Game On

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Michael's point of view:

I was waking up from my slumber and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and gettin ready to start this stupid day. after that was done i came out of bathroom and said.

Michael: "Good morning everybody, wait i forgot, i live alone."

I chuckled to myself for my poor sense of humor and went to grab my boxer, jean and a black T-Shirt to wear for the day and grabbed my phone from the charger and put it on my pocket then went downstairs to make myself some nice cup of coffee since i wasn't in the mood for breakfast, so i went to check the closet to see if there was any coffe, thankfully there was some coffee available. i prepared my mug and hot water, i put two spoons of coffee on the mug then poured the hot water into it and used the spoon to blend them all in. I finished making the coffee and went to sit on my chiar nextbto my table that i use to write my songs then i took a sip from it and said.

Michael: "Nothing beats the taste of coffee in the morning."

I put my mug down and went to grab a piece of paper and placed it on the table then i got out my unlucky pencil and said.

Michael: "Alright, what song idea do i have for the day?"

I was thinking about what to write the song about, do i make it the funky type or joyful or punk rock. Suddenly my phone started to ring before i could write anything and i had a good feeling who it was?

'Don't tell me.'

I answered the phone and said.

Michael: "Your friendly neighborhood douchbag, how can i torture you?"

Ms. Ford: "Michael, can you, wait a minute did you just do a Spider-Man reference?"

Michael: "No, i just know the line from a bunch of kids who kept quoting the movie."

Ms. Ford: "Yeah sure you did, Anyways, can you do me a favor?"

Michael: "What sort of favor?"

Ms. Ford: "Can you show up to the forest near Dr. O's house and get Ethan from the Cyberspace along with you?"

Michael: "Oh you mean Midget, For what for, exactly?"

Ms. Ford: "Can you stop asking questions and just do it."

Michael: "Why should i?"

Ms. Ford: "Come on, please, can you do it for me at least?"

'She's gonna keep bugging me about it, so better do what she says before she goes on her rampage.'

I sighed to myself and reluctantly said.

Michael: "Fine."

Ms. Ford: "Thanks, Michelangelo."

Micheal: "What did just call me?"

Ms. Ford: "Bye!"

Then she closed the line on my face while i yelled.

Michael: "That Little Witch!"

I put back my phone in my pocket and went to finish my coffee then left to my car to get Midget from the Cyberspace.

Ethan's point of view:

I was in the Cyberspace playing Wizard Wood on my computer and yelled.

Ethan: "Just give me the code, you freakazoid wizard!"

That stinking Wizard started laughing at me then i got up from my seat and yelled wjile slamming my hands on the table.

Ethan: "Come on!"

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