Home is where the heart is...

By lilapurpleread

6.6K 161 44

*** ON HOLD FOR A WHILE *** You are Y/N Stark, daughter of one of the most famous and rich men in the world:... More

Chapter 1: Who the hell is Bucky?
Chapter 2: You slap like a girl
Chapter 4: The punishment
Chapter 5: I still hate you
Chapter 6: A Blind Date to remember
Chapter 7: What the hell were we doing?
Chapter 8: The Bet
Chapter 9: Gotcha!
Chapter 10: Ready
Author's Note:)
Chapter 11: Happy... Birthday... Doll
Chapter 12: Pardon me, officer
Chapter 13: The Files
Chapter 14: The safe house
Chapter 15: Christmas Blues, Part 1
Chapter 16: Christmas Blues, Part 2
Season 2, Chapter 1

Chapter 3: Night time madness

421 10 3
By lilapurpleread

It had been quite a while since I've been to a party, and I was almost sure that dad just used my return as an excuse because he uses literally anything as an excuse to throw a party, but I didn't mind. I really was my dad's daughter, so I was a sucker for a party myself.

The first few hours of the night we spent on the dance floor. Flowing with the beats helped me forget every small worry I might have had. Add liquor and the day was saved. For me, that meant quite a lot of liquor. For whatever reason, my liver was almost as strong as Steve's. For him it was the fact that he was a super soldier and for me... well I "blamed" it on my dad. Having someone like him as a father was surely a guarantee for being able to drink a lot.

After a while, a few people started leaving and we decided to sit down on the couches that were put in a circle like shape so that we can all sit together. Clint and Bruce hadn't danced, they were sitting on the couch already when we arrived but that was fine. They might not be big party people, but they are still a lot of fun.

As we sat down, I looked around the circle of my friends sitting together, and I couldn't help but smile. I wasn't always happy about being part of this life since I never felt like I was able to have any peace. Paparazzi followed me, people in school only used me for my popularity and I always felt like there was some sort of pressure on me just because my last name was Stark. But whenever I was around the Avengers I felt at peace. They didn't have those high expectations and liked me for me. And I only just realized that while I was in Australia. Heck, I missed them so much and I was so happy to be back.

A sudden movement ripped me out of my thoughts. Steve had gotten up from his seat and waved at me. "I know it's your party, but I'll invite someone to join us, ok?" "Sure! The more, the merrier" I said, not knowing who he was going to invite. I watched him go towards the bar, where he approached a man dressed fully in black. I noticed the long brown hair and hoped it wasn't who I thought it was, but all my hopes were shattered when he turned around after what seemed like a small argument with Steve. As I saw him looking at me with an annoyed face, I quickly looked away. Great, I'm sure he'll lighten the mood.

When they arrived and they sat down, everyone else went quiet. "How did you get that party pooper to join us?" Tony asked. "I told him he'll get in trouble if he doesn't" Steve replied.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence before Sam spoke up and suggested "Hey guys, what do you think about playing a bit of Truth or Dare?"

"God how old are we? Five??" Bucky rolled his eyes. "Are you scared?" I asked back, raising an eyebrow, and smirking at him. "Do I look like I am, Barbie?" "Yeah, you kinda do, cyborg" We just glared at each other, the tensity between us made everyone stop their conversations, until someone slapped their hands on their lap. It was Thor.

"Lady Wanda, how about you start? Truth or Dare?" he asked.


"Did you eat my last pop tarts?" Thor went without even thinking.

"Maybe..." she started and then she saw Thor looking a bit sad. "I'll buy you some more tomorrow, sorry Thor. I promise! Ok so, now it's my turn. Tony, truth or dare?"

"Is that even a question? Dare, of course!"

"Give Fury a lap dance" Wanda said without a second of hesitation. If that weren't my dad, this would actually be quite a really funny dare, but I most definetely did not want to see what was about to happen in here.

"Ohoo this is gonna be good!" Sam shouted.

"Eew guys I really don't want to see my dad giving anyone a lap dance" I complained.

