Code Geass: Man In The High C...

By RadityaFajriRamadhan

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this story is not related to another Code Geass story What if Greater Germanic Reich sending into alternative... More

German and Japanese Arsenal
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Wehrmacht & IJA Knightmare Frame
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Greater Germanic Reich
Chapter 7
Special Chapter: Azores Missile Crisis
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Special Chapter: Neue Jahr Null
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United South-East Asia
Special Chapter: The beginning of Neue Jahr Null
New Roman Empire
The map (Updated)
Italian Arsenal
Chapter 11
Story shipping and for future shipping
Chapter 12
World map (updated again)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Soviet Arsenal
Soviet Knightmare Frame
About Tu-105 Absolute
Chapter 17
Empire of Japan
Short Chapter: Steiner meet Steiner
Short Chapter: Schneizel life in temporary Gulag
Chapter 18
World map (updated, again)
New World Cold War
Azores Missile Crisis
War of the Worlds (New World)

Chapter 6

832 17 17
By RadityaFajriRamadhan

Inside KMS Horten

Finally the operation was successful, but also a little revealing of who Zero really was and also Euphemia's resurrection

Kallen: So you were Zero all along

Lelouch: I'm sorry, I did that on purpose, for later of course

Sugiyama: *to Euphy* Then how you can be resurrected?

Euphemia: Thanks to Dr. Claus Mengele, that crazy doctor was able to resurrect me with a blood that came from someone named CC and VV, after being mixed, the blood was put into my body and then all the dead cells and the others came back to life and yes... I rise as Euphemia like in the past

Lelouch was shocked, CC and VV blood can be used as an ingredient to raise the dead if mixed!?

Lelouch: Then, why are you still alive even though you've been shot?

Euphemia: It doesn't stop there, Dr. Claus Mengele injects a cell called the Regenerating Cell, which can regenerate all fatal wounds or minor injuries

Lelouch: Then why did you lose control to tear the Britannia apart with bullets?

All the members of the Black Knights were shocked that this Euphemia who was now able to wield a gun and tore apart the Britannia army with a volley of bullets?!

Tohdoh: Tear apart the Britannian army with a volley of bullets? It is impossible--

Euphemia: Actually, I'm wearing this *shows the gun* it's named Hitler Arms 454 Casull, R&D result of the Rhine Federation Company. Can spit out bullets with a large caliber that has been reduced. Then when this bullet is fired, the bullet will hit the target and will do great damage to the target, it can cut someone's arm or leg.

Chiba: too great

Tamaki: German guns are all crazy!

Euphemia: But you can't get that weapon easily, because you have to get a permit and also enough experience, because German R&D weapons are strong, to require further research and training

Lelouch: where Nunnally now?

Euphemia: she on the medical bay, she will be okay

Ohgi: How did you learn all these things?

Euphemia: From my Nazi seniors. But I have a senior rival. Let me tell you a little story

Start Flashback

Euphemia narrate: It was a cold night. Beautiful moon, somehow I wanna--

Flashback interrupted

Tamaki: wanna doing what?


Tamaki: geez! Calm down, I'm only joking around

Euphemia: *sigh* okay. I continue my story

Continue Flashback

Euphemia narrate: I'm in Weissach. And well, I see an abandoned hospital and I hear some of weird noise. So I'm going in

Inside the hospital

Euphemia: hello?

Euphemia narrate: when I get in. It was dark and so cold in there

Euphemia was still walking in the hospital corridor and then went upstairs

Euphemia narrate: Stair after stair, floor after floor, I only stopped until the fifth floor. Just then, I smelled something

Euphemia: *sniffs* Huh? Suddenly it reeks of hypocrisy in here. Oh, if it isn't ze my senior rival. Und vhat's zhis? No little Timmy glued to your crotch. Progress!

Aldrich: Ah, look at vhat we have here... a bloody heathen!

Euphemia: Excuse me, but I'm a fuckmothering woman und a former Britannian Princess! I killed a lot of people to get zhis title! I deserve to be called such. Well zhat people was Japanese in ze past, but I was possessed by someone in there, und zhen a mafias

Aldrich: Well zhen, mind if I ask you your name?

Euphemia: you can call me Euphy, or my real name is Euphemia li Britannia. Vhat yours, senior?

Aldrich: well, zhe name is Aldrich. Only Aldrich. You have been chosen to reveal my existence to ze world! You vill witness vhat happens here today, und you vill tell of it later. *Smacks blades together* Except you won't... 'cuz I'll have beat ya! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha...!

