
Oleh pleasebemyperson

72K 3.3K 175

Hello! Here you cand find one-shots(or long-shots) about Hessa or Herophine! Enjoy! Lebih Banyak

Troubles in Seattle (Hessa)
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 1
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 2
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 3
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 4
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 5
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 6
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 7
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 8
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 9
One Night Stand (Herophine) - part 10
Surprise Pregnancy (Hessa)
Unexpected (Hessa)
How much? (Herophine) - part 1
How much? (Herophine) - part 2
How much? (Herophine) - part 3
The Proposal (Hessa)
The break-up (Hessa)
Beautiful Bastard (Hessa) - part 1
Beautiful Bastard (Hessa) - part 2
Beautiful Bastard (Hessa) - part 3
The Babysitter (Hessa)
The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 1
The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 2
The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 3
The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 4
The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 5
The Billionaire's Proposal (Hessa) - part 6
Changes (Herophine) - part 1
Changes (Herophine) - part 2
Changes (Herophine) - part 3
Changes (Herophine) - part 4
Changes (Herophine) - part 5
Changes (Herophine) - part 6
Changes (Herophine) - part 7
Changes (Herophine) - Part 8
Changes (Herophine) - part 9
Changes (Herophine) - part 10
Changes (Herophine) - part 11
Changes (Herophine) - part 12
Changes (Herophine) - part 13
Changes (Herophine) - part 14
Changes (Herophine) - part 15
Years and Years (Hessa) - part 1
Years and Years (Hessa) - part 2
Years and Years (Hessa) - part 3
Years and Years (Hessa) - part 4
Years and Years (Hessa) - part 5
Code Blue (Hessa) - part 1
Code Silver (Hessa) - part 2
šŸŽ„Code Red (Hessa) - part 3
A New Beginning (Hessa)
Mistakes (Herophine)
Step-By-Step (Herophine) - part 1
Step-By-Step (Herophine) - part 2
Step-By-Step (Herophine) - part 3
A Second Chance (Hessa)
StrarStruck (Herophine)
Adoption (Hessa) - Part 1
Adoption (Hessa) - Part 2
Adoption (Hessa) - Part 3
Summer Love (Hessa) - Part 1
Forever Love (Hessa) - Part 2
Mistletoe Magic (Hessa)

Co-Parenting (Herophine)

1.5K 79 11
Oleh pleasebemyperson

A few months ago...

"Fucking hell! Can you tell me why I slept with you one time and this happened?!" I yell at Hero as he keeps my hand.

"Well, my swimmers are strong." He laughs and I hit his chest.

"Just shut up! Ugh..." I groan in pain.

"Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"No, I'm just having contractions and I'm not dilated enough." I shut my eyes and I squeeze his hand tighter. "You won't be able to fuck me ever again!"

"I understand that, Josephine. But now you have to concentrate on giving birth to our baby boy."

How I ended up in this situation? Well, it happened nine months ago. I found Hero on a dating app. We give us a chance and we went on a date. We ended up having sex, but after that I didn't feel the sparkle between us. A few weeks later, I found out that I'm pregnant. I met him for a coffee to give him the news, informing him that I will keep the baby. I'm glad he didn't force me to abort, but he offered to help me. As there were no feelings between us, we decided to do co-parenting. I won a really good friend in him and I'm glad that our baby has a dad like him.

The doctor comes in and she comes to check me.

"Well, Josephine, you are almost ten centimeters dilated, so we are going to the delivery room." The doctor informs us.

"Finally!" He says and I hit his arm.

"I will kill you, Hero."

"You can do whatever you want after you will give birth, sweetheart." He kisses my forehead.

"A nurse will come here and she will move you to the delivery room. I'll see you there, guys!" She leaves and I look at Hero.

"We're going to have a baby."

"Yes, we will have a baby soon. After five fucking hours!" I say and the nurse comes in.

The nurse moves me to the delivery room where my doctor is, but Hero is not here.

"Where is Hero?"

"He has to change with a gown and a cap and he will be here, don't worry."

A few moments later, Hero comes in and he is funny with the cap on his hand and the gown. I want to laugh but I'm hit by a hurtful contraction and I have the urge to push.

"I want to push. He can't stay there anymore!"

"Don't push Josephine. I have to see if you are fully dilated, ok?"

"I can't do this." I let my head on my back and I feel hot tears on my cheeks.

"Josephine, please... you have to be strong for our baby boy, ok?" He kisses my forehead.