"Then look away. I hate to break it to you, but life is not always going the way you want it to. God you're really just so spoiled" Barnes complained and rolled his eyes. I decided not to engage in this, he really wasn't worth my breath, so I rolled my eyes and looked away. The others were cheering and chanting dad's name in unison and as soon as he was done, Wanda nudged me to let me know it was ok to turn back around. I knew Dad was wasted, but I didn't think he was drunk enough to give a lap dance to Fury of all people. But apparently, he really did. And acoording to Nat he did really well. I wasn't quite sure wether I should be proud or embarassed, but luckily Das just continued with the game, so I could think of something else.

"Ok Wilson, now you go! Truth or Dare?" he asked.

"Dare man!"

"Arm wrestle me!"

"Ha man, you're wasted! You sure you wanna do this?" Sam chuckled.

"Hell yes, bird boy!"

Dad really was drunk as hell. And of course, he lost. He would have lost if he were sober too, but it was still funny to watch.

"Oki doki padoki! Hmmm who am I gonna pick... Bucknasty! Truth or dare?"

"Bucknasty?" I asked and started snorting with laughter. "Yes ma'm, that's Bucknasty!" Sam said proudly and threw his arm on James' shoulders, who was sitting next to him. James just glared at him in anger. "I told you not to call me that!" he growled.

"Why would I stop calling you that, it's too funny to see you get annoyed by it! And I mean is that not the best nickname I have ever come up with?" Sam said and started laughing.

James sighed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Dare"

"Oh, are you sure you're up for this, party pooper? You don't seem like the dare typa guy" I asked, quoting the name dad had called him earlier. He seemd like way too much of a coward to actually go through with a dare.

"You bet your ass I am!" He said and looked at me grimly.

"I bet you 50 Bucks [A/N: pun totally intended ;-P] you won't do whatever Sam is going to tell you to do. You're boring and Sam is the king of dares, there is no way you'll do it!" I spoke.

"And I bet you 50 Bucks that I will do it. Unlike you, I'm used to doing things I might not find 100% awesome, spoiled little princess." James shot back.

Sam rubbed his hands in anticipation. "This is gonna be hilarious!" he chuckled. "Ok Buck, wanna hear your dare?"

"Bring it on." He growled, while still staring at me angrily.

"Ok, pal. Kiss Y/N"

Wait, what?

"What the fuck, Sam?!" I shouted, and I noticed how James's jaw dropped at the audacity of Sam's dare. He quickly pulled himself together an got up.

"What Y/n? Are you scared you'll like it?" he asked, looking me right in the eyes. I wanted to look away so fucking badly, but I just simply couldn't. I was caught in his steel blue eyes. He didn't look away either, he just stared me right into the eyes with every step he took to get closer to me. "The only thing I'm scared of is losing my money, dickhead"

"Too bad that I don't care what you're scared of" he whispered and then bent down until our faces were merely inches away from each other. He leaned in, closed his eyes, I closed mine and then I could feel his breath softly on my face and the stubbles of his beard on my chin already, but before our lips could meet, he stopped and quickly put his hand on my thigh, which sent shivers up my spine.

"Here's your money, brat. Did you really think I was gonna kiss you? For 50 bucks?? It'll take a lot more than that" he said and left me speechless with a 50 Dollar bill on my thigh. What an asshole!

"You know, there are actually quite a few guys out there who would gladly kiss me, or more, for free!" I replied.

"Ok, then, go get them, your little fans. Be the slut you probably already are. What's keeping you from it?"

I gasped, and so did a few of the avengers around me. "How dare you?! You know nothing about me, you fucking son a bitch! Dad, can't you see this isn't going to work out?! I want my floor back to myself!" But Dad just looked between James and me and didn't respond, so I rolled my eyes, yelled "I fucking hate you!" at James and then left towards my room.

I sat down on my bed and wasn't sure wether I wanted to cry or smash something. How dare he call me a slut? It's not my fault there are guys out there worshipping me just for my last name. I would never kiss any of them let alone sleep with them! Being sexually harassed by one of my fans a while back had taught me to not get too close with my fans, but of course that dickhead wouldn't know what that was like.

While deep in my thoughts, I heard my phone vibrate on my nighstand. I piccked it up and saw that Nat had texted me.

Regular: Nat

Are you ok, Y/N?

Ya, just mad at that son of a b*

I'm sorry he ruined your party:(

Ugh it's ok, I just have to learn to ignore him.

How about we have a girl's night with Wanda tomorrow to make you think of something else?

