Wild Thing

Por Grattsfan

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Kasey Wild is a single Mom and college student. She joins the college's soccer team, the Capital City Crusad... Más



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Por Grattsfan

The morning of the home opener and debut for Kasey with the North Carolina Courage. 

Kasey is up with her alarm while Kelley enjoys a bit more shut eye. She lets Buddy out for his morning run around in the yard while making some coffee for them. 

After letting Buddy back in and making sure to wipe his paws off, Kasey carries two cups of coffee into the bedroom. 

"Mmmm, I smell coffee."  

"Yes, you do. If you want yours, you're going to need to sit up." 

Kelley smiles as she sits up and Kasey passes over a cup.  "Perfect. Just the way I like it." 

"Good to know that I haven't forgotten how you take it." 

Kasey sits down at Kelley's feet. 

"How'd you sleep, Kase?" 

"Really well, best sleep I've had since you before you left." 

Kelley nods, "It's a nice change not waking up all alone. I've missed our morning pillow talk." 

Kasey laughs, "Yeah, right! I'm usually talking to myself while you're still asleep." 

Kelley shrugs, "It takes a lot of sleep to look this good." 

"Uh huh. I'm sure it does." Kasey laughs. 

"What time is it?" 

"A little after 9, which I know is still early for you. I'm going to head out on the deck for some morning yoga and meditation; you're more than welcome to join me. After, I'm going to give Ky a call and check in, I'm sure she'd love to know that you're here." 

"As much as I wouldn't mind watching you doing downward dog, I think I'll pass and stay in bed a bit longer. Make sure you dress warm, okay? If I fall back asleep, wake me for the call." 

Kasey nods, before standing up, bending over to kiss Kelley, grabbing a sweatshirt and then heading out. 

Kelley turns over and unplugs her phone before typing out a message. 

New Message

Momo: Morning kiddo! Your Mom is going to be calling you shortly to check in, don't forget that you need to act like you're still at home, okay? Also, you don't know that I'm here. 

Little Wild: Got it! All good! I can't wait to surprise her. HAO made sure that everyone has jerseys to wear today. Mine says Little Wild on the back and has Mom's number 1 on it. 

Momo: Nice. Remind me to thank her for that. I should go before your Mom comes back. See you soon, kiddo. 

Little Wild: Yep. 

As she finishes off her coffee, Kelley decides to go ahead and sent her friend a thank you message before she forgets. 

New Message

KO: Thank you for hooking up Kylie and the fam with jerseys. 

HAO: No problem. Angie has one for you to wear as well unless you're stealing one of Kasey's. Also, she has your pass for the stadium. 

KO: I'll definitely be rocking on of Kase's jersey's today, I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm proud of my wife and everything she's accomplished, so far. 

HAO: Good to hear, see you in a few hours.  

Kelley goes to set her phone down only to feel in buzz in her hand, she looks down at the screen and smiles. 

New Message

Kailen: Heard through the grapevine that you were in NC. Tell Wild good luck for me and that the Sheridan's will be watching. 

O'Hara: Grapevine, huh? Let me guess DMath? 

Kailen: Yeah. 

O'Hara: How are things with Sky Blue?

Kailen: Same shit, different day. 

Kelley chuckles before typing

O'Hara: Look forward to beating you this season. 

Kailen: Fighting words, O'Hara. 

O'Hara: Always! Have a good one Kai. 

Kasey walks into the bedroom followed by Angie and Buddy right on their heels. 

"You ready to eat?" 

Kelley smiles, "When have I ever said no to food, Kase?" 

"That would be never in the time we've known each other." 

"Exactly. I hear you have something for me, Angie." 

Angie nods, "I do. Be right back." 

Kelley reaches for Kasey's hip and pulls her over and down for a kiss. 

"Keep in your pants! There will be known of that on my watch!" 

Kelley looks at her wife and smiles, "Kase, I think you need to find a new roommate." 

Kasey laughs and shakes her head. 

Angie tosses a bag in her direction, "Delivery from HAO." 

Kelley opens the bag and removes the pass from it along with her very own Courage jersey, complete with Mrs. Wild and the number 1 on the back of it. She laughs and turns it around to show the other two women the customization. 

Kasey laughs, "You're definitely wearing that." 

"Deal, but, only if you agree to wear a Royals jersey with Mrs. O'Hara on the back of it." 

"I could always use another shirt to sleep in." 

Kelley smiles, "Uh huh. Do I have time to grab a shower and get changed before the food is ready?" 

Kasey nods, "Yes, but, make it quick. I've got a schedule to keep." 

"Yes, dear!"

Kelley waits until they leave the room, before climbing off the bed and pulling out some clothes from her case and then heading into the bathroom to get showered and cleaned up. 

A short time later, Kasey smells the scent of her body wash on Kelley before feeling arms wrap around her from behind. She leans back into her wife, "I'm really glad that you're here, Kel." 

