Code Geass: Man In The High C...

By RadityaFajriRamadhan

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this story is not related to another Code Geass story What if Greater Germanic Reich sending into alternative... More

German and Japanese Arsenal
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Wehrmacht & IJA Knightmare Frame
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Greater Germanic Reich
Special Chapter: Azores Missile Crisis
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Special Chapter: Neue Jahr Null
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United South-East Asia
Special Chapter: The beginning of Neue Jahr Null
New Roman Empire
The map (Updated)
Italian Arsenal
Chapter 11
Story shipping and for future shipping
Chapter 12
World map (updated again)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Soviet Arsenal
Soviet Knightmare Frame
About Tu-105 Absolute
Chapter 17
Empire of Japan
Short Chapter: Steiner meet Steiner
Short Chapter: Schneizel life in temporary Gulag
Chapter 18
World map (updated, again)
New World Cold War
Azores Missile Crisis
War of the Worlds (New World)

Chapter 7

759 14 25
By RadityaFajriRamadhan

Seattle, Holy Britannian Empire

Seattle, was one of the cities with the largest naval base, but it would crumble into pile of dust. A Trident II missile ended up crashing into the city and causing an explosion and shocking the ground all entire the city and the shock was spread out like a earthquake.

The shock also reached Pendragon, Then a mushroom cloud formed there

Back to Knight of Rounds position

Suzaku: So you’ve agreed to the special zone. That doesn’t wash away the blood that’s on your hands.

Gino: Suzaku.

Suzaku: I know Gino. We’ve gotta pull back this time.

In other place

Soldier: <The Black Knights seem to be diving back under water. Shall we pursue the Vincent?>

Villetta: Unnecessary. Suspend the search for C.C. until we receive further orders. Be careful Rolo, if they get you, they’ll catch me in the same net.

Soldier: <well, speaking of that, the Eleven or I mean the Japanese submarine has launch a nuke to Seattle>

Villetta: they what?!

Soldier: <All the members of the Imperial Family had read about books from Germany about their weapons including Nuclear weapons, and yes, the Britannian immediately quarantined the nuclear radiation-affected Seattle.>

Villetta: oh fuck!

Back inside the submarine

Tohdoh: what actually are you thinking?!

Tamaki: you ordered your SSBN submarine to nuke one of the Britannian city!

Akihito: It wasn't me, it was Zero to tell me doing it

Kallen: But it will start a war!

Akihito: That won't happen!!!

Asahina: Change the topic. Join the specially administrated zone? What is he thinking?

Rakshata: Who knows.

Tohdoh: Ohgi, if Zero was making decisions that aren’t in interests of the Japanese people then…

Ohgi: Are you meaning…?

But Zero entered the room

Kallen: Zero, listen.

Kaguya: Master Zero! How could you keep your new wife waiting!

Akihito: wait... What the FUCK!?

Lelouch: Lady Kaguya, I’m glad to see you well, and as lively as ever.

Kaguya: And I see you’re still surprising everyone like you always do. Offering to join the special zone, no one expected that at all!

Ohgi: Yeah, She’s right. What was that all about anyway?

Tamaki: I told you, he’s just bluffing, so we can lure the Britannians in and nail’em!

Lelouch: Fighting then more fighting and then what?

The Black Knights: Huh?

Tamaki: Hold on! What are you saying, we should dance with them?

Ohgi: We fight because we must. Unless you know some other way to do this.

Tohdoh: No, we can never make friends with our conquerors. The Japanese people are fighting for freedom.

Lelouch: Tohdoh! What is Japanese?

Akihito: okay, speaking about that, what about the Britannian Government? What are they reaction after I nuke Seattle?

Lelouch: Messy, so messed up

Meanwhile in Area 11/Japan

Britannian Army: Attention all Elevens. You can now process your special zone applications.

People: What do we do about the special zone?

People: Please don’t lose your nerve about it at a time like this.

People: Is this gonna be another massacre?

People: Zero said if we get behind it…

People: We’ll be the slaves.

People: Damn it, just gotta work permit as an honorary Britannian.

People: Exactly. What’s the point of being Japanese again?

People: So long with people without jobs should join in?

Announcer: Thus far no Elevens have signed up for the specially administrated zone of Japan commonly called the special zone. As there has been no contact from Zero, some official speculate that he may be facing dissension within his own organization, the Black Knights. Another news has come from mainland Britannia, where the Elevens submarine who classified as SSBN, launch a nuclear missile and destroyed the Seattle, the largest Britannian Navy base

Meanwhile in Area 11 Government Bureau

Alicia Lohmeyer: I’d like you to please stick to the prepared manuscript this time.

