
By Ninecoco2005

2.5M 148K 112K

At first, pretending to be a boy was simply due to your mother. But after joining a gang, you had to do it if... More

Happy Birthday Chifuyu
Christmas Special
Happy New Year
5K โ˜† Special
Happy Birthday Reader
Random Scenarios
Valentine's Day Special
Happy Birthday SakuraAyaHarukami
Happy Birthday cwoffeejelly
Happy Birthday Kokonoi
Study Session With Toman ft. [Name]
Happy Birthday Draken
Happy Birthday Mitsuya
50+K โ˜… Special
Happy Toman Day
Happy Birthday Sanzu
100th Chapter Special
Happy Birthday Shinichirล
Happy Birthday Mikey
Happy Birthday Izana
Happy Birthday Hakkai


15.5K 932 1.1K
By Ninecoco2005

You sat at the stairs of the shrine, your knees pulled to your chest as you wrapped your arms around them. Heavy eye bags clung onto the skin beneath your [Eye Colour] orbs, letting anyone know of the sleepless nights you spent, contemplating Keisuke's last words to you.

"I-I love you, [Name]... always have... and always will..."

You grit your teeth in annoyance as you recalled his confession, "I know he's dumb but this is on another level..." You scoffed to yourself, darting your eyes around the area in case someone else had already arrived for tonight's meeting.

"What does he even see in me? Is Keisuke into stressed and sleep-deprived girls with mommy issues? That kinky freak...." You growled again as you finally closed your eyes, hoping to catch in a few hours of sleep before the meeting started. Just when you got comfortable and closed your eyes, the loud roars of two motorbikes echoed through the area.

You snapped your eyes open, ready to beat the living shit out of anyone who dated ruin your sleep, but immediately stopped after seeing the familiar faces of Nahoya and Souya.

Somehow, Nahoya saw you faster than his twin, even though he had his eyes glued shut. With a wide grin, he greeted you brightly, "Oh!! [Male Name]!! Here already?" The tired, sarcastic side of yours wanted to talk back, "No, you're just seeing my ghost..."

But you bit back your witty response and smiled tightly, "Yeah... You guys are early for once..." Nahoya let out a laugh as Souya pulled out some [Favourite Flavour] pocky and offered you some. You took one, gratefully thanking him but he immediately thrusted the entire box in your hands and used his index fingers to pull his frown into a smile. His furrowed eyebrows made him look like he was about to torture you, but you smiled at his kind gesture and patted his head, "Thank you, Souya-kun..."

"No problem..." He growled as Nahoya popped in behind his younger brother with a cheeky grin, "Oi, oi!! Comb my hair too!! Or else I'm gonna beat the next person who comes here!!" You raised an eyebrow before letting out a sigh.

A smile took over your lips as you pat his head as well, watching him relish in the small amount of affection that you gave him. However, your lips suddenly quipped into a teasing grin as you turned to the peach afro, "And what if the next person had been Manjirō?" He maintained the grin on his lips as he shrugged his shoulders, "It's the thought that counts..."

Rolling your eyes playfully at his words, the two twin brothers sat down on the stairs, with Nahoya sitting on your right and Souya sitting on your left as you occasionally passed them pocky. No words were exchanged between the three, all you guys did was quietly eat pocky and stared at the bright lights of Tokyo.

The lack of sleep finally started to catch up to you as you bobbed your head, falling in and out of sleep. The blue haired boy at your side looked at you in surprise, ultimately leaning a bit closer to let you rest your head against his shoulder. Nahoya grinned at his brother, giving him a thumbs up as to show he was doing a good job.

You didn't know it, but Souya was a huge fan of yours. But obviously, everytime he tried to talk to you, you seemed busy. So Nahoya made it his goal to get his brother to talk to his idol, which just so happened to be you. He was indeed the person who suggested Souya to buy you some pocky, since they didn't even get the chance to visit you even once after you had gotten discharged from the hospital.

And so, the blue afroed boy sat completely rigid as you slept away on his shoulder, causing his brother to capture over a million pictures of you two.

This was by far, the best day in Souya's life.