Euphemia: Oh my! Brilliant speech. Und unoriginal. Zhat's totally from Boondock Saints.

Aldrich: Vhat? No it isn't. I came up with it a week ago!

Euphemia: Whatever. I'm here for ze walk.

Adrich: ze only one left here is your sorry pale arse.

Euphemia: So vhat do you want anyway? The nearest elementary school is at least 10 kilometers away.

Aldrich: It is your corrupt acclaim! It is your evil zhat will be sought by me with every breath!

Euphemia: Boondock... Saints! Seriously, you must watch zhat movie religiously! *Chuckles* Get it?

Pause Flashback

Ohgi: seriously?

Lelouch: your joking with your senior, right?

Euphemia: fuck it. Now back to the story

Continue Flashback

Aldrich: Okay, you know vhat? Fuck it. Knife.

Euphemia: "Knife"? *Gets stabbed* Agrrggghh!!!

Aldrich: aha!

Euphemia: *get out her pistol* Boom. *Shoots Aldrich* Headshot. Vell, now zhat zhat's over, how about I go back to my place for a bowl of my favorite cereal, "Count Choc--"

Anderson decapitates her arm

Euphemia: AAARGGHH!!! FUCK!

Aldrich: Vell, now zhat zhat's over, how about I go back to my place for a bowl of my favorite cereal, "Frankenber--"

But he finds out Euphemia have disappeared

Aldrich: Son of a Britannian whore! Well, you know vat time it is.

CAPTION: (Aldrich wields blades) RAPE

With Euphemia

Euphemia: dang it!

Euphemia's hand grew back thanks to the Cell Regeneration

Euphemia: fuck him! He's really gonna fucking beat me! Dang! I need get out from here--

And blades was struck in the wall

Euphemia: fuck now! You!

Aldrich: well zhat vhat I wanna do. Trapped you und make me popular! Not you! You too much popular!

Euphemia: fuck you

Aldrich: well that begin after the Schutzstaffel Rebellion

Pause Flashback

Kallen: wait a second... A Schutzstaffel Rebellion? What is that?

Euphemia: It started with Hanz von Hitler who rose to the top of the German leadership to replace Wilhelm Goertzmann and put forward the New Order and got rid of the Old Order. And renew the Nuremberg Law. Like this "the Jews, Gypsy, Homosexual, Catholics, Protestant and the others should be considered as humans, not animals. Do not kill and make enemies of them, because they are all human even though they are different".

Tamaki: And what was the result?

Euphemia: Most of them agreed, because they were tired of the Aryan and German ethnic minorities. But few of them disagreed and staged a coup d'etat and some from Schutzstaffel member was involved.

Tohdoh: How did it happen?

Euphemia: It was because Hanz was Adolf Hitler's son, he was tired of his father having ordered to kill the undesirable. So that the reason that made Hanz want to become the Führer of Germany. He has a high humanity. And consider the Old Order, namely the German government from Adolf Hitler to Wilhelm Goertzmann, did not follow the Nuremberg Law according to its contents. So when he becomes Führer, he declares everything, and the undesirables should be considered as humans, not animals

Lelouch: So like that, he is a person who has a high sense of humanity

Euphemia: okay. Back to the story

Continue Flashback

Euphemia: so... You wanna get rid of me, eh? Well. Zhat fair. But I vas the number one in my battalion

Aldrich: well aren't you ze naughty one

Euphemia: don't make me shot you in your fucking head again!

Aldrich: Because I will *activate his Geass* You will be ze weak one

When the Geass sigil flew towards Euphemia, suddenly the sigil broke

Aldrich: v-vhat ze?!

Euphemia: vhat's wrong? Can't throw your Geass? So pathetic

Aldrich: argh, nevermind. Unless you get ze Geass Curse

Euphemia: what are you talking about?

Aldrich: but my name in a cover is A.A

Euphemia: A.A? Hmff, so funny.

Aldrich: You know vhat? I'm done with zhis. See you in next later

Aldrich got out of the hospital by breaking the window and falling down. But he's okay

Euphemia: (mocking) Eat me, don't forget to write

Flashback End

Euphemia: so that the story

Meanwhile in Holy Britannian Empire, Pendragon

Charles: The world lies. Thou shall not commit murder. Thou shall not bear false witness. Thou shall not cheat. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife. All of these are lies. Mere illusion. Nothing more. They don’t want to be killed. They don’t want to be robbed. Using the twin lies of justice and morality. The weak are endeavoring to protect themselves. But the first truth there is that the strong devour the weak. So let us feed upon people, upon wealth, upon riches and power. We of Britannia shall feast upon the raw flesh of the world itself. We must crush this deception and bring forth the truth. All hail Britannia!

