The First Daughter (A RWBY Fa...

By Technodude168

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Thousands of years ago, there was a young princess named Elise with her three younger sisters and her parents... More

6. The Inquisitor
6.5 Cinder
9. Breach
10. Joint Task Force
11. Winter
12. Traitor's Demise
16. Motives Revealed
17. The Relic of Choice
18. Methuselah vs Elise
20: Fall of Beacon
Intermission 1/3: The Angel of Death
Intermission 2/3: The Colonials
Intermission 3/3: Life Day Truce

19. Battle of Vale

436 15 16
By Technodude168

A pack of Beowolves are running down a street in Vale, seeking out prey from the people of the city. As they turn a corner to another block, someone yells.

Mimaran: FEUER!

The Grimm are suddenly riddled with bullets and drop to the ground to disintegrate. A squad of Mimaran and Atlesian troopers with Atlesian Knights stand at a defensive position further down the road. The Knights move up to secure the rest of the block of stragglers. They then see a Valkyrie gunship fly overhead with an armored vehicle attached to it, which is dropped in front of the squad. It's a tank, and it's followed with a squad of Mimaran troopers hopping out of the gunship soon after.

Mimaran Lieutenant: Los Los Los!

A pair of Atlesians run up to the lieutenant as the new squad prepared to move out.

Atlesian: Lieutenant, what's the situation up there? The comms are all over the place right now.

Lieutenant: Your command ship has been hijacked and most of your fleet has been shot down within its opening volley. General Ironwood is en route to retake the ship. In the meantime, Beacon is also under siege by White Fang.

The Atlesians look at one another.

Lieutenant: We'll get through this, just remember your training and do your duty. Now, we need to hunt down a Goliath in the city. Follow the Panzer and be ready to assist!

The Atlesians nod before the JTF troops move out.

Elsewhere, squads of Jaegers are being deployed all over the city and at Beacon. The moment these squads land, they immediately open fire on any Grimm and White Fang they see with extreme prejudice.

In the air, a Mimaran Typhoon fighter is engaged in a dogfight with a Nevermore and a Griffin that were on its tail. The pilot evades large feather projectiles shot by the Nevermore as they then speed up their aircraft and pull up, hard. The pilot was hit with Gs as they flip up and over the pursuing Grimm and slow down to combat speed when the fighter gets behind them and fires two missiles that home in and blow the Grimm out of the sky. The pilot takes a deep breath and sighs before seeing a civilian air bus being pursued by Grimm, so the pilot gets back to work and intercepts.

The story is the same all over, the Grimm or White Fang pop up, and the Mimarans counter them even though air superiority is currently compromised. Even though Vale isn't their city, the Mimarans are fighting to defend it as if it was.


Roman Torchwick is giddily fidgeting around with the controls of the Atlesian flagship, like a child in a candy store. Atlesian officers are scattered across the bridge either dead or unconscious.

Roman: Hmm... let's see, what does... this button do?

After the button is pressed, a noise is heard.

Roman: Oh, fun! How about ... this one?

With the press of a button, the airship suddenly empties its cargo of Atlesian Knights, all on standby, as they fall to the ground with a massive thud.

Roman: Hm. Alright, nothing.

Neopolitan, wearing a Atlesian military disguise, hands Roman a Scroll with the Black Queen virus, as he inserts it in the console.

Roman: Oh-ho-ho! Now this one, this one's gonna be fun!

As a squadron of Knights shoot down Grimm, they suddenly stop as their visors and LEDs turn a dark crimson, and turn around, pointing their guns at Goodwitch and Qrow as they continue to fight the Grimm, the realization shocking them as they see the Knights now turned against two of their now former allies.

Goodwitch: What!?

On the courtyards of Beacon, Weiss and Blake are nearly caught off-guard by the local Knights also succumbing to the virus and turning towards them, fortunately Blake reacts quickly.

Blake: Look out!