When the meeting officially began, you were gently awoken by Souya himself. He looked as angry as usual, but his brother could tell that he didn't want to wake you up just yet, "Heya, [Male Name]!! Had a good sleep?!" Nahoya piped in as you immediately shot up, bowing down to Souya in a frenzy.

"Oh my God!! Souya-kun, I am so sorry!! I-I.... You should have woken me up!! I didn't drool, did I? Oh, let me check-" The poor guy was overwhelmed by your sudden bombardment of questions as you both polite angels tried to ease the other.

Nahoya was too busy cackling in the back to help you both as you guys worried like headless chickens, "The meeting will now commence!!" Ken's booming voice rang in your ears as you bowed one last time and scurried off to stand at the top with Manjirō and Ken, in front of every division captain.

"You're here!!" Ken whisper yelled as he checked you up and down, looking for any injuries. Mikey had let him know what had transpired in the hospital and Ken swore to himself that if he wasn't recovering from a stab wound, he would have legit fought your mother.

These past days were a wreck for him. He had been too worried for your well-being to focus right and even if he did talk to you through texts, it still didn't satiate his worry.

Smiling tiredly at him, you nodded and started, "How are you faring, Ken?" His eyes softened at your words as he let a rare smile grace his lips, "Pretty well!! A measly stab like that ain't gonna do much to me!!" He proudly huffed as you giggled and nodded once more.

You turned your head to look at the sea of teenagers that all stood in wait for what Manjirō had to announce. Even if the others noticed your eye bags, it's not like they could do much about it since you were as stubborn as a bull.

"First of all, I would like to thank you for giving it your all during the war against Moebius!!" Mikey declared as you shifted your gaze around to try and find Takemichi. Almost on cue, you caught sight of his awfully gelled hair and your eyes met, leading you give him a small smile and wave softly.

Mitsuya, who was watching you wave at Takemichi, scoffed at his side and turned to him, "When'd you get so close to [Male Name]?" His question caused the yellow haired boy to sputter around for an appropriate response as you laughed at his awkwardness.

"We won, and Moebius is now under Toman!!" Loud cheers of joy echoed through the area as you let out a huff, squinting your eyes to find something that felt oddly out of place.

Something, or rather someone was missing.

Maybe you still had to get used to Haruki's absence? Shifting your eyes around, you divided every person by their faces, yet no one seemed out of place.


Where's Keisuke?! And Chifuyu's missing too!! In a frenzy, you whipped your head in Ken's direction and leaned over, "Where the hell is Keisuke and Chifuyu-kun?! They didn't forget, did they?!" But the braided boy only furrowed his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I will now announce the new, third division captain!!" Manjirō's words broke you out of your thoughts as your eyes widened. Did you hear that right?!

He already decided on the divison captain and he didn't even inform you? To be completely honest, you felt kind of hurt and left out. But on the bright side, maybe its Takemichi-san?

No, Takemichi-san isn't even a member of Toman, there's no way Manjirō would let an outsider pull in the position of a captain without even being a proper member first...

"The new divison captain, step forward!!" At his order, a boy with tan skin and grey eyes along with a streak of yellow in his brown hair came up. He was sporting glasses and the uniform of Toman, and when you got a closer look at him, you recognised his face.

The guy that Keisuke had hit... No wonder you saw him at the battle...

Gritting your teeth, your eyes followed his every move until he stopped over behind Manjirō and sat down. Almost immediately, angry roars echoed through the area in protest of his disrespectful actions.

However, everyone was silenced as Ken shouted, "Shut up!! This is Mikey's decision, so if you got a problem, step up!!" He halted his movements when he saw you staring right at him, specks of betrayal lining your [Eye Colour] orbs.

He flinched in guilt and lowered his gaze, mentally cursing Mikey for the sudden decision. Ken never wanted to stoop to a point where he'd be too guilty to meet your eyes. It honestly pained him that they were the reason why you felt betrayed.

Nonetheless, the crowd quieted down as Manjirō started again, "Kisaki Tetta is now the newest Third Division Captain!!"


The sound of Kisaki's glasses smashing onto the ground echoed against the cold air, chilling everyone to the bone. Takemichi had landed a straight punch on Tetta's cheek, bruising him.

A huge uproar began as Ken was the first one to break out of his shock, "What the hell are you doing, Takemicchi?!" Smiley came over next.