Britannian Army: All hail Britannia. All hail Britannia. All hail Britannia…

Back to KMS Horten

Captain Hans: Mr Lelouch?

Lelouch: yes?

Captain Hans: well. Maybe you wanna take ze look of zhis.

At that time, Nunnally who was able to walk and see was finally brought together by her big brother and sister

Nunnally: Big brother!

Nunnally hugged her sister and Lelouch hugged her back

Nunnally: nice to see you again!

Lelouch: Me too

Euphemia: that make me happy

Nunnally: thanks to cured me

Captain Hans: you're welcome

Kallen: But what about these Britannian? Will they continue to hunt us for bringing Nunnally?

Lelouch: Don't worry, I've made a plan for that: We give Nunnally back to Britannian's side and Nunnally will say that her blindness and crippled have been treated by Germany.

All the members of the Black Knights were shocked to hear this

Asahina: Are you crazy?!

Chiba: We lost Senba because of this operation!

Ohgi: and the others

Nunnally: Maybe it's the perfect idea, since I'm going to rebuild the Special Administrative Zone of Japan again

Euphemia: Do you want to try to be like me, but be continued by you?

Nunnally: yes. With support from Berlin

Euphemia: well. I can call the Führer for you

Nunnally: okay, thanks

A few hours later, Area 11.

Nunnally was handed back by the Germans from KMS Horten in Area 11. In the end they were surprised that Nunnally was no longer blind and paralyzed, because Nunnally pretended she was saved by The Germans and later their blindness and paralysis were cured by the Germans. Britannia thank the German side for their performance in the medical field

Meanwhile in Ashford Academy

Shirley: Look at this. It says this temple was built a thousand years ago.

Rivalz: That’s great. Have you seen the water pistols? I got one for everyone but I can’t find them.

Rolo: Hey, what’s all the stuff, Prez?

Milly: Some nets, candles, wigs, fireworks and a tambourine.

Rolo: So are those for a class trip?

Milly: Just leave it to me. This will be my second time, you know?

Rolo: Right.

Shirley: What’s wrong, Lulu? You just seem sort of down.

Lelouch: No, I’m fine.

Rivalz: Can’t sleep ’cause you’re thinking about how much fun the trip’ll be?

Lelouch: You’re correct. Yeah, I’m excited about it.

Shirley: Lulu, you are just like a little boy.

Announcement: Attention all students. The inauguration speech of the new viceroy of Area 11 is about to begin. Please assemble in the auditorium.

Meanwhile in Area 11 Government Bureau

Nunnally: How do you do, everyone. I am Nunnally vi Britannia of the royal family, 87th in line to the imperial throne. Due to the unfortunate, untimely loss of Duke Clalares recently, I shall be assuming the viceroyship of Area 11 in his place. And I challenged to be a viceroy in Area 11, meanwhile in out there, there's a cold war between Holy Britannian Empire and Greater Nazi Reich

It turned out that at the time before that, there was tension between Britannia and Germany which made the relationship between them fall into the cold war

Back to Ashford Academy

Rivalz: I can't believe she can see and walk again because of Germans. But she’s so young. How could that girl be a viceroy?

Shirley: She’s a royal princess.

Nunnally: <Please, help me to help you>

In Black Knights Tanker Ship

Tamaki: She wants some help, huh?

Sugiyama: This all screw up things.

Back to Area 11 Government Bureau

Nunnally: I realize that this is unexpected but I’d like each one of you to cooperate with me on this, especially the Germans. As your new viceroy, I wish to again create the Specially Administrated Zone of Japan with the help from Greater Nazi Reich

After hearing that, Suzaku and the Britannia nobles were shocked to hear that statement

Britannian Noble 7#: That’s absurd!

Britannian Noble 9#: We cannot cooperate with those German fascists!

Britannian Noble 6#: I can’t believe she would even mention the name!

Britannian Noble 2#: What was she thinking? When Britannia and Germany were in a cold war

In other place

Nunnally: <In the Special Zone Britannians and Numbers would have equal status. Elevens would be allowed to safely call themselves Japanese once again>

Japanese 5#: She just said Japanese.