"I wouldn't have it any other way, beautiful. I'm proud of you, Kase and I can't wait to see you out on that field tonight."

Kelley helps to tidy up after they are finished eating, "So, what's next on your game day list of to do's?" 

Kasey shrugs, "Take Buddy for a long walk and then probably take a nap and or watch something to chill out."  

"Do you mind if I join you and Buddy on your walk?" 

Kasey smiles, "I don't mind, but, you should ask Buddy if he does, just in case." 

Kelley looks over at where Buddy is currently laying and soaking in some sunshine. "Hey Buddy, do you mind if I come with you on your walk?" 

Buddy's ears perk up when he hears the word, walk and he looks over to ensure he heard them properly. 

"I don't think he minds, Kase." 

The get themselves ready to head outside, before leashing up Buddy and then heading out for a walk. 

"How are you feeling about everything, Kase?" 

"Obviously, I'm nervous about tonight. I know the team are expecting big things and there's been a lot of time, money and energy exerted towards promoting me and Kasey's Kids. I just don't want to let anyone down." 

"The only way you can let anyone down, is by not being yourself. You are exception, Mrs. Wild O'Hara and soon the world is going to know your name." 

"You always know what to say, Kel." 

"The words come easy when it's with and about you. Love you." 

"I love you, too, Kel. And so you know I've been keeping the promise I made to you and been seeing the team shrink regularly. Talking with him has really helped as well as doing my best to maintain a fairly regular schedule and routine. Having Buddy around has really helped as well, he seems to always know when I'm stuck in my head." 

Kelley nods, "Yeah, animals are super intuitive. I'm proud of you for working on you, if that makes sense, Kase." 

"It does and now, if you don't mind we need to head back as a I have schedule to keep." 

"Am I allowed to nap with you or do you think that will throw you off?" 

"Do you mind if I ask you not to? It's just that you aren't going to be here regularly and ..." 

"It's okay. I'll head to the hotel and hang with the fam until game time. Let me just grab a couple of things from the bedroom and switch into my Courage jersey." 

 Kelley walks out of the bedroom modelling the shirt and Kasey can't help but laugh, "Not gonna lie I kinda wish it was a keeper shirt, because you're about to get roasted for wearing a player issued one with my name on it." 

"Beggars can't be choosers and I'm sure you'll hook me up with one down the line." 

"I'll make sure it's one of the banana ones." 

"I look horrible in yellow." 

"And you think I don't?" 

Kelley shrugs. 

"Thanks for the support. Before you leave I do have one request." 

"That being?" 

Kasey smiles at her, "Can I have a good luck kiss?" 

"Most definitely." 

The couple exchange several kisses and hugs before separating and smiling at each other. "I love you. See you after the game to celebrate, Wild Thing."  

Kasey smiles, "Love you. Be good." 

"I'll try, but, no garantees!" 

Kelley collects the keys for her car and heads out the door leaving Kasey standing there watching it close. 

Making her way to the bathroom to do whats she needs do, Kasey then heads into the bedroom and climbs under the covers, checking her alarm is set before turning of the light and closing her eyes. She turns over and a smile forms on her face as she grabs ahold of the pillow that smells like her wife and falls asleep with her arms wrapped around it. 

Arriving at the hotel, Kelley parks and then makes her way inside. Walking out of the elevator she is met by a body wrapping their arms around her, "Momo, I'm so happy you're here." 

"Missed you, kiddo. You excited for tonight?" 

"Uh huh, Auntie Erin and me made some signs, do you want to see them?" 

"Of course. Lead the way, Ky."

Kelley and Kylie make their way down the hallway and into an open doorway where they find Erin adding glitter to a sign. 

"S'up, Er?" 

Erin stands up and hugs her sister, "S'up, Squirrel?" 

"Little Wild and I have had a busy morning making these, what do you think?"

Kelley smiles at the signs that read, "Kasey Wild Fan Club", "Wild Thing", and one that says "Go Mom", with a big heart and #1 in the centre of it. 

"These are incredible, Ky, your Mom is going to love them." 

Erin burst out laughing when she sees the back of Kelley's shirt, "Nice shirt." 

"What's yours say?" 

Erin smiles and laughs, "My Sis Is Wild." 

Kelley bursts out laughing, "HAO really had fun getting these all made didn't she?" 

"Yeah. Sounds like most of the team is aware of them." 

"Kase is so focused on proving herself during the game, I don't think she'd notice if there was anything going on around her right now. She even sent me away so she could nap and stay on task." 

"Wow, kicked out of the marital bed already, that's gotta be a record." 

"Shut up! It's not like I wasn't there last night." Kelley winks at her sister. 


"Where is everyone else?" 

"The 'rents decided to head out for lunch and maybe do some shopping; they were bored just sitting at the hotel. Ky and I got bored after watching a couple of movies and decided to make some signs for the game." 


Kelley sits and hangs out with her sister and daughter while they await the parents returning. 

