Back in Black

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Connor's point of view:

We were now in Dr. O's lair and Kira and Ethan were freaking out.

Kira: "This is bad."

Ethan: "Way bad. Worse than crashing after getting to level nine in S.N.S.W."

Connor: "Huh?"

Ethan: "Super Ninja Space Wars."

Connor: "Okay, look, don't you think we're getting a little too freaked out about this?"

Kira: "Dr.O doesn't show up for my gig, then misses a full day of School without calling along with Michael. I'd say we've achieved exactly the right level of freaking out."

Ethan: "I guess there's only one way to find out what the doctor's been up to."

Ethan went to the chair next to the computer while Kira and i followed him.

Connor: "How's that?"

Ethan then typed a few of his mumbo jumbo on the keyboard and said.

Ethan: "I'm in."

Kira: "Yeah, but where?"

Dr. O suddenly showed up on screen and said.

Dr. Oliver: "I'm Tommy Oliver. If you're not me, then something is serwrong. This video Diary is a confidential record only to be viewed in case of an emergency. What you're about to see is a history of my life."

Connor: "More dinosaurs bone stories. Yawn."

Dr. Oliver: "My history as a Power Ranger."

Connor: "Okay. Un yawn."

Dr. Oliver: "My story begins in Angel Grove when five teenagers with attitude were recruited to fight the Evil space sorcereress, Rita Repulsa, they harnessed the power of the dinosaur to become earth's first Power Rangers. Under the guidance of intergalactic being Zordon, Trini, Zack, Kimberley, Billy, and Jason bravely defended Earth which forced Rita to create her own Ranger."

We were seeing old videos of the first Rangers that Dr. O were describing of, but it still didn't explain anything about him.

Kira: "Okay, so where's Dr. O.?

Then we saw a younger Dr. O walking around the school.

Kimberly: Hey. Um, I'm Kimberly. You're new around here, aren't you?"

Tommy: "Yeah, I'm Tommy."

Suddenly we saw him in an alley and he said.

Tommy: "What's going on?"

???: "Tommy! I have chosen you!"

Dr. Oliver: "Her evil magic was too strong. I couldn't fight it."

???: "This boy os truly the one that shall become my evil Green Ranger! Arise, my Green Ranger!"

Tommy: "How can i serve my empress?"

Dr. Oliver: "She commanded me to destroy the Power Rangers and i almost succeeded."

Kimberley: "I know you're the Green Ranger."

Tommy: "Well then Pink Ranger, you should also know that you and the other Power Rangers will soon be destroyed."

Dr. Oliver: "But my friends never gave up on me, They helped me destroy the Power Sword and i was freed.

Zack: "Rita's spell is broken!"

Jason: "You okay, Tommy?"

Tommy: "What's happening to me?"

Jason: "You're no longer under Rita's Power. Fight by our side and we can defeat Rita."

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