Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

37.3K 842 138

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

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Basic Straining (3/3)✅
What happened afterward?✅
No pain, no game (1/2)✅
No pain, no game (2/2)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (1/3)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (2/3)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (3/3)✅
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Hide and Be Sneaky (2/2)✅
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That's off the chain (2/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (1/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (2/2)✅
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Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (3/3)✅
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The Very Last Episode Really (2/2)✅

Camp Castaways (2/3)✅

225 6 0
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

Geoff left the island, leaving Alexandra alone once again.

As if the weather could read her emotions it started raining. Who needs a shower when you can stand in the rain, huh?

Duncan invaded Alexandra's privacy, reading her personal files, and like usually Alex found out the truth.

At least when they're sleeping situation is at peace. 

-Don't move, baby.- Porter says to me. He's holdings a pencil in his hand and focuses on my face.

-I'm not moving.- I put on a serious face.

-Yes, you are.- Porter pouts.- How am I supposed to finish my masterpiece? Baby, don't hurt me...

-Don't hurt me. No more!- I start singing and jump out of the chair.

-What is love?!- Steve yells from the room next door.

-Baby don't hurt me!- I yell back.

Soon Steve turns the recording of the song loud enough for us to hear it.

-What a terrible model I got.- Porter throws a pencil towards me.- And even worse brother, at least he has good taste in music.

-Hey, I'm the best model in the world. Look at me. I'm gorgeous.- I pose like a movie star.

-Oh no, not a sexy pose. Spare my fragile men's heart. What if I fall for you? - He covers his eyes.

I erupt with laughter, and, soon he joins me.

-Alexandra! Your dad is calling!- Steve walks into the room with my phone.

-Thanks, sweetheart. I would never pick it up without you.- I pat his cheek in our casual manner.

-Hi, dad.- I answer the incoming call.

-Sweetie, you won't believe it. We're going on a trip!

I wake up faster than ever and hit my head with the bunk above. I grunt and try to roll over, but instead of meeting the wall, I fall from the bed into the water.

-WHAT?!- I exclaim as I hit the cold surface.

I get wrapped in a wet duvet. I rapidly submerge to get some air. Using my experience in swimming, I let the stream help my situation. After a moment, I shakily get to the shore and collapse on the sand.

-Alexandra, are you ok? Here I got your stuff from the bed.- Gwen places a hand on my back.

-Gwen, you're my best friend. I swear I would have died without this bag.- I hug her tightly.

-Wow, Porter would get jealous.- She chuckles.

-He doesn't have to know. Besides, he should be happy for me.- I wink at her.

-You realize he'll see everything on TV.

-You're right. I love you, Moony!- I yell to no one in particular.

-At least you're in a good mood. I never saw you sleeping, for so long to be honest.

And at this very moment, yesterday's events came to me and the bright smile I got disappeared.

-You ok?

-I'm freezing, be back in a sec.- I smile, hiding my pain, and take my bag before leaving.

Gwen got everything I was hiding on the bed. I rummage for some clothes, and I take out the one piece of cloth I go nowhere without Porter's sweater. I lightly trace the fabric before getting out of my soaked t-shirt and putting it on. I immediately feel warmer. He's not here, but it feels like he's taking care of me anyway. Once I'm ready, I go back to Gwen.

-Here you can take it.- I hand her a shirt.

-Isn't it...

-Yes, it is Geoff's. Sorry, I don't have anything more with me.

-Normally, I would never wear it, but I'm so cold I don't care that much anymore. Are you ok with me wearing it tho? After everything that happened he...

-I insist you keep it. I don't want you to catch a cold. I'm alright with it.

-Thanks. Hey, why are you laughing?- She points at me.

-Who me? No.- I act innocent.

-Oh, come on, say it already.

-You just look cute in pink. Actually, better than me.

-I'll pretend you didn't say that.- She blushes slightly at my comment.- I'm not wearing pink.

-Sure, honey. -I smirk.- Now to the important things. Where the hell are we?- I look around.

-It's of course, another challenge. It must be one of crazy Chris's ideas.- Gwen snarls

-In that case, he should have left any kind of information. Let's look around. Maybe we'll find something if we're lucky.

-Don't leave my sight tho. I don't want to be alone with it.