"Well, it's ok. Josephine, when you feel the next contraction, I want you to push, ok?" I nod and a few second later, the contraction hits me and I push.

I don't know how much time pass, but it feels like hours. I can't do this anymore. I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm so tired!" I cry and Hero looks at me.

"Josephine, you can do this. You are so strong and I believe you can do this." He whispers in my ear.

"Good news, just one push and the baby is out." I hear the doctor and I find the strength to pus one more time. After that, the room fills with a strong cry. Our baby is here. Hero leaves my side and he is back a few second later, leaning closer to me.

"He is perfect." He says and I see a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Skin to skin in the first moments of his life is good." A nurse comes with my little nugget and she puts him on my chest. He immediately stops crying. Oh, I'm a mother. This little baby is mine and I already love him with all my soul.

"Hi baby..." I say and I gently rub his little head. "I'm your mommy and I love you so much." I kiss his head and I look at Hero who has tears in his eyes. "Look at him, Hero. This is our baby boy."

"He's perfect."

"He really is."

One hour later, I am already in my room with Hero and we wait the nurse to bring us the baby.

"There he is." Hero says as the nurse comes inside with our baby boy.

"He has good lungs, he cried while I cleaned him." The baby is still crying, but not too loud. "He needed his mommy." She puts the baby in my arms and he calms down. Wow, I'm speechless. He just needs me to not cry. "Uhm, we need his name, so we can write it on his papers."

"Lucas Langford-Tiffin."

"Lucas George Langford-Tiffin." I say and Hero looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Good. I will be back in a few minutes and I will show you how to breastfeed. And if he cries, just walk with him around, but I don't think he will cry. I will be back soon." She leaves.

"Thank you." He looks at me with a little smile on his face.

"I know how much you father wanted to meet him, but he couldn't..." I take his hand. "And I thought giving your father's name, will make you happy."

"It really does, Josephine."

Hero's father was a good man, I met him, when we gave the news to his family. He was so happy when he knew that Hero was having a baby and when we revealed the gender, he was excited. But meanwhile, he was diagnosed with cancer in last stage and he died a few weeks ago. Hero was so strong and I was there for him, I was there to comfort him. Naming our son after his father, makes him happy.

Present time

Lucas is six months old now and he is the sweetest baby I've ever seen. I love him with my whole life and he is everything to me. He is our whole life, mine and his father's.

We were lucky to have a good boy as him. He was so nice since I brought him home, he didn't cry so much, just when he was really hungry and when he needed a new diaper. Thank God I didn't have problems with his tummy.

He is definitely a mommy's boy, maybe because he stays with me more, but he loves his father. Hero comes to visit us everyday and Lucas is happy to stay with his father. This co-parenting thing works well for us.

Hero is a good father for Lucas, he likes to play with him, to feed him, to go out with him. He excited every time he stays with Lucas. He has a girlfriend, which I don't like because she's not for him, but if he likes her, I'm not going to tell him what to do.

Today, Hero is coming to stay with Lucas for a few hours, while I will have something to do in town. It's 11am and Lucas has his first nap for today. He is sleeping for two hours already, so I should go and check him. I enter in his nursery and I find my baby boy looking at his toys above his head. He is such a good boy.

"Hi baby." I smile and he looks at me. As he sees me, he starts to move his arms and legs, babbling God knows what. I laugh and I go to take him in my eyes. "Did you sleep well, baby? Yes, you did." I kiss his little face. "Let's go and give you some apple puree. I know you like it."

I leave his room and I go in the kitchen. I put him on his eating seat, I secure the belts and I turn to take the food and a little spoon. As he was able to sit up, I gave him food and he loves it. I give him a solid meal a day and apart from that, I breastfeed him. He also loves my tits. A little bit too much because he eats as he wants and he just stays there and he plays with it. But this is not bothering me. He is a nice kid and I love him.

I take his bowl and I start to feed him. After a few minutes, I hear a knock at the door, so Hero is here. I quickly take Lucas in my arms and I go to open the door. As he sees his dad, he smiles and babbles.

"Hello, little one!" He smiles and he takes the baby from my arms.

"Thanks for coming. And I'm sorry for bothering you, but no one was available and I don't trust a stranger."

"There is no problem, Josephine. I'm glad to have fun with my son."

"Let's get inside. I have to feed him." We go in the kitchen and I put Lucas back in his seat and I try to feed him, but all his attention is on his father. "Luc, baby... You have to eat."