Blake managed to push Weiss aside in order to dodge incoming fire, but the Knights surround them, forcing the Schnee and the Faunus to draw their weapons.

Nearby Mimaran and Atlesian troopers suddenly find themselves getting fired upon or get into hand-to-hand combat with the Knights. All while in the middle of firefights with White Fang troops.

The Mimarans and Atlesians in Vale also are caught off guard when the Knights ahead of them turn and fire upon them.

Meanwhile, an oblivious General Ironwood, en route to his Airship on a transport, gets a nasty surprise when the Knights on his dropship suddenly activate and turn on him.

Ironwood: No!

As Ironwood reaches out, the dropship suddenly loses altitude, plummeting from the ground as two flashes can be seen from the cockpit. Ruby and the students from Amity Arena earlier, aboard an air bus to get down to Beacon, watch in horror as they see the dropship fall from the sky. Ruby decides to run to the bay doors of their Air Bus.

Coco: Ruby! What are you doing!?

Ruby then jumps off the Air Bus as it barely takes off, using her Semblance of speed to safely land on the runway after freefalling in the sky. As she runs to the landing area, she sees Mimaran troopers talking over their comms.

Mimaran: General Ironwood's transport is down! Can anyone raise him on the comms!?

Admiral Layton: Negative, until we can reestablish contact, follow the JTF chain of command.

Ruby runs to a rocket locker that landed earlier to provide the students their weapons. She punches in the code, latches on with Crescent Rose, and immediately takes to the skies, landing on top Roman's stolen airship with a thud.

Roman: Ugh... go see what that is.

Neo simply nods at Roman's command, and leaves the control room.


All across Beacon Academy, various students battle the many Creatures of Grimm: Jaune is charging at an Ursa then delivers a slash that knocks it back, while Neon rollerblades away from a Boarbatusk. Coco opens fire on a Griffon as it lands, while Arslan is seen fighting an Ursa Major before it runs off to attack Nora, who fires at it with her grenade launcher. Ren is firing his guns at a retreating Beowolf before it drops dead.

Neptune shoots down a a pair of Knights before a Paladin comes into his view and charges at him.

Neptune: Uh oh

He quickly dodges an attack before returning shots at the rogue mech. However, it smacked him away and Neptune dropped his weapon. He tried to reach for it but the Paladin prepared to stomp on him. Neptune closed his eyes as he braced for it, but then two golden Sun Wukongs hit the Paladin in the front and pushed it back.

Neptune: Huh?

Followed by that, he sees Yang jump over him with her hair on fire as she punches the Paladin, shattering the front armor of the mech. A group of Knights then run over to her and Neptune but then Sun dashes past Yang towards the robots and started destroying them with his bo staff before switching to his gunchucks. After quickly dealing with the hacked robots, Sun looks over at Yang and smirks.

Sun: Awesome teamwork, Yang.

Yang smiles before she runs off to help the other students. Sun walks up to Neptune, who was still on the ground in surprise.

Sun: Dude, what are you doing on the ground?

Neptune: Um...

The blue haired intellectual quickly hops to his feet and dusts himself off before picking up his weapon.

Neptune: Just uh.... looking cool....on the ground. Anyway, when did you get out of the hospital, man?!

Sun smirks at his best friend.

Up on a nearby building, Methuselah is standing on the rooftop, a Seer is filming the chaos with a Scroll. Methuselah's arm was regrown, which had him rubbing it as it was soar.

Methuselah: All the chaos, it's like poetry, am I right?

The Seer is mostly silent, but it does emit a low eerie noise.

Methuselah: You're recording with the stolen scroll because I destroyed mine and I don't have anyone else to do it.

Seer: .....

Methuselah: "Those two lackeys?" ..... Oh! .....I forgot about them. Probably should go bust them out...

Seer: .....

Methuselah rolls his eyes.

Methuselah: Yeah, yeah, I'll get Cinder's kids. Just focus the scroll on the Atlesians Knights.