Sounds awesome!
Do I get to choose the movie?

Of course, as long as it's not Titanic though!

Ughh fineee. How about Dirty Dancing?

Sounds good!

Thank you <3

No problem girl. Now get some sleep.

-Text over-

That night I just tossed and turned and barely slept. For some reason I just couldn't sleep, maybe because I was still mad.

I was about to get up to go grab a snack or something to drink, when I heard a loud noise that kind of sounded like a scream. Out of reflex, I grabbed the gun that I hid in my closet for emergencies, when I heard yet another scream. It sounded a little bit like my name, which really confused me. And scared the shit out of me.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., what's going on?" I asked, holding on to my gun tightly.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But I don't quite know. Mr. Barnes is in his room screaming, but I have no permission to access information from his room. Your father has shut me out of his room for privacy reasons."

"Ok I guess I can go back to sleep then if it's just Barnes." I said. I didn't plan on getting involved in whatever was going on in that jackass's room. And he most definitely did not deserve me caring for him after what he called me earlier. Screw him and his problems.

"He sounds distressed, Y/N. You should make sure there is no intruder." The computer voice told me, followed by yet another scream.

"Fine" I sighed and left my room. When I stood at the door to James's room, I hesitated and listened. I heard him panting through the door, and then another scream. And this time I'm sure it was my name. I tried to figure out the emotions behind it... anger, pain, fear... it just didn't make sense. While I was thinking, I heard the rustling of his bedsheets, but no more screaming.

I decided to slowly open the door, only to find him sitting on his bed.

Bucky's POV (a little bit earlier, while he was still asleep and dreaming) (TW: Torture, I think)

"If she doesn't comply, we will have to punish her! Soldier, show her what happens to people who don't comply. Hit her." The man told me.

Something in me didn't want to do this, but I had no choice. I already moved my arm to hit her, but before I could finish as I was told, I hesitated. Something in the eyes of that young woman in front of me changed. She looked me deep into my eyes. I knew those eyes. But who did they belong to?

"Bucky..." she whispered weakly.

Then I realized.

"Y/N" I whispered back. "I'm so sorry"

"What are you doing soldier?! You have orders!" the man shouted at me. I was going to attack him, but someone grabbed me from behind and held me tight so that I couldn't move. I noticed the man take out the notebook with the little star on it again. Fuck.

"No, please don't put me through this again. I don't want to hurt her." I whimper.

"Too bad, soldier. You will comply. And you will properly beat this woman up, the way I tell you to. And you will torture her, the way I tell you to, until she complies!" he yells and started reading those haunting words.

"Y/N!!" I screamed in hopes of it helping me remember who she was if I kept going.

I screamed her name repeatedly, but then it all went blank. It didn't help.

I only heard him say those words.

I was his soldier.

Ready to take on his orders.

Ready to comply.

I woke up soaked in sweat and sat down on my bed, still panting. Fuck what the hell was that? That was most definetely not a memory, I knew that. But why the fucking hell was she in my dream and why was I worried about her? I didn't care about her, I hated her just as much as she hated me. It made sense for her to show up in one of my nightmares because she is a literal nightmare, but I didn't like that I was worried about her. Even now that I was awake I couldn't fully shake the concern within me and it bothered me quite a lot how I felt about that stupid brat.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't hear that someone had entered my room.

"Barnes are you ok?" that person asked, scaring me. I looked up only to find Y/N standing in my room with only an oversized shirt on and very messy hair. She looked kinda cute like that, but I quickly shoved that thought aside. Her good looks did not make up for her fucked up personality. And she was most definitely  the person I wanted to see the least right now.

"I heard screams and I..." "Get out!" I yelled and interrupted her.

"But you screamed my name!" she stated. "Probably because you are my worst nightmare. Now get the hell out of my room!"

"But... I-" "GET OUT Y/N!" I shouted a bit louder now, which apparently scared her, as she shook when I shouted. But luckily, she left without another word.

Well done, Bucky. That's the way to treat people who are worried about you. God, sometimes I really just wanted to punch myself. But it's better that way. I wanted that spoiled brat to stay away from me, even if she tried to be nice. The fewer people are close to me, the fewer people I can hurt. And the fewer people I have to worry about.

-2636 words-

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