Meanwhile back at Kasey's, the keeper is having difficulties in the napping area and decides rather than just laying in the bed staring at the ceiling to get up and make herself comfortable to do some meditation before then ensuring she checks her go bag has everything that she could possibly need for the game and lays out some clothes. 

Checking the time, Kasey heads out to the kitchen to make herself something to eat and drink. 

New Message

Jen: Knock 'em dead out there today, Wild Thing; wish I could be there to see it in person. 

Wild Thing: Thanks. How are you doing?

Jen: Missing our chats and your lumpy couch. 

Wild Thing: You know my number and the couch is always here if you need a place to crash. 

Jen: I might take you up on that during our bye week. 

Wild Thing: Doors always open. 

Jen: Thanks. I need to focus on our game, even though I'm going to once again watching from the sidelines. 

Wild Thing: You'll get your chance and when you do I'll be cheering with everything in me. Love you. 

Jen: Love you, too. Call me tomorrow, I need to know everything!

Wild Thing: Kelley is here, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to. 

Jen: In otherwords you're spending your day in bed with your wife, doing things. 

Kasey laughs

Wild Thing: Definitely planning on doing things. Talk soon. 

Jen: K bye. 

Finishing off her meal, Kasey places the dishes in the sink for washing later and looking down at her feet finds Buddy wagging his tail. 

"Time for a walk?" 

His tail thumps excitedly at the floor and she laughs. "Okay, let me just get ready and we'll go." 

Pulling on some shoes, a light jacket and grabbing her phone, keys and the ever present poop bag, Kasey and Buddy head off for their usual walk around the area before returning home. She makes sure to fill both his food and water dish before making her way to the bathroom, removing her clothes and standing under the hot water pelting down on her from the shower head. 

Stepping out, she hears a noise and wraps a towel around herself, "Ang, is that you?" 

"Yeah, sorry I'm late, I got held up." 

"No worries, I'm just getting ready now." 

"Has Buddy been out?" 

"I took him out for his usual squirrel hunt before jumping in the shower." 

She hears Angie let out a laugh, "Okay, I'm going to get changed and ready to go. Can we take your car to the stadium?" 


Kasey towels herself off and puts on the clothes she's wearing to the stadium, before heading back to the bathroom to finish out her routine. She adds a little extra makeup, including mascara ensuring that it's all waterproof and then re-dampens her hair with her hands before squirting out some of her extra hold gel into them and proceeding to stylize her now famous messy hair look. Satisfied with everything, she washes her hands to remove any leftover sticky stuff and heads back to her bedroom to complete her look. 

As she looks in her closet for footwear, she selects some runners that Under Armour sent, knowing that she shouldn't wear anything with heels prior to the match. She ties them up and then puts on her leather jacket, it's probably over kill, but, she having already been informed that there will be coverage on social media of her arrival and walk in at the stadium, she wants to look every bit of her inner Wild Thing. 

She smiles and nods, at her look in the mirror before collecting her go bag and a few other things for the road. 

"Angie, you ready?" 


With a final pet on Buddy's head, the two keepers make their way out to Kasey's shiny new car and make the drive to Sahlen's Stadium at WakeMed Soccer Park. 

Pullling into the designated parking lot, Kasey slides down her Ray-Bans and acknowledges the security guard who directs her where to park and wishes her good luck. 

As she pulls her go bag out from the backseat, she hears a voice behind her, "Nice ride!" 

Kasey laughs, "Kelley's car is good but this is amazing! It's definitely an attention grabber. What are you doing here so early, HAO?" 

"I was talking with KO and she told me that you'd be here early to show some of the kids from Kasey's Kids around the stadium and changeroom, thought that I'd join you." 

"That'd be awesome, thank you. They aren't scheduled to arrive for a bit though, so I figured to get changed and do some meditation before they did." 

"I can make myself scarce, if that's what you need." 

"It's fine. Usually anytime I sit or lay on the floor on home to meditate or do yoga, Buddy tries to help me; I'm used to distractions." 

"Buddy's a good boy." 

Kasey smiles and nods, "He definitely is, although, I think our neighbourhood squirrels would say otherwise." 

HAO laughs and they make the walk to the entrance, following Angie inside and making their way towards the changing room. 

"Wild! Wild! Stop!" Kasey stops and turns around, "What's up, David?" 

He puts his finger up to indicate that he needs a minute to catch his breath. "Okay, the Courage asked me to follow you around and snap some pics for the website and social media. I ddidn't expect you to be here quite this early. Can we head back out to the parking lot and get you to make the walk inside with your sunglasses and leather on? We need a sexy ass, Kasey Wild is in the house, y'all, pic!"

Kasey laughs, "Fine, but, only because it's you asking. Do you want Ang and HAO in them as well?" 

"HAO, do you want to do a couple? Nothing sells better than a legend and a rookie in a pic."

The two make their way back towards the doors and outside the stadium, amusing the security as they turn around and walk back in together, chatting and smiling for the camera. 