Japanese 1#: Are they trying to trick us?

Japanese 7#: She has Suzaku Kururugi.

Japanese 11#: He’s Japanese so he should be on our side.

Japanese 4#: Princess Massacre’s knight!

Japanese 8#: He’s the traitor who shot Zero.

Nunnally: <…although a tragic misunderstanding occurred in the Special Zone, I do not believe that attempt to establish the Zone was a mistake. We need a gentler world. And those of you in the Black Knights and the German Führer, I ask you all to please participate in the Special Zone. With the purpose to end the cold war>

Back to Black Knights Tanker Ship

Kallen: What?

Tamaki: Not again!

Ohgi: Never again.

Back to Area 11 Government Bureau

Nunnally: …mistakes that we’ve made, then we can take the first positive steps to setting things right. I believe this with all my heart.

After that, Suzaku take Nunnally with her out from the room

Suzaku: You surprised me, Nunnally. You are trying to create the Japan’s Special Zone again, but with help from new country who had a fascist party.

Nunnally: Suzaku, what Euphie tried to do, I mean before the disaster happened, wasn’t wrong, was it?

Suzaku: No. I can assure you it wasn’t Euphie who was wrong.

Back to Black Knights Tanker Ship, Yokosuka Harbor

Akihito: what do you mean not use my plan?

Kaguya: This might be difficult to explain, but, the distance from here to Skira Island and Vladivostok is too far.  So we decided to head to the Yellow Sea and it was confirmed that it was the fastest route

Akihito: ow fuck, now I realize that. But don't worry. My felows submariners will be leads you to Chinese Federation teritory, and I'm promised!

Tamaki: Annoyed that your plan is not being used? What a pity

Akihito: just shut up, Tamaki! I have a plan B!

Kallen: what that Plan B?

Akihito: I ordered the Germans and a large Japanese army to bring the Japanese in this Japanese mainland

Ohgi: what about the Britannian--?

Akihito: they only the bullshit! If they dare attack you while I'm still inside this ship! I will NUKE one of their city as a lesson!

Kaguya: that a crazy idea!

Akihito: It was!!! My SSBN submarine are in the Pacific ocean, they readied to fire the Trident II Ballistic Missile to one of the Britannian East Coast city! Is that easy?!

Tamaki: It's easy, easy, but it will start a war

Akihito: Whatever! I've been suffering! My people are dying! And am I as the future emperor of Japan going to be silent?!

Ohgi: You should think before you act

Akihito: Okay, okay! I guess it will work. Anyway, any sign of Zero or Lelouch?

Kallen: He hasn't been seen yet

Meanwhile, Lelouch was still on the subway, and he might be late, but on the train, he got a call from Akihito.

Lelouch: yeah?

Akihito: <Lelouch? where are you? We've been waiting for you, I'm tired, it's getting late, we can't waste this opportunity>

Lelouch: I'll be there. Don't worry. I'll not be late

But when the call stops, he also has a plan that might not be able to come with his friends, so he breaks his phone and throws it away.

Back to Yokosuka Harbor, in outside Black Knights Tanker Ship

Kallen is still waiting for Lelouch's arrival, but it hasn't arrived yet, that's when Akihito came

Akihito: still waiting him, eh?

Kallen: yeah, did you know where is he?

Akihito: well. I don't know too. Well, pray he can get in here in time, right in the schedule

Kallen: well, are you ever worrying someone?

Akihito: yes. My wife, Michiko and my favorite son, Norohito. My son Norohito will become the future emperor of Japan to succeed me

Kallen: yeah. That...

Akihito: are you worrying someone too? Let me guess. Your mother and your died brother, Naoto

Kallen: You guessed it, Mr. Akihito

Akihito: well, let's pray he will make in time. By the way *show refrain* what's this?

Kallen: shit! That a refrain! Anything to do, do not used it!

Akihito: well I've been using it... Of course in small doses. And yeah... It doesn't work any matter

Kallen: what?

Akihito: because I've been inject my Formula, and inject again with this refrain, so nothing happens

Kallen: okay that make sense

Akihito: you know what? Let's go inside, he's probably late

Meanwhile, not far from Yokosuka Harbor, Britannian Navy Fleet, inside the one of Britannian ship

Suzaku: (mind) Nunnally may have realized that I lied to her. Even so, she said she wants to carry on Euphie’s wishes. And for that, I’ll…

Back to Black Knights Tanker Ship

Tohdoh: Have Lelouch and Zero come?

