I am Yu

By Radical_Honesty

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After witnessing the fall of society and the death of his entire family a young hero with a great burden deci... More

I am Yu
This is Yu
Hellish Training and an offer
One For All
Unexpected Encounter
First Impressions
Night and Day
Phase 2
Finishing Touches
The chosen ones
Confidence and Arrogance
Love and Punishment
A promise to keep
Internal Strife
Confession and Conflict
An Offer You Can't Refuse
A Mother's Truth.
Best Day Ever.
Recreation and Responsibility
Best laid plans
Dance Battle !!
Time to pick some Names
A Visitor.
Fight on Heroes !!
Let it flow ! School festival !
Struggling with Power
Dark dealings
Tribute to the Fallen
All Good Things
The Climax
A new beginning
Montage time !!
Fun and Sun
The Assault
Unbridled Fury
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 1
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 2
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 3
Fame and Misfortune.
A Solemn Duty
Risk Management
True Heroes
Potential Unleashed
The Final Step
A Brighter Future

Leaders and Teams

446 9 4
By Radical_Honesty

(Jaune pov)

We were all escorted to Beacon cliff and told to stand on these special pads in the ground. Then Ozpin mentioned something about launching us off so that was when i knew it was time to show Master what i had learned since he left.

Glynda : Welcome students i'm sure you have been hearing about teams. Well it is true, you will all be given team mates today.

Ruby let out a disappointed wail

Ozpin : And from the moment you land the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years. Prepare yourself student's and remember that you will be graded though-out the entire exam, But we will not step in if you get into trouble. So do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path or you will die.

'Ok here we go' i thought as i looked to the side and saw Master give me a nod so i knew it was time to get serious.

Jaune : One for all Full cowling  10%

Everyone looked at me with shock as yellow lightning started sparking all around me.

(Like this but Jaune with yellow lightning)

Ozpin : Good luck student's......Launch !!

(Yu pov) 

I gave Jaune a nod to let him know that it was time to get ready and he immediately used full cowl and for a moment i flashed back to my childhood when uncle Deku was teaching me how to use my quirks properly in a fight.

Yu : I knew i made the right choice.

Ruby : Huh ?? what do you mean Yu ?

Yu : It's nothing to worry about, See you on the ground Little Red.

And just then we were launched i decided to stay in the air for a minute to see how Jaune handled the landing and to my surprise just as he was reaching the trees he put his foot to the trunk of one and kicked off, going from tree to tree until he reached the ground i couldn't help but chuckle realizing that he truly was made for this.

Yu : Well might as well go down and see what's waiting for me.

I flew down to the ground and started to walk breathing in the fresh air. I was impressed at how beautiful the forest was, As far as i could remember i had always loved nature probably because Uncle Koji had taken me to the forest to practice using his quirk on different animals. Just then i heard a growl from the bushes and out stepped a rather large Beowolf.

I just watched it for a moment until i was sure it was alone after all i wouldn't want to get cocky and be surprised by the entire pack.

Yu : Hmmmmm so how would you like to die i wonder ??

It just roared at me and started to charge so i had a thought about how to deal with this.

Yu : This is the perfect chance to test 'that' out after all i have been lazy and more reliant on my other abilities

So i focused my vision on the Beowolf and did as she taught me i allowed all of my emotions to rush through me. I remembered all of my lost family and friends, but apparently that was a mistake because then more started to rush into the clearing.

Just then i unleashed it on every last Beowulf there and after it was over i was just standing amidst a whole bunch of Grimm statues, And i realized that tears were streaming down my face.

Yu : I probably shouldn't let my emotions get so out of hand, It may endanger those around me.

But i had to admit it was very effective seeing as every Grimm in the clearing was completely turned to stone, So i just decided to leave and seek the relics from the air. But before i left i did turn back and said.

Yu : Thank you Master

(At the cliff)

(Glynda pov)

We were up on the cliff waiting for the students to come back with the relics and i decided to ask Ozpin what he used this year, But he seemed very interested in what ever he was seeing on the camera feed.

Glynda : So what did you use for relics this year Headmaster ??

Ozpin : ....................................

Glynda : Headmaster ??

I looked toward him and he looked like he had seen a ghost or something equally as disturbing.