-I'm not leaving you behind, there is no chance. -I reassure her.

-Let's get this over with.

I go right, and she goes left. I keep close to the shore just in case. Something glimmering quickly catches my attention, tho. I enter the nearest shrubbery and crouch next to the object.

-It can't be.- I gasp.

I pick up a silver pin with the word "softie" on it, but instead of ''o'' there is a sunflower. I hold it in my hand and don't dare to move even an inch.

I recognize the object, immediately. In my school, a lot of people actually mess with Porter. Joking around and making snarky comments about him being too soft. He especially hears that from jocks, obviously.

One day, on the playground, Mark, our basketball team's captain, approached Porter and started bullying him. I clearly remember his exact words that were ridiculous. Porter was always popular with girls, who find him romantic and charming, but Mark shouted


-Look at yourself, loser. Who would date a softie like you?

-I would.- I step in front of him.- I'd rather date this softie than such an arrogant and ungrateful jock. If you think you'll win over anyone by being angsty and brutal, you're mistaken. First, learn how to behave and be confident in yourself, then you'll have no reason to bully.

Mark was madly blushing, definitely taken by surprise.

-Sorry Alexandra, I'll never bother him again.

That day it became obvious to the whole school that Mark had a crush on me since I was the only person that could stop his bullying. To make it up for Porter, who was clearly down by the whole thing, I ordered this very pin I have in my palm now.

I weight the pin in my hand for some more, not knowing what to do with this fact.

-Found anything?- Gwen's voice reaches me.

-Just Alexandra, meditating in this shrubbery.- Duncan's voice makes its presence.

-My god, what did I tell you about leaving my sight! You scared me.- Gwen scolds me.

-What are you holding?- Duncan asks.

-Not your business, juvie. Don't talk to me.- I snap irritated.

-Should we know about something?- Trent asks.

-I would like to know how you found us.- I ask Trent.

-We reached shore near here. It took only a few minutes to get here. We were lucky to head in this direction, otherwise, we'd have to stay separated. - Trent explains.

-It's good you're here.- I place the pin in my bag.- We need to stick together. I'm not so sure if this is a challenge, but if it is, Chris is already on my black list for playing with my mind like this.- I clutch my bag.

-What did you find?- Gwen asks.

-Simply something that belongs to someone who's not on the island anymore.

-What does it mean?- Trent asks.

-I need more info to figure it out.

-Hey, panic party. We've obviously just drifted downstream. The producents will send a search party.-Duncan states.

-They'll unless it's a part of the challenge.- Gwen confronts his theory.

-It was supposed to be craft day, remember? We being here is not in Chris's plan.- Duncan opposes.

-Oh come, on. Cause Chris never pulled a prank on us before.- Gwen rolls her eyes.

-Let's just chill.

-What if there's no rescue party?- Gwen asks.

While they're busy arguing over if this is or is not real. I head a little bit further into the forest. What I see takes my breath away. There's a huge dinosaur's skeleton.

-Guys, you may wanna see this!- I get their attention, and soon they join me.

-What on Earth is going on here?- Trent shakes his head in disbelief.

-It has to be fake, right?- Gwen questions.

-Looks cheesy to me.- Duncan shrugs.


Chris: Just to set the record straight, my sets are not cheesy! I lost three interns moving this dino into place. And about that search party, those campers are on their own.

Duncan: Well, well, well, stuck on an island with two cool girls. Too bad one wants to kill me, and the second will back up her every decision. I screwed everything up once again.

Gwen: I thought to myself: "they left me here to die".

Trent: I swear this show is getting weirder and weirder.

Alexandra: I have no idea what this pin is doing here. If he lost it the first time, he was here, the rain would definitely destroy it, but it's untouched. McLin, what sick game are you playing? Wasn't I through enough? About Duncan, I have one thing to say. It's such a disappointment, when you defend someone so long, thinking they are different, and they turn out to be what others said.

-I say we should get out of here.- Trent states.

-And I say we should wait there.- Duncan says.

-We can build a raft.- Trent suggests.

-Good call. We can get more lost than we already are.- Duncan opposes.

-Alright, everyone. Let's not Alexandra this into a worst situation than it already is.- Gwen silences the boys.

