Fragile Hearts

By thepastelphoenix_

43.1K 1.4K 2.3K

❝ a tale of hate, heat and healing.❞ •••• Did you ever feel like punching someone in the face, with a brick... More

➻Chapter 1- Worst Mornings.
➻Chapter 2 - And It Gets Worst.
➻Chapter 3 - Dancing With The Devil.
➻Chapter 4 - Well Played Mom.
➻Chapter 5 - First Compliment?
➻Chapter 6 - My Boyfriend.
➻Chapter 7 - Dealing With The Devils.
➻Chapter 8 - We Can Never Get Along.
➻Chapter 9 - Hey, Babe.
➻Chapter 10 - The Past Haunts.
➻Chapter 11- Together? Together!
➻Chapter 12 - A Great Day?
➻Chapter 13 - Hug Me Right Now.
➻Chapter 14 - Pizza Alert!
➻Chapter 15 - Can My Heart Beat Quiet.
➻Chapter 16 - We Make A Great Team.
➻Chapter 17 - Was That Jealousy?
➻Chapter 18 - Us Together, Again.
➻Chapter 19 - Karma Is A Bitch.
➻Chapter 20 - You Complete Me.
➻Chapter 21 - Stuck Up.
➻Chapter 22- Nightmare Interrupted.
➻Chapter 23 - Squeezing The Pain Away.
➻Chapter 24- The Edge Of Never.
➻Chapter 25- Echoes Of The Past.
➻Chapter 26- Unclear Feelings.
➻Chapter 27- The Green-Eyed Monster.
➻Chapter 28- Safe With Me.
➻Chapter 29- Kiss In The Dark.
➻Chapter 30- Be My Boyfriend.
➻Chapter 32- Under The Night Sky.
➻Chapter 33- Turmoil Of Feelings.
➻Chapter 34- These Burning Flames.
➻Chapter 35- You Don't Understand.
➻Chapter 36- Calm Down, Boy.
➻Chapter 37- Guilt.
➻Chapter 38- Memories Remain.
➻Chapter 39- A Text From Her.
➻Chapter 40- Unforgettable.
➻Chapter 41- Chug It Down.
➻Chapter 42- Intoxicated Confessions.
➻Chapter 43- Don't Leave Yet.
➻Chapter 44 - A Dream Or Reality?
➻Chapter 45 - Fishing Entanglement.
➻Chapter 46 - It's Yours.
➻Chapter 47- Dare Or Consequence?
➻Chapter 48- Cosmic Feelings.
➻Chapter 49- Despite The Scars.
➻Chapter 50- Broken Birthday.
➻Chapter 51- Unspoken Longings.
➻Chapter 52- My Sweet Fool.
➻Chapter 53- A Dance Of Deception
➻Chapter 54- The Eclipse.

➻Chapter 31- Take Me Away.

541 18 1
By thepastelphoenix_


Fortunately before we reached Tyler—my brother had already walked away from them. I internally sighed in relief at that. At least he wouldn't be witnessing this stupidity, or else there would be another nightmare taking place, for sure.

The dreading moment unfortunately rolled in, and we soon stood in front of Tyler and Bryan, who had now turned towards us, sensing our presence.

Oh my Goodness.

Bryan almost choked on his drink with his eyes literally bulging out of their sockets—when he saw Frederick and recognised the entire situation. While, Tyler, well, that guy stood with one hand in his pocket, flickering his eyes at me first and then Frederick, with a raised brow. He evidently looked distasteful seeing Frederick.

"Damn hell, Nicole. Should I just pretend to pass out right at this moment?" I muttered lowly, eyeing the two boys to which Nicole looked at me, "Or should I just run madly into the wall and pretend to die?"

"Adele, what even?" Nicole pushed me slightly, but I only gasped, praying for myself. Bryan was shaking his head at me, with a questioned face, and I only shrugged my shoulders as he continued to make stumped gestures at me.

"Well, hello there, Tyler Scott," Frederick began with a little smirk and I shut my eyes, almost executing the plans I had planned in my head until Nicole held me by my shoulders keeping me together.

Damn lord, let the earth swallow me before anything happens.

Tyler raised one of his brows at the sudden greeting. His face was somewhat displeased looking at Frederick and he sure looked like he wasn't entertained with his presence.

"Hi?" Tyler answered plainly with very slight shake of his head.

"Wait, or should I call you, Adele's boyfriend?" Frederick added, and I kid you not, I legit forgot how to breathe at that moment. Bryan gasped, covering his face with his fingers, while Nicole audibly gulped at my side.

Shit. Shit. This guy didn't even waste a minute before jumping onto that conversation.