Ozpin : Have Yu come to my office immediately after the ceremony is over, It is extremely urgent !

(In the forest)

(Yang pov)

I have been looking for Ruby and i met my partner for my time in Beacon, This girl named Blake, She seems pretty cool but i was hoping to find Yu first. We had just entered a clearing and saw the temple in front of us so we walked over to examine the relics.

Blake : Some are missing so it appears we aren't the first one's here.

I just looked at the relics and saw they were chess pieces.

Blake : So i guess we should pick one.

Yang : How about a cute little pony ??

i said holding one up just then i heard his voice.

Yu : It's called a Knight.

We both looked up and saw Yu sitting on the top of a pillar tossing a black king piece into the air and catching it.

Yang : When did you get here we didn't see you while walking over ?

Just then he disappeared right in front of us and then reappeared in the same spot.

Yu : I was here all the time you just couldn't see me.

He then hopped down to join us at the front of the temple but before we could ask a question or anything else The blond guy Jaune and Pyrrha ran up to us, they seemed to be okay just a little out of breath. Jaune immediately went to talk to Yu.

Jaune : Hi Master i guess i shouldn't be surprised you beat me here.

Yu : Yes Arc but why did anyone else beat you here huh ?!?

Jaune then went completely white and started begging.

Jaune : Please Master i did my best, We just got side tracked and went the wrong way by accident. 

Yu then looked at Pyrrha and waited for her confirmation.

Pyrrha : He is telling the truth we ended up walking into a cave thinking it was the temple.

Yu then looked at Jaune and his face looked quite angry but his feature softened and then he started laughing.

Yu : Hahahaha well i'm not surprised to be honest but it looks like you are Pyrrha's problem now.

He said motioning to Pyrrha as they were partners.

Yu : Now le-

???? : Yee haa

We all looked at the source of the noise and saw a girl with ginger hair riding in on an Ursa before it died.

(Yu pov) 

I just started speaking when a girl burst through the tree line riding an Ursa acting like a cowboy to be honest she reminded me of Aunt Mina, So full of energy.

Yu : I guess that's one way to get around.

Just then a guy with black hair and a magenta streak came out as well panting quite hard like he chased her all the way here.

???? : Nora, Please don't do that again.

But she was gone and we saw she was near the relics singing about being a queen.

Yu : Well she certainly seems lively, You have my sympathies friend.

I said to the guy and he smiled and called out to his companion

???? : NORA !!!!!

Nora : Hee hee, Coming Ren

Yang was starting to look a little steamed  almost as if she was going to explode any second, Probably because her sister is not here yet. So i decided to do a little search and activated the quirk good ear

Quirk - Good ear

Description - Good Ear allows the user to hear high frequencies that humans normally cannot. Yu can also use it to detect the number of people nearby.

I realized where she was and looked up and saw she was falling so activated flight and flew up to catch her.

Yu : It's okay I've got you.

Ruby : You've got me, Who's got you ??

She said looking around i realize i should probably have used Fierce Wings not Flight after all Captain Celebrity didn't have wings and it must look odd that a person can fly without them.

Yu : Relax Little Red, This is a gift i have.

She calmed down and we landed no sooner had we done that Yang enveloped her sister in what looked like quite a bone crushing hug.

Yang : I was so worried.

Ruby's head was currently being smothered by Yang's 'chest'.

Yu : You might want to release her or she might suffocate.

Yang looked down and saw Ruby's face was as red as her namesake so she released her when she did Ruby took a few deep gasps of precious oxygen.

Yu : So what were you doing up there then ?

Just then Blake nudged me and pointed up, I looked and saw a giant Nevermore with Weiss hanging from one of it's talons.

Weiss : How could you leave me !!!

Ruby regained her composure and looked up to her partner.

Ruby : I told you to jump.

Weiss : Are you insane ??

Blake was watching and saw that she was seconds from falling.

Blake : She's gonna fall.

Ruby shook her head dismissively.

Ruby : She'll be fine.

Ren : Nope she's falling.

I looked at where she was and thought it was time to see how my apprentice does in a rescue situation

Yu : ARC, Get her

Jaune nodded and leapt to a tree branch and then jumped out of the tree horizontally as she was passing him and caught her then put his feet ahead of him and cautiously landed against the side of one of the temples pillars the then kicked off and landed gently.