Seer: .....

Methuselah: Continue the broadcast until the end, then get out of here.

Suddenly, a tremor rocks the two of them.

Methuselah: And do not miss what happens next.

Methuselah walks off into a summoned portal as the Seer continues filming.

Inside Ozpin's office, Mimaran troopers have turned the office into a command center during the first hour of all this but are preparing to evacuate. General Veliona watches the battle on three video feeds, one showing a Mimaran Panzer firing at a Goliath while retreating, the middle showing a group of Atlas soldiers struggling a against a Deathstalker on Beacon's main avenue, and the last showing civilians stuck on a rooftop waving for help, while an Ursa slowly crawls up the side of the building. Veliona then starts to walk away from Ozpin's desk, grabbing her pistol in the process, before proceeding to the elevator. However, she is stopped in her tracks when a sudden tremor shakes the ground.

Back in the city, Glynda and Qrow continue fighting, before they too are shaken by another tremor. Qrow stabs his sword into the ground to keep himself standing.

Goodwitch: No...

Another tremor shakes Jaune as he battles an Ursa Major, with Sage and Scarlet piggyback riding on it with worried expressions on their faces.

Inside the Mimaran flagship, Admiral Layton, a Mimaran man with unusual red eyes stands by the window of the bridge. He watched turrets fire at every direction towards Grimm targets until an officer calls out to him.

Officer: Admiral! A Titan-class Grimm has been detected!

Elsewhere, a mountain starts to violently shake and crumble, as various body parts of a monstrous-looking Grimm are revealed, before the mountain completely breaks apart, releasing a titanic Wyvern. The Wyvern roars and flies over the abandoned Mountain Glenn, heading towards Beacon. As it flies, it exudes a black, tar-like substance which drops to the ground in the city of Vale and spawns various Grimm.

As the Wyvern getting closer to Beacon, the Mimaran fleet turns their guns on the Grimm and fire at the creature. The massive Grimm is largely unaffected and just gets more angry as it destroys a small airship that was in its way by using its massive claws.

Mimaran Officer: Frigate Grafton has been destroyed!

The Wyvern excretes more of the black substance, which drops to the ground and spawns more Grimm near the base of the CCT. Beacon students and JTF troops are forced into engaging the charging Grimm while still dealing with the existing White Fang and hacked robot problems.

~On the Mimaran Flagship~

Inside the Brig of the Admiral Layton's vessel, Emerald and Mercury are shaking from whatever is going on outside.

Mercury: It sounds like Cinder's plan went off!

Emerald: Yeah, with us still on board this ship!

They then hear a thud as a body hit the floor outside their cell's sight. The two stand up as they are on guard from the noise, especially once they see blood flow into sight. Then Methuselah walks up to the cell with a smile on his face.

Emerald: You!

Methuselah: Yes, me. Enjoyed prison time?

Emerald rolls her eyes while Mercury smirks.

Emerald: Not particularly, but it isn't something I'm not used to.

Mercury: Oh, I don't know, the Mimaran jail meals aren't that bad actually.

Methuselah chuckles as he turns off the forcefield keeping them in the cell. Emerald and Mercury walk out and their eyes widen from the pair of dead Mimaran guards near the cell.

Emerald then noticed that Methuselah was alone.

Emerald: Where's Cinder? You got her out too, right?

Methuselah: She's alive, don't worry about her too much right now. We need to get into engineering and shut down the ship's shields and also their weapons if possible.

Mercury: Then how will we get out? The Mimarans will be right on top of us.

Methuselah: I'll get you out, don't you worry. Get your weapons and let's go.

Methuselah walks off to the Brig's entrance while Mercury and Emerald glance at each other before they comply.