"May I try? He is looking at me and maybe he wants me to feed him."

"Ok, go on!" I give him Lucas's plate. "I'm going upstairs to get ready, I have to leave in 15 minutes."

"Ok, then."

I leave them alone and I go upstairs to get ready. I get dressed and I go back downstairs where I find Hero and Lucas. Lucas is done eating and Hero cleaned his face. He has saliva on his chin. I walk to him and I while the saliva.

"I have to rub some gel on his gums." I take the gel from the drawer. "Can you keep him facing me, please?"


I put some gel on my finger and I go to Lucas. I rub the gel on his gums and I feel something on them. I look better and I see the tip of a tooth.

"Oh, he is teething." I smile. "That's why he has so much saliva."

"He's a big boy."

"I'm surprised he didn't have fever. His pediatrician warned me that he should teething and I should expect fever and sassiness, but he was so good. He even slept all night. Well, except when he wanted my tit." I giggle. "How are the things between you and Emily?"


"That's nice." I look at my watch. "I should leave. You know where the milk is, his toys. And you can take him out. It's very nice outside and you can take him in the back yard. I will be back in a few hours."


"Call me if something happens, ok?"

"Yes, I will."

"Thank you, again!" I kiss Lucas and I leave.

Today I have a gynecologist appointment, just a check-up at six months post-partum, and if I had someone with Lucas, I decided to have lunch with my best friend, Lisa.

I arrive in time at my appointment, where everything goes well. After I was done, I went to a nice restaurant where I met Lisa.

"Hi, girl!"

"Hello!" I hug her.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes. My nugget is with his father."

"Oh... so, you and Hero?"

"Lisa, you know that he is in a relationship and he is happy with her. He's just Lucas's father."

"And you like him. And don't deny it."

"I don't like him."

"Yeah, yeah. Continue to lie me!"

"Jesus, Lis... I have nothing to do with him."

"But he is your baby daddy."

"And we are doing great with this co-parenting."

"If you say..." She looks on the menu. "But if I would be in your place, I would take advantage and have fun."

"Don't do this, Lis. We're just friends."

"Yeah, yeah."

A waiter comes to take our order and a few moments later, he brings us our drinks and he leaves.

"And how's baby Luc?"

"He's great. He is really nice and good. I'm lucky to have a baby like him. Oh, he is teething. I massaged his gums today and I felt a tip."

"Oh, that's cute. I will come visit in weekend. I'm leaving tomorrow for a business trip."

"A business-sex trip with your boss. What a life!"

"We're not going to have just sex. We have a lot to do in Paris about our work."

"Paris?! Oh my God! He's great for you, Lis."

"Yeah, I know!"

"Paris, city of love." I look up and a I see a familiar face. I see Emily with a guy which is not Hero. And she stays too close.

"What's up, Jo?" She looks in that direction. "What are you looking at?"

"See that girl?"

"Yeah, what's up with her?"

"She's Hero's girlfriend."

"And she's kissing that guy. She has her tongues deep in his throat."


"Shit? You can't keep this a secret. Your baby daddy has to know."

"But he loves her."

"And she obviously doesn't love him."

"I will see what I'm going to do."

After one hour and half, we part our ways and I go back home. How I'm supposed to tell Hero that his girlfriend was on a date with a man? Shit. Why I had to see that scene? Ugh, I can't just pretend that I saw nothing. Let's hope he will believe me.

When I park the car in the front of the house, it's already 4 pm, so Lucas should be sleeping. I take my bag and I get in the house. I hear from upstairs Lucas's babbles, I take off my shoes and I go there to see what's happening. I find them in my bedroom, Hero is laying on the bed and Lucas is just playing with him, hitting his chest and trying to eat his arms. He's so cute.

"Luc, baby. What are you doing? Why are you eating daddy?" I walk in and Lucas looks at me and he giggle. "It's funny, huh?" I walk to him and I take him in my arms. "Ugh, you are full of saliva and you stink." I walk to his room and Hero follows us. "He was good?"

"Yeah. But he didn't sleep."

"Oh, why?"

"I have no idea. I put him to sleep, I gave him a bottle and I left him alone. I was downstairs and I heard him babbling after 15 minutes. So, I came up here and I started to play with him."

"I will put him to sleep soon. I'll breastfeed and I'm sure he will fall asleep."

"I'm gonna live."

"No, wait. I want to talk with you. Can you stay a little bit longer?"

