Falling, Peter Parker

By thiams_heart

55.5K 1.3K 56

"I believe you." Olivia Stark the daughter of Tony Stark finally gets trusted into helping her father out, bu... More

Signing over
Government property
Truth be told
Technology sucks
Spidey spirit
American Wizards
Space & Scotland
Take it
Starting over
Back in business
Back to the past
Gone, Gone, Gone
Failed plan
Chaos magic
Disaster follows us
Dont play with fire
She knows
Can't tell what's real and what's fake
Final play
Befriending the enemy
Lady liberty
Back in the game
The real enemy
Memory Lane
Old friends, New tricks
The other Avengers
Not just a little witch
The girl you were then

Welcome to the Netherlands

319 8 0
By thiams_heart

Peter wakes up from his sleep surrounded by men all in football kits and Netherlands flags drawn on their faces with face paint, "Hi."

"Where am I?" Peter asks.

"Municipal holding facility" one of the men tells him.

"They said they found you unconscious at the train yard" another man states, "Very dangerous."

"And we gave you the shirt because you seemed a bit cold" the other man who was sat on the other side of Peter states causing the boy to jump.

"Thanks" Peter smiles noticing the orange football top across him, "You guys are nice. You speak really good English."

"Welcome to the Netherlands" they all say in sink.

"I'm in the Netherlands right now?" Peter questions with shock.

"Yep" they answer.

Realisation then hits Peter as he jumps up from his seat, "Bye" he limps over to the gate, With the football jersey in his hand, "Guard!"

"The guard is on a break" one guy tells him, "Probably talking to his wife."

"Yeah, she's pregnant" another adds.

Peter grabs the padlock and snaps it off, he unlock the gate and walks out, as he walks past the guards office he sees him on the phone with his night monkey mask and jacket on.

Peter pulls the orange top over himself to make him seem as a lost kid who is not around this area, which is mostly true, he limps over to a fresh fruit stand stepping in animal poo on the way, "Excuse me, sir? Could I borrow your phone?"

"Yeah" the man responds passing the boy his phone.

"Everyone is so nice here" Peter mutters, he starts to enter a number into the device, he thinks for a second of what the digits of his caller might be and then enters them, "Okay" he places the phone by his ear and it dials, "Pick up, pick up, pick up. Hey, hey I messed up. I need a I need a ride. Where am I?" Peter turns to the man who lent him his phone, "Where am I, sir?"

"It's Broek op Langedijk" the man answers.

Peter think for a second before realising he won't be able to say that, "Hang on. Could you say that into there?"

Peter places the phone by the man's ear, "Hi. It's Broek op Langedijk here."

"Thanks" Peter smiles putting the phone back by his ear, "Did you get that?"

Peter limps through a field of tulips as a jet lands in front of him, happy steps out of the plane, "Peter? Are you okay?"

"Happy, is that you?" Peter asks as he continues to limp over.

"Yeah, of course it's me" happy answers with confusion as he approaches Peter.

"Stop!" Peter orders, "Tell me something only you would know."

"Only I would know" happy hesitates, "Remember when we went to Germany? You pay-per-viewed a video in your room? They didn't list the titles, but I could tell by the price it was an adult film. And you didn't know how I knew-"

"Okay, fine!" Peter interrupts continuing to limp to the older man, "It's you. Stop" happy makes his way over to the boy, and Peter pulls him into a hug, "It's so good to see you."

"Peter You'll have to tell me what the hell is going on here" happy sighs embracing the hug.

"You can do this" Olivia mutters to herself from her motel room as she tries to focus, "come on liv you can do this. Don't be a pussy. Come on!"

Olivia appears behind Peter, happy's eyes widen as he sees the girl stood there with her eyes closed and peaking to check where she is, "Olivia?"

Peter let's go of the hug from happy and turns to face the girl, "how? How'd you do that?"

"Don't ask me. Ask the guy from hydra who did this to me a few years back bug" Olivia smirks as she embraces Peter into a hug, "you look like shit."

"Okay, hold still" Happy tells Peter as he stitches up the wound on the back of the boys neck, "There we go" Peter groans as the needle pierces his skin, "I thought you had super strength."