Nunnally: I was acting as viceroy…

Alicia: A viceroy is not a king. Viceroy is act as official representatives of the emperor, ruling each area prudently on his behalf. We will support your attempt to revive the special zone this time, but henceforward please consult with me on such matters beforehand. Plus, the Great Nazi Reich already in the 2.5th superpower, if they let it, they would have these Eleven liberated by the Germans.

Nunnally: don't worry, Germany will not do anything to harm the world. Plus Führer Hanz will share a good attitude

Meanwhile on Atlantic Ocean, Kriegsmarine Atlantic Ocean

The German Naval Fleet aka Kriegsmarine, consisting of one Bismarck-class battleship, one H-class battleship, two Adolf Hitler-class aircraft carriers, four Prinz Heinrich-class missile heavy cruisers and three Admiral Hipper-class Destroyer. They are tasked with protecting the coasts of Europe and Africa

Inside the KMS König, Bismarck-class Battleship

Captain Hugo: any sign of ze Brittanys?

König Crew 7#: No, Kapitan

König Crew 2#: Kapitan, there's a Britannian Navy in ze way to back zheir homeland

Captain Hugo: Possibly zhey were ze Britannia Navy who had attacked ze former E.U, but zhey retreated because E.U had disappeared und became GNR

König Crew 6#: Zheir ship might look sophisticated, however, zheir have not enough firepower

Captain Hugo: as a flagship of Kriegsmarine Atlantic Fleet, I'm vill ordered to commence attack to them

König Crew 4#: Ja, Kapitan!

Meanwhile in Pendragon

In one room, Britannia military officials are panicking because they are afraid that Japanese and German submarines will fire nuclear missiles again

Britannian General 1#: this is a disaster!

Britannian General 7#: We lost largest Britannian Navy base in Seattle!

Britannian General 3#: the total casualties of Seattle was 1.000.000 million lives!

Britannian General 3#: we need to act against the Elevens submarine! Start in the Pacific!

Britannian General 6#: We can not! Over the past few days several merchant and supply ships heading for Area 11 have been destroyed!

Guinevere: At this rate, Area 11 will starve!

Britannian General 7#: In this case, we have to stop shipping supplies and supplies to Area 11 by sea, we can do air shipments!

Britannian General 2#: Can this be done?

Guinevere: It can be done, but I'm still worried about the German AFB in Area 11, in Tokyo Settlement

Britannian General 5#: What? Isn't that the GNR Embassy around which there is some sort of military headquarters

Marrybell: hopefully, they don't doing the airspace blockade

Britannian General 5#: well, I have to say about this, but Schneizel wanna talk with us, he's currently on Avalon. After he negotiate with Vichy France Governor, you know the Vichy France is a member state of Greater Germanic Reich?

Guinevere: I know that, connect us and him now

And the screen showed Schneizel sitting and facing the military general Britannia and his sister

Schneizel: <Good Afternoon everyone, we are still haunted by fears that there will be another Britannia city that will be nucleated by the Elevens with their submarines who are still loyal to Akihito and-->

Kannon, his assistant came and whispered something, and after that left

Schneizel: <We have the bad news, our Atlantic Fleet has been obliterated>

Britannian General 1#: what?! Who's do that?!

Schneizel: <Who else but Germany?>

Britannian General 11#: Damn it! It's getting more and more annoying by the day! First, we have to stop sending supplies and supplies to Area 11 by sea in order to fear that the Eleven submarines will destroy the ships! And now this?!

Schneizel: <But do you guys have a solution?>

Marrybell: We already have, by supplying Area 11 by air. But we are also worried that Germany AFB in GNR Embassy in Tokyo Settlement will act

Schneizel: <Just hope that they won't do something like that, listen, I'll go somewhere else first, make sure I want further information, dismissed>

Meanwhile in Dallas Research Institute

Britannian Army: Alphabet effect confirmed in fifth. Countdown 20, 19, 18, 17…

Kanon: I’m back, Nina.

Nina: Kanon!

Schneizel: Hello, it’s been a while.

Britannian Army: Prince Schneizel as well!

Nina: When did you get back from the GNR or Germany?

Kanon: A short time ago. I just completed peace negotiations with the French on Vichy France Governor.

Nina: In that case you should keep pushing forward.