"Yeah, sure. I will be downstairs."


I quickly change Luc, then I sit on the rocking chair. I lift up my blouse and I unclasp my bra, then I latch Luc on my breast. I feel his little teeth, but it's not biting me. Yet. After 15 minutes, he stopped sucking my nipple and he is sleeping. I gently move him in his crib, I fix my bra and blouse, then I turn on the baby monitor and I go downstairs where Hero is waiting.

"So? What's up?"

"Have a seat. I don't know if you will react good after I will tell you this."

"Ok... I'm listening."

"Well, if you were here with Luc, I took advantage and I went to have lunch with Lisa."

"And I'm glad you had fun."

"I just want to get inside the story. And we were at this restaurant where I saw Emily."

"Emily? It's impossible. She's out of town to visit her parents."

"No, she's not. I saw her today and she was kissing someone else."

"It's impossible, maybe you didn't see well."

"I'm sorry, Hero..." I look at him. "But it was Emily."

"I'll call her." He takes out his phone and after a few moments, someone answers and I can hear that it's not Emily. "Emily?" He makes a pause to listen the other man. "Who are you and why are you answering at her phone? Who I am? I am... was her boyfriend. Tell her that we're done. Have a happy life with her!" He ends the call and he looks nowhere.

"Hey... Are you ok?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm leaving." He gets up.

"I'm sorry, Hero."

"Good bye, Josephine."

He leaves and I don't do anything. I think he needs some time alone. He just found out his girlfriend cheating on him. It's not easy to find out something like this. I hope he will be fine and he won't keep his feelings inside, as he did when his father died.

I go upstairs and I change my clothes, then I go downstairs to work something until Luc will be up.

After almost three hours, I look on the monitor and I see my baby awake. I finish my work exactly when he starts to whimper. I quickly go upstairs and I enter his room. I turn on the lights and as he sees me, he starts to smile.

"Good morning, love." I take him in my arms. "Did you sleep well?" I hug him and I inhale his baby smell. Ugh, I love this smell. "I love you so much, baby boy."

I go back downstairs and I put him on his play mat, while I sit on the couch and watch him,

A few hours later...

Luc is sleeping already for a few hours now, and I can finally relax a bit. I take off my clothes and I get in the bathtub. I stay there for a while, until I'm interrupted by my phone. I take it and I see a text from Hero: Open the door. Open the door? What? I quickly get up, I wrap myself in my fluffy robe and I go downstairs in a hurry. I walk to the door and I unlock it. In the front of the door, I find a drunk Hero. What happened?


"May I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." I move from the door and he comes inside. "What happened? Did you drink?"

"Of course, I did. What's up with that?"

"What are you doing here? It's pretty late."

"I don't care." He sits on the couch. "She broke me, Josephine..."

"I'm sorry..."

"I thought she likes me so much... we can't talk about love. I thought I like her, but I was wrong."

"Hero..." I sit next to him and I rub his back. "I'm really sorry you had to find out in this way..."

"Maybe she wasn't the right woman."

"You will find the perfect woman someday."

"What if I found her?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if you are the one?"

"Hero..." he looks at me and I feel my heart beating faster. Lisa was right, but I don't want to admit that I like him. Finally. After going through pregnancy together and raising a kid, I finally know him better and I really like him. But I couldn't do anything because he didn't give me any sign.

"Josephine... We are having a kid together and I don't know if what I felt for Emily was true."

"You are drunk and you don't know what are you saying..."

"Yes, I know. You are the mother of my child. And I love you, as the mother of my baby, but I like you in the romantic way. My feelings were mixed until tonight, when I figured out the I didn't feel something strong for Emily."

"The alcohol talks for you. What if you will go to sleep and we can talk tomorrow."

"I don't want to talk. I know exactly what I want." He looks at me. "I know I want to be with the mother of my child." He is talking shit. He is drunk and he needs to sleep.

"Hero, you need to sleep."

"No, I don't need to sleep. I need you." He drags me on his lap and he starts to kiss me.

"Hero..." I moan in his mouth.

"Please... Let me enjoy you tonight."

"You are not in a good mental health right now..."

"Yes, I am. And I know I want you. Let's give us a second try. Fuck off with this co-parenting shit. In the last months, I changed my feelings for you..."

"What if it's wrong what we want to do?"

"Then we can continue what we did until now. Please..."

"Ok." I stick my forehead to his.

"Ok. I have a good feeling about this and I can't wait to discover what we can do together." 

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