I am Yu

By Radical_Honesty

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After witnessing the fall of society and the death of his entire family a young hero with a great burden deci... More

I am Yu
This is Yu
Hellish Training and an offer
One For All
Unexpected Encounter
First Impressions
Night and Day
Leaders and Teams
Phase 2
The chosen ones
Confidence and Arrogance
Love and Punishment
A promise to keep
Internal Strife
Confession and Conflict
An Offer You Can't Refuse
A Mother's Truth.
Best Day Ever.
Recreation and Responsibility
Best laid plans
Dance Battle !!
Time to pick some Names
A Visitor.
Fight on Heroes !!
Let it flow ! School festival !
Struggling with Power
Dark dealings
Tribute to the Fallen
All Good Things
The Climax
A new beginning
Montage time !!
Fun and Sun
The Assault
Unbridled Fury
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 1
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 2
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 3
Fame and Misfortune.
A Solemn Duty
Risk Management
True Heroes
Potential Unleashed
The Final Step
A Brighter Future

Finishing Touches

379 8 6
By Radical_Honesty

(Yu pov)

I was sitting in combat class waiting for Professor Goodwitch to arrive when i saw Jaune and his team along with Team RWBY enter and sit near me and i thought it was time to see just how far my apprentice has come.

Yu : Arc.

Jaune : Yes Master ?

Yu : Today in this class you are not to use 'it' at all.

Jaune looked very shocked and confused.

Jaune : But why Master ?

Yu : Because if you did it would not be fair as you are stronger than anyone else here aside from myself. So today you will rely on nothing but your own strength.

Everyone else looked at me with a look of disbelief and a few even snorted at the idea including some entitled looking shit stain.

But before he could say anything the Professor entered and started the lesson.

Glynda : Welcome students to combat class, Here we will evaluate your physical abilities and grade you on your performance.

Yang looked like she was getting fired up by smashing her fist's together while most others simply paid attention.

Glynda : Now do we have any volunteers ??

And as predicted the shit stain put up his hand immediately.

Glynda : Ah Mr Winchester very good now anyone else ?

Yang was about to put up her hand but i grabbed it and whispered to her.

Yu : Not just yet darling you will have your chance soon enough.

She looked in my eye's and suddenly got a huge grin on her face.

Yang : Well okay but you have to make it up to me.

I nodded and nudged Jaune and he put up his hand slowly.

Glynda : Very well Mr Arc please go get your gear you two and prepare for battle.


The match was very disappointing Jaune lost swiftly and i saw exactly what his problem was and couldn't help but grin sadistically. The others saw this and it's almost as if they knew that Jaune was about to enter the deepest layer of hell and so they offered prayers for him silently.

Glynda : Well that was unusual, Mr Arc please think about training further as your combat prowess seems to be lagging it's nothing like it was at initiation.

Jaune looked at me and i was still grinning and he looked like he was about to beg for forgiveness but Professor Goodwitch spoke again.

Glynda : Now i will pick the next pair.

Cardin : I am still good for another match Professor.

Glynda : Oh okay then hmmm who shall be your opponent ?

Cardin : I want to fight him.

He said that while pointing directly at me.

Yu : You don't want me punk, After all you wouldn't want your friends to see you crying for your mommy.

He gritted his teeth and tightened his grip around his mace.

Cardin : Get down here right now i'm going to teach you not to mock me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and stood up.

Yu : Very well but remember i gave you the opportunity to back out, Don't cry when i win.

I walked down to the arena and took a relaxed stance with my hands behind my back and yawned. This only seemed to anger Cardin further.

Glynda : Where is your weapon Yu ?

Yu : I will not need one Professor please start the match.

Glynda : Very well .... BEGIN !

Cardin was so predictable as he charged at me straight away, I simply used flash step to instantly transport to his original starting position.

Yu : Over here boy. 

I said waving at him.

He turned and did the same thing again so i thought i should have some fun and activated a quirk.

Yu : Larceny.

He stopped a few seconds after i spoke and was looking around like he had lost something while i was chuckling to myself.

Yu : Looking for this ?

I said holding his weapon up for all to see, He was only getting more angry by the second but under the anger was something i knew very well FEAR.

Yu : Are you not going to attack me ? Oh i see you are helpless without your weapon, Very well i will return it to you.