Schneizel: If you press victory too hard or too fast you are inviting defeat. In every corner of the world people look for hope. Our victories can trample that hope underfoot. That can be true of enemies and allies. Everyone has something they yearn for. Plus, we can't fight GNR because of its strong military and technological power

Nina: Yes, it can too. Even so, we do have to prevent them from advancing to the rank of First Superpower

Kanon: That's what we're working on

Meanwhile on another place, somewhere in Area 11

Anya: What? You’re Suzaku’s cat, huh?

Suzaku: He seems to like you, Anya.

Suzaku come with his Japanese clothes

Anya: Japanese clothes?

Suzaku: Yes. I always wear them for any of my training sessions.

Anya: Do you miss them? Japanese things?

Suzaku: Yes I wonder. I do have some good memories but I…

Britannian Army 4#: Sir Kururugi, I’ve been looking for you.

Suzaku: What is it?

Britannian Army: I need your signature on this. It’s the order to execute the Eleven who tried to assassinate you, sir. I need authorization from a Knight of the Round to carry out the sentence.

Back to Holy Britannian Empire

Nina: The experiments are continuing. I won’t squander the faith you’ve shown to me, Your Grace. I promise. I haven’t forgotten. During the Black Rebellion when…

Flashback in Ashford Academy

Nina tried to exploded the some kind of bomb, but it didn't work, until Nina friend came to rescue her

Nina: Why didn’t it work?

Lloyd: Miss Cecile!

Cecile: Right!

Nina: Professor Lloyd, stop!

Milly: Nina!

Nina: Milly, you too? Please let me kill Zero now! Let me avenge princess Euphemia!

Flashback End

Nina: The prototype was a failure. But if you give me a little more time I’m certain I can build one that works.

Schneizel: You were thinking of Euphy. You did all of it for her sake. History may remember her as a tragic figure but I still believe in my sister and wish to honor her memory. So do Cornelia and Nunnally also Kannon and Suzaku and many others who’s life she touched. And you, you believe in her. And that’s why I believe in you.

Nina: I’m grateful your highness.

Schneizel: Hopefully this weapon will beat Nazi and Eleven Nuclear weapon because we have with no nuclear fuse in inside it, but make a great impact

Kanon: Speaking of Euphemia, Suzaku admitted that he had seen Euphemia on the Logres-class floating battleship a few days ago, when she was assisted by the Germans to take Nunnally away.

Nina: that a bullshit. She never rise again like the undead? Right?

Schneizel: Unfortunately, it could happen, because Nazi Germany scientists were all crazy, some even wanted to wake up the dead.

Kanon: It didn't really make me believe, because Suzaku saw Euphemia as she was before, as young as she is today, and she was working with the Nazis. Even this new Euphemia is not like in the past, she is more violent when killing people, and slaughtering our soldiers inside the Logres-class Floating Battleship. She like a beast who torn apart her enemy

Schneizel: I hope it won't happen to us

Back to Area 11

Britannian Army: Excuse me, is something wrong, sir?

Anya: I’m a Round. I’ll sign it.

Britannian Army 4#: Yes, that’s fine. Thank you ma’am.

And those man was left

Anya: Suzaku, are you some kind of masochist? You know you’re disliked here yet you volunteered for Area 11. Hated as the hero of the Numbers as a traitor to Japan, as the man who killed Zero. You’re always on trial here and out of envy and hatred they try to pull you down.

Suzaku: There’s no point in trying to make people understand why I’m doing all these things. Because there was someone who did understand. Anyway, when you get down to it I am a sinner.

Gino: Hey there you two. Looks like we gonna get that call we were waiting for. The one from Zero.

Inside the building

Cecile: Should I really be here for this?

Lloyd: You wanted to see Zero, didn’t you?

Cecile: Yes, but…

Suzaku: Sorry, all the other rooms are in use for special zone preparations.

Cecile: Oh I see. You have to keep this confidential too, I guess.

Lohmeyer: Is there some diplomatic reason for that outfit?

Cecile: Yes, ma’am. I apologize…

Lloyd: Here it comes now.

And Zero appeard in the communication

Zero: Ah, three Knights of the Round. However I don’t see the viceroy with you.

Suzaku: We don’t need to worry her with the details.

Lloyd: Excuse me, I just wanted to ask you. Are you the same Zero as before or are you a brand new one?

Zero: Zero’s truth is not based on who is within it’s the actions that measure the man.

Lloyd: Ah. A philosopher.

Gino: You said you’d stop fighting and join in the special zone. But do you have full consensus on that from all the Black Knights?

