Code Geass: Man In The High C...

By RadityaFajriRamadhan

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this story is not related to another Code Geass story What if Greater Germanic Reich sending into alternative... More

German and Japanese Arsenal
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Wehrmacht & IJA Knightmare Frame
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Greater Germanic Reich
Chapter 7
Special Chapter: Azores Missile Crisis
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United South-East Asia
Special Chapter: The beginning of Neue Jahr Null
New Roman Empire
The map (Updated)
Italian Arsenal
Chapter 11
Story shipping and for future shipping
Chapter 12
World map (updated again)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Soviet Arsenal
Soviet Knightmare Frame
About Tu-105 Absolute
Chapter 17
Empire of Japan
Short Chapter: Steiner meet Steiner
Short Chapter: Schneizel life in temporary Gulag
Chapter 18
World map (updated, again)
New World Cold War
Azores Missile Crisis
War of the Worlds (New World)

Special Chapter: Neue Jahr Null

455 12 5
By RadityaFajriRamadhan

Moments after the events in the previous chapter, a lot of news started to circulate after the Chinese Federation was reinstated with Tianzi as empress, and a Chinese prime minister who was in the GNR (which he also went to another world with GNR)

News Anchor: <a new Prime Minister of Chinese Federation named Gao Zongwu has elected to be a new prime Minister to replace the High Eunuchs-- *buzzed*>

News Anchor: <This could be a big threat, the Chinese Federation which was initially divided, becomes restored by the German-Chinese side *buzzing*>

News Anchor: <Chinese Federation and Republic of Australia has now joined Einheitspakt or Unity Pact, the pact's formation is a clear warning that further act in the region by Holy Britannian Empire will be not be tolerated *buzzing*>

News Anchor: <Euro Britannia government has been overthrow by communists faction and Duke Velaines not survive and being executed by Russian people *buzzing*>

News Anchor: <The new government has been established in Euro Britannia-- *buzzing*>

News Anchor: <Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan government has been ruled by communists and joined Russia and become Soviet Union has been rise after their Civil War has been interfere by EU in that past *buzzing*>

News Anchor: <Indochinese Peninsula, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaya, New Guinea, Timor Leste forming United South-East Asia or simply USEA. USEA join the Einheitspakt after they founded the country *buzzing*>

But there's a Euphemia sound

Euphemia: That a fucking good news to hear

In the sky of Reichskommissariat Kaukasien

After the mission in Chinese Federation and capture one of Black Knights member, they wanna heading back to Britannia, but in other reason, Schneizel was curious with German airspace defence

In Avalon bridge deck

Kanon: are you sure?

Schneizel: yeah, I'm sure. I'm wanna test the German airspace defence

Kanon: is that too risk?

Schneizel: Okay, i know this is risk, but we need more intelligent for their air defense

Kanon: yes sir

Then someone came and entered, it turned out to be Euphemia, who seemed to have woken up from her sleep

Euphemia: How's you day gentleman?

They shock after they see this, how she can get in the Avalon?

Kanon: Euphy? What... What are you doing in Avalon?

Euphemia: I'm wanna get a long nap, so I get here to take a rest. Because in there, there's no bed in there

Avalon Crew 6#: is that Princess Euphemia li Britannia? Isn't she dead year ago?!

Avalon Crew 1#: are you don't remember she has been resurrected by German scientist?

Avalon Crew 5#: you mean they bring her back to life?

Euphemia: Okay, I'm enough to get this chit chat

Schneizel: you mean?

Euphemia: nothing. Well then, ciao *snaps finger*

After she snapped her finger, float system of Avalon has exploded

Avalon Crew 3#: what the heck?!

Avalon Crew 7#: our float system has exploded!

Schneizel: huh?!

Euphemia: Impressive, isn't it?

Meanwhile in Knightmare hangar in Avalon

Cecile: what happened?!

Avalon Crew 4#: the float system has

Suzaku: what?! What could be?!

But to his surprise, Lancelot lit up on his own and there was a red glow in his eyes, until finally he forced Avalon out of the way.

Suzaku: Lancelot on his own?

Lloyd: Oh no! My precious Knightmare!

Back to Avalon Bridge Deck

Avalon Crew 3#: Escape via escape pod!

But the escape pod was destroyed too, since Euphemia knew if this happened, they would run away

Kanon: How dare you! You will get us all killed!

Schneizel: guards! Take her!