"I need a few more of just you, Wild and then I'll catch up with you when you meet the kids." 

Kasey poses for a few more stills, before calling it quits and heading into the changeroom to switch out her clothing and begin the process of getting into pre-game mode. 

Kasey enjoys the short interaction with the children and adult supervisors as she leads the group around with Heather. They are shown the changeroom where the kits are now hanging and awaiting the players arrivals. Once they are escorted out in the hallway, Kasey takes pictures with them and hands out some postcards that she's already signed with her pictured in her Courage kit. As she holds them, she makes a note to ask for a stack of them from the front office so that she can begin responding to the fan mail that is once again stacking up. 

As the other players begin to arrive, Kasey acknowledges them with a head bob, before putting in her headphones and finding a spot in the hallway with an open wall that she can toss her tennis balls against. While she continues to go through her process of throwing and cathcing them, increasing the speed as she does, David quietly snaps pics in the background of the now highly focused keeper. 

Oblivious to her surroundings, Kasey doesn't even notice that the visitors from Orlando have no arrived and are watching her from a distance. 

Ali grabs Ashlyn's arm and shakes her head, "Don't. You know how upset you get when someone interrupts your routine. This is an important night for her and she needs to focus." 

Ashlyn nods, "Maybe I should start including tennis balls in my warmup." 

Ali shrugs, "Couldn't hurt. Come on, let's go." 

As her playlist runs through, Kasey collects the yellow balls and heads back inside the changeroom to find the players blasting out tunes, dancing around and just having fun, trying to stay loose before the match. 

She tucks away the balls in her go bag and then removes her headphones. Grabbing some fluids, she decides to join in and do a bit of dancing and laughing with her teammates before the Coaching Staff make their appearances. 

Crystal stops the playlist and cues up, "I Got You." As the sound of her voice fills the room, Kasey can't help but smile and enjoy herself. Some of her Courage teammates decide it's a good time to upload video of their pregame antics including the blue haired keeper in them. 

Kelley still sitting at the hotel, waiting for her parents to finish getting ready for the game, logs onto Instagram and scrolls through the pics posted by the Courage, and their players before seeing some video showing Kasey dancing around and laughing. She turns her phone around for Kylie to see, "Looks like your Mom is enjoying herself." 

With game time drawing nearer, the music is gone and the players sit mostly in quiet focusing on the task at hand. Kasey sits in her stall, checking her cleats and making sure they are tied tight. She slides her shinguards inside her socks and positions them, before then standing up and adjusting her warmup clothing and shorts. She holds her gloves in her hands, as the instructions are given and when it's time for the warmups wants to be the last out as was her Capital City superstition, but, not possible here when the keepers are the first on the field. She slides on her gloves and rip, rip, rips them before walking alongside Katelyn, Angie and Nathan out to the field. 

Stopping at the touchline, she looks around before then taking off down the field towards the 18 yard line. She makes sure to give the group of Kasey's Kids a wave and smile before falling in line to complete her warmup with her fellow keepers. She does her best to focus on Nathan and his directions but her nerves begin to get the better of her as the noise level around her increases. She misses a few beats before taking some breaths and getting stuck in. 

In the meantime, Kelley, Kylie, Erin and the 'rents have finally arrived at the stadium and are making their way towards their seats. 

Kylie starts jumping and cheering the moment she sees her Mom on the field and Pat Wild wipes away the tears from her eyes as they fall. Karen knowing how emotional a moment it is for any parent seeing their child making their debut, puts her arm around Kasey's Mom and holds her. 

They stand and take pictures and some video of everything, so that Kasey has something to look back on. 

Kelley can tell that her wife is battling nerves when she bobbles a soft shot that the usually solid keeper would have no issues with on a regular day. But today isn't a regular day in the Wild O'Hara family as it isn't everyday that a member of the family makes their NWSL debut. 

As the clock coutdowns on the board, the players begin to exit the field from their warmups and head in to get changed for the game. Kasey collects her water bottle and begins to make the walk towards the opening, when HAO approaches her, "Kase, you might want to look up in the stands, right over there." Kasey looks in the direction that she is shown and can't believe that not only are Kelley, Erin and their parents in attendance but Kylie and her Mom are right there beside them holding up the signs that the youngest member of the family helped to make for the occasion. 

She puts her still gloves hand up to her mouth, "Did you have anything to do with all of them wearing matching Courage jerseys?" 

HAO laughs and signals for them to turn around as the players still remaining on the field take in the sight of the personalized tocuh applied to each one. 

"Is it wrong to say that Kelley really looks good in Courage colours?" 

HAO laughs, "No, just don't let anyone else hear you say that. Come on, we need to head in."

Kasey forms a heart with her hands and raises it towards them before heading inside.  