Zero: I have more than that. A million people have been mobilized.

Cecile: A million?

Suzaku: And they’ll all participate?

Zero: Yes. But there’s one condition. You must let me go. Of course you’ll have to explain this to your own people. So I suggest you punish me. By sending me into exile.

Suzaku: And the Black Knights?

Gino: He doesn’t care about them. He just wants to save his own skin.

Lloyd: If word of this gets out, your own people will string you up.

Zero: That’s why I’ve taken the precaution of keeping these top secret.

Anya: How boring.

Lohmeyer: Area law section 12, paragraph 8. It is within the viceroy’s authority to apprehend subversive all rebellious elements and send them into exile.

Suzaku: Miss Lohmeyer, are you suggesting we let Zero go?

Lohmeyer: I’m simply stating the legal basis of action.

Zero: In that case you can make the announcement at the opening ceremonies.

Gino: That’s some kinda sweet deal! If the big terrorist runs away the little terrorist will shake and quake and disappear.

Suzaku: Perhaps, but where is justice?

Meanwhile in Fuji Mausoleum

Suzaku: Our leagal counselors have confirmed that exiling Zero would be appropriate and within precedent.

Nunnally: Right. That might be for the best. Crimes have been committed, my own desire to forgive them is a personal matter. Would you mind doing this please? I wrote Euphie’s name right, didn’t I?

Suzaku: Euphie. We are going to make your dream a reality. A peaceful and gentle world for you.

Nunnally: Is something wrong?

Suzaku: No, it looks like there’s someone else who’s still grieving for Euphie’s death.

Nunnally: I wonder who it is. I’m glad there are others who loved her like we did.

In other place

Rolo: So are you finish now?

Lelouch: Yes. That was the last thing. There’s nothing holding me here now.

The next day, the SAZ event started again, and hundreds of Japanese citizens were there

Announcer: <This is the area of the Shizuoka ghetto that will soon become the special zone. A huge number of Elevens has already gathered for the opening ceremony. As there are over a million people here, verifying personal IDs will have to wait until after the event. The presence of this many Elevens is a clear testament to the enormous power and influence that Zero still commerce.>

In Knightmare Hangar

Gino: But they don’t know is that Zero has already betrayed them all.

Britannian Army: <You think there’ll be a riot?>

Gino: If there is, we’ll have the perfect excuse for a full scale crack down. Ah, but remember, we don’t move until they do, got it?

Britannian Army: <Yes, My Lord.>

Back to the SAZ

Ohgi: (mind) It can’t be, Chigusa!?

Villetta: (mind) Kaname Ohgi, are you out there somewhere?

Inside the Chinese plane

Xingke: Thank you for coming and for taking me back home.

Xianglin: Are you all right with this now?

Xingke: Of course I was just an acting consul. Once a new consul is chosen I simply have to return home. Besides this is an excellent opportunity.

Xianglin: But what about the Black Knights?

Xingke: The request I made to Britannia yesterday should set us up for the future.

Xianglin: Lord Xingke, are you all right?

Xingke: Don’t be concerned. I just have to last a little longer.

Xianglin: do you ever heard the Japanese submarine classified as SSBN has nuked Seattle and killed over 1.000.000 lives?

Xingkie: yeah, I heard about that.

Back to the SAZ stage

Nunnally: People of Japan, welcome to the specially administrated zone. I’m overjoyed that so many of you have gathered here for this great event. Please lend me your help so we can make history together. And the German Führer is coming soon and will come too, and is on his way

Alicia: and looks like they're have arrived

4 German V-22 Osprey also came to the SAZ event and finally this 4 V-22 Osprey landed and the German Führer, Hanz von Hitler came out and was greeted by many people. And he go to the stage

Nunnally: So honored to meet you, lord Hanz von Hitler, or the great Führer of Germany

Hanz: Zhat a good hello to me. I'm so honor to be meet one of ze Imperial Family

In another Knightmare Hangar

Britannian Army: Lord Guilford, you are in no condition for this.

Guilford: The Japan special zone was Princess Euphemia’s dream.

Britannian Army: But there’s still no sign of Zero anywhere.

Guilford: That’s because the man is a coward. He’ll only show up when he thinks we can’t get to him.

Back to the SAZ stage

Lohmeyer: Now then before the ceremony officially begins there is a matter we wish to confirm regarding Zero. As imperial subjects all those participating in the Japan special zone will have criminal charges against them reduce and criminals that are class 3 or lower will have their sentences suspended. However the instigator of the murder of former viceroy Calares cannot be forgiven. Therefore under special Area law, section 12 paragraph 8, Zero alone shall be banished and sent into exile.