Back in the city, Goodwitch uses The Disciplinarian to knock back a few Creeps, while Qrow slices and blasts at a few infected Knights with Harbinger. Nearby, Cardin Winchester giddily knocks back an Ursa with his mace, but then gets held at gunpoint by a few infected Knights. Suddenly, their heads are shot off, surprising Cardin. As the smoke clears from the destroyed Knights, General Ironwood is standing nearby, he had miraculously survived his crash, his damaged uniform exposing the right half of his body to be cybernetic. Without hesitation, he shoots down all of the infected Knights with Due Process. Flipping it into his right hand to club the last one as it leaps at him.

Ironwood: This area's secure! We need to-

Suddenly, Qrow's expression changes into what appears to be anger. He transforms his sword into a scythe and charges toward Ironwood.

Ironwood: Qrow! This isn't my doing!

Qrow continues charging, despite Ironwood's words. The general flips his gun in his hand and gets into a battle stance, preparing for the perceived attack. However, Qrow leaps past Ironwood, who turns around just in time to see a large Griffon lunging at him. With one swing of Qrow's scythe, the Griffon is sliced in two. Upon landing, Qrow turns around and scoffs as he addresses Ironwood.

Qrow: You idiot. I know you didn't do this.

Ironwood relaxes and sighs, lowering his head and putting his hand to his forehead, while Glynda places her hand on his shoulder.

Qrow: So what now, General?

Ironwood grabs a pair of Mimaran holoprojector spheres from his pocket and tosses them into the air. They activate and soon the projection of General Veliona appears.

Veliona: General, I'm glad you're still alive.

Ironwood: Likewise. Someone's done the impossible and gained control of my machines. And that enormous Grimm seems to be fixated on the school.

Veliona: That may be because of the Relic inside. Admiral Layton's ship is trying to draw it away but even the Valiant's weapons aren't enough to seriously harm a Titan Grimm. If we had an Atlesian Colossus or perhaps one of our own Titans from back home, we would be able to stop that thing.

Ironwood: Okay, Glynda, form up the local Huntsmen and help the local JTF establish a safe zone here in Vale. We need to evacuate Beacon. Qrow, I'm leaving that to you, Veliona, and other JTF units. I still need to get to my ship.

The four hear a loud noise and turn to see its source: Ironwood's ship slowly nosediving into the ground.

Qrow: Well, it won't be much of a walk.

The Atlesian Knights that are still functioning attempt one last time to harm the Huntsmen, before powering down.


At Beacon, there was a Jaeger that was getting overwhelmed by a group of Knights while some White Fang were watching. The White Fang were entertained at seeing a Jaeger about to fall until the robot powered down and fell to the ground. The Faunus suddenly got scared as the Jaeger's illuminated optics got a lot redder.

The White Fang try to run but then one of them get a knife blade straight through the head. The other Faunus are terrified to see this as the Jaeger caught them so quickly. Before they could react, two White Fang are shot in the head by a pistol the Jaeger draws and the fourth and last Faunus from the group is grabbed by the neck and slammed to the ground. As the Faunus panics and tries to pry the hand off their neck, another group of White Fang come into view of the Jaeger. The Faunus are stunned with fear as the Jaeger glares at them as they execute the White Fang pinned down without even straying their gaze at their victim. The Jaeger stands and pursues their new prey like a wolf locked on target.


In the Beacon courtyard, the students stand prepared to fight the Atlesian Paladin that is charging toward them. However, electricity arcs across it and it suddenly powers down, collapsing and sliding to a stop in front of them.

Sun: Hm. That went better than expected.

Weiss doubles over, exhausted, leaning on Myrtenaster to keep herself standing.

Yang: Weiss!

She runs to Weiss

Yang: You're okay! Have you heard from Ruby?

Weiss shakes her head.

Yang: What about Blake?

Weiss: She went after an Alpha...

She points in the direction that Blake ran

Weiss: and some members of the White Fang.

Yang: You look for Ruby. I'll meet up with Blake.

Yang hurries off in the direction that Weiss pointed, while the heiress gives a thumbs up.

