Unrequited Love | MYG βœ…

By Nora_Joy_author

204K 9.7K 1.1K

1 Producer, 7 Idols, 1 Grammy to Capture! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Lily, a passionate music producer and son... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
~ fin ~
~ A note to my readers ~
Coming to Wattpad 2022
Surprise Release!
Want to go another adventure?
New Release for the Holidays!
Did you know I made this book into a series?

Chapter Thirty-Seven

3K 166 46
By Nora_Joy_author

Namjoon and I touched base a few more times throughout the week. He suggested I should dress casual and comfortable for roaming around outside. He also explained that he had arranged for a driver to pick me up first and that a short time later, we would be picking him up from another undisclosed area on the way to make sure nobody was followed.

Three in the morning means chilly weather, so I dress in layers that consist of a pair of black yoga pants, a jade green tank top, and a long-sleeve black v-neck topped off with a jade green zippered hoodie to match, along with a pair of sneakers.

When the driver notifies me that my car has arrived, I emerge from my apartment building with a pillow and a throw blanket in tow. Namjoon said I could nap on the way up, and my neck will thank me later for the comfort.

I recognize the driver from the company and smile, thanking him as he chuckles at my pillow and blanket. He kindly opens the door, ushering me into a black SUV with tinted windows in the back for privacy.

We drive in comfortable silence for about a half-hour and then pull off into a store parking lot. Another car is there, and Namjoon materializes, handing two bags to the driver, who proceeds to put them in the trunk while Namjoon sleepily joins me in the backseat.

I'm relieved to see that he is also comfortable in charcoal gray fitted sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "Good morning," he says with a yawn, flashing a dimple my way.

"Goodnight," I reply with a soft smile and lean my neck onto my pillow that I have propped against the car door. I toss the length of my blanket, so it lands softly, covering both of us, and Joon looks pleasantly surprised. It doesn't take long for my eyes to grow heavy, and I feel myself drifting off to sleep.

Two hours later, I awaken to Namjoon, gently tapping my forearm as we pull into a gravel driveway. "Lily, we're here."

I look, and there is a small house next to our SUV, and I'm so confused as to where we are. I don't know what I expected, but it certainly was not this. 

"C'mon, it's almost time," Namjoon smiles as he slips out of the car door and comes around to open mine for me, offering his hand to assist my exit. My hand feels tiny in his large, soft hand, and I appreciate his thoughtfulness as I inhale the chilly morning air.

"Thanks, Joon. What is it almost time for?"

"You'll see, come with me," he says, and I note that he is carrying my blanket with him.

I follow as he carefully leads me down the hilly driveway and across a small private road, and into the yard of another house. It's still dark, and it takes me a moment to realize that we are at some kind of compound, or property, with a few different houses sprinkled about the grounds. Some just happen to be separated by the little road.

We make our way down into the yard, Namjoon taking great care to ensure I don't misstep. As we move forward through the property, I notice a lake unfolding before us. We proceed from the yard through a corridor of a small boathouse leading to a dock with a railing on all sides. Two chairs are set up next to each other, and he points to one indicating for me to take a seat.

I oblige while he pulls his chair closer to mine and then sits, making sure to cover us both with my blanket to help keep us warm in the chilly morning air.

The light of his phone makes an appearance and lights the space for a moment while Namjoon checks the time.

"It's almost time; look up over this way," he says, pointing out into the distance.

A few minutes pass, and then I see the sun begin to rise in the distance. As it does, a beautiful mountain range begins to emerge in the morning light. The light dances across the peaks as the purple and blue shadows slowly dissipate with the rising sun, bringing an array of orange, red, and yellow tones that usher in a brand new day.

"Oh Joon, this is beautiful," I gasp.

"It's my favorite movie," he replies, his words dancing around my ears like the most beautiful poetry I've ever heard.