Akihito: not yet. But, I think he contact me secretly to tell us to... go first, he will follow

Tohdoh: Okay, let's go

Akihito: alrighty!

Meanwhile on the Pacific Ocean, IJN Yudaichi, Harekaze-class SSBN Submarine

In Bridge Deck

Yudaichi Crew 5#: Captain, someone call you

Captain Toaru: okay *answer the call* Who is this?

Lelouch: <It's me, Zero>

Captain Toaru: Zero eh? Or to be a former Britannian prince? Well who is name? Lelouch?

Lelouch: <okay, this is important, you tell the other Amatsukaze-class Submarines to protect the Black Knights Tanker Ship that inside the ship there's a submarine>

Captain Toaru: don't worry. I will help you, see ya

Back to Black Knights Tanker Ship

C.C: That mask is heavier than it looks. The wearer bears a fate, not just of the Japanese people but that of the world.

Kallen: Yes, but somebody has to…

Suzaku: <This is the Britannian military. Your ship’s registry and stated course are erroneous. Heave to at once. We will now conduct a forced inspection.>

Kallen: They found us?

Tohdoh: It appears so.

Suzaku: <Everyone aboard is ordered to disarm and line up on the deck. You have ten minutes to comply with our order.>

Meanwhile on one of the ship in Britannian Navy Fleet, Bridge Deck

Suzaku: (mind) Just wait one of them answering

Akihito: <Okay, see, I'm going to have to stop you right there. You see, I'm under direct orders from my boss, not you who is a total bitch, by the way, *grunts* that I am not to leave this ship until such time all of you has left the sea. I was even bribed. Imagine that>

Britannian Navy Officer 1#: You Elevens asshole, I will--

Akihito: <Sounds great, but I have to go now, and well, you're all in the Japanese wolfpack teritory, well I'm wanna see form this ship, byee~~>

And Akihito hangs up the call

Britannian Navy Officer 6#: he say we're on the Elevens wolfpack? He's totally a joke. There no submarine out here

Britannian Army: It’s time.

(Sorry little meme)

(Okay that's enough, back to the story)

Suzaku: *sigh* Commence firing.

Then all the Britannian navy ships fire the gun turrets and at that moment the tanker will be blown up

Inside the submarine

Tohdoh: Here it comes. Blow the tanker. That’ll scramble the sonar. 30 degrees downtrim. Engines, crash dive! Any contact with Zero yet?

Chiba: Still no response, sir.

After the tanker ship was exploded, the submarine was eject from the tanker ship

Back to the Britannian Navy Fleet

Suzaku: We’ll assume they’re trying to escape underwater. Send out the Portmans Type-2.

And the Royal Marine Infantry piloting the Portman Type-2 dived into the water and was heading towards the Black Knight submarine

Back inside the submarine

The Black Knights: Confirming sonar. The engine noise sounds like submersibles!

Tohdoh: Dive us down. If they discover us, we’re done.

Back to the Britannian Navy Fleet

Suzaku: Fire ASROCs!

All ASROC from all Britannian Navy Destroyer was fired and after the ASROC missile was get inside the water they exploded and make the Black Knights submarine was get vibrated quite violently from being hit by an ASROC attack

Tohdoh: Do not panic! They’re guessing where we are!

Back in Britannian Navy Fleet

Britannian Army: Encircle the area centering on Point Theta. We’ll smoke the enemy out.

Back to Black Knights submarine

Due to repeated ASROC attacks, a leak occurred in the engine room

Black Knights 7#: What?!

Chiba: All sections report leaks!

Kallen: Your orders?

Tohdoh: If we move then they’ll find us. We hold out!

Kallen: What? But…

In other room

Tamaki: We are all gonna die!

Lelouch: Q1, do you read me? Q1!

Ohgi: That voice…

Back to bridge deck

Kallen: Zero?!

Lelouch: <Your instructions. 50 degrees downtrim, head for point L14. Crash dive, full ahead!>

Ohgi: He made it!

Tamaki: Finally! Took him long enough!

Back in Britannian Navy Fleet

Suzaku was readied his Lancelot and fly with floating system

Suzaku: Continue depth charge drop. Maintain encirclement.

Back to Black Knight Submarine

Lelouch: <Akihito, give orders to other submarine to shoot the Trident II Ballistic Missile to Seattle in Britannian mainland>

Akihito: Yosh!!! Let's go! *Call* Hello? Captain Toaru? Shoot the Trident II Ballistic