Home is where the heart is...

By lilapurpleread

6.4K 161 44

*** ON HOLD FOR A WHILE *** You are Y/N Stark, daughter of one of the most famous and rich men in the world:... More

Chapter 2: You slap like a girl
Chapter 3: Night time madness
Chapter 4: The punishment
Chapter 5: I still hate you
Chapter 6: A Blind Date to remember
Chapter 7: What the hell were we doing?
Chapter 8: The Bet
Chapter 9: Gotcha!
Chapter 10: Ready
Author's Note:)
Chapter 11: Happy... Birthday... Doll
Chapter 12: Pardon me, officer
Chapter 13: The Files
Chapter 14: The safe house
Chapter 15: Christmas Blues, Part 1
Chapter 16: Christmas Blues, Part 2
Season 2, Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Who the hell is Bucky?

492 12 8
By lilapurpleread

"Who the hell is Bucky and why does it say he lives on my floor??" I yelled and got out of the elevator as quickly as I had entered it. When I was about to press the button to the top floor – my floor- I had noticed that there was a new sign next to the one that said "Y/N Stark". On the small sign next to mine it said "Bucky Barnes".

"Oh, uhm, well... Surprise! You have a new neighbor, you're sharing the top floor with Bucky, which is short for James Buchanan Barnes! He kinda joined last year while you were gone and welp, the rooms up there were the only spare rooms we had left. Try getting along with him, he ...can be really nice!" Dad attempted to explain.

"Forget it! I'm not going to share my floor with a random idiot. Bucky, what kind of name is that anyway?!"

"Mine. Nice to meet you too."

"Ahhhh! Where the hell did you come from?" I yelled and jumped as I turned around. I hadn't even noticed the man who had entered the living room behind me. I looked him up and down, but just quickly so it wouldn't look like I was staring at him. I was sure his ego was big enough already.

He was tall and had straight brown hair that fell softly onto his shoulders. And he had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Oh and I'm also sure he is ripped as hell under those clothes, but I had no desire in finding out and I also quite frankly didn't give a fuck. I hated his guts already and his looks were not going to change that.

I straightened my back, cleared my throat and looked at him. "James, I assume" I spat. "Wish I could say nice to meet you too, but if I did, that would be a lie and I was raised to always speak the truth by my lovely father." I said and shot my Dad a glaring look.

James looked at me as if he felt the same way. "Wow, I figured since you're Stark's daughter you must be arrogant, but I didn't think you'd be that spoiled. You... brat!"

"HEY! Watch your mouth!" I yelled at him. We got closer, and I was about to punch him in his pretty little face, but Dad intervened.

"Enough! Try getting along, you'll have to live on the same floor whether you like it or not! Barnes would you please be so kind to help her take up the luggage?" Dad asked.

"No, I don't think I will. If she can handle living on a floor all by herself, I'm sure she can handle carrying her stuff. Have a nice day, Tony. Bye Barbie." James said and then disappeared towards the training rooms. Of course, that meant that the elevators would go down to the 45th floor, while I had to go aaaaall the way up to the 93rd floor. Great, now I had to wait. It was so stupid we only had one elevator that went all the way up to the top. Most of the other elevators stopped one or two floors lower than mine, but I was not about to carry all of my things up the stairs.

"Dad seriously how can you expect me to put up with such an asshole?!" I asked him. I still couldn't believe he just let a stranger move into my floor without even telling me about it!

"Y/N please, just try to get along with him, will you? Eventually when you start going on missions, you'll not only have to work with me or the others, but him as well. And that won't work if you don't even try getting along. You'll end up getting each other killed" he responded massaging his temples. I knew he didn't want to continue talking about this topic, but I frankly didn't care.

"I wouldn't mind getting him killed" I murmured, hoping dad didn't hear, but he looked at me angrily. Great.

"What was that?"


"That's what I thought. Now start taking your bags upstairs. I'll go fetch Bruce and Steve and then we can help you."

