The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

371K 10.8K 3.8K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 27

4.2K 142 31
By YamagsuKami

The emotionless eyes of the woman bothered over the piles of dead corpses.

Multiple, various, uncountable amount of corpses that lacked of the spark of life.

Simply lying on the cold ground dead.

Most of the corpses were similar to human but had white wings on their backs. Angels.

A little ahead of the piles of corpses there was the woman who was looking this sight and of pure carnage with nothing more than monotony. In fact, she seemed a bit disappointed at all this.

Her crimson eyes flickered as she sighed. Her black sword that was being handled by her left hand disappeared in a black mist.

"Let's start to build the bedrock of my army..."

She muttered to herself as a smirk grew on her delicate figures.

Another breath left her before a black energy spiked around her. Her eyes beamed of a brighter red and the aura intensified.

She raised her hand and closed it in a fist.

"Pay close attention. You, who had been slayed by my hand and my blade, will now belong to me. Your souls will be bound to merely my ambitions and my will. For you all will be my servants, my army, my body. Hear and Obey."

Then her eyes went back to the piles of corpses and her grin grew wider.


And just like that, as soon those words left the woman's lips a deep mantle of black energy enveloped the countless corpses only for them to rise from dead shortly after.

Now their bodies were different. Instead of flesh their bodies were now made of a shadow resembling aura. A crimson details accompanying the pitch black that were their bodies

All of them, knelt shortly after placing their eyes upon the woman.

She found this sight delight to appreciate.

An entire army made by her hand kneeling upon her presence... She loved it.

This was what she wanted, total power over others.

She really was the living representation of Pride.

As she thoughts about her satisfaction her fourteen wings came out from her back.

Seven on the right side were black while the left side were white.

"Let's start.."


His eyes open slowly by the sunlight that his forehead and eyes.

He opened his eyes fully only to close them again abruptly when the sunlight got inside his eyes.

A growl escaped his mouth.

Y/N hated the time that the eyes took to get used to light. Main reason he was a night man, that among other much things.

He plainly looked to the ceiling and had the impulse to breath.

Another dream... or memory. He was more driven to the latter.

It didn't felt like a dream. But still he still knew nothing of what it could mean.

Did They were meaningless? No way in hell. They had to mean something.

His thoughts were interrupted just when he catch a nice smell.

Y/N looked to the side of the bed to see a sleeping Akeno nuzzling against his chest. While his arm was around her keeping the girl warmth and secure. And she was naked too, her body only being covered by the thin fabric of the sheets. He could feel plenty of her pressing against him.

He couldn't help but to smile sweetly at this sight. Truly, he was a lucky man. Or maybe it wasn't luck. Perhaps It was skill. Heh.

Akeno seemed peaceful while sleeping. Tough to think that she was a sadistic and he too discovered yesterday that a little masochistic. He got to know a new face of her.

His eyes returned to the ceiling.

Immediately his thoughts went back to the dream, analyzing it properly.

The woman was the same, presumably an angel... a high ranking one considering the vibe he got and of course the amount of wings. Plus the first dream he had she basically fought against Vritra. And Vritra wasn't exactly a pushover. No normal being could achieve such.

But why? Why she could also use the same technique he used to turn Igris and Beru into his servants?

Not only that, from what he recalled from the dream she used at a much higher scales.

She resurrected at least a full battalion of what he thought were dead angels.

It was a good time to say that the technique he used was actually from Vritra's. It wasn't something that could be learned by just anyone but instead gained from his Dragon.

But... she used something that belonged to Vritra vast supply of skills.

Speaking of which, Vritra had a much more varied amount of skills and abilities therefore he was the same.

Dragon Emperors didn't usually had the amount of skills and power that he possesses.

From what he recalled Valiana nor Issei had the same amount of skills he had or better said, his Dragon had.

It was almost unfair.

He didn't minded it though. There was pleasure on being a living cheat-code.

So, that woman used that same skill, and the only one who could actually use said skill was Vritra... or maybe another of Vritra hosts...

There were three. He, Cain and...

Could it be?

"It's rude to just stare at the ceiling when you have me here, gawking at you."

He heard a voice to his side and shifted his eyes from the ceiling to Akeno who was already awake.

"Sorry, My mind just drift away by its own. I have to think about something all the time."

"Is that so? Then what you were thinking so profusely just right now to just stare at the ceiling without blinking once?"

Y/N made an uncomfortable face and returned his gaze to the ceiling.

"Uh... well I was actually thinking how good the ceiling looks like. I really love the Japanese aesthetic of the shrine, you got a nice house here."

He chuckled a bit as Akeno smiled too.

"Thanks, you seem like the kind of man to think a lot about things. Tell me, do you think twice before doing something?"

"That's really sudden... but no, I actually don't think things a lot before doing them. If I just want something I just get it, period."

"Kinda like me huh?"

"Exactly like you. However, at the same time I think about a lot of stuff at the same time. Sometimes silly things and other times really serious stuff. To the point that I create lots of sceneries on my head. It's good to have an active head but at the same time it can get tiring."

She got closer to him genuinely interested on hearing him. He always had something interesting to tell. He knew how to keep her entertained.

"What are some thing that you think about?"

Y/N shifted his gaze from the ceiling to her and thought about it for a while.

"The silly ones or the serious ones?"


"Both huh. Well, for starters some of the silly things that I think quite frequently is how someone could have ever thought that adding something naturally sweet to something naturally salty could be a good mix. I mean, how pineapple pizza came to be a thing. Is like someone wanted to play being God by creating such... abomination."

Akeno giggled at this silly commentary of his.

"I personally don't dislike it."

"That's on you, if you want to poison your body with that thing it's on you."

"Oh well, What about the serious ones then?"

His eyes once again returned to the ceiling as he let out a breath.

"Sometimes when I'm alone, at peace I stop to think about pretty much anything. My life, what have I done with it and if I deserve to live it in the first place."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Akeno do you think that everyone has the right of living? Don't you think that there are certain people that don't deserve to life? Or do you think that everyone no matter if they're good or bad has the right to live?"

"I personally think that there're some people not worth of living."


"Because they do bad things."

"And what exactly is doing bad things?"

"They hurt others, take advantage of them.... Kill unjustifiably. Those are bad people."

"I really hope that it would be that simple. Then I'm not worth of living then. I have hurt others, I have taken advantage of people for selfish reasons and of course I have killed people. When I think about the things that I've done I sometimes think that I have no right of living, yet here I am."

Akeno didn't seemed surprised at all by the things he had just said

"Honestly, I'm not surprised. Even when I first met I already knew that you weren't a saint, no one is. But I don't think that you're undeserving of life."

"Is that so? Why?"

"Because I know for a fact that you're not evil. I know that you didn't enjoyed doing those things. Tell me, do you feel any regret about the bad things you've done?"

"That's a tough question to answer. Because I could tell you that Yes, I do regret them and come out clean of all... But, no. I genuinely don't regret about all of them. Including the bad things that I've done."


Y/N let out a heavy breath as his mind drifted to the times he had committed several sins.

Instantly, the image of his hands covered in blood and the corpses of at least a dozen of men and women lying lifeless alike around him came to his head.

His attention was focused on a single corpse that was below him.

H/C hair that was stained with that same crimson liquid and lifeless E/C eyes that were so similar to his. Those same lifeless eyes were looking at him just as if they were mocking his existence. But no, it was dead. Everyone around him was dead.

He killed them all.

The boy closed his blood stained hands and shot a glare at the corpse of the woman below him. Before he let out some hate filled words.

"No. You were never my mother and I was never your son."

Y/N snapped back to reality, that memory drifting away and he let out yet another heavy breath.

