Wave Goodbye

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Kira's point of view:

I was in Hayley's Cyberspace waiting for Connor, i tried convincing Michael, but he was of course a Stubborn Prick about it.

Flashback start:

School had finally ended and Ethan told Connor and i about a place called Hayley's Cyberspace, but i felt obliged to tell Michael about it since i know for a fact Connor and Ethan aren't gonna tell him, but he's as much part of this team as we are. I got out of the School and saw Michael was about to leave until i showed up from behind him and said."

Kira: "Michael."

I saw him whisper something then he turned around and said.

Michael: "What do you want, Ford?"

Kira: "We're going to go meet Ethan at Hayley's Cyberspace, wanna come?"

I saw that he tensed up a bit when i asked him, but he seemed to regain composure and said.

Michael: "Why would i. It's obvious that your idiotic friends don't like me, so why do you want me to join?"

Kira: "Because you are apart of this group Michael and i wanted you to open up more."

Michael: "About what exactly?"

Kira: "In general, you know, have some friends."

Michael: "Didn't you say i wasn't able to change. What's with the sudden change in attitude?"

Kira: " I did, but when we were knocked down by that robot thing, you showed up and tried to help. It made me think what if there is more to Michael Cruger than meets the eyes."

Michael: "Did you seriously just use a Transformers reference on me?"

Kira: "Maybe, But my second reason of changing my outlook at you is that i know you are lying."

Michael: "Lying about?"

Kira: "When you said "I was trying to save my own skin, i was afraid you idiots wouldn't be able to save the world." You were lying, you wanted to help didn't you?"

I even tried to do his voice to prove my point to him.

Michael: "No i didn't, because helping people only ever gets you into trouble, why bother. Look i really ain't in the mood, so please could you buzz off."

Kira: "Fine, at least i told you about our plan, so you wouldn't go back home thinking we left you out."

Michael: "Don't care, go have fun with your clubhouse group, see you around  Britney Spears."

Then he was starting to leave and i did the same and now i was making my exit and was heading to Hayley's Cyberspace.

'Why is he such a pain in the body.'

Flashback end:

I was snapped back to reality when i saw Connor finally show up.

Kira: "Connor!"

Connor: "Ethan call you, too?"

Kira: "Yeah, said it was super important. What is this place anyways?"

Connor: "No clue."

???: "It's literal written in front of you guys, what are you blind?"

We turned around and we saw that it was Michael who said that.

Connor: "How do you know about this place, Ethan certainly didn't call you."

'No comment.'

Michael: "I had an Anonymous number telling me to show up here and I'm here to confront the stalker who got my number."

Rise of a Ranger Power Rangers Dino Thunder Fanfic (Discontinued.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora