Nocturnal Sunshine - Lee Dong...

De kitkatharsis7

86.1K 2.6K 1.8K

"Thank you, Haechan." "Donghyuck." "Hu-What?" "Call me Donghyuck." ✧Idol au✧ Mai multe

✧ 40 ✧
✧ 44 ✧
✦ 55 ✦


1.4K 45 6
De kitkatharsis7

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


"Bye Sof." I wave at the camera, face overcast. "I miss you so much."

And it was true. My friendship with her was like no other. It couldn't be replaced.

"I miss you more." She pouts, "I can't wait to see you again. Make the most of your work. I want to know absolutely everything that goes on! No matter what, you have zero excuses to not call me whenever. I will always be here with you. You understand me Jiyoung Lee."

"Yes Sofa." I reply obediently, although it was light-hearted, I could tell she truly means it, and I'm grateful for her support.

"Bye." She blows me an exaggerated kiss.

The call cuts out and I'm back on my home screen.

I tidied up the plates from the food I ordered, placing them in a nice pile and leaving them on the tray by the door. Lila from room service had promised me she would return to collect it in twenty minutes, even though that wasn't strictly part of her service.

The colour had returned back to me having finished my talk with Sofia. She had successfully managed to distract me, from the swirling abyss of thoughts. I may not be doing the right thing, but at least she gave me the encouragement to decide that for myself.

I glanced down at my hand again, it was still slightly pinker than usual, and there was a tingle whenever I touched it. It served as a reminder of how everything was not as okay as it seemed.

I cursed aloud as the same feelings surfaced in my mind.

I picked up my phone to busy my mind instead. A different sort of busy to what I wanted. But a much better one, nonetheless.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


Mark looked a concerning mixture of nerves and surprise.

"Nina-noona..." She could almost hear his mind working to decipher what exactly she wanted. "Let's go somewhere quiet."

"That's a good idea." Nina muttered.

There were still a few pairs of eyes directing at the unlikely pair.

There was a small empty meeting room; they both ignored the private signs on the door and stepped in.

Nina wasn't sure how to broach the topic. It was clearly sensitive for both of them, but she needed a resolution to it, for both of their sakes.

The boy was staring at a potted plant, probably figuring our whether it was real or not, fingers dancing around his ring.

"Mark." His head snapped up a little too quickly, as he jumped.

"I'm sorry. I'm not with it right now. I guess you heard, huh?"

"I suppose you could say that."

He grimaced.

"You know you were wrong."

"I- What." He shook his head, disagreeing with Nina's words, "I had every right to warn her."

"Not that, I agree with that part. I also think she needs to be more professional." He frowned at this, not understanding, "The way you told her. Neither you nor she have said anything, but I can see she's not okay. God, Mark, what were you thinking?"

"I- I didn't think." He muttered. "How is she?"

"She was acting all rainbow and sunshine, but she isn't the best liar. I went along with it because I didn't know what else to do."

And how Nina regretted her actions now. What she wanted now was to find out how she could help Jiyoung now.

"Our arguments don't usually end like that." Mark explained, "Usually we sort them out and part on better terms. But I think it went too far this time. It was such a mess."

"It's still such a mess. You need to talk to her before anything happens."

"What do you mean?" Mark asked, although it was phrased as an innocent question, his heart was racing a hundred miles a minute, and there was an accusatory tone, hidden in his tone.

Nina began to speak cautiously, "She has anxiety, panic attacks, doesn't she Mark?"

Mark froze, how would this revelation affect Jiyoung. He too chose his words carefully, "It's not really my place to go into details, but she has, for a while. Believe me, I've tried a lot, but I haven't had a whole lot of success."

An afterthought hit him, "You don't think she's..."

The door burst open, startling the two.

Both pairs of eyes widened at the person, usually unflappable, in the doorway, concerned and barely able to get the words past his lips.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


I typed out a message to Hyuck. I felt bad about how Mark and I had left so suddenly. Well, it was mainly Mark. But that didn't prevent the bad feelings lingering in my chest.


Hey, Hyuck
I wanted to apologise for how Mark and I left earlier.
I'm also sorry about the whole afternoon.
I didn't realise Mark would be like that.


No, it's really okay.
I understand.
I think I can count about an hour of that time as part of your payback.
I think it will probably take about 24 hours to be fully okay


Wait, that's an actual thing now?
Also, I thought you were in a very important meeting


It actually just ended


Don't avoid my question


You sound disappointed


Mark and I...
We had another argument


Was it bad
Do you want to talk about it?


I'm okay
I talked to Sofia
She's my best friend from Canada


That's good


I have one problem though


Do you want to talk about that?