"Because some bad things leaded to good things while good things leaded to bad ones. And I'm proud of who I am at this moment. Maybe tomorrow or in a year maybe I even get to hate who I'm, but talking about the present. Yeah, I'm proud of who I am. And I know that I wouldn't be who I am to this day if I haven't done those bad things."

He looked at Akeno with a smile

"That I wouldn't be here with you."

Akeno blushed a bit as she smiled.

"With those sweet words coming out your mouth I highly doubt that you're a bad boy."

"Oh, I am. I showed you yesterday how bad could I be and you seemed to enjoy it."

"You can be certain that I enjoyed it to the fullest."

She replied with a smirk and Y/N eyed to see the hour.

"We should probably get ready. Or else we'll be late."

"Aww~ Don't you want to be with me on bed? You had your way with me and now you're tossing me to the side."

Y/N chuckled as he kissed her forehead.

"Don't be like that. We shouldn't arrive late today. Remember that today is the three factions conference."

"Oh yeah, I actually forgot about that small detail."

Akeno said before getting off the sheets. She shivered a little when the breeze touched her soft bare skin.

Y/N delighted his eyes seeing the bate woman in front of him. Even if he already had a taste of it, looking at it was still so... stimulating.

"I really wish I could wake up the way you do."

She looked at him with a questioning look.

"Hm? How so?"

He grinned.


"What's with you and the sweet words today?"

"I'm trying to improve my game. Is it working?"

"Yes a lot. You got me head over heels for you, lover boy."

This brought a chuckle out of him, no one ever called him like that. Mainly because he wasn't the romantic type but he didn't dislike it.

"Well then, Romeo. I'm going to take a shower. Wait for me~"

"Sure. Take your time."

With that she went out the bedroom not without a very suggestive swaying of hips that hypnotized Y/N for a bit and of course, she knew about his gaze on her.

When she left Y/N let out a heavy breath as he got off the bed.

He eyed down to see his naked body and smiled a little.

What good way to start such an eventful day the current.

Today was a day that would be remembered as one of the most important historic events for the three great powers, the day that political peace was achieved... or would be remembered as the start of a series of continuous catastrophic events that would extend to years and years

Hopefully it would be the former.

Because if this conference didn't go well it would go really really bad for everyone. All races would be affected equally if this conference went wrong.

He didn't sought conflict, he wasn't hungry for war like Kokabiel. He wasn't a fool like that fallen angel.

Unnecessary, that is what war is.

His job was to assure that everything went well, plus that favor that Sirzechs asked him to. Protect Rias and her peerage if something went south.

"I need some coffee.."

He muttered as he put clothes from yesterday while he waited for Akeno to finish her shower.


All was settled.

The three powers were already on school parameters. And the leaders of each faction were about to reunite in a same place.

Y/N looked at the city as the sun started to fall from afar.

Looking this sight was truly therapeutic for him.

There were the small details that brought him tranquility.

Because he genuinely was a little nervous about all this. He didn't wanted anything to go wrong.

He wanted peace... However he knew quite well that real peace was actually possible but at least... something that would assure no war. The three factions couldn't have mutual respect towards each other... but he could care less about their feelings.

He just wanted peace. Even if it was an hypocritical one... it was still the closest to the thing so called peace.

"You're brooding... Is everything okay, Y/N?"

A vocal came from behind him revealing to be Kalawarner who recently arrived to this sky rise.

She stopped calling him "King" mainly because Y/N asked her to do so. Because she was no longer a slave but a friend and partner.

Y/N eyed back and smiled.

"Well you see. I feel like I'm going to confess to a girl or something. I'm having butterflies in my stomach and all."

"It's weird to see you being so nervous, so you're actually a pussy as I supposed."

Raynare spoke from another side with a wide grin.

"Call me whatever you want, Raynare-"

He noticed that coat that the two were wearing. It was the one that he gave to them.

"You two... are wearing that? I initially said that you should wear it as a joke."

Raynare shrugged.

"It's cold.."

"I like the design."

Kalawarner praised and he smiled.