In Ashford Academy

Milly: Huh?

Shirley: Only Zero?

Rivalz: So that means, he gets to run away all by himself?

Back to SAZ stage

And Zero appeard in the SAZ, but he only on the Videotron

Zero: <Thank you! My Britannian and German friends. I am grateful for your lenient treatment.>

Nunnally: So he came here after all.

In the sky

Guilford: Make your move, Zero. If there’s a riot we have full license to wipe out all the radical elements. Duly authorized by miss Lohmeyer.

Back to SAZ stage

Suzaku: Show yourself, Zero! I’ll escort you safely out of the country myself, I guarantee it!

Lelouch: <I don’t wish to be in your debt, Suzaku Kururugi. However I have a question. What does it mean to be Japanese? A nation. Is it language? Territory? Blood lines?>

Suzaku: No! That’s not it. It’s in the heart.

Lelouch: <Then we’re in agreement. A feeling within. A belonging. Dignity. Pride. The culture is carried in the heart. You’re Japanese no matter where you are.>

Suzaku: Then what does that have to do with you running away by yourself?

Tohdoh: Zero…!

Finally the members of the Black Knights who were assisted by the Japanese citizens began to emit smoke from their bags and finally covered the place where the Japanese were gathered

Lohmeyer: I figured they’d try something.

In the end, they all secured Nunnally so that nothing would happen

Nunnally: What is it? What’s going on?

Anya: Viceroy.

Lohmeyer: Why don't you save yourself?

Hanz: sorry, Miss Lohmeyer, but I wanna see ze interesting thing who gonna happen, now

In the sky

Guilford: So be it. All forces, prepare to cut them down!

Britannian Army: <Yes, My Lord.>

Suzaku: Hold on! They haven’t made any violent moves yet.

Gino: Zero may be the one who planned this, but does he have the guts to come out in the open and show himself?

Lohmeyer: Well, well, it looks like he was right here on the grounds all this time.

Finally Zero appeared, but surprisingly again, the citizens who were already wearing Zero's costumes made the Britannia troops surprised

Lohmeyer: All of them!?

Announcer: <This is outrageous! Zero has appeared but not as expected. That is…!>

Inside the Tristan

Gino: So this was your plan! Despite our overwhelming fire power you figured a way to move a million people.

Back to the SAZ stage

Lelouch: <Viceroy Nunnally has ordered Zero into exile. Since we are all Zero we must all leave this country at once.>

Guilford: What?

Lelouch: ,No matter where we go we are Japan for we carry it in our hearts. Let us set out for a new land!>

Kaguya: C’mon all you Zeros, let’s go to a new world!

Tamaki: Time to get exiled everybody. We are all Zero so we are all out of here!

Zero 2#: That’s right! I’m Zero!

Zero 6#: Let’s get deported!

Zero 3#: I’m Zero,too. C’mon!

In other side

Lloyd: Aha, he wanted legal excuse to get them all out of Japan.

Back to the SAZ stage

Guilford: We prepared for a riot but we might have they let them go.

Lohmeyer: Don’t panic. It’s a bluff. There’s no way he can transport a million people.

Britannian Army: <We just got word from the port authority.>

They saw an artificial island with an iceberg in the middle

Lohmeyer: The port? They wouldn’t! The Chinese Federation requested safe passage for…

Britannian Army: <Yes. The iceberg ship. But the applicant has already left the country>

Lohmeyer: It can’t…

Zero 6#: We are getting on that?

Zero 9#: But it’s ice!

Zero 3#: Won’t it melt?

Rakshata: We’ll be fine. The iceberg ship isn’t destructible. It has so much insulating polymers and super-peltierfilm that ice will never melt.

Britannian Army: <Target the leader! Take out the real Zero!>

Britannian Army: <Right, but how do we know which one is him?>

Back to the Ashford Academy

Rivalz: This is…

Shirley: What’s gonna happen?

Milly: It’s that Zero’s more than an idol now, he is a symbol. He’s made himself into a living avatar for everyone.

Back to SAZ position

Villetta: Elevens, take your masks off!

Tamaki: Britannian witch!

Ohgi: Don’t shoot! Don’t let them drag us into a fight! That’s not why we are here!

Villetta: Ohgi, it that you?

Ohgi: No, I’m Zero.