Having seen her family in the stands, especially Kylie, relaxes Kasey and a smile fills her face as she removes her warmups and replaces them with her game kit. She heads towards and uses the bathroom before washing her hands and checking that her hair is go to go in the large mirror. She goes through her self talk and some visualizations before then making her way back to take her seat in the changeroom. She's aware that the Coach is talking but isn't hearing or taking in anything he's saying until she hears her name repeated. 

"Wild?" Wild?" 

Kasey looks up, "Yes, Coach?" 

"You good?" 

She nods. 

"As I was saying I received an email earlier today from a Coach Smith at Capital City College with some instructions attached to it." 

Kasey looks on, questioningly as the Coach smiles. "You ready?" 

Kasey nods, "Yes, Coach." 

"Then get your gloves on and let's go!" 


Kasey smiles and she takes her gloves, pulls them on and rips at the Velcro 3 times on each side, before standing up and shaking out her arms and hands. 

"Subs out to bench, starters get lined up. Let's have a good game, ladies." 


The players head out the doorway and begin to lineup, "Wild, you're at the front; behind the kiwi." 

Kasey laughs, "My bad. I'm used to always being the last out." 

"All good, rookie." Sam Mewis smiles and winks at her as she takes her place in line.

Kasey walks past her teammates and takes her place behind the team's Captain, Abby Erceg before looking over and noticing the grins on the Pride players who are already lined up across from them in the tunnel. 

Ashlyn offers her a fist bump, "You ready for this, Wild Thing?" 

"Born ready." 

Ashlyn laughs and Ali and Alex approach her and each gives her a hug before retaking their places in line. 

Kasey hold's a little girl's hand as she enters the stadium and the teams line up for the anthem. As the energy and noise level increases throughout the building, she does her best to take it all in before joining the starting lineup for the customary pre-game picture. 

Joining the players on the touchline as the Captain's do their thing, Kasey is handed her water bottle and a towel by Angie. "Don't forget to have fun." 

She smiles, "Let me guess, my wife asked you to relay that message." 

Angie smiles and nods.

With the sides chosen, players begin to take their places on the field for the opening kickoff. Kasey takes a deep breath before running down the field and stopping at the 18 yard line. She takes a moment to shrink the net in her head before placing down her water bottle and towel beside the post. She turns around and faces the field, shaking out her arms and hands before jumping up and down three times and locking her vision onto the white sphere that now rests on the centre marker. The sounds of a familiar song belts out over the speakers in the stadium and Kasey can't help but look over to where her family is standing and cheering. Closing her eyes one last time and taking a deep breath, Kasey opens them and Kelley sees the look and smiles with the knowledge that her girl is locked in and ready to go. 

The opening whistle of the match sounds out and the Courage immediately take it to the visitors. Two minutes into the match, Ashlyn is called upon and comes up with the save off a sneaky ball from Debhina. Twenty minutes gone and Kasey's touched the ball a total of three times, all as a result of pass backs from her teammates. Not that she minds, but, she'd really like to get into the game. 

Minutes later, the Pride are given a corner as Courage defender Hinkle deflects the ball past the endline. As the Brazilian legend, Marta cues up behind the ball, Kasey yells out directions to her teammates. The whistle sounds and the left foot connects, Kasey knows she doesn't have space to collect the ball, so instead she opts to punch it away from danger. The Pride regroup with Ali gaining possession of the ball on the right side, Kasey noticing Alex's movement, calls attention to #13 as the ball is served into the box. Abby Dahlkemper, isn't fast enough and can only watch on as her US teammate is able to make a quick dish off to Marta who's appeared to the left of her. Kasey moves out to cut off the angle as the pass is executed, but, doesn't expect her not to fire on target but instead send it back where it came from. Kasey scrambles back and as Alex connects on the one touch, executes the perfectly timed dive, knocking down and collecting the rebound before the toe of Ubogagu can connect. Quickly to her feet, Kasey gets up and runs with the ball to the top of the box before punting the ball downfield towards the speedster, Lynn Williams. 

Williams reads the play and takes off catching up to the ball and then outpacing the Pride defenders and making it look easy as she fires a lazer past Harris, who was forced to come out and challenge. As the ball hits the mesh behind the Pride keeper, the crowd rises to their feet and cheers not only the amazing goal, but, the fact that their new goalkeeper is the one who spearheaded it and subsequently was awarded an assist on the play. 

Kasey celebrates with her teammates, unaware that she's in fact been awarded an assist on the goal. 

The goal sparks the Courage and soon afterwards Crystal Dunn finds the netting behind Ashlyn to give the Courage a two goal advantage heading into the half. 

Kasey collects her stuff and jogs all the way to the tunnel entrance before following her teammates into the changeroom for the break. 

Everyone leaves their rookie keeper alone and focuses in on the instructions for the second half. 

As the second half gets underway the visitors mount an attack and Kasey faces a fury of shots, before denying Alex in close with her cat like reflexes. She pounces on the ball and allows her team to catch their breath and reset before dropping the ball and passing it out to Abby Erceg.  