We silently watch the morning unfold as the colors paint the sky. The temperature begins to warm slightly, causing the fog to slowly lift off the water, bringing an air of magical mysticism. I am so thankful I agreed to get up at three in the morning for this experience. When the sunrise finishes its opening ceremony, I reach over and squeeze Namjoon's hand gently for a moment.

"Thank you so much for sharing this with me," I say, overwhelmed by the serenity of the moment. "I really needed this," I say almost to myself.

"It's nice to have the opportunity to share this with someone who I knew would appreciate it," he replies. Quietly I study his profile, smiling as I watch him appreciate the scenery.

When the sun hangs proudly in the sky, I question, "So Joon, where are we?" I glance around at the property now that I can see it better in the morning light.

"This is a property we rented earlier in the year to film a show for ARMY. This was the perfect excuse to rent it for the day. It hasn't aired yet, so the location is still a secret, but after the show airs, I won't be able to come back here ever again because the fans will figure out where it is and want to see it. You know once we hit the road to promote the comeback we will be in the states executing the plan you helped us create and then we will be on tour nonstop for well over a year. This is the last chance I will have for a long time to just be free."

His words weigh on me heavily as I consider how much I've come to rely on the members as part of my daily life in such a short time, and now I will have to go back to my regular life. I've never been so attached to anyone I've worked with before, so to have seven people impact my life in this manner is so unexpected.

"It's going to be so weird not seeing you guys anymore."

"I know, we really enjoyed working with you, Lil. Are you hungry?"

"Joon, I'm always hungry," I say, furrowing my brows.

He laughs with me, and I love how easy it is to be with him. "Come up to the main house; I have it set up for us."

"You are seriously surprising me today!"

"Good! Come on," he leads me to the main house across the yard from the boathouse. Inside on the kitchen island is a selection of breakfast items, complete with a box of my favorite tea bags, along with juice and water in the fridge.

"This is so nice," I say, surprised. "Oh my gosh, did the driver set this up for us? I should go bring him something. Is he going to be alright stuck here today?" I can't help but worry about his comfort too.

"Lil, you are sweet, but I promise you he is fine. I arranged it, so he has the house across the street to himself today and plenty to eat and drink. I told him to enjoy the amenities so he can relax as well in the meantime."

"Okay, thanks for doing that, Joon. I worry about people sometimes," I shrug.

"I know, like how you were with Hobi in the studio or trying to help Hana speak English fluently. It's one of the qualities I've come to admire about you."

"You flatter me too much," I reply. We joyfully fill our stomachs looking out the sliding glass door admiring the view.

After breakfast, Namjoon invites me to walk around the grounds with him. He shows me the garden, and we spend quite a bit of time watching a caterpillar we come across in the driveway. Joon makes sure it is undisturbed, and I love how much he enjoys both complex and simple pleasures.

He grabs one of the bags from the car's trunk, and we head back to the dock, where he pulls a book from his bag and hands it to me. I am shocked when I read the cover; it is a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in English. He remembered!

"Want to spend the day with Arthur Dent?"

"42," I reply, basking in the fact that he is familiar with the book and that he completely gets my reference.

We spend the rest of the morning enjoying the view and reading our respective books. I feel like I'm on vacation and revel in how lovely these moments are.

As it nears lunchtime, I finally reach over and look at my cellphone to see I have a few notifications.

Hobi: Hello, Sunshine! Hoping your Namjooning day is going well!

Reply to Hobi: Going well, Lovie! Let's hang out soon too 💕

Jimin: You are lingering in my mind today.

Reply to Jimin: Shh! I'm Namjooning today. Get out of my head! Dangerous boy! 😈

JK: What kind of flowers do you think Jae would like?

Reply to JK: No preference; she will appreciate anything. Invite me to your wedding 😉

At lunch, I offer to make the instant ramyeon that he's brought along, happy that all the decisions seem hassle-free when I'm in the company of Joon. We eat inside at a long table to get out of the sun for a bit, the days are cooler now, but my pale skin still burns quickly.