I sighed. Even though I had to admit defeat right now, that did not mean I would stop fighting to get my floor back.

"Thank you, dad. I have to wait for the elevator though" I said and pointed at the elevator, which had just stopped at the ground floor. So much about that asshead wanting to go training. i rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Oh, that's right. Sorry. I'll work on getting at least one more elevator built so that you have another way up. That way you wouldn't even have to share the elevator with Barnes whenever you both need to go up."

My face lit up. "Really dad? You would do that for me? That would be so cool!"

"NO Y/N! God, Barnes was right, I really spoiled you too much. You need to learn how to share!"

"I share! Just not with assholes!" I said and watched as Dad sighed.

"I'll be back in a minute." He said and disappeared. I assumed to go find Steve and Bruce.

Two minutes after he had left, I finally heard the *BING* of the elevator. I grabbed my purse and one of my suitcases, but when I entered the elevator I noticed there was a note on the floor. I picked it up and read it.

"Hey Brat.

Go ahead, press the button to our floor.


Oops, I already did. Along with the others. You're welcome!

Yours spitefully,


That motherfucking asshole! How can someone be so childish?? He had literally pressed every single button to every floor that was between the one I was on and the one I wanted to go to. I screamed out in anger as I wadded up the note and threw it out of the elevator. "What a fucking dick!" I yelled.

"Language!" I heard Steve say. Finally.

I stepped out of the elevator and looked right at Dad, Steve and Bruce.

"Welcome back Y/N!" Bruce said and hugged me; Steve followed.

"What's got you screaming like that?" Bruce said.

"And cussing" Steve added.

"My new floormate." I responded and let out an angry sigh.

"Bucky?" Steve asked. "What did he do to make you scream?" he looked at me in disbelief.

"He literally pressed every button between this floor and my floor. " I started complaining and was about to continue, but Dad interrupted.

"Meeep! Try again." Dad said. I sighed.

"Sorry, dad. That asshole pressed every button between this floor and our floor, which used to be my floor but now I have to share with that idiot." I said, trying to spat out the word 'our' like it was dirt in my mouth.

"Seems like you already like each other!" Bruce said and chuckled, but when I glared at him like I was about to lounge at him and kill him, that chuckle quickly faded into a more serious face.

"Anyways, do you really have so much luggage that it needs to be carried by four people?" Steve asked. He seemed like he was still thinking about what I had said before.

"Well, there's the two big suitcases, one small one, the tent, t-"

"Hold up, did you say TENT? Don't tell me you went camping. In a tent. You of all people!" Tony asked and looked like he was truly shocked. "I didn't think I knew that little about my own daughter!"

"No dad, I didn't. I may be crazy, but I'm not crazy enough to go camping in Australia out of all places, especially not in a tent. I don't want to go get myself killed" I said, putting emphasis on 'myself'. Maybe I should give it to Bucky, along with a one-way ticket to Australia. "It was gifted to me for Christmas. The people who gifted it to me thought it would be funny because I told them I had never slept in a tent before and I'm absolutely terrified of spiders and... well, anything that crawls or slithers for that matter."

"Well, why didn't you regift it or sell it or throw it in the trash? It's not like you're ever going to use it."

"Well... I don't know. I wanted to, trust me. But for some reason I thought I should keep it. Who knows, maybe one day I'll change my mind. Also, it just seemed rude." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Anyways, are you going to help me or not?" I asked.

Thankfully they did. Steve and Dad each carried one of the larger suitcaes, Bruce carried the tent and the suit bag and I took my small suitcase as well as my purse of course.

A bit later I was sitting in my room that still looked the exact same way it did a year ago. Except for the bouquet of sunflowers standing on my desk. When I had first entered my room, I didn't even notice them, but as I was sitting on my bed with all of my stuff back where it belongs, I did. I also noticed there was a card attached to it, so I got up to read it.