-Did you use my name as a verb?- I turn to her.

-Yes, I did.- She winks.

-Oh girl, I love it.- I smirk.

-What do you suggest then?- Trent asks.

-We're not lost. Not as long as you have me. I'll easily get us out of here.- I state.

-What's the plan, captain?- Duncan asks.

-First of all, I say we check this hut.

-What hut?

I point at one of the nearby trees. There's a treehouse on it.

-From up here, we should be able to navigate our way back. Who's with me?

They all nod in response.

-Great, I say two of us check the dino over here, and the other two go to the hut.

-Duncan, let's check the dino.- Gwen says.

-Whatever.- He grunts but follows the order obediently.

I mouth thanks to Gwen as they head in the skeleton direction. She simply smiles in response.

-I guess that's us then.- Trent smiles.

-Looks like this. Come on, let's check this hut. I'm well excited. Adventure is out there.

-Be careful, k?

-Of course, dad.- I say sarcastically.

-Hey, I'm just looking out for you.

-And I'm grateful for that.- I pat his cheek.


Alexandra: I don't know if Trent has any romantic feelings for me as he used to, but I'm really happy he's here. He radiates safety and calmness. Something anyone can quickly get used to.

We quickly reach the treehouse, and I start climbing the ladder before Trent manages to say anything. Actually, he stays behind, smiling at me.


Trent: When she has this childish gleam in her eye, nothing is stopping her. She should let it take control more frequently.

I jump on the platform above the ground and reach for the door. Behind it, there's a hanging skeleton, and I abruptly take a step back. I lean on the railing, realizing a shriek.


-Nothing! Come here!- I shout.

Trent climbs the ladder and almost falls back from the platform when he notices a skeleton.

-You could have warned me.

-I could have, but I didn't. - I laugh- No need to freak out, it's fake.- I point at the skeleton.

-Are we going inside?- He asks me.

-We should wait for Gwen. Maybe we're not supposed to move it. I'll climb higher to check where we are.

I drop my bag next to Trent and start climbing. The soft wind plays with my hair, and the view up here is amazing. I see the camp and the shore and the Boney Island. Everything is here.

-Where is Alexandra?- I hear the voices below.

I quietly make my way down and hang upside down on the lower branch. My head is sticking out of the leaves.

-Right here.- I wave with one hand.

-My goodness.- Gwen jumps at my sight.

-What a way to make an entrance.- Duncan smirks.

-Guys, the good news is. I know where the camp is.- I jump back on the platform.

-Bad news?- Trent asks.

-No bad news.- I smile.- So, are we going?- I ask.

-I still think we should wait for the rescue party.- Duncan says.

-If Alexandra is going, I'm going.- Gwen puts her palm on my shoulder.

-You might as well get lost. Sorry Alexandra, but you can't know everything.- Duncan opposes.

-Get lost yourself. I'm sorry I can't always know the answer, Mister I know everything better.- I huff.- Clearly, you always have to have the last saying. Suit yourself, I'm not here to save your ungrateful ass, not anymore. I'm not wasting my energy here. Trent, are you coming?


Alexandra: Come on now it's so obvious if not for me Gwen and alliance with Heather he would have been long gone. I protected his ass over someone else's. He's just too stupid to realize how big an influence on voting I actually had.

-No, no, no, little Missy. You're not going anywhere. We're staying here and waiting in safety.- Duncan states.

-As a matter of fact, I do have a choice, and I'm fucking going. You're not my boss. Trent, are you with me? Did you check the hut?

-Yes and yes. But there's nothing interesting.- He stands by my side.

The three of us leave the treehouse, and we head in the direction of the camp.

-I'm proud of you.- Gwen says.

-Why is that?

-You finally, put him in the right place. He deserved it.

-He started this shit, and now he's the one playing the victim. I'm not allowing him to play with me like this.

-As you should, girl.- Gwen takes my palm and squeezes it.

I look at Trent, and he simply nods at me, approving my decision. With a lighter mood and friends on my side, I'd like to believe we'll reach the camp in no time.


As the journey of our three campers goes on, Chris and Chef are having their best time a camp.

What will Duncan do about his situation?

Will Alexandra lead her friends to safety?

Come on it can't be too easy, after all, it's Total Drama Island!

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