Yu : Very good Arc

He stood with Weiss still in his arms and looked at me when i spoke he must have been quite happy because he started to get excited and accidentally dropped Weiss right on her ass.

Weiss : Ouch watch it you clumsy oaf.

Jaune : Oh sorry.

Jaune  : Hey guy's it's circling around and coming back.

Just as he said it a giant scorpion type Grimm came smashing through the treeline.

Yu : And the problems keep on coming.

Ruby : The temple is right here we should just get our relics and leave, there's no point in fighting these things.

Jaune : She's right guy's this is the objective so let's do this.

Ruby and Jaune grabbed a relic each and we all started to run to the cliff but the Nevermore was shooting feathers at us so i decided to attack with a few of my own. I activated Fierce wings and manipulated a few of the feathers in front of me then used the quirk Size to make them bigger and shot them at the stupid bird.

One feather managed to hit it in the eye and it was thrown off target for a moment but then we encountered a ravine and the Nevermore began to catch up again. During this i did notice the Scorpion still chasing us.

Yu : Ruby. Yang. Blake and Weiss handle Big bird, We'll take care of that.

I said pointing to the Scorpion.

Ruby : Okay leave it to us.

And they split off and crossed a bridge to and old tower, Meanwhile we were left with dealing with the other Grimm.

Yu : Arc i just need you to get it's attention for a few seconds.

Jaune : No problem Master

He said drawing his sword and releasing wind slashes at it. I then activated Invisibility and approached.

Jaune : Nora distract it !!

Nora started firing grenades at the beast while Pyrhha and Ren were fending of it's pincers. I got close and activated 5 strength enhancers and zero gravity to touch the Grimm and make it weightless also to throw it up into the air.

I deactivated Invisibility and shouted to Jaune.

Yu : Arc Now finish it !!

He turned and ran towards Pyrrha She saw him coming.

Jaune : Pyrrha Give me a boost.

She crouched and put her shield above her head while they were directly underneath the Monster, and Jaune used it as a launch pad to jump high into the air while punching.

(Like this but straight up)

The Grimm was shattered into small pieces and scattered around the forest and then Jaune came down landing in a crouched position, i walked over to congratulate him on an excellent punch.

Yu : Well done Arc that was very well executed.

Jaune looked at me and smiled.

Jaune : Thanks Master but i wouldn't recommend landing like that, It's hell on the knee's.

Yu : Hahahahaha well i guess it would be now how are our companions doing ??

We all looked to the ravine and watched Ruby and the others fighting the Nevermore.

(Just the parts with Rwby)

I was very impressed as i watched, They all have a lot of potential and i could only guess how much stronger they would become if they were given a quirk or two. But that was for another time the rest of the girls came to join us by using Blake's weapon as a zipline and i opened a Wormhole back to the top of the cliff.

Yu : Okay guys just step through and we'll meet up with Ruby

They looked a bit confused but went through and saw we were right were Ruby had ended up so they all turned to me and stared.

Yu : I'll explain later but for now let's get back to the school.

And with that we headed toward the main tower.

(Time skip)

Ozpin : Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. You claimed the white Rook pieces so from now on you will work together as Team JNPR Led by Jaune Arc

Jaune : Huh ?

Ozpin : Congratulations young man.

Jaune looked a bit shocked but i nodded and then he proceeded to shake hands with his team

Yu : You really deserve this Jaune

I said quietly to myself as i smiled.

Ozpin : Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long you retrieved the white Knight pieces so you will now work together as Team RWBY led by Ruby Rose.

Yang was overjoyed that her sister had succeeded and hugged her but i though it saw a little bit of a scowl from Weiss so i decided to investigate that at another time.

Ozpin : And finally We have a lone student Who retrieved the Black King piece.

I walked onto the stage and stood before Ozpin.

Ozpin : As there were an uneven number of students to pass, He will serve as a one man support team and give aid to whichever team's require it. In addition to leading a group of his choosing in an extra credit course.

I turned to the audience and announced.

Yu : In the coming days i will be inviting those who have shown great potential to join an elite group of students here at beacon with the aim of improving fighting skills and overall abilities.

And then i left the stage and went to wait until everyone was asleep to put in motion my next part of my plan. 

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