"Who's boyfriend?" Tyler's face immediately scrunched up, confirming his utter confusion.

Frederick snorted with laughter at his response and I pursed my lips tightly, blinking slowly. Right, this bastard wouldn't leave until he embarrasses the shit out of he always did.

"Adele's?" Frederick looked at me and then back at Tyler, his lips quickly tipped up forming a winsome smirk, "Aren't you?"

Tyler swiftly turned his gaze at me, bewilderment swirled in his green eyes and I just looked back at him, blankly. His eyes scanned mine for answers but I had none.

Even after everything that was going on, it didn't go unnoticed by me that it was the first time after the game ended—that we made a proper eye contact, or else he was always busy stealing gazes from me.

"Yes, mine," I immediately uttered, breaking the eye contact with Tyler and turning my head to the side, looking at Frederick again, "Well, Frederick, my guy is a little upset with me, that's why he's acting so strange."

Tyler's eyes widened, he opened his mouth to say something but shut it right away, slowly nodding his head. Yes, I did exactly what Tyler Freaking Scott did back then—in front of the poor old man for the couple t-shirts. I also said that hoping that might ring a bell and he would somehow play along.

Frederick looked unconvinced, but I ignored it and turned back to Tyler,

"Babe, I know you're mad right now, but at least, don't say that!" I repeated those words that I roughly remembered Tyler saying that day. I could hear Nicole and Bryan gasping in surprise at everything but I didn't drop the drama. It had to keep going.

It was silent for a while, as Tyler looked at me in disbelief and I looked back at him, hoping somehow, just somehow he could understand how much I needed him to play along.

"Right, love," Tyler finally muttered; his head slightly nodded, and his gaze didn't drop off me while he spoke, "Where have you been, though? I was looking for you everywhere."

Holy freaking shit. Did Tyler just understand everything I was trying to say? Or did he see my text on time? Whatever though. It wasn't the time to be thinking about this.

"I had to deal with something urgently, I hope you understand."

"I do, understand," Tyler looked down just for a second before looking back at me, a grin now formed on his full lips as he reached out his hand for me.

I knew that grin of his. It screamed that he knew I messed something up, again.

Frederick inhaled such a sharp breath that it clearly displayed his disapproval. Bryan was looking everywhere but us. Nicole almost lost her consciousness, but was standing straight and nodding her head. Everything was going fine except, my heartbeats. It had paced up suddenly and I had no idea why.

My eyes slowly trailed down onto Tyler's hand that he'd reached out for me and without a doubt I knew Frederick, Bryan and Nicole were looking at me. I felt their gazes on me. Nicole and Bryan were obviously figuring out what I'd do next while Frederick was just waiting to grasp a single inaccuracy in our behaviour.

I took in a short breath and without thinking twice, I slid my hand in Tyler's. He gripped it and quickly pulled me towards his side, placing his other hand on the small of my back, sending all kinds of chill down my spine.

Damn it.

Perching next to Tyler, I gazed at him with a smile while he looked back at me, mirroring my expression. With his thumb, he fondled the knuckles of my hand that he still held.

I couldn't believe this, but really, I had started to think if Tyler was a light in my darkness. Because every trouble I had, every distress I was in, he was there, standing right next to me.

The two of us fixedly gaze at each other until...

"What nonsense!" Frederick spluttered out causing both of us to look at him. Well, I looked but Tyler precisely glared at that man. Nicole rolled her eyes at Frederick and Bryan shook his head, giving him a black look.

"Seriously, cut the crap, Frederick. And please just leave." Bryan spoke up to which Frederick snapped his hawkish gaze at him.

"Are you really speaking, Anderson?" Frederick growled, "Did you really forget what I—

"Stop right there!" Nicole interrupted him with a snap and all of them turned to look at Nicole except me.

I inhaled a deep breath, as a shudder ran through my body. Only Nicole and I knew what Frederick was about to say and we couldn't let him. We just couldn't. Not in front of Bryan. Not that disastrous day to unfold again. Not the day Nicole and I almost lost...

Adele, get a grip. Don't think about it! Bryan is right here. He's fine and nothing would ever happen to him, again.

I swallowed a sharp breath and looked up at Nicole while she looked back at me, her eyes were almost weepy too, but she nodded at me.

"Bry, come on. We need to go," Nicole mumbled, walking upto Bryan and holding him by his arm, ready to walk off,

"What is it, Nicole?" Bryan questioned lowly but Nicole only shook her head at him.

"I'll explain later, let's go."

With that said Nicole walked off with Bryan but not before throwing a deadly glare towards Frederick who only rolled his eyes as if it wasn't a great deal.

