Leader of the Whack

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Trent's point of view:

I was making my way into the forest, trying to get as far away from Reefside as I can, I got out my device from my pocket to see how far I was and then told myself.

Trent: "Gotta get further away. It's not safe."

I saw that my bracelet was glowing then I put the device back in my pocket and kept making my way away from the city then I found a tree that I could sit on until I heard someone say.

???: "Did you hear that? It could be the White Ranger. Hold it there, White Ranger!"

It shocked me, did Cassidy know that I was the White Ranger? I turned my head to see her and Devin, who told her.

Devin: "No, Cass, don't worry. It's just Trent."

Cassidy: "Oh."

Trent: "Man, you scared me half to death."

I stood back up and looked at them while Cassidy told me.

Cassidy: "Whatever. I thought you were the White Ranger."

Devin: "Yeah."

Trent: "Me? You're kidding, right?"

Cassidy: "No, I didn't actually think you were the White Ranger."

I saw a meteor heading towards us and I yelled at them.

Trent: "Look out!"

They ducked just in time, but the impact of the meteor landing caused them to fall while I said.

Trent: "What the heck was that?"

They were standing back up and Devin said.

Devin: "A low-flying spaceship?"

Cassidy: "I don't know, but whatever it was just landed over there. Grab your camera."

Trent: "Wait, it could be dangerous."

Cassidy: "Danger's my middle name."

Devin: "I thought it was Agnes."

They started making their way to the meteor while I got my backpack and followed them while saying.

Trent: "I'm gonna regret this."

I followed them to where the meteor was and hoped for nothing to happen.

Ethan's point of view:

I was playing my video game on my laptop with everyone present in the lab except for Michael, Kira was on her guitar while Conner was playing with his ball around the lab.

Conner: "Mcknight on a breakaway!

Ethan: "Hayley, one more level, and I break my all-time record!"

Suddenly I saw Conner's ball in front of me which shut off my laptop and I said.

Ethan: "Conner."

Conner: "Sorry."

I stood up and looked at him.

Ethan: "Now I have to start all over."

He picked up his ball then put his hand on my shoulder as we started walking and told me.

Conner: "Yeah, there's this great new thing called the outdoors. You might want to check it out."

Ethan: "Tell you what. I'll check that out when I see you checking out the library."

We looked at Kira and Conner said to me.

Conner: "You got about as much chance as seeing that as seeing Kira at a fashion show."

Rise of a Ranger Power Rangers Dino Thunder Fanfic (Discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now