Instantly his thoughts drifted to the human girl on his peerage, Xenovia. She was actually on the academy while he went out to take some fresh air.

His phone vibrated on his pocket and reached out to it.

Y/N saw a text from Rias

'My brother wanted me to tell you that everything is ready, but ready for what?'

Didn't Sirzechs told Rias that he was going to be sort of her bodyguard?

'Oh you see, I'm going to be your babysitter for the day'

He replied back and Rias was typing back rapidly.


In a quick movement he placed his phone back on his pocket not bothering on writing an answer back.

"Well, ladies. We're on. You know what to do."

The two nodded and he threw himself off the roof and grew a pair of black energy wings on his back to fly.

Kalawarner and Raynare close behind him.

As he flied the black energy accumulated around his body and slowly a black armor started to materialize on each part of his form.

"Balance Breaker."

He muttered as the pitch black armor surrounded him entirely.

With that the armor of the Black Dragon Emperor came to the light.

"Let's see how everything goes.."


Y/N flied above Kuoh's area and he visualized the crazy amount of angels, fallen angels and devil all scattered around the academy alike.

He didn't expected this amount from each faction, this was really serious.

If something went wrong a small war could happen on this academy taking several collateral damages. However, that wouldn't happen.

He sometimes hated himself for always thinking in the worst scenario possible of each situation.

"You two get inside the academy... I'll need to make my entrance to show superiority. You know, the usual."

Raynare rolled her eyes

This guy always had to call the attention some way.

The two fallen angels deviated and he flied down at high speeds towards the three factions forces.

Of course he was going to land in the middle of all. He had to make his big entrance after all.

The angels, fallen and devils saw something up in the sky similar to a shooting star approaching at high speeds to their position.

The black streak flied down and its crash against the ground rose a huge dust cloud.

Some even tensed up at the sudden appearance of this... unknown individual.

From out the dust someone with a black armor, an wild aura of that same color irradiated out of him and a pair bright gleaming purple eyes looking at them with hidden amusement.

This feeling...

No doubt, it was the Black Dragon Emperor of this age.

The wings transformed back to its long cape form. As the Black Dragon Emperor eyed back after hearing a loud noise that shook the place.

The noise was similar to breaking the sound barrier.

A streak of whit and blue flied on the sky only to also land next to him causing a great commotion.

A figure with pristine white armor and blue eyes was the one to land next to him.

The purple eyes met with the blue ones as the two Dragon Emperors stared at each other on their armors.

Angels, fallen and devils thought alike... This was something that they could only see once in a time.

Two Dragon Emperors looking at each without causing havoc and destruction

The Black Dragon Emperor gestured forward

"Ladies first, Miss White."

She chuckled a bit before accepting the show of chivalry.

The woman walked towards the academy him following her behind as his smoky cape waved at the winds rhythm.

It brought satisfaction to the two of them to see all of them alike, angels, fallen angels and devils open up a path for them.

They looked at them in wonder and fear just as if they beings that they were unable to equal or even comprehend.

Two Dragon Emperors made their way inside the academy below the gaze of the three races.

When they were inside both dissipated their armors revealing their true form.

Y/N smiled at Valiana.

"It's good to see you. How have you been?"

"I'm good."

He raised an eyebrow at this simple reply.

Knowing her she would just say some of her usual arrogant or mocking comments but no.


"Is everything okay, Valiana?"

This time he said it on a serious tone and with a visible frown.

Valiana averted to meet his gaze, but soon looked him deep on the eye.

"Everything is okay, I'm just feeling a bit under the weather."

She managed to make it convincing enough to make Y/N let it go.

"Something is off..."

Vritra spoke on the back of his head.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

The dragon took a short pause before saying

"Her scent... is different now."

He took a little whiff of it and didn't smell anything bad.

"It's smell good, as always. Is something the matter?"

Another long pause followed from Vritra.

"Forget it, it must be my imagination."

Immediately he cut the connection and this only left Y/N with doubt but he shrugged.