Dear Y/N,

Welcome back! We hope you still know how to properly speak English! ;-P

We missed you tons and are glad to have you back!

Lots of Love,

Nat, Wanda, Bruce, Steve, Dad, Sam, Rhoedey, Vision, Clint, Thor, Scott, Peter

I was pleasantly surprised about the small gesture and appreciated it a lot to see they are happy to have me back. I took the bouquet, put it in vase and then decided that it was time to make some food.

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, scanning it from top to bottom. Tomatoes, carrots, ground beef... That got me inspired to make some pasta, my "Bolognese a la Y/N". It was basically just Bolognese with carrots, but it was my favorite food and the first thing I knew how to cook. I always used to cook it when Dad and I got in a fight; sort of like a peace-offering.

I started with the part I hated most: cutting onions. Thankfully I had leanerd a few tricks over time on how to prevent myself from crying when I cut onions: For one: I'm wearing contact lenses. They kind of act like a protective shield for the eyes. I was wearing them anyway, so that wasn't really a big trick. And then something else I had discovered while I was in Australia: If you cut the onion in half and then rinse it off with hot water (of course only a little bit) that will help as well.

I was so caught up in my thoughts while dicing up that onion, I didn't even hear James walk through the kitchen.

"Oh, the brat can cook? Sure you're not trying to poison us?" he asked and since I didn't hear him enter the room, I jumped at his voice and accidentally cut myself.

"Fuck! Ugh, that's all your fault! Get out of here you motherfucking dickhead!" I yelled holding my hand and watching the blood flow out of the cut.

"You want help with that?" Buck asked sarcastically while already leaving the room.

"Not yours!" I shouted back angrily, just staring at the small gush of blood.

"Good, because I wasn't going to help you anyway!" he yelled, but since he was already gone, I didn't see a point in engaging in this fight any longer. I grabbed some paper towels to wrap them around my finger so the blood wouldn't drip on the floor on my way to the first aid kit.

As I was standing in front of it -it was mounted to the wall- I heard Bruce enter the room.

"Do you need a little help, Y/N?" he asked and without waiting for an answer, he unhooked it and opened it. He then went on to look at me, quickly finding the reason why I needed the first aid kit.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"I cut myself because Barnes scared me while I was cutting up onions. I really can't stand that guy!" I huffed angrily and revealed the cut.

"You two will get along eventually." He said, now concentrating on my hand. "What were you cooking anyway?"


"Did you and your dad get into an argument?" he asked and looked at me in surprise.

"No, not really. I mean, we don't exactly agree on the whole Barnes thing, but I looked in the fridge and just felt like making Bolognese today." I responded.

"No matter the reason, I hope you cook enough for everyone because now that you said it, I'm starving!" he said, finishing up at my finger. "The cut is pretty deep, but you should be ok like that. Leave the bandage on and let me look at it in a few days, ok? And you don't need to worry about showering, this is fully water proof. If you want me to put on a new one, you can still come and ask though, of course."

"Ok, thank you, big guy. And of course, I'll make enough for everyone! I can't just leave you hanging like that, especially since you all sent me flowers. Well, except for Barnes. He doesn't get any of the pasta."

"You're acting like a child, Y/N. Just make him some as well."

"Nope, I don't think I will. And now if you'll excuse me: I have some cooking to do." I said and left, only hearing Bruce sigh.

When I was done mixing all the ingredients for the sauce, I put it on the stove to simmer for a while. Good Bolognese takes time, after all! But I realized I accidentally turned the stove on too hot, and it started boiling instead of simmering and thus splashing a bit and of course: I was not wearing an apron, but instead a white long sleeve! Great. I turned down the heat so it would just simmer, put the lid with the little hole on top on and then went to my room to change.

I was standing in front of my closet deciding what to wear and had already taken off the long sleeve, when I suddenly, heard the water in my bathroom turn on. What the fuck was going on??

-2427 Words-

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