In other side

Nunnally: Please tell me what’s going on.

Britannian Army: Miss Lohmeyer has stayed behind for operational oversight.

Nunnally: You mean leave everything to her?

Anya: It’ll be all right. Suzaku is there with her.

Back to SAZ stage

Lohmeyer: Sir Kururugi, we can’t let a million laborers leave the country. Making an example of…

Suzaku: Hold on, please! Zero, order them to take off their masks. Do it now or there’ll be another massacre!

Tohdoh: Only if you order it, Suzaku. And even if we’re all unmasked, no one would know who the real Zero is.

Guilford: Sir Kururugi, this is an act of rebellion! Order us to fight!

Ohgi: He’s wrong. This is a way of resolving things without fighting.

Gino: It’s your call, Suzaku. You’re in charge.

Suzaku: Zero, we could let you escape. But a million people, to let them all go with you…!

Lelouch: <If the Black Knights leave, peace will come to Area 11. And Nunnally’s reign will no longer be threaten by our presence.>

Suzaku: (mind) Even so this is a dirty way to do it.

Lelouch: Give the order to let Zero go!

Suzaku: (mind) I must give the order to shoot Zero. To kill him.

Lohmeyer: I’ll do it. Zero!

But at that moment, Suzaku didn't want last year's incident to happen and there was a Flashback


Nunnally: Crimes have been committed, my own desire to forgive them is a personal matter.

Flashback End

Quickly, Suzaku took out Lohmeyer's gun before shooting at "Zero"

Suzaku: That’s right. Euphie and Nunnally both wanted to forgive them.

Lohmeyer: We’re dealing with Zero!

Suzaku: Zero’s to be exiled! That was our agreement. If we break it the people will never trust us again.

Lohmeyer: The people? These are Elevens. Only you speak of them as people because you’re are one of them.

Suzaku: This has nothing to do with that! If they’re all subversives why do you want them here? So you can massacre them!?

Lohmeyer: They have challenged Britannian rules. So let them burn in hell! And you! *To Germans* The Germans! You should burn with EU! But your interfere our country problem! And help the Elevens to nuked Seattle!

Engel: Lohmeyer! Get out! Or you will have a bad consequence

Siegmund Hitler, the son of Hanz von Hitler talk, and yes, he with his father and his gang

Siegmund: you should know what do you talking, you bitch swine!

Suzaku: Shouldn’t we get rid of these destructive elements then? They’re exiling themselves.

Lohmeyer: But…

Suzaku: Zero, can you promise that you’ll lead them to salvation?

Zero: <Of course. And you Suzaku Kururugi, can you promise the one’s who stay behind will find salvation in your hands?>

Suzaku: That’s exactly why I became a Britannian soldier.

Zero: <I understand. I will trust in the promise you’ve made. Did you hear that? All Zeros, sir Kururugi has declared it. Rebels are hereby exiled. Nothing holds us back now. Forward, to the land of freedom!>

Tamaki: Let’s go while we have the chance.

Ohgi: Good bye then, lady Britannian.

In the sky

Guilford: A perfect chance to kill them all and he’s throwing it away!

Meanwhile inside the Chinese plane

Xianglin: My Lord Xingke, it seems the Area 11 operation has succeeded.

Xingke: I see. Looks like Zero’s next performance would be on our stage.

In other side

Lloyd: So Suzaku managed to save a million lives and no one will ever thank him for it.

Cecile: I think he knew that going in. He’s used it now.

Back to the SAZ stage

Suzaku: (mind) His whole plan was based on one prediction. That I would give the order to hold fire and let them go. You know me well, Zero.

Lelouch: (mind) You are my worst enemy. I know you, Suzaku. And I also know Nunnally. I know her heart. That is why I can foresee the outcome. And for now I am grateful to you, Suzaku Kururugi. Don’t ever forget the promise you’ve made to me.

Meanwhile Hanz was silent with a cynical smile, and showed a Geass sigil in his eyes, and we can tell, that Hanz has made a contract to have Geass, but it is rarely used

Hanz: (mind) Ze Britannian, soon you all will lead you all to your downfall. Und I've been evacuate ze people from ze Hokkaido Settlement, you filthy Britannians. Und I wanna learn about you all

In the end, the Germans left. Along with the people who took part in the SAZ event and they are already on the artificial island

To Be Continued

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[ HQ!! x READER // COMPLETED ] ↳ one shots !! thanks for reading ! ー © EL/HQUALITY ; JULY 2019 - MAY 2020