"Thanks for making this! I really didn't think you'd mind if we kept it simple. I'm a bit of a mess in the kitchen, so I didn't want to attempt to bring anything I'd have to cook," he grins.

"I just feel bad you spent all this money to rent the place; the least I could do was throw some hot water in a cup!" I laugh.

"Oh, don't feel bad! I would have rented it either way and just brought my family. I love them, but it's so nice to be with a friend and have a different kind of adventure."

"I'm going to miss you guys so much when I go back to my company," I smile sadly. All of you have become my chaotic tribe. Most of you, anyway...." I say, cutting myself off as I gaze out the sliding door and take in the lake view.

"You should tell Yoongi the way you feel, Lily," Joon offers gently.

I practically choke on my noodles, and he leans over to pat my back, then slides my bottle over to me, making sure I'm fine.

"Are you okay?"

"Ye..yess.." I say, taking a swig of water. I just wasn't expecting you to say that."

I finally look him in the eye, his face is gentle and knowing, but I feel panic rising in me.

"Oh, Lily, I didn't mean to make you upset."

"No, no, I'm really, I'm okay."

"Lily, not for nothing, but I've been observing the two of you since the first day you walked into our company. The connection between the two of you is obvious from a thousand miles away. You gravitate towards each other, but neither will make a move."

"Actually, that's not entirely true. He rejected me and told me to keep it professional. I've never been so mortified in my life. He's the only one I can't wait to part ways with! My embarrassment seems to grow by the day."

"Ugh, I don't know, Lily. I think something is happening there. I've known Hyung for a long time, and I've seen him with people whom he's been involved with. I've never seen him react to someone as he does with you. He went through a pretty bad breakup, so I think he could be being cautious with you, plus there is the issue with your contract as well."

"Hmm, and I thought you were so smart up until now," I say playfully and lightly jab my elbow into his.

"Honestly, Mr. Min Yoongi makes both my head and my heart hurt when I think about him."

"Romance is so hard, right? I don't understand why it is so hard," Joon looks a bit sad and frustrated.

"Well, I hope you don't think it's just because you're famous, Joon. Honestly, even for us regular people dating is pretty awful. It feels impossible to meet someone who just likes me and isn't up to something shady. Personally, I think you guys should be able to date whoever you want so you can be just as miserable as the rest of us," I laugh, trying to lighten up the truth bomb I just delivered.

"I wish we could! Living up to being an 'Idol' is getting harder the older I get. I'm tired of hiding the people I date; it makes it so hard on my partners. How can I fall in love with someone and have to keep them hidden forever? I'm a grown-ass man, and it takes a fatal toll on my personal relationships."

"Not for nothing, Joon, but you guys have a level of fame that is unheard of around the world. You created this machine! Why don't you guys stop being so afraid of losing it all and just break all the rules? Let's be honest, idol culture is pretty toxic, and you have the extraordinary opportunity to change the game."

I glance over at him to see if I'm annoying him, but he leans closer to listen.

"Look at what you've done to change the industry already. You are innovators, so why don't you keep iterating and get out there and stop giving a shit and just be adults? I grew up loving tons of musicians and actors who had significant others, and scandals, divorces, hell they were popping out kids all over the place, and I still loved them!"

"I wish it was that easy!"

"It is that easy! After winning your Grammy, you will have the fanbase to keep sustaining tours even if some of the fandom leaves. Take a break after award season and before touring, get some individual Instagram accounts, and start showing the world you are adults. Your fans are growing with you. Personally, I'm dying for Jin and Hana to get hitched and give us some Bangtan babies," I smile.

"I like where you are going with this, but it's hard to take such a risk when we've created these 'perfect boyfriend' personas and promised ARMY that they are our only focus."