"It still hurts" Peter scoffs, happy pulls the thread through and it causes Peter more pain, "Happy, come on."

"All right, relax" Happy tells him, "Just a few more. There we go."

"Oh, my God, Happy" Peter groans as he hits the table.

"Relax" happy demands.

"Don't tell me to relax, Happy!" Peter yells as he scrambles up off the floor, "How can I relax when I messed up so bad? I trusted Beck. Right? I thought he was my friend. I gave him the only thing Mr. Stark left for me, and now he's gonna kill my friends and half of Europe, so please do not tell me to relax" Peter sits down and runs his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, Happy. I'm sorry. I shouldn't shout. I just really miss him."

"Yeah, we miss him too" Olivia smiles, "he was a big part of all of us."

"Everywhere I go I see his face" happy tells the two teenagers.

"And the whole world is asking who's gonna be the next Iron Man" Peter states, "and I don't know if that's me. I'm not Iron Man."

"You're not Iron Man" Olivia shrugs, "You're never gonna be Iron Man. Nobody could live up to my dad. Not even he could."

"Tony was my best friend" happy states, "And he was a mess. He second-guessed everything he did. He was all over the place. The one thing that he did that he didn't second-guess was picking you. I don't think Tony would have done what he did if he didn't know that you were gonna be here after he was gone. Now, your friends are in trouble, you're all alone, your tech is missing. What are you gonna do about it?"

"I'm gonna kick his ass" Peter answers as he stands up.

"But I mean, right now. Specifically, what are we gonna do?" Happy asks, "Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last 15 minutes."

"Right. I can't call my friends because he's tracking their phones" Peter states, "Give me your phone."

"My cell phone?" Happy questions, "Okay. Here."

"What's your password?" Peter asks as he holds happy phone.

"Password" happy answers.

"No, what is your password?" Peter questions.

"Password" happy responds, "the word spell that password."

"You're the head of security and your password is password?" Olivia sighs.

"I– I don't feel good about it either" happy shrugs.

Peter accesses Flashes Instagram live from happy's phone, "Hello, governor. Cup of tea for you? I'm gonna be in London soon."

"They're in London" Peter states.

"London, okay" happy says standing up.

"I'll go get you guys some time" Olivia tells them.

"By doing what?" Peter asks the girl.

"Kicking his ass" Olivia smirks as her suit covers her.

Peter grabs her wrist, "to hell you are."

"I'm not killing myself" Olivia states, "I'm getting you some extra time."

"You're still weak" Peter reminds her, "he has drones he'll get you to see things, and you'll crack."

"You think if he shows me my father I'll crack" Olivia scoffs, "I'll be fine Parker. You're the one I should be worried about."

"Why me?" Peter asks.

"Peter You're going to die doing this" Olivia tells him, "you're going to die in that stupid costume!"

"Who says you aren't" Peter argues, "I'm doing this with you."

"Fine" Olivia sighs, "I'll meet you guys in London" and with that the girl makes herself disappear.

"I need a suit" Peter tells happy.

"Suit?" Happy gives a knowing smile and goes to the cockpit, pressing a button. The back of the jet opens up to reveal a workshop. Peter goes in, puts his hand on the scanner and the console activates.

Peter who is both surprised and initially apprehensive, "Okay, bring up everything you have on Spider-Man" the console shows each of the holograms of different Spider-suit designs. Peter opens one of the secondary files, "Yeah, open that. Okay, no, no, no" he scrolls through different weapons as Happy proudly looks on. Peter opens a holo of a web-shooter and puts his hand through it, causing the holo to attach to his arm. Peter notices Happy looking at him, "What?"

"Nothing" happy shrugs with a smile noticing how much the boy looks like Tony, "you take care of the suit, I'll take care of the music" happy goes back to the cockpit and turns on Back In Black by AC/DC.

"Oh, I love Led Zeppelin" Peter smiles, "Okay, can you pull up my web-shooters? Isolate the Taser webs, and reconfigure and boost the voltage to a factor of 25 percent, and give me complete manual control over detonation."

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