I mean, you have to tame them."

Ethan: "I'll B.B.L. If it's all the same to you."

Dr. Oliver: "What's that mean?"

Ethan: "Be back later."

Ethan was about to leave until Dr. O stopped him.

Dr. Oliver: "Ethan, wait. You can do this. But you won't have to do it alone. Ever since i found the Dino Gems. I've had these waiting, in case i ever needed to harness their powers."

Kira: "Into what?"

He opened the briefcase in front of us and there was like four dino braces or something, i honestly didn't know.

Dr. Oliver: "Dino Morphers. Use these to become Power Rangers."

Ethan: "I gotta sit down."

Connor: Breathe, Dude."

Kira: "We can't be Power Rangers. Aren't you supposed to fly or have superhuman strength and stuff like that?"

Dr. Oliver: "You do."

Kira: "Oh, yeah, i forgot."

Dr. Oliver: "Your gems are from the asteroid that crashed into earth millions of years ago, wiping out the entire dinosaur population. When i found them, i recognized their power and hid them so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands."

Connor: "How do ypu know these are the righty hands?"

Dr. Oliver: "The gems are yours. You didn't choose them. They chose you."

Kira: "Can't they unchoose us?"

Dr. Oliver: "They've already bonded with your DNA. That's what's giving you your powers."

Ethan: "So if they already bonded with us, how come Mesogog and his creeps are still after em?"

Dr. Oliver: "The only way these powers can be taken away is if you're destroyed."

Ethan: "Okay, for future reference. That's not a great selling point."

Connor: "Look, all i know is, i don't remember asking to be a superhero."

Dr. Oliver: "The gems wouldn't have bonded to you if you didn't already have something inside you that could handle the power. Please."

We were hesitant at first, but then we took our respective morphers.

Ethan: "So now what? Do we need some kind of secret password or command?"

Dr. Oliver: "All you have to do is say, Dino Thunder, Power Up, and you'll be transformed. you'll know what to do."

Connor: "Dino Thunder. What, did you come up with that?"

Ethan: "I kinda like it."

Connor: "You would."

Dr. Oliver: "Look, i know you three are from different worlds, i get it, but you're going to have to work together, or this will never happen. This won't be easy. Nobody knows that better than i do. But you're going to have to believe in yourselves,because i believe in you."

Connor: "Really?"

Dr. Oliver: "Really."

Connor's point of view:

We were in Dr. O's Jeep making our way to the Biozords location.

Dr. Oliver: "Okay. This is it."

We got ourselves out of the car and saw the Biozords were causing havoc around the city.

Connor: "That must be them."

Kira: "Wow, good call, Connor."

Suddenly a red portal appeared and the guy from earlier showed up.

???: "You'll have to get past me before you get those zords."

Connor: "That's the part i'm looking forward to."

Ethan: "You guys ready?"

Kira: "Oh yeah."

Connor: "Ready."

Kira&Ethan: "Ready."

We clicked on our Morphers and yelled.

The three of us: "Dino Thunder, Power Up!"

Then we were transformed and saw that we were in our suits.

Ethan: "Whoa!"

Kira: "This totally rocks."

???: "So you're Power Rangers."

Dr. Oliver: "Call your weapons. They're in your belt."

Connor: "You got it, Dr. O! Whoa."

I saw my belt glowing and suddenly our weapons appeared out of nowhere.

Connor: "Check it out!

Kira: "Amazing!"

Connor: "Nice! I got a Tyranno Staff!"

I grabbed it and prepared to fight with it.

Kira: "I can come to grips with this. Ptera Grip!"

Ethan: "Sweet! A Tricera Shield!"

???: "Enough!"

Then he summoned a bunch of those drones and they were charging at us while we charged at them and fought with them. I used my staff to make them lose balance.

Connor: "Have a nice trip! See ya next fall!"

Then i put the staff behind me in order to block an attack from behind me then continue blocking more attacks from the drones until i jumped over them and slashed all of them.

Ethan: "Freeze!"

???: "You first!"

Then he fired something from his arm to grab Ethan and threw him around and he fell to the ground.

Kira: "Ethan!"

We prepared to fight back, but he fired something at us that pushed us back to the ground and before he could attack us, we saw Michael out of all people come behind the guy and try to punch his face, but he grabbed his face and threw him away.

Kira: "Michael!"

Dr. Oliver: "Rangers! Combine your weapons."

Connor: "Right!"

we combined our weapons just like Dr. Oliver said and we yelled.

The three of us: "Z Rex Blaster! Ready, Fire!"

We fired the blast at the guy and the impact of the blast made him fly away.

Connor: "Yeah."

Kira: "We did it."

???: "You showed me your weapons. Now meet mine!"

Then he retreated using the portal while the Biozords.

Michael: "Wow, you sure did show him you morons."

Ethan: "Why are you here young man, it is not safe here."

Michael: "You sure do make it obvious, don't you Midget. I know who you all are, but you have bigger matters to take care of."

Connor: "Why did you come back Michael? Didn't you want to have absolutely nothing to do with this?"

Michael: "I was trying to save my own skin, i was afraid you idiots wouldn't be able to save the world."