Kelley watches the game from the stands and couldn't be prouder of her wife. Kasey has taken control of her team and is leading from the back. Not to mention, the fact that it seems like they've been told to allow her to play the ball and be ready for the long pass out. 

Times begins to wind down, and the Pride make a couple of subs looking to spark the offence. Krieger sends one ahead of Hill looking for the breakout but Kasey's all over it and quickly off her line. She boots the ball forward to Sam Mewis who heads it on to the speedy Dunn, Crystal takes it to the corner and attempts the cross only to have it blocked and deflected out by a member of the opposition. Abby Dahlkemper sets the ball down at the corner flag and raises her hand up before sending a perfect ball to the head of the Captain, Abby Erceg who directs it down and past the outreached arm of Ashlyn to put the home team on top by three. 

The crowd of 8,000 rises to their feet and cheers their team as they play into 2 minutes of added time with a commanding 3 - 0 lead. The noise is so loud that at first Kasey doesn't hear the shrill sound of the referee's whistle sounding to end the match. She raises her arms up in the air as her teammates swarm and offer their congratulations. 

Kasey looks over at Kylie who is bouncing around in the stands and smiles. Taking the space she needs, Kasey makes a run towards them and completes a backflip before pointing towards her daughter and wife. 

"Nice game, Wild." 

Kasey hugs her friend and teammate, "Thanks, HAO." 

Kasey jogs back to collect her water bottle and towel and passes them off to one of the team's trainers before approaching the Pride players with hugs and handshakes all around. Noticing that Ashlyn is looking at her standing with her arms crossed and doing her best not to smile, Kasey can't help but laugh as she hugs her friend and fellow member of the GK Union. 

"S'up, Ash?" 

"Really? You don't know?" 

"Know what?" Kasey looks at Ali, confused as to what Ashlyn is hinting at.  

"You couldn't score, so instead, you decide to dish out an assist." 

"An assist? Wait, you mean on Lynn's goal?" 

Ashlyn and Ali nod, "They gave you an assist on the goal. Quite the pass, Wild." 

Kasey smiles and shrugs, "I saw the opening and figured that she had the wheels, so why not go for it." 

"Guess this means that supper is on me, tonight, huh?" 

Kasey laughs, "I'll never turn down a free meal." 

"Sounds like something that your wife would say. I see that the entire clan showed up for the game." 

Kasey nods, "Have a feeling that Kelley was heavily involved in the planning of it." 

"Most likely. We'll see you afterwards, Kase." 

Kasey makes her way over towards the touchline and is stopped by someone in a Courage shirt. She is handed a trophy and informed that she was named the player of the match. She shakes a few hands and poses for a couple of pictures with the trophy before passing it back. 

After getting some final instructions and grabbing some water, she is able to finally make her way towards where her family is now waiting for her on the field. Kylie comes running and Kasey scoops her up and hugs her, kissing her cheek. "I'm so glad you're here." 

"Momo said it was okay if I missed school to come and see you play." 

Kasey looks over at her wife and shakes her head, "She did, huh? Well, it is." 

Kelley wraps her arms around her, "I'm so proud of you, beautiful. You played amazing and earned an assist on top of everything else." 

"I honestly didn't know about that until Ash told me a few minutes ago." 

"I'm sure it's going to play a big part in the highlight package as well as that save you made on Janice." 

Kasey laughs and hugs everyone else in the group, thanking them all for coming and holding on especially tight to her Mom. "You did it, Kasey. You always said that one day you were going to be a pro and that day has finally arrived." 

"I wouldn't be where I am today without you, Mom; love you." 

"Love you, too." 

"Mom, Mom what did you think of our signs? Did you see them?" 

"I did, Ky and they look awesome! I really like the glitter on them." 

"That was Auntie Erin's doing; she made a mess in the hotel room with it." 

"That was supposed to be our secret, Little Wild!" 

Kylie shrugs, "Mom can I go and run with the other kids?" 

"Go for it! Have fun." 

Kasey and Kelley hold hands and watch as Kylie runs around kicking a ball with some of the children from Kasey's Kids. Erin noticing the moment, and seeing them facing the field with the back of their jersey's in full view can't resist taking a picture of Wild 1 and Mrs Wild 1 standing side by side. 

"I should go and sign a few autographs, do a cool down and also I've been told they want me for an interview. 

"Do what you need to, we'll all be here when you're done. We're meeting everyone at a restaurant to celebrate in a little while." 

"Love you." 

"Love you, now, go Wild!" Kasey kisses her cheek before heading in the direction of where some of her teammates and members of the Pride are signing for and taking pictures with fans. 

Once she's finished signing for everyone and taking what seems like a million pictures, she heads down the tunnel towards the changeroom, where she's handed a shake and her water bottle. She does her best to replenish as she completes a cooldown with her team. Grabbing a quick shower, she gets redressed in a Courage shirt and some comfy clothes, before touching up her makeup and making sure her hair is looking good. She follows one of the staff into a room and is told to take a seat beside the Coach who is currently still fielding some questions about the match.  