Let me find a quiet place and I'll call you

incoming call from Hyuckie🥰...


Tears were already trailing down my cheeks at the mere sound of his voice. "I don't know if I can control myself Hyuckie."

I looked down at my hands in despair.

"Jiyoung?" His voice was laced with worry. "What can't you control?"

"Y- You know how I-" I squeezed my eyes shut in a futile attempt to stop the tears.

"You what, Ji?" He whispered, so softly, so caringly, I felt like crying ten times harder. Though I suspected he had his suspicions about what I was trying to say.

"How I have anxiety." I finally got out. "I think- I'm not trying to but it's so hard Hyuck."

I felt like a mess. Tears now pouring down my face, leaving ashy streaks of mascara trails on my cheeks. Eyes aching from the unpaid overtime work I was putting them through.

My hands were shaking with the strain, even as I held the phone, I felt like I would drop at any moment.

"Jiyoung-ah." He said, his tone a calming contrast to the frantic speed of my mind, "I want you to listen to me very carefully. I'm on my way up. I'll bring Mark-hyung."

"No." I blurted frantically, "Mark can't come!"

"You need him, Ji. Put the argument to one side for now. You can resolve that later. Right now, you need Mark-hyung to help you."

"I want you, Hyuck."

There was no reply for a good second. My fist tightened, almost numb at this point.

I placed a hand against the wall to steady myself.

"Donghyuck?" I questioned anxiously, worried he had left me alone. My breath quickened as he didn't reply, becoming increasingly more shallow.

More tears flowed out.

I pulled the phone away from my ear.


He never finished his sentence.

My phone died before he could tell me whatever he was going to say.

I looked at my hand, not realising how tightly I had been clenching it during the call.

No matter how much I breathed, I couldn't seem to get air in.

Everything in my peripheral spiralled uncontrollably.

The phone slid sideways out of my grasp; I collapsed onto my knees, struggling to breathe.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*



His fingers trembled as he frantically clicked on the most recent call.

"I'm sorry, the number you are calling is currently unavailable. Please leave a message aft-"

He didn't listen to many English voicemails but instantly he understood she wasn't picking up.

He hung up, immediately.

He needed Mark-hyung.

Mark-hyung had a room key for Jiyoung's room.

But where was he?

Donghyuck had been too preoccupied with answering Jiyoung's message to notice where the older had ran off to. Clearly it wasn't to Jiyoung, so where?

"Johnny-hyung, have you seen Mark-hyung?" Donghyuck bounded up to the older, not bothering to apologise to their manager for the interruption.

"Oh- I'm not sure, Taeyong was going to talk to him later, he might-"

Donghyuck had already dashed past him, not listening to a word after Taeyong's name, leaving a confused Johnny behind him.

He looked around, spotting the reliable leader instantly. "Taeyong-hyung. Do you know where Mark-hyung is?"

"He went with the stylist, they seemed to have something they wanted to talk about." Taeyong pondered, unsure of the almost desperate tone behind Donghyuck's voice.

"Nina-noona?" He asked, relieved, she would be helpful. "Please hyung, it's important, tell him to go up to room 725. Tell him, I'll meet him there. Please hurry, hyung, I'm begging you."

Taeyong was taken aback by the fear in his jittery actions. His words had come out stumbling on top of each other and his eyes flickered around anxiously.


"Thank you hyung." With that, he darted off to the main area of the lobby to where the lifts stood.

He wanted to scream in frustration as the lift made its way down from the second floor. He was half-tempted to use the stairs, but the small part of his brain that still ran on logic told him it would take even longer than the lift.

He dialled her number once more, hoping for something, but instantly it went to that same automated voice message.

Twenty seconds felt like thirty minutes to him. But, at last, the doors opened, and he leapt in, possessed by uncertainty.

He felt he could have toured the entire city by the time he reached floor seven, but he was here now. He knew the way to her room from their earlier visit and was grateful it wasn't too far down the hallway.

He pressed a hand against his chest to compose himself, not wanting to surprise her.

He gently knocked on her door. "Ji, it's Hyuck."

A heart-breaking voice replied. "Hyuckie?"

He wanted to cry himself. Her voice was quiet, like the gentlest touch of a butterfly's wing against his heart.

"Ji," He began, softly, "Can you open the door?"

His soul tore into pieces at her answer.

"I can't. I can't, Hyuckie." She wept. "I can't open the door."

Donghyuck's heart clenched, strangling him with panic.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*



Mark and Nina's heads whipped to face Taeyong, standing in the doorway, looking confused.

"Taeyong-hyung... what are you... I thought you knew better than to interrupt..." Mark trailed off, irritated at his presence.