But a man came from above the bridge deck and it turned out to be Aldrich

Avalon Crew 7#: Who are you?!

Schneizel: (mind) Aldrich von Anderson. Well that unexpected

Aldrich: I act as God's own wrath upon the Earth, raining down the divine punishment of heaven, I will purify them all with His might

Kanon: open fire!

All the Britannia soldiers are shooting at Aldrich, but they don't know that Aldrich has a Regeneration cell

All Britannian Army: *screaming while shoot*

Aldrich: In the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost... Amen

Then the bayonet stabbed them all from their heads to their bodies.

Kanon: w-what?! H-how could be?!

Then Lancelot damaged the outside of the bridge deck and took Aldrich and Euphemia out of there

Euphemia: Auf wiedersehn~

And Lancelot ran away from there

Schneizel: this is bad!

Kanon: get ready to crashed! Prepared for impact!

They were all holding on to something they could hold onto, in the end, Avalon fell on near Tskhinvali, Reichskommissariat Kaukasien.

In the ground

German troops in the area surrounded the fallen Avalon which almost hit the town of Tskhinvali

Back to Avalon, another room

Anya: Milly, are you okay?

Milly: I'm okay. Where are we?

Gino: Don't know, but we're around the German teritory, if not mistaken it's Reichskommissariat Kaukasien

Milly: really? What is he thinking?!

Gino: I hear he wanna testing the German airspace defence

Anya: what?! Are he crazy? What happened now?

Gino: were crashed in near town in Reichskommissariat Kaukasien, Tskhinvali

Milly: oh great, now Lloyd take me to the Chinese Federation and now he take me in German teritory

In outside Avalon

Schneizel and the others made it out, Suzaku, Gino, Anya, Lloyd, Cecile, Nina and Milly were also included.

Avalon Crew 1#: Okay! We're free!

But they were met at gunpoint from the German troops

GNR Army 2#: Lass deine Waffen fallen! Leisten Sie keinen Widerstand! (Drop your guns! Don't resist!)

Avalon Crew 1#: great. Now we get caught

And apparently, Siegmund was there too

Siegmund: ah well. What we have here?

Schneizel: well, nice to see you too, Siegmund Hitler

Siegmund: Don't care. Take zhem, don't kill, but take zhem to ze cell. Und you *to Schneizel* You will have a great day in zhis new country

As Siegmund approached Schneizel, and to his surprise, Schneizel was punched hard in the face. And Schneizel fell down into the ground

Kanon: Your Majesty!

Suzaku: you--

Suzaku at gunpoint by Ulrich, for someone meddling with Siegmund

Schneizel: You fool... If you kill me, the empire will take revenge for that!

Siegmund: Upper fool. Wellcome to Germany, stupid stubborn prince

Quickly, Siegmund kicked Schneizel in the face unconscious, in the end they couldn't do anything, because they were surrounded and outnumbered.

Siegmund: Take zhem to Berlin, my father wanna see zhem

GNR Army 3#: Ja

In the end they were taken away to the German capital, Berlin, which is now has been renewed into a Welthauptstadt Germania

Berlin, GNR Capital City

When VTOL passed through the city of Berlin, the prisoners became very impressed with the city of Berlin which was more magnificent than United Europia version of Berlin

In the Reichstag

They entered the Reichstag which was a super busy office, many important people go back and forth because they are so busy and others

In Führer room

Siegmund: Heil Hitler!

Sigmund gang: Heil Hitler!

Just then, Hanz who was sitting at his desk looking at the documents, saw his son who was carrying a person he was going to talk to

Hanz: you doing well

Siegmund: I appreciate zhat, father, let's go

Siegmund and his gang left from there, leaving Schneizel and the others

Hanz: well, so... Sit zhere

Schneizel and the others also sat down on the chairs that had been prepared

Nina: this is my first time to talked with German Führer like you

Hanz: Actually, I'm ze Führer und zhe Reichskanzler of GNR. We will have a long conversation in here

Odysseus: well, that so unexpected

Back to Ashford Academy

News Anchor: <Breaking news, the Avalon, Schneizel's owned ships has been shut down in Reichskommissariat Kaukasien, the city of Tskhinvali, in Greater Nazi Reich, Many of the crew from Avalon including the second Prince of Britannia, Schneizel and Odysseus. Including the three Knights of the Round Table, Gino Weinberg, Anya Alstreim, and Suzaku Kururugi. And one prisoner named Kallen Kozuki, the member of Black Knights, she has been found by German army, and now she on Berlin>

All the students there were shocked by Schneizel and his crew, including the three Knights of the Round Table, their two friends and two more from ASEEC.

