True love at first sight(Nash...

By karisma_1020

2.7K 153 49

Karisma is a youtube famous and her best friends are Zoe and Shawn Mendes . Shawn invited Karisma and Zoe to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Authors note
Chaptet 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
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Chapter 27

57 4 2
By karisma_1020


I am so happy that we are in Orlando cause that's were "Disney World" is and "Universal Studios Orlando" I can't wait to go to that but sad thing is we can't after the some of the shows and meet and greets we have to go to San Fransico but I don't care at least I'm with Karisma I'm fine.We were in the hotel room hanging out everybody here and Matt suggested that we do the cinnamon challenge while every body is here.

"I don't know" Camron said trying to hid behind his girlfriend.

"Don't be a chicken and man up it's not that bad trust me" Zoe said trying to convince Cameron to do it.

"Okay fine I will do it but if anything bad happens it's your fault" he said pointing his finger at Zoe.

"Um I can't do it I'm allergic to cinnamon" Karisma and Ashlyn said at the same time.

" Okay then you don't have to do it you can go somewhere else then" Carter said sounding like he is trying to kick them out.

"Fine we will and we will get ice creams for everybody except you cause you are to kick us out" Ashlyn said as she is getting up from were she was sitting and grabed her purse.

"Well Carter that's what you get for kicking us out" Karisma said as she's getting up at the same time as Ashlyn got up.

"Ooo... you got burned" every buddy said while they were hive fiveing Karism.

Karisma gave me a kiss on the lips and said her good byes and then she left with Ashlyn. They left the room and we started to get ready for the cinnamon challenge. The game is going to be played who ever loose they have to jump in the hotel pool with all there clothes but I know a trick so I can win and get over with and also so I don't have to jump in the pool. So if I want to win I have to collect a lot of saliva(I know this sounds gross but it works) so that I can swallow the cinnamon.I was getting ready and Matt hands me the spoons and then he said go so I put it in my mouth and I swallowed it like it was nothing and I was the first one done. "I'm done" I said as I put my arms up and walked away from the table. Everybody is looking at me and with surprised and Zoe, Jack G, and Carter gave up. Camreon, Matt are still going even thoe they don't need to because they don't have to jump in the pool but Zoe, Jack G, and Carter have to jump in the pool with there clothes.


We left the hotel and head for the car so we can get ice cream. I get in the driver seat and Ashlyn gets in the passenger seat. I started the engine and back out of the parking space and head off to the nearst ice cream shop but that only 9 miles from the hotel so if will take a little while but that good because I feel like I hasn't talk to Ashlyn in for ever. "So Ashlyn how's it been" u said trying to make a conversation.

"Good, how about you" she said looking at me than looked back at the road.

"I could be better but that's just life right" I said trying to make a joke out of it so I won't sound like I'm have a bad time.

"I get what you mean" she said as she is nodding her head at me.

"What do you mean are not having a good time or is it something else" I said to her with a confused look on my face.

"I'm having a good time but I have a secret and you can not tell anyone especially Jack I can't have him find out" she said with worried look on her face.

"I promise I won't tell anyone but tell me is bad wait I think I know what it is" I said with my hands over my mouth and with a surprised look on my face.

Thank you guys so much sorry it took me so long to update I was sick than my hasn't been working but it's all better now and I hope you like this chapter and also THANK YOU GUYS WE REACHED 1k I can't be leave it I just want to say thanks and ✌🏼️💕

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