Meanwhile, Jaegers and Mimaran troopers were starting to swarm into the courtyard via gunships as they start evacuating the students. Veliona calls out to the students in the courtyard.

Veliona: Students! You need to evacuate the school! If you have any classmates unaccounted for, inform a JTF soldier! Don't go looking for them, especially on your own!

A Grimm ran up to the General but she casually gunned it down with her pistol. As students start running to the evacuation ships, Weiss walks up to the General.

Weiss: General Veliona, do you know where Ruby is?!

Veliona: She wasn't with the students here?

The two then hear Coco call over to them.

Coco: Last I saw her, she jumped out of the air bus to that Atlas cruiser!

Veliona turns her head towards the crashed airship in question. Weiss' eyes widen in worry.

Weiss: She- she's okay, right??

Veliona looks at Weiss and puts a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

Veliona: I'm sure she's okay. You can stay here until she appears, but you will be on the last transport out, understood?

Weiss nods before Veliona notices something with the students.

Veliona: Where are your other teammates, Yang and Blake?

Weiss: Blake went near the mess hall while chasing an Alpha and some White Fang. Yang's going after her.

A nearby Atlesian trooper, who was limping by with a Mimaran medic helping him up, glances over at Weiss and Veliona as he overheard the conversation.

Atlas Trooper: Ma'am, Adam Taurus was in that area, one of my squadmates got cut down by him. If those two students are there, they may not get out.

A bird from a nearby archway suddenly flaps their wings and darts towards the Beacon mess hall. Everyone at the courtyard and landing pads hear a massive explosion, causing them to look up.

The Wyvern had just destroyed the cannons on the Valiant. The airship's shields are down.

~On the Valiant ~

Emerald and Mercury cough as smoke filled up the Valiant's engineering deck. The deck was littered with bodies and terminals were destroyed. Methuselah is relishing from the slaughter he just took part in. Emerald was disturbed from all this.

Mercury: Great, the shields and weapons are dead, now how are we getting out of here?

Methuselah opens up a portal and smirks.

Methuselah: Come along, time to leave Vale.

Emerald and Mercury run up to the portal and enter it. Methuselah looks around before walking into the portal as well and the portal closes.

Meanwhile on the bridge, officers are doing what they can to keep the ship operational after that last attack by the Wyvern.

Officer: Admiral! Weapons and shields are offline. Engineering reports critical damage!

Layton: Pull us away if possible.

Officer: Yes- Incoming!

The bridge crew are flying all over the place as the Wyvern grabbed onto the Valiant's hull. Layton pulls himself from the floor and sees the giant eyes of the Grimm staring at him from the outside. The Wyvern roars as Layton furrows his eyebrows, knowing what comes next.

Layton: Abandon-

Suddenly, an explosion hit the Wyvern, causing it to roar in pain. Layton's eyes widen in surprise as the Wyvern lets go of the Valiant.

Layton: Which ship fired that shot??

Officer: Sir, none of our remaining ships had that firepower. Wait a minute....Sir! We have another Titan-class contact coming towards the harbor! It has a Mimaran signature!

Layton is surprised as he rushes towards the officer's terminal to see what they're seeing.

~Down in Vale harbor~

A JTF squad and Jaeger finish gunning down some Grimm before they all hear a loud crashing noise at the entrance of Vale's harbor. There they see a giant armored mech the size a ten story building with two cannons strapped to its shoulders, a massive gatling gun on its left arm, and a right hand with claw-like fingers.

(Warlord Titan, oh boy! Roughly 108 feet/33 metres tall if you want a specific height)

Atlesian: Woah...

They look to their Mimaran comrades and sees them stunned.

Mimaran trooper: That's the Sol Invictus!!

Jaeger: I thought it was missing! What is it doing here?!