Britannian Student 2#: Oh no!

Shirley: how this is happening?

Rivalz: this could be like this

News Anchor: <All of this resulted from sabotage within Avalon by someone named Engel Des Todes, meaning Angel of Death in German, along with someone named Aldrich von Anderson, and it is believed some of the Knightmare were taken over by the Germans for study and were the greatest threat to the empire, and also the other factor of Schneizel, stupidly he crossed the German air border just to test the German air defenses, in your opinion, is that the stupidest thing?>

News Anchor 2#: <You could say, Schneizel's behavior was very stupid, because he did it just to test it, even though when it came to German air defenses, they were impenetrable.>

Meanwhile in Pendragon

Carine: oh no!

Guinevere: this is horrible. I wouldn't have thought that Schneizel would do something this stupid

Bismarck: well, he doing with the others, and the assets of Britannia has taken, and now they have three: Lancelot, Tristan and Modred

Carine: what about that red Knightmare, Guren?

Bismarck: I don't have idea

Back to Berlin, in another room

Meanwhile in another room, the freed Kallen was in Berlin, another room in the Reichstag.

Kallen: well, thank for save me

GNR Army 2#: Yes, yes, in two days you will be discharged, the transport plane will depart on the second day, so don't be late, and you can rent an apartment room

Kallen: thanks

Meanwhile in Falkland Islands

There's a temporary Britannia base there just in case there's a sudden attack from the German or Japanese side

Inside the base

Turns out Guilford was assigned there, just in case

Britannian Army 7#: Are you alright, Sir Guilford?

Guilford: Hm, I'm fine, let me alone

Britannian Army 7#: ever heard Schneizel and the others was captured by Germany because the Avalon has been sabotage?

Guilford: I've been heard about that. Such a foolish move to testing the German airspace defence

Britannian Army 7#: By the way, Princess Euphemia li Britannia shown herself in the reception between Odysseus and Tianzi

Guilford: *shock* what?! But how?

Britannian Army 7#: the German has resurrecting her

Guilford: so?

Britannian Army 7#: she different from Her Highness back in the last year ago. She prefers to use swear words, harsh words, and act like she's not a Imperial Britannian princess like the others, but... Like a murderous lunatic.

Guilford: I see...

Britannian Army 7#: also she changed her name, and now she throw away the title as the Britannian Princess, and now her name was... Euphemia li Germania

Guilford: Germania?

Britannian Army 7#: ancient name of Germany since Roman Empire, you know the Romans call the Germans is Germania, right?

Guilford: yes

Britannian Army 7#: *look in the distance* uhh, sir? Look! There's a submarine submerged!

Guilford: where?!

Britannian Army 7#: there!

Guilford see in the far away, there's a big submarine was submerged from the ocean

Guilford: now it can't be... The Germans?

???: <This is Captain of KMS Eva Braun (resemble Eva Hammer from Wolfenstein). Cease fire at once, retreat or to be obliterated>

Guilford: huh what? Who is this?! How you can get this transmission?!

Captain of Eva Braun: <I don't care. Now you must leave from Falkland Islands, we considered it as a threat>

Guilford: never! Never you fascist scum!

Captain of Eva Braun: <Okay, you don't give me a choice>

The hatch of the submarine opened and released something large but was also followed by 6 other figures. The six figures effortlessly jumped over the coral protruding from the sea surface with their two legs

Britannian Army 7#: shit!

Guilford: ready the soldiers!

In the end, the Britannia army had already prepared their armaments and Knightmare, Guilford was still in his Vincent Knightmare

Guilford: okay! Here there comes!

The six figures landed on two feet and to their surprise they were taller than Knightmare, maybe twice as tall. And also followed by the big one


Another Gekko

REX (Rhine, Elbe and Xilberte)

Britannian Army 8#: Oh my goodness! What is that?!


They shudder in horror and fright to death and feel an aura of terror all around them

Britannian Army 1#: Oh my god!

Guilford: fire them!

Everyone fires at Gekko and REX, but Knightmare's weapons have no effect at all, several Sutherlands are easily destroyed with kicks from Gekko

Guilford: shit! Keep firing and fight them!

