Homeless Rose | Woosan

By Happy0Little0Kill

110K 6.8K 2.7K

A beautiful glowing red rose without a ground to belong to. Thorns that will hurt you if you come close. Too... More

Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One


2.5K 177 97
By Happy0Little0Kill

San's eyes widened and he was speechless for a moment. "He...n-new beauty marks can appear on our skin!"

Seonghwa scoffed. "San..."

"Seonghwa." Yeosang cut him off. "We should leave."

"San...we don't want you to get hurt, that's all."
The oldest said with a friendly pat on San's shoulder. "We love you and we want to see you happy."

San nodded while keeping his head down, they never seem to understand what happiness means to him. "I know..."

"We'll see you later then"  the couple waved and walked away, clearly arguing with each other about what happened.

San watched them quietly.

'When you lose each other...maybe then you'll understand...'

He sighed and went back into the store. To his surprise, Wooyoung was standing right behind the door.

Was he listening the whole time?

"What are you doing here...?"

Wooyoung took a step back. "Is this what this is all about? You're helping me because you think I am your boyfriend?"

"That's not-"

"Not even because I look like him, but you actually think I am him!"

San sighed, remaining calm and quite unbothered. "Is it really that surprising?"

Wooyoung stayed silent.

Truth be told, he was tired of that argument too.

He should just be grateful for how much San helped him anyway.

San walked past him and grabbed his coffee that he never got to drink.

They just sat in silence.

It was a slow work day too.

"Thank you for coming." San waved at their last customer before closing up. "Are you sure you don't wanna stay over at my place tonight?" He turned to Wooyoung, who stayed quiet, afraid of having more nightmares if he slept alone in the storage room.

"I can go with you.."  he said softly, shyly playing with the hem of his sweater.

San just hummed, grabbing the rest of his things and leaving with the other.


Wooyoung sat in the living room, listening to the tv playing while San prepared dinner in the kitchen.

"Food is ready, come eat."

The blind boy carefully made his way to the table and sat down. "Thank you..."


The two ate in silence again, the tension not seeming to loosen.

The doorbell ringing got both their attention.

"Yunho..." San greeted his friend.

The taller smiled brightly. "Hi." He let himself in. "I smell food, good, I'm hungry." He walked to the kitchen, freezing when he saw Wooyoung sitting at the table. "Oh..."

San was just following quietly behind him.

"Uhm...I'm sorry for interrupting your dinner..." Yunho rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll go..."

"It's fine, have a seat." San pat his back and went to fill a plate for his friend.

Yunho slowly sat down. " Hey...you must be...Wooyoung..."

The blind boy clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "Isn't it obvious enough?"

San turned his head towards him, what's with the aggressive attitude?

Yunho cleared his throat. "Sorry..."

"Here, enjoy." San placed the plate in front of his friend.

"Thank you." Yunho looked down at the food then at the boy in front of him.

He wondered how was San so composed when this boy who is absolutely identical to his dead boyfriend was chilling at their home.

But then he remembered, San wasn't really alright, he was beyond devastated and broken.

He just got used to it.

"Were you guys having a date?" He joked with a smile, hoping to lighten up the mood.

"The last thing I need is make him catch actual feelings for me because he thinks I'm his dead boyfriend." The youngest of the three snapped, making the room go completely quiet.

San felt his body shake and his eyes water.

Yunho stayed awkwardly quiet. He wasn't the type to talk back or argue. "I'm leaving." He stood up. "I'm sorry I came without a notice." He turned and left without another word.

San couldn't even tell him to stay, he couldn't even speak.

Wooyoung's words stung.

"I'm going to bed...make yourself at home..." he said as quiet as possible, shakily making his way to the couch in the living room.

"San?" The blind boy called and received no answer.

He bit his bottom lip.

Was he harsh?

But he was hurt too...

A heavy sigh left his lips as he reached for his cane to make his way to the bedroom.

The sound of the wind coming from the open window reminded him of the other night he stayed here.

It also reminded him how much of a good person San is. When he stayed up with him all night when there was a thunderstorm, and when he had nightmares.

He closed the window and laid on the bed.

Thought after another, he found himself in tears.

He knew he was so harsh and mean to San earlier, but who could blame him?

The only time he felt that someone cared for him turned out to be because they thought he was someone else.

It hurt.

The loneliness hurt.

The homelessness hurt.

Nowhere to go and nobody to be with.

He let himself live as someone else just to get a sense of home.

All these thoughts made Wooyoung's night restless.

He eventually got up and made his way to the couch San was sleeping on.

He bumped into it so hard the sleeping boy gasped awake.

"Wooyoung? What's wrong?" San asked worriedly.

"N-Nothing...I just..."

"Did you have another nightmare?"

"No...I didn't sleep actually..." Wooyoung mumbled.

San frowned. "Why not?"

Wooyoung contemplated what to say, he didn't even know why he woke him up.


He bit his lip. "Can you sleep in the room with me?" He eventually said, realizing he needed San's presence to feel at peace.

San looked up at him surprised.

He suddenly wants him close?

He sighed. "Alright..."

Wooyoung clenched his fists, the cold response hurting his dignity. "It's fine if you don't want to, you don't have to." He muttered.

San noticed the dry tears on his face. It must have been a difficult night for him. "I do want to...actually...I would like to sleep next to you."

He got up, held Wooyoung's hand with no hesitation and lead the way to the bedroom.

The bed wasn't small.

But they still had to stick to each other to fit.

San wrapped his arm around the other's waist and pulled him closer. "You'll fall..."

Wooyoung's hands gripped the front of San's tshirt, letting out a relived sigh.

He immediately relaxed.

Suddenly no thoughts crowding his mind.

He felt peace and safety.

But why does it have to be him...

It's not me who he loves...

A/N: thoughts?

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