Diva in Distress

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Hayley's point of view:

I was making my way to Micheal's home with the address he sent me and now i parked my car in front of his house and got out. Now i was making my way to his doorway and knocked on the door.

Hayley: "Micheal?"

There was no answer so i called his name again.

Hayley: "Michael!"

Then i opened the dorr and noticed that it was unlocked, so i went inside and saw Michael on the ground holding on to his stomach.

Michael: "Can you stop standing around and help."

I saw him then groan in pain while i asked him

Hayley: "Michael, what happened?"

Then i noticed that his hand was holding som then everything started to be clear to me. I walked towards him and toom the Grey Dino Gem out of his hand.

Hayley: "I knew it, you did have the Dino Gem."

Micheal: "Fine Fine i had it all along, but just stop this excoriating pain!"

Then i got a pill out of my purse and gave it to him.

Hayley: "Take it, it will help numb the pain for at least a day."

Then i found a water bottle on the table next to me and went to give it to him while he took the pill.

Hayley: "Drink."

I opened the bottle and gave it to him and he drank it.

Michael: "Agh. I feel like much better now. "

Hayley: "Don't get used to it kid, the effect only lasts for a day. Now tell me when did this first happen?"

Michael: "When i first bonded with that freaking gem! I've been having this pain all around my entire body, but at random and it gets worse by the day. So tell me? Is there's a cure to this or not!"

Hayley: "There is, but i have to search for it, right now just stay here and i'll come pick you up tomorrow."

Michael: "For what?"

Hayley: "You'll see."

Then i left him and made my way back to my car and was driving my way back hpme, so i could locate the Mammoth Zord.

Tommy's point of view:

The team and i were in Hayley's Cyberspace checking Kira perform her new song until she was done and came to sit with the others while i was standing up.

Conner: "That was awesome. Is that something new?"

Kira: "Yeah, I'm still working on the hook, but ub think there's something there."

Ethan: "I'm telling you, if this superhero gig doesn't work out, you definitely have a musical career to fall back on."

Kira: "It's kind of hard to have a musical career when you can't even get anyone to listen to you play."

After she said that Trent showed up and told her.

Trent: "Well, i was listening and i think you rock."

Kira noticed the notebook on Trent's hand and asked him.

Kira: "What are you working on?"

Trent: "Not until it's done."

Kira: "Fine."

Tommy: "Nobody appreciates good music anymore. All you hear on the radio is that pop garbage."

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