Britannian Army 9#: Shit! They're come to me! AAARRRGGGHH!!!!!!

Guilford saw Knightmare Vincent Ward being kicked to explode, and one was pounced on and bitten by REX and exploded.

Guilford: (mind) damn! This is not a fight! This is massacre!

Several Britannia tanks and VTOLs tried to fight Gekko and REX, but that didn't mean anything and didn't do much damage.

Guilford: Let's get out from here! Retreat! Retreat!

Back to the sea

There's a 2 Kiel-class LPD and 3 Hamburg-class LHD

Kiel-class LPD

Hamburg-class LHD

After that, several LCAC come outside the LPD and LHD and several helicopters such as the NH-90 and V-22 Osprey flew towards the Falklands Islands. And then the LCAC has been landed in the islands

Several Leopard 2A7 Revolution and Leopard 1 tanks and several GTX Boxer APCs began attacking the base, then some Britannia troops began evacuating half of the population of the Falklands Islands.

Within a few hours, the Falklands Islands were occupied by the Germans without the HBE knowing about it

Back to Reichstag, Führer room

Hanz: well. We have a long and great conversation. Sorry if that makes you tired

Schneizel: It's okay

Hanz: You will need to see zhis

Then the screen shows Damocles Floating Fortress

Hanz: zhis is your one of your f toy?

Nina: yes that it's

Hanz: good. Our intelligence has found a secret file in your computer. Project F.L.E.I.J.A. Isn't?

Nina: How you can access my computer?

Hanz: simply. God Eye. A multi-purpose system zhat can be used in the branch of intelligence. Cannot be hacked. Und I see zhis new weapon F.L.E.I.J.A had a serious damage. Und zhat weapon will be mounted on Damocles, right?

Nina: right

Hanz: Now I show you this

Hanz shows a weapon in the form of a railgun that seems very sophisticated

Hanz: say hello to our new weapons. Stonehenge! Zhis bad boy can shoot any target zhat two of zhem have already targeted! Installed all over ze place around GNR~. Now you can rest in your cell. I have a speech with the others

Eventually Schneizel and the others were taken to their prison cell, but for Schneizel he was placed in a slightly better place in his prison cell. While the others was put on ordinary prison cells

Inside the Volkshalle

Hanz is ready with his speech, and is about to announce something bigger and bigger than the rest. All citizens, soldiers and officers came to attend their Führer's speech, and then the speech was finally begin. And then broadcast all over the world

Hanz: <My people, sons und daughters of Germany. I have a good und big news to you all. Today I give you a new Reichsmarschall! A man whose steadfast leadership, strength of character, und unwavering loyalty to ze Party have proven him fit to hold the highest office in Europa lands. Here he is... My son... Sigmund Hitler>

And then Siegmund was given the Reichsmarschall award, and then the microphone was given to him

Siegmund: <I swear zhis sacred oath: that I shall render unconditional obedience to my father, Hanz Friederich Hitler, the Fuhrer of ze German Reich and ze people, supreme commander of ze armed forces, und that in my honorable duties as Reichsmarschall of GNR, I vow obedience to the death.>

And he gives back the microphone to his father while his father was whispering to him

Hanz: (whispered) A wise woman once told me our destinies are written in ze stars. I was a failing politician. Und zhen I met my father who is your grandfather. Like me, who he is a Führer, you must learn to embrace ze new role zhat fate has handed you.

Siegmund: (whispered) thanks

And the microphone was given to Hanz again

Hanz: <Today marks ze beginning of Neue Jahr Null, New Year Zero! Zhis will become ze beating heart! Of ze our future of ze Reich, once Himmler told to you all. Our Jahr Null will different. From Himmler's Jahr Null. Our enemy... Is now a Holy Britannian Empire, who started a cold war with us! But don't worry! We have changed the old with the new! Und now we let zhis Neue Jahr Null begins!>

All GNR people: *cheering*

Hanz: <We will do away with ze old! Today, history ends! Und ze future begins!>

And everyone did the Nazi salute and shouted Sieg Heil. Including the Führer self

All GNR people: Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil!

Back to the cells

Schneizel and the others saw how lively the speech was and full of patriotism. Schneizel felt that he was at war with this country. His father should think twice before acting

Schneizel: (mind) well. That will be a new order of this world. That will be exiting event

To be continued

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