"Did you just sniffed me?"

Valiana asked with a creeped out face

"Yeah. New perfume..?"

She blushed a bit but tried to mask it with a smirk

"I'm surprised that someone as dumb as you can catch on the small details of a woman."

"I'm quite observant to details you know."

A faint smile made its way to her face.

"Let's go, the meeting should start soon."

Acting as due they headed to where they were supposed to be.

On their way Y/N said to Valiana that he was going to take the left turn.

"I'm going to Rias peerage, I got some sort of duty to protect them."

"I'm heading to Azazel..."

Y/N nodded and was about to go left but he felt a pull on his hand that made him stop.

Valiana had a hold on his had and seemed a little hesitant to say the words she wanted to say.

"It's something wrong? Valiana."

It was starting to worry him. It was so unusual to see her... so defenseless, insecure.

"Y/N, I love you."

They way she said wasn't filled with love at all... instead it was something similar to regret.

However, the words alone were able to make Y/N skip that detail.

"For real, are those your real feelings?"


Valiana got closer to him and pressed her lips against his in a sweet loving kiss. So unusual from her to be so passionate and gentle on a kiss but he enjoyed it either way.

When the kiss was over he felt as if something was wrong in the ambiance... Something off.

"I'm going to Azazel... See you later, Y/N."

Without any more words she went through the right path him looking her back as it was farther and farther.

He touched his lips for a second.

Why she couldn't say those words while looking at him?

And... Why... why that kiss had that distinctive bittersweet taste of... Farewell.?


Rias saw when the doors opened suddenly and from the doors Y/N came out with a smile.

Y/N saw everyone that conformed Rias's peerage and smiled satisfied.

"Seems like everyone is ready."

"What do you mean you're going to babysit us?"

Rias immediately asked with arms crossed.

"Didn't Sirzechs told you? I'm supposed to be your peerage bodyguard."

"We don't need bodyguards. Nothing bad will happen."

"Hopefully that's the case. But we're dealing with fire here, Rias. If something goes wrong we cannot have you panicking and being brash. That's why I'm here. To watch for your security. Just act as if I'm not there."

Y/N eyes went to someone new.

A... girl? With pointy ears who was hidden deep on box.

Upon his gaze the "girl" cowered in fear and hided deeper on the box.

"Who's the new one?"

"He is Gaspard. My underclassman."

Issei said with a smile and Y/N raised an eyebrow at the "he" suffix.


"Oh yeah... well he feels more comfortable on the girl's uniform..."

"I see.. A pleasure meeting you, Gaspard. I hope we can get along."

The named Gaspard still was shivering. The aura of this person scared him a little.

"Uh... Yeah... M-me too."

Y/N nodded with a smile before looking at the peerage.

"We should go."

Rias nodded in assent as they went out except for Gaspard who stood behind.

As they walked through the corridors of the academy Issei approached Y/N.

"Do you think everything will go okay?"

"Hm. If nothing external happens it's supposed to go smoothly. The three heads of the factions are more driven to the choice of peace than the war. So I believe everything will be fine. However, everything can happen."

"I hope so, have you seen all the people outside? They seem as if the most minimum thing could set them off."

Y/N chuckled.

"They're not to be worried about. They won't do anything unless their leaders told them too. Those are the ones we should be cautious about, the leaders."

He placed a hand over the brown haired shoulder.

"You shouldn't worry. Everything will go fine. You should be giving emotional support to your King over there."

Y/N signaled to Rias who was visibly nervously about all of this.

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Thanks, dude."


They finally reached to the conference's room and Rias opened up. What followed next was her to see the three leaders of their respective factions sitting on a table along with some others relevant people from each faction.

"Pardon us."

Rias politely said.

Y/N noticed Valiana's who was lying her back against the wall next to Azazel.

He frowned... Something felt odd.

Sirzechs let out a heavy breath as he was the one to have the first word.

"Well... Shall we Begin?"

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