I activated the quirk - Size, Just before i threw it to him and no sooner had he caught it the mace shrunk to the size of a pencil.

Yu : Oh look you have a very tiny weapon, But you must be used to that by now. 

I said pointing to his crotch, The room erupted in laughter even the usually composed Pyrrha, Ren And Weiss could be seen chuckling.

Yang : Oh my god i love you !!

She shouted so i turned and blew a kiss to her while releasing his weapon from my quirk's effect but at the same time activating a different one. And as predicted as soon as his weapon was back to it's original size he swung at the back of my head.

Cardin : What ??

He shouted in surprise as his mace went right through my head as if it wasn't even there. I deactivated Premeation turned and activated Explosion and blasted him to the other side of the Arena.

(A/N You are wearing your Hero costume which is made from your hair so your clothes don't fall off)

Yu : You didn't know who you were messing with boy, I have more power in one finger than your entire family has ever held collectively.

He was trying to stand so i waited and noticed some sort of energy around his body 'Hmm what's that ?'

(A/N - Yes you do not know about Aura as you have never been in a position for anyone to ask why you don't have one)

I was thinking it was time to end this in the most humiliating way i could think of 'his surrender'

Yu : Oh Cardin i had a question

Cardin : WHAT !!!!

'Checkmate' i thought while i had brainwashing activated.

Yu : Now be a good boy and walk out of the arena.

His eye's went blank and he turned and did as i said then Glynda who was looking on in complete shock at what had happened.

Yu : Ahem

When i cleared my throat she snapped out of it and assumed her normal demeanor

Glynda : The winner by ring out is Yu

I took a bow and returned to my seat smiling at the thought of Cardin's face when he found out he surrendered.

Glynda : Well after that display is there anyone else who wishes to volunteer.


After class i was bombarded with questions  but opted to not answer them now.

Yu : Take it easy all will be revealed in time, If you choose to join the Elite Class that is.

Yang was looking at me with stars in her eye's and lust in her body language.

Yu : I haven't forgotten our deal Yang i will make it up to you but that is for another time.

She looked a little disappointed but accepted it and she left with her team, Now i turned my attention to my apprentice.

Yu : Well Arc what do you have to say for yourself ?

Jaune : Master i'm sorry but why did you force me to fight like that ?

Yu : To point out a weakness you have of course, You have plenty in the strength department but no technique and i have decided on your punishment.

He swallowed a big gulp of air and looked at me with pleading eye's

Yu : So as your punishment you will now study under Pyrrha in the art of swordsmanship

Pyrrha looked at me and was a little surprised as to why i would pick her.

Pyrrha : Why did you pick me for this ?

Yu : Well it's quite simple you use a sword and shield and as Weiss could not shut up about you have won a tournament four years running so clearly you are skilled and you are the same age as my disciple here.

I went close to her and whispered in her ear suggestively.

Yu : And just think of it, The two of you alone getting hot and sweaty together your bodies thrusting against each with great force.

Her face immediately exploded in a massive blush and she looked unable to talk. So i whispered to Jaune suggestively too.

Yu : She is like you, she has a destiny and don't you think she's really hot.

Jaune also started blushing and fumbling his words like a moron.

Yu : Now if you will excuse me i have to be going see you all later.

I waved as i walked down the hall to finish my work.


(Yu pov)

I stood outside the new student dorms impressed with my achievement but very tired.

I walked to the front entrance and looked at the plaque i had placed on the wall noting the names of all my lost family and friends.

Yu : This is for you i hope i make you proud.

I placed my hand on the plaque and closed my eye's in prayer.

??? : So this is what you've been up to ?

I turned with surprise on my face to meet the gaze of my Master and immediately bowed.

Yu : You honor me with this visit Master.

??? : Enough of that you know i don't like all of that formal nonsense.

Master came forward and hugged me.

??? : How have you been my boy ?

Yu : I'm fine, Thank you for coming

Yu : I think you might like the student's i have selected to receive a gift from me but i wanted to ask if you would help me train them ?

She took off her hood and put her hand on my head.

(A/N - Couldn't find a young picture of her smiling so just imagine she is)

Maria : Of course my boy anything for you.

I smiled and took her inside the dorms to get her settled with a room and hoped the coming trial would be fruitful.

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