Reaching for the bottle of water on the table she takes a couple of drinks before the spotlight is turned in her direction. 

"We're joined now by Courage goalkeeper, Kasey Wild." 

Kasey smiles and waves, "Hey everyone." She hears chuckles from the group. 

"That was quite the debut Kasey, 6 saves including a "Save of the Week," candidate off Alex Morgan, a clean sheet and an assist. Any thoughts you'd like to share about the game this evening and or you team's performance?" 

Kasey nods, "First off, I just want to take a moment and thank the North Carolina Courage organization for allowing me this oppourtunity. Playing tonight, was a dream come true and being able to share it with my family made it even more special. Also, I'd like to thank the Utah Royals for allowing Kelley to be here to support me." 

"Now, as the game itself; this team has unlimited potential and I firmly believe that we are going to make a good run of it this season. I'm excited to play with so much talent and experience in front of me and I can't wait to see what comes next! That being said there's definitely some areas in our game that need work and I've no doubt that the coaching staff are already hard at work reviewing the game tape and identifying which areas need focusing on this week during training."  

"Kasey, were you aware that the officials had awarded you an assist on Lynn William's goal?" 

"I wasn't aware of it until after the game when Pride goalkeeper, Ashlyn Harris informed me that it was the case. I know that it's extremely uncommon for keeper's to be awarded assists and it was mentioned in the changeroom, that it may have been the first, if not, one of the first times one has been issued to a goalkeeper and if that's the case then it's pretty cool that I got to share the experience with my family and especially my daughter, who is an aspiring goalkeeper."  

"What was going through your head prior to making the pass to Williams? And is that something that you've worked on during practice?" 

"I was just looking to get the ball out of our end and when I looked down the field saw there was an opening for Lynn, so, I just did my best to get her the ball and she did the rest. We've been working onseveral different break out plans in training and this may, or may not, have been on of them." 

"Tell us about the save you made on Alex Morgan. What was going through you head in that moment?" 

Kasey laughs, "I don't think I can say what was going through my head at that very moment; all I can say is that I was as surprised as everyone else by the fact that Marta opted to pass, rather than take the shot. Fortunately, for me I was able to recover quickly and get accross to knock Alex's shot down, covering the rebound before any harm came from it." 

"The Courage aired a video before the game and on their website about Kasey's Kids which showed you delivering tickets and interacting with children at surrounding area schools. Tell us about the program."

Kasey nods, "As many of you already know, I was studying to become an Educational Assistant back home in Ottawa. Shoutout to all my 3C crew! I love being around and working with children. Anyway, I have a program in Ottawa where Mario's restaurant sells my sketches and drawings and in turn donates all of the proceeds to local children's charities. It seemed only right that when I arrived in Cary, that I come up with something to include the children of the Triangle. I approached Management about the possiblilty of having a block of tickets for each home match set aside for students attending the local area schools. These tickets are not just attached to academic performance, they are given out to children within the school who are caught being kind to others, those who persevere and those who's limitations know no bounds. This program excites me to no end and I had so much fun today speaking with the children and supervisors before the game and I honestly can't wait to meet up with more Kasey's Kids." 

Unbeknownst to Kasey, Kelley is standing at the back of the room, watching and listening in to everything her wife is saying and she can feel her excitement rippling through the air when she speaks about the program. She knows the program is more personal to Kasey, then she'll even let on and she's proud of her wife for it and everything she does. 

"Last question Kasey; your next game is coming up against the Houston Dash what do you expect from them and do you think that you've earned the start based on your performance today?"

"Houston? that's the team in orange, right? Seriously, though, the Dash were involved in a lot of close games last season, sounds like they are dealing with some injuries to key players to start off this season, but they shouldn't be underestimated, they still have plenty of firepower. As for whether I start or not, it's in the coaches hands and I will support their decision either way."

"Thank you, Kasey."

"Thank you, have a good evening everyone."

Kasey climbs down and notices Kelley standing by the door way. She wraps her arms around her wife, "Were you standing here watching the entire time?" 

"Of course, you know it wasn't necessary to thank the Royals, you know." 

"They could have been assholes and not allowed you to come or imposed restrictions on you, but, didn't. Consider it my way of spreading some goodwill, amongst the teams. I need to head back to the changeroom to collect my bag and stuff and then we can head out to the restaurant." 

Kelley follows her and they collect her stuff before then walking back out into the night and climbing in Kasey's Camaro. 

"You're going to need to let me drive this car before I leave." 

Kasey chuckles, "Maybe if you're nice, I'll let you drive us to brunch tomorrow with the fam." 

The couple takes a few moments in the parking lot to themselves, before holding hands as they make their way inside the restaurant. Kasey is surprised to find not only their family and her Courage teammates in attendance, but, also the majority of the Pride contingent as well. 

"Mom, Momo, come and see the cake!" 