The troopers, along with everyone else in Vale as well as Beacon, hear a mighty war horn blare from the Titan that was so loud it felt like the air shook. As the Titan readied its weapons, the troops at the docks hear the Wyvern roar overhead as it flies straight towards the Sol Invictus. The Titan aims its cannons at the Grimm and fires a shot at its wings, the shot tears through the right wing and the Wyvern is forced to crash in the water in front of the Sol Invictus, causing a massive splash.

The Wyvern rises from the water, roaring as it charges towards the Titan. The Sol Invictus open up with a volley from its gatling gun, firing high explosive rounds at the Grimm before using the gun to smack it in the head when it got too close. This was followed by the Titan punching the Wyvern with its right fist.

Meanwhile, the soldiers on the ground were cheering. Especially the Mimarans in a display of excitement of seeing a Titan appear in front of them.

Jaeger: Alright people, we've got a job to do! Let's clear this city of the Grimm!


Back in Beacon, Blake is in the Beacon mess hall, faced with Adam Taurus. Blake was exhausted from her fight with Adam so far, and Adam hasn't even broken a sweat.

Adam: This could've been our day! Can't you see that!?

Blake: I never wanted this! I wanted equality! I wanted peace!

She raises her sword, its blade folding into sickle mode, and shoots at Adam, who blocks both bullets with his sword.

Adam: What you want is impossible!

He sheathes his sword and backhands Blake across her face, knocking her over.

Adam: But I understand because all I want is for you to be punished, Blake. For betraying the White Fang, and me.

Blake begins to raise her sickle again, only for Adam to kick it out of her hand, knocking her over once again.

Adam: And as I set out upon this world and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves, I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love.

Yang: Blake!

Yang's voice draws their attention to one of the broken windows. She soon comes into view and shoots a White Fang member, before looking around for her teammate.

Yang: Blake! Where are you!?

Adam looks at Blake to see her terrified expression, then returns his gaze to Yang.

Adam: Starting with her.

Adam draws his sword and stabs it into Blake's abdomen near her left hip, causing her to shriek in pain. The cry catches Yang's attention.

Yang: Huh?

Adam stands upright, pulling his sword from Blake's flesh and turning to face Yang.

Yang: Get away from her!

Blake reaches out helplessly.

Blake: No... please...

Adam sheathes his sword, smiling. Yang screams, her eyes turning red and a burst of flame erupting from her. She leaps at Adam, drawing her fist back with tears in her eyes. Adam swiftly draws his sword, swinging it through the air at Yang, as his Semblance activates. As Yang flies through the air, the lower half of her right arm separates from her.

Yang flies through the air, beginning to lose consciousness, with glowing yellow Aura splattering out from her wound. She lands on the floor and lays there on her side, completely still. Blake's eyes widen in shock.

Adam slowly walks toward Yang's unconscious body and swings his sword out to the side, flicking her blood from its blade. Before he can reach her, Blake throws herself between them, giving him a determined stare. Adam frowns from this act of defiance.

Adam: Why must you hurt me, Blake?

He swings his sword, but it is suddenly blocked. Blake looks up to see Raven standing between them, wearing her mask. Her sword was drawn as she clashed with Adam's blade. Adam jumps back, getting some distance from Raven and he grits his teeth.

Blake: Aren't you....?

Raven: Get Yang out of here. Now.

Blake nods and picks Yang up before running away. Adam turns to watch Blake flee, dragging Yang with her. He begins slowly walking after her, but Raven stops him as she charges at him. The two clash as Adam growls slightly.

Adam: You just made a big mistake, Branwen.

Raven: Maybe, but so did you, Taurus.

As Blake gets away, Adam grunts as he pushes Raven back and gets some distance from her. He sheathes his blade and sighs.

Adam: I'm not interested in fighting you. All I want is Blake.

Raven: And I don't care if you get her, but I won't let you get away with harming my daughter.

Elise's nagging is seriously getting to Raven, ain't it?