"You bastard!! You trynna make a fool out of Mikey?!" He was readying himself to punch Takemichi when you suddenly jumped in, "Hey, hey!! Let's calm down, shall we?" You tried to defuse the situation, but Takemichi's ignorance as to what he had just done, wasn't making it easy.

"What the hell, Takemicchi?!" Mitsuya walked over, not letting you see what came over next.

A sickening punch to Takemichi's jaw sent him flying away as the figure you had been dreading for the entire week, finally showed up.

"Oi, oi, oi!! Looks like fun..." Baji's raspy voice reverberated in your ears as you slowly turned your head over in surprise. Last you heard from him through texts, he told you that he had started a fight among the gang and had been temporarily banned from the meetings.

But he didn't seem like he was here for that. He seemed almost... smug...

Baji was about to punch Takemichi again, but Mitsuya was quick to stop him, "Huh? Want me to kill you, Mitsuya?" Keisuke growled, making the purple head narrow his eyes at him.

"Baji... What are you doing here? I thought I told you that you were banned from our meetings due to causing infighting..." Manjirō's voice was chillingly cold, making you flinch unconsciously as Baji let out a laugh, "Oh, what are you gonna do now, Mikey? I punched another brat and ruined your precious meeting... Are you gonna kick me out?"

"Keisuke..." You quietly muttered, not liking how things were going. If this keeps up, then-

"Ya know what, Mikey?! I quit!! From now on, I'm joining Valhalla!!" Baji declared and you felt your breathing hitch.

'No, no, no!! Keisuke, don't do this!!' You thought, sweat pouring out from the side of your face.

"Baji!!" Mikey yelled as Baji turned around and began walking away, "You don't need a troublesome brat like me!! From now on, First Division's Captain, Baji Keisuke is Toman's enemy!!" Pushing through, you rushed behind him, "Keisuke!!" You felt like the voice sounded familiar to you, not realising that you had shouted. You guys had managed to reach a few meters away from the rest of the gang.

The said guy turned around with a bored look as you stood in front of him, eyes widened with tears beginning to pool your eyes, "K-Keisuke!! You didn't mean that, did you?! Why are you leaving?!" He tilted his head at your question before shrugging his shoulders, "You guys began to bore me... Mikey and his endless rants about fair fights, Draken's annoying bitching, Mitsuya being a softie and Pah-chin being a spoiled brat... You guys began to get on my nerves..."

You grit your teeth, eyes shining with a flame that was so hot, that it could burn away anything in it's path. You remembered his words, recalled how he admitted that he loved you. There's no way he would lie on his death, his words right now must be a lie.

"And what about me?! Are you tired of me and Chifuyu too?" Your words caused him to smirk, not something that you liked as it caused a pit of worry to pool in your stomach.

"You think you're real special, huh?" He walked over, making you stumble back slightly as he leaned over, "Well, you're not... You're the most insufferable bitch I've ever met... Nothing but a little slave for Mikey... And that Chifuyu's no different..."

You knew whatever he was saying, wasn't true. Yet, you couldn't explain why you felt tears form in your eyes at his harsh words, "I've seen how you wag your little tail at everything Mikey does, and it fuckin' ticks me off!!"

Letting out a laugh, he leaned back and pushed his hair away with his hands, "Everyone knows the only reason you stay with him is cause he reminds you of Shinichirō... You're only pampering that guy's brother cause you know, that's the only way you'll stay sane..."

Your lower lip shook, tears threatening to spill at any minute as he happily gauged your reaction, "T-That's not true!! Y-You're lying!! You fucking liar!!" You yelled back, but he only grinned at you, "Oh, looks like I hit a nerve!!" His grin didn't falter, making you weakly throw a punch at him that he easily dodged.

Falling to the ground, your vision became blurry with the fat tears that rolled down your cheeks. Watching your pathetically fallen form on the ground, he couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"You really are... nothing but a slave to those damn Sanos..."


Before anyone says that [Name] is acting like a crybaby, when she was such a badass in the last chapters, I shall let you know that this is when [Name] is sleep-deprived and stressed over Baji's death. She's already in too much shock, and pairing that with Baji's harsh words made her have a mental breakdown. That is all, thank you for your patience

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