Kylie leads them to a table where a large cake with the words, "Congratulations, Kasey," is placed. 

She takes out her phone and takes a picture to remember it by, before asking one of the staff to cut pieces for everyone. 

They make their way over to the large buffet table area and load their dishes, Kasey, opts for some chicken, rice and lots of veggies along with a glass of iced tea to wash it all down. Her and Kelley sit down at a table beside Kylie and opposite Ashlyn and Ali. 

"How are you feeling, Kase?" 

"Tired. Feel like I've been running on adrenalyn all day and now I'm crashing." 

"That's understandable. So, We've got some news to share with you." 

"Spill, Harris; I don't have all day, it's already past my bedtime." 

They all laugh and Kasey's response

"You know how the Keeper's Unite website launched last week?"


"Well, every single shirt sold out in a matter of hours, the site was so busy that it crashed."  


"Yep, in fact, we've been getting flooded with emails asking for more Kasey Wild designs. Do you that you might be able to make that happen?"

"Honestly, Ash; I'm up to my eyeballs right now. Heading into the home stretch with my courses and the assignments are stacking up, not to mention the label wants me in studio and the Courage have me booked for some appearances and school visits. I'll do my best but, no guarantees." 

"That's fair. I'll maybe just restock the initial designs and perhaps add some sweatshirts or long sleeves with the designs." 

"Sounds good. By the way, Kriegs, I did manage to come up with a couple of designs for your camps. I'll email them to you in a couple of days, when I'm finished the linework. You only wanted them in monochrome right? Because, there is one in particular that would look nice in rainbow colours." 

"It's easier and more cost effective to transfer monochrome, but, if you've got colour ideas, I'm game for that as well." 

"Cool. I'll block them in for you to see." 

"Crystal was telling us that your song is in the top 20 now." 

Kasey nods, "It is and rising. I keep getting updates from the label. I'm supposed to record the song I wrote next week, but, it sounds like they want to tweak it a bit before releasing it for airplay."  

"Hopefully, they don't change it too much."

"They want it to have more of a club feel to it, so I think the guitar is out and it will be all electronic backing. They sent me a couple more songs to learn, including a French one and they, are looking at me doing a couple of collabs as well."

"Sounds exhausting." 

"It is. But also, exhilarating at the same time." 

Kasey feels Kelley touch her arm, "Kase, baby, you need to eat."

"Yes, dear."

"Hey Wild, check it out you made the plays of the day." They all turn towards the television mounted on the wall.

"You're lucky, I didn't get that shot away cleanly, Wild, or it would have been in the back of the net."

"There's always next time, Alex."

"You realize you're now a target right, Wild."

"What do you mean, Alex?"

"Everyone wants to be the first to score a goal on you."

"Next game is Houston, hopefully, I will have the chance to prevent that from happening."

"Wild, they would be stupid not to start you the next game."

"What do you think, HAO?"

"About what?"

"Wild, doesn't think she's getting the start against Houston."

"I'm pretty sure you are getting the start against the orange team."

"You saw that, eh?" They laugh as her Canadian side makes an appearance.

"Yep, it was on in the changeroom."

"Good or bad?"

"I agree with what you said, we need to be better. I think that most of the ladies are starting to head out now, myself included; I will talk to y'all later, have a good night."

"Later KO, Wild." The women all exchange hugs as the head on their way.

Kelley wraps her arms around Kasey, and whispers in her ear, "I'm ready for dessert, how about you?" Kasey gulps in response to the question and Kelley figures she has her answer.

"What about Ky and my Mom?"

"All good, they are staying at the hotel tonight and then tomorrow night with us. Kylie asked if she could spend the night with Erin because they didn't really spend much time together when she was here on break."

"Okay then, let's go home."

"Lead the way, beautiful." 

Walking in the door Buddy greets the letting out a few barks as he does. 

"Buddy, no barking!" 

Kasey picks up Buddy's leash and he sits waiting for her to snap it on his collar, "You coming, Kel?"

"Not yet, but soon I hope."

"Really Kel, you going to use that line every time?"

"Maybe." Kasey laughs and they share a kiss before making their way back out into the dark with the dog. 

New Message

Jen: Awesome game today Wild Thing!! A clean sheet and an assist, say what!! It's weird watching you play on TV, without me. I'm proud of you! can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Say Hello to everyone for me, love ya!!

Wild Thing: Lol! I know, I watched the highlights of your game against Washington. Kailen made some amazing saves, your D hung her out to dry more than once. You looked good in your debut kid, wish I could have seen it in person. I'm proud of you. You need to message Kylie more often, she misses you!

Kelley takes Kasey's hand and looks her in the eyes, "Set your alarm, plug in your phone and you're mine until the morning, understood?" 

Kasey smiles and nods, "Uh huh." 

The women spend the night getting reacquainted with every inch of each other's bodies and tastes until the early hours of the morning when they let themselves fall into a deep sleep entangled in each other.

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