"Mark listen to me, I wouldn't come in if I didn't feel it was important. Haechan asked me to tell you to meet him in room 725. He was acting very strange, nervous and in a hurry."

"A- Are you sure hyung?" Mark seemed to realise something at the same time as Nina. "Shit. I- I'll explain later hyung. Sorry-"

His shoulder brushed Taeyong's as he quickly exited the room, leaving Nina and Taeyong in the room.

Taeyong looked at her, eyes slightly narrowed.

"That's my room." She explained, breathlessly. "Where Jiyoung is staying."

He bit his lip, hesitant to say his thoughts aloud, his mind jumping to Donghyuck's unspoken emotions.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


"Mark?" She choked out.

He didn't care that her thoughts were of her cousin, he was just happy she was still talking to him.

"Mark-hyung is on his way, Ji." He hoped Taeyong had sensed the urgency and gone immediately to fetch him.

"I- I-"

"Shh, I want you to focus on my voice. I'm here with you, you understand me, Jiyoung, Mark-hyung loves you so much. Even if you fight, nothing will come in the way of that. He's coming."

"Donghyuck!" Mark called out, room key in hand, appearing from behind a corner. "Is she-"

He tilted his head in the direction of the door. He noted the unshed tears in Mark's eyes. The heavy breathing. His unusually pale face.

"Ji," He leaned his forehead against the door, "I'm coming in."

"Markie?" She sounded less than a fraction of a percent more hopeful, but it plenty enough for him.

The door clicked as he held the room key next to the lock.

Donghyuck, in all honesty, was little scared what would greet them on the other side, but pushed it down, in favour of looking put together and strong.

Mark, he thought, seemed to be experienced, as he opened the door instantly, and went in.

"Jiji. It's okay. I'm here now."

He had no qualms about the scene. He went straight for the shaking girl, huddled on the floor, and embraced her.

Donghyuck stayed just outside the room, listening as he muttered two words over and over again.

"I'm here."

He turned away from the loving scene; he ignored the unfamiliar sensation in his chest. It wasn't what he thought it was. It couldn't be.

There was no way.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*


Mark had apologised a hundred times over, admitting he went about everything wrong.

Donghyuck, after making a heated cup of tea for Jiyoung, had left at Mark's request, only nodding in understanding, and saying he would only be a phone call away.

Jiyoung smiled at him, but their eye contact didn't last long as she preferred to look into the cloudy depths of her cup.

After he had left, Mark had settled on the bed next to her, and bundled her up in a fluffy blanket.

"You don't look too bad, Ji." He muttered, concealing the anger and pain.

"That's good." She responded, absent-mindedly.

"Jiji. What's going on in your mind?" His eyes held no judgment, just kindness. Though she detected a little hurt in there.

"It wasn't your fault, Mark."

"It wasn't yours either, if that is what you were going to say."

"I- I-" She stammered, before giving up entirely on her protests. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He reassured. "Don't blame yourself. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought it was okay, I spoke to Sofia and it was all under control, but then I messaged Donghyuck, and it wasn't okay. It wasn't him though." She clarified, sensing the tension forming in his muscles at her initial words.

"I know Ji. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose. I'm just over worried."

"No, Mark, you also have a point. I was over-stepping my boundaries."

"Still, you can be friends with him. He proved himself today. Didn't he? What would have happened if he hadn't called you?"

"I don't know." She sighed.

He also sighed.

They fell into a comfortable silence, his arms protectively wrapped around her form, as they watched the TV.

She yawned and leaned back against Mark. "Thank you, Markie." She mumbled, falling asleep in the warmth and safety of her cousin.

"Anything for you Jiji." He chuckled quietly.

As her breathing slowed into a sleep pattern, he laid her on the pillow.

He unlocked his phone and sent a long overdue message.


Thank you
And I'm sorry for earlier

Unsurprisingly, the response was fast.


We've had worse arguments
Don't worry
We all have our rough days
Even you
Don't be afraid to tell someone though
Even if it's not me

He didn't deserve such precious people around himself, Mark thought.

Both he and Donghyuck had decided to keep their argument quiet from Jiyoung. They had pushed each much too far, and it wasn't something either were proud of.

He was glad they seemed to have resolved it though. He hated when he and Hyuck argued.

Mark had come to terms with the fact that, as her friend, Donghyuck also cared for her.

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

A/N: hey my dudes, another author's note which comes with an apology.... I know I'm a Wednesday updater and I'm very sorry that nothing appeared on this fine Wednesday. I'm still on holiday and the wifi is still awful and there's not even any signal 😭😭.

~ CJ xoxo

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