Kira: "You ok?"

Michael: "Still alive. Nothing to worry about."

Then the Biozords roared which caused us to be shocked.

Dr. Oliver: "Huh."

Connor: "Whoa!"

Michael: "Holy sh."

Then the ship in front of us fired at our location which caused us to be pushed back while Dr. O and Michael ducked down then we were able to get back up and i asked.

Connor: "Okay, how do we fight that?"

Dr. Oliver: "You gotta tame the zords. Concentrate. Your Morphers will communicate your thoughts to them."

Connor: "Let's go!"

Ethan: "Right!"

We made then i pointed at the rhino looking zord.

Connor: "Look at that! They're huge! Whoa!"

Michael: "That's what she said. Ha. Ha. Ha. My bad, it just slipped."

Michael then left us while Ethan was trying to tame his zord.

Ethan: "Calm down, boy. It's all good."

Kira: "Careful!"

Ethan was using his Morpher in order to communicate with his zord.

Ethan: "That's right. I'm your friend. Tricera Zord!"

We saw that the Tricera Zord was turning blue showing that Ethan was able to tame it.

Ethan: "It worked!"

Connor: "Yeah!"

Kira: "Okay, my turn. Ptera Zord! We can be friends, right?"

Ptera Zord then turned yellow, which ment Kira was successful at taming it.

Kira: "Oh, yeah! Awesome!"

Ethan: "Connor, the Tyranno Zord's out of control!"

Kira: "Do something!"

It then attacked the other zords while i said.

Connor: "Come on, i need you to work with me Here!"

I clenched my fist and yelled.

Connor: "Tyranno Zord!"

It then turned into red, so i was successful at taming it.

Connor: "Go! Yes!"

Dr. Oliver: "Only one more thing to do."

Michael: "Bring em together you imbeciles."

Then we all looked at him."

Michael: "What? It's true, that's what the Rangers of Angel Grove always did."

Dr. Oliver: "Anyways, bring em together, you can do it."

Connor: "Okay. Let's do it!"

Then we all jumped into our respective zords and said.

The three of us: "Combine Powers!"

Now all three of our zords formed into a single thing and we saw that our seats were now next to each other.

The three of us: "It worked!"

???: "Your robot is no match for me! Fire!"

The ship was fireing lasers at us and it slightly pushed us back, but then we regained our balance and i yelled.

Connor: "Now i'm mad!"

The ship fired wires at us which then electrified us.

Connor: "Time to head for the back of the net!"

Then we were running forward and then jumped to see the heart of the ship.

Connor: "There's the heart of the ship! Dino drill, engage!"

We used the Dino Drill to get into inside the heart of the ship and destroy it and then we landed on the ground of the city and saw the ship blow up then we were cheering on our victory."

Tommy's point of view:

The Rangers and i have just come back to the lair while Michael went back home without me noticing he disappeared then i opened the briefcase to see the three working Dino Morphers transform into bracelets and went to the team to give for the Rangers.

Tommy: "Keep these bracelets with you at all times. They'll access your morphers when you need them and you can use these to communicate with me and with each other."

Kira: "Dr. O, i know you're real smart and a science teacher and everything, but this is. Well, i mean, how did you."

Tommy: "I'll fill you in. In time."

Ethan: "Speaking of time, you think Mesogog's going to stick around for a while?"

Tommy: "Unfortunately, they always do."

Connor: "They?"

Tommy: "I know this is a lot to take in."

Ethan: "That's for sure."

Tommy: "Your lives have just changed in ways you probably couldn't have imagined, but as long as you work together and remember you're a team, no one can defeat you. No one.

Kira: "Dr. O, i've been meaning to ask, if there's three of us and we already got our morphers. Why is there another Morpher in the briefcase.

I sighed and told her and the others about why there was an extra Morpher.

Tommy: "I was able to get signatures of the Mammoth Dino gem, but i was not able to retrive it and it's signatures have gone down recently which made it even more difficult for me to locate it.

Ethan: "What if you do find it, who's gonna be the fourth member."

Connor: "It must be you Dr. O, right?"

Tommy: "Only time will tell Connor. Only time will tell."

Michael's point of view:

I was going for a midnight drive since i wasn't able to get some sleep after the events that occurred today with giant looking dinosaurs in the city and three of my idiotic classmates becoming Rangers while our teacher is the one leading them and when i barley fought with that thing and lost to him.

Michael: "I really need to clear my head."

I played a random song on the radio in order to relax until i saw a construction site glowing up and thought it was weird

Michael: "What the heck?"

Then i went to check out, so i parked my car and got out and tried to sneak my way inside.

Michael: "Alright, now what caused that glow on the site to happen?"

I was inspecting the area looking for the source, until i was able to find it in the center of the rubble, so i was removing it until i found a Grey Gem glowing.

Michael: "What is that?"

I went to grab the gem with my hand and suddenly i felt something happen to me, as if it was bonding with me and now i was groaning in pain.

Michael: "Ahhhhh."

Surprise. That's the second part done, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter, i wanted to express more of Michael's character without making it obvious, so see you guys next time, have an amazing day and stay safe. Peace out.

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