"Real ARMY isn't going to give up on you, Joonie. They might be a little jealous and hoping for some divorces," I chuckle, "but they are still going to love you. You just have to let them know that they are no longer welcome in your lives if they bring hate or harm to the people you love. YOU control the narrative"

"The Instagram idea sounds like something I'd like to explore. having individual accounts could help with Jungkook in the future as well."

"What do you mean?"

"At some point, we are going to have to start enlisting into the military to fulfill our duty. We've been tossing around the idea that older members will go first, and the younger ones will remain to make music instead of enlisting together. Everyone has great voices, but we think that it might be the perfect time for JK to release a full solo album. He could promote and tour, and two years will pass in the blink of an eye."

"Oh, this is an interesting concept," I breathe out as my brain goes into action. I start thinking of JK in a solo capacity.

"Lily, it's almost like I can see the cogs moving inside you," he smiles appreciatively, "You already have song ideas starting, don't you?"

"I admire Kookie's voice so much! It really does have my brain working," I say excitedly as I get up and start pacing back and forth across the room.

"You know, his individual social media account could be curated to showcase how much he has matured into a man. Then I would also suggest that he collaborates on a duet or two with a woman. He likes Jae, I'm assuming a woman would be his type, but whatever, I'm open, you know. It's time we normalize when you guys talk or flirt with women, or men, or whatever you all are into. I've seen a video of the duet you did for that festival, Namjoon. It was excellent! JK needs to take this much further than that, though."

"The way you come up with ideas, it's exciting to see your process."

"Oh my lord, I have to stop! There is no 'we,' I have to remember I don't work for Big Hit! I'm getting too excited right now! This is supposed to be our day of Namjooning, and I'm sitting here trying to find a way to work, and don't get me started with losing any of you to the military for a while!"

I stop pacing around the room and try to reset myself out of work mode. I take the hair tie I have been wearing around my wrist up and twist my hair into a messy bun on top of my head and then start cleaning up our lunch.

"You know, Lily, if you weren't infatuated with one of my best friends, I think I would try and date you myself," he says genuinely with a sparkle in his eye.

"Joon, why are you so perfect," I sigh. I mean, except for not being able to cook, drive a car, or keep from breaking things, that is." I flash him a wicked smile, and he laughs as I try to shift us away from me having to acknowledge my feelings for Yoongi.

This man is so sweet. Why couldn't I have feelings for him?

We spend the rest of the day reading and chatting. Later, I take the canoe that's onsite out and paddle around a bit as Joon stays ashore relaxing in his chair like a king presiding over his kingdom.

After my mini-adventure, I begin to paddle back towards the dock slowly to give myself a moment to try and memorize the man before me. Soon he will be gone from my life, and I want this experience etched in my brain. This is the day I got to bask in the company of Joonie and just know him as a regular person, it was the zen moment my soul has been truly begging for.

After a full day of relaxation, we embark on our journey home. About a half-hour outside of Seoul, we rendezvous with another car to take Namjoon safely and securely home.

"Before you go, I just want to thank you so much for taking me with you today. It was exactly what I needed, and I appreciate you."

"Of course, Lil. It was so fun to have a day off. Having you there helped me to relax. I have a hard time allowing myself to let go of work. It was exactly what I needed too!"

I smile and squeeze his hand right before he slides out of the car. Hang on, one second," he smiles and heads to the trunk to retrieve his bags.

A moment later, he is throwing something at me. It lands in my lap before I know what is happening.

"Bye, Baby, have a good night!" He says with a sexy grin that catches me off guard, and with a wink, he is already vanishing into the back of an awaiting car that quickly disappears into the twilight.

I untangle the object before me to reveal a light blue sweatshirt with the word 'Namjooning' and an image of a bicycle embroidered in white on it.

Oh my gosh, Joonie! He got me the fucking sweatshirt! How can anyone be this thoughtful?

I chuckle while wiping away a grateful tear as the driver proceeds to drive me back into the city.

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