I didn't realise I was taking in deep breaths and was almost trembling because of my thoughts until Tyler held me close to him by my shoulder, and gave light strokes to my arm.

"Are you okay?" Tyler whispered, vaguely dipping his head down to look at my face.

"I am," I whispered back, with a sigh.

I heard Frederick grumble and when we looked up at him, he had his arms crossed over his chest with a disapproved look drawn on his face. I instantly looked to the side, cutting sight of his face.

I just didn't want this man near me or anywhere, in general. I didn't want to be aware of his existence. And now that he'd nearly dug out the past I was miserably trying to forget, my state of mind wasn't in place. It was diverted back to Bryan, that day, everything that happened and only I know how I managed to stand straight and not let these tears rush out of my eyes.

"You seriously expect me to believe this shit? Believe that you two are together?" Frederick began again, and I shut my eyes not wanting to turn back to him, but I heard Tyler heave out an annoyed sighed.

"The only thing you can't believe is that someone can actually treat her right, and love her the right way." Tyler snapped.

My closed eyes flew wide open with astonishment at his words. Not only did he mock Frederick with those words but also left me feeling some kind of a way. With a flick, I turned to look at Tyler. He didn't look back at me though, his eyes were glued on Frederick who now glared back at Tyler with all his wrath.

"Right," That brute gave out a humourless smile, "You've uttered nothing but the truth. She can't have that."

This bastard. How inhuman can he get?

"You would want to leave now, Frederick. I can literally lose it because of how repulsive you're being right now," Tyler scowled to which I held his arm because the intensity of his voice was too much. I was afraid he might actually do something.

"You certainly wanna take your words back and think before you speak to me that way," Frederick shot back.

"I certainly don't—Do not try this with me, Frederick."

"In that case, you'll pay, Scott. You really think you're being cool, huh?"

Tyler shut his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, with a tiny sigh—clearly indicating how done he was with this guy's bullshit. I only bit my lower lip, standing at his side, when he unclasped his hand away from my shoulder and looked at Frederick.

"You know what? Leave." Tyler spoke with all seriousness, gesturing his hand back, towards the exit.

"I will. I will," Frederick let out one of his dark chuckles, "But you've started a baneful game, Tyler Scott. Watch me make you two pay for it."

Irked, I let out a sigh. I just wanted to leave, honestly. Since the point Frederick almost let out the past, these tears were threatening to come out but I didn't let it. My eyes probably looked like bloodshot, because now they began hurting. The fact that he came all the way here, on Nicole's big day, just to make me feel like shit was plain disgusting.

I could now say I hate him. With every nerve and bone in my body, I hate this bastard I once claimed to love. His presence alone made me feel uneasy, and I could do anything to just get away from it at this point...

As if Tyler just heard my thoughts loud and clear—he then took my hand in his, making me look at him with my almost teary eyes. He gave Frederick a dead stare for a second before muttering,

"Do all that is in your power, Frederick Jefferson. I literally couldn't care less."

With that said Tyler moved his gaze away and began walking off, gripping my hand and taking me along with him—without giving Frederick a chance to say anything any further.

I heaved in a breath looking at our clasped hands whilst walking and then up at Tyler who strode forward, straight towards the exit. He didn't let go off my hand as I walked behind him, letting him totally tug me along with him.

Tyler only stopped walking when we reached out and stood alongside his car. I emitted a deep breath while he stood in front of me, looking at me.

"Don't," Tyler mumbled slowly, "Tears seriously don't suit you, Hadwin. You're better off smiling."

Only then I realised how my eyes might have looked. Since I've been trying really hard to hold the tears in, it definitely might have rushed out at Tyler's concern.

"Forget it, Tyler. I don't wanna talk about it, and neither do I wanna be here."

I mildly sighed, crossing my arms, only to give them a rub since it was kinda chilly. My gaze turned to look at the farm house and I literally shivered because of that man. My eyes were fixated on there.

I heard Tyler walking towards his car as he opened and shut the car door after a moment. I drew my brows together in confusion and before I could look at what he was doing, he stood in front of me, erasing all my confusion with his next move.

Tyler draped a jacket over my shoulders and I gasped, gazing up at his godly face that was so close to mine, as he was positioning the jacket and fixing it in place. I unquestionably knew it was Tyler's jacket because it literally smelled like him.

"Let's get out of here then, Hadwin," Tyler whispered, his hands stayed on my arms to which I gulped down a breath.

Damn...holy shit, what?

He then held his palm out for me to answer and I bit my lower lip, turning to look at the side onto the entrance.

Tyler seemed to have shut down my thinking ability because everything he did felt right at this moment and I did not want to question him about anything anymore.