Both Raven and Adam place their hands on the hilts of their swords, preparing for whoever to strike first. Raven takes the initiative as she shoots her sword out of its sheath and she darts towards Adam while grabbing her sword midair. Adam jumps forward as well, causing the two blades to clash as they both zoom back and forth all over the mess hall, clashing each time.

Raven uses a collapsed column to spring herself towards Adam, who lunges forward. Raven blocks one strike but sees three afterimages created by Adam's semblance that she's forced to block attacks from. She then is kicked back, but she quickly recovers as her hand touches the floor and she flips back onto her feet without falling.

Raven notices her current blade is cracked, so she sheathes it and her hilt takes out a red Dust blade. She wonders if she should use her Maiden powers here, but if she does and Adam informs Salem if he survives, then she and her tribe would be in more danger than they already are by her being here. So she decides to keep this fair, somewhat.

The Branwen twin swipes her blade across the floor in front of Adam, creating a wall of fire in front of him that he backs away from. Then, zooming past the fire, Raven darts towards Adam. Adam was caught off guard thanks to the fire, resulting in him to fumble after blocking the attack. Adam leaps back and sheathes his blade as he prepares his semblance for his heavy attack.

Adam unleashes Moonslice at Raven, who prepared to block the attack but her eyes light up. She planned to use her powers, knowing she could be killed. But then a cloaked individual jumps in front of her and blocks the strike with their armored vambraces. It was the Inquisitor that arrested Cinder and killed Lionheart. Though she still didn't know about that last part.

Raven: Huh??

The Inquisitor rubs his arms as if they hurt a little as a squad of four Jaegers ran up to assist and aim their weapons at Adam. Now it was six to one, which made Adam step back. The Jaegers open fire, causing Adam to use his blade to block the shots as he quickly retreats. The Jaegers pursue him but he's too fast, they won't catch him. The Inquisitor looks back at Raven, who appeared irritated.

Raven: I had him.

As if not caring, the Inquisitor walks away. He accomplished his objective of keeping Raven's secret safe, that's what mattered to him. He pulls out his communication device and types quickly on it before putting it away.

On board a Valkyrie gunship, Claire looks at her communication device before putting it away. She looks at Elise, who was on a medical stretcher with her guards around her. Elise was barely conscious as they were heading to a hospital.

Claire: My queen, Raven's secret is safe for now.

Elise: Good.... I don't want a bigger target on her back right now.

Elise closes her eyes as she takes a deep breath. She hears the radio from the cockpit.

Trooper: The Wyvern has regained flight and is retreating from the Sol Invictus!

Typhoon Pilot: It's heading straight for Beacon though! I'm also seeing the lesser Grimm retreat to the school grounds! Our Titan can't reach the grounds in time before they regroup!

Trooper: Of course it can't, it's too big and we don't want to level half the city to take this one Grimm out! And it can't bombard the Wyvern without leveling the school.

Typhoon Pilot: And there are still people there.

Veliona: The evacuation is almost complete. All available air forces, cover the evacuation transports.

Typhoon Pilot: Wilco. Moving to escort.

Veliona: Titan Sol Invictus, once the evacuation transports are away, commence bombardment on the Wyvern. We'll worry about the political fallout later.

The radio was dead silent for a moment before a deep mechanical voice speaks.

Sol Invictus: Order Confirmed.

Elise listens in on the radio before sighing. One thing goes right, another goes wrong. This is probably the best path to take, though. After all, the longer the Wyvern is here, the more danger Vale is in. Perhaps if Ruby knew how to use her silver eyes, maybe...

Elise: Claire. Contact Inquisitor Locke and have him locate Ruby Rose.

Claire looks to her queen and nods, understanding the reason before heading to the cockpit and grabbing the radio. The gunship soon lands in front of a hospital and Elise is taken inside to be treated from her injuries.

Hopefully the Inquisitor finds Ruby before Beacon is leveled.

~End Part~

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