I saw Nicole dash towards the entrance door and she looked at us from afar, nodding her at me as if she didn't mind if I leave. I shut my eyes and turned back to Tyler, and then opened my eyes,

"Take me away, Tyler," I put my hand in his, desperately wanting to get out of this place that had turned into a nightmare in no time.

A small smile creased on Tyler's lips, before he unlocked the car door, allowing me to climb in. I returned him a tiny smile as I slid inside, settling down in the seat. Tyler shut the door and rushed towards the side, taking the driver's seat.

Settling in, Tyler looked at me for a second and I immediately knew what he was indicating at. I quickly grasped the seatbelt, and pulled it across my body, securing it. I smiled foolishly, turning my head towards the window. I tried not to give him another glance because honestly I was suddenly reddening under his gaze.

I heard Tyler chuckle and put his seatbelt on too, before he started the engine.

I didn't even question him about where he was taking us as soon as we began to hit the road because I didn't find the need to. At this point, I could trust Tyler with everything and knew he wouldn't break it.

A short period of time flew by silently as we were still on the road. Tyler wordlessly drove while I was leering out of the window, with my head resting on the headrest of the seat.

I heard Tyler clear his throat after a while and then he muttered, "Hadwin?"

I craned my neck to his side and looked at him, too tired to even lift my head up from the headrest, "Yes?"

"Do you wanna talk?"

"Yes, we can talk," I sighed lightly with a smile, "I know you have a lot of questions for me."

Tyler chuckled, "Well yeah, I do,"

"Ask away."

"Did you really tell Frederick that we are together?" Tyler questioned the obvious, as he drove effortlessly with one hand while his other rested on the window. He also gave me glances every now and then.

"I didn't actually tell him we are together, I mean I didn't tell him you and I specifically, I was..." I sighed, sitting upright now, "It was unintentional and I am sorry for dragging you in this. I don't know how to explain to you the entire situation."

"Well, it's alright, I was just curious. It wasn't a surprise to me, though."

"Really? Did you know about this? About the fake boyfriend thing, I mean?"

"No, I didn't," Tyler chuckled again, he gave me a quick glance before averting his gaze back at the road, "I just connected the dots. You know the cafeteria scene, and then you hugged me out of no where. This behaviour of yours only came out when Frederick was around, so I kinda knew."

My brows raised in understanding. That meant he didn't see my text message. Everything he did was by himself.

"Oh, well, yeah right," I shrugged my shoulders, sinking back in my seat when I realised I had jolted upright suddenly, "Well, I'll ask you something then."

"Go on."

"How did you never know about Frederick and me?"

This question always remained in the back of my mind and I never thought I'd be asking him this myself. Eventhough I and Frederick kept the relationship low-key, I'd expected him to at least know, considering the fact that Max was one of his closest friends.

I kinda knew the answer to my own question already but I still asked him. Of course, the answer was—he literally didn't care enough to know about me and my personal life.

"Well..." Tyler cleared his throat, rolling the steering to the side, and taking a turn. He evidently looked hesitant to speak out his answer, so he took a short pause, continuing to drive silently.


He paused again, before he finally spoke after a sigh.

"Well—I had my doubts but I never really bothered to clear it. I think I've had few people tell me about it too but you know..." Tyler licked his lips, before he said the rest, "I didn't really care back then. I would also almost always change my tracks the moment I'd see you."

Tyler then sighed, running his resting hand through his hair, appearing as if he didn't want to say it but had to. I only smiled at his honesty. Like I said, I knew his answer. He never really cared about it, since both of us were so busy loathing each other.

"But just so you know, it was all before, alright?" Tyler finally uttered, then looked at me, while I was still smiling at him.

"I know," My smile didn't drop because of why my response came out as a mumble, "You don't seem to change your tracks now, do you?"

Tyler's brows rose at me before he quickly turned his head, facing the road again. My smile was instantly replaced with a smirk when I saw the corner of his lips tug up a little, and then he chuckled softly, as he chose not to answer that.

I shook my head and chuckled too, turning back towards the window. Damn, this guy.

The ride was silent then, and none of us spoke until we reached where Tyler was taking us.

When the car stopped, I gasped in recognition. It was that same place, again.


Just like I said before, chapters are gonna be short but updates are gonna be quick. So here's another update before the week ends! :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though, because the next chapters are going to be some of the most important chapters of this book. Yes!

I know y'all are probably tired of guessing what the past is, but trust me you're getting there. It's going to unravel REAL SOON.

No QOTD today, just tell me what do y'all feel about this chapter and where do y'all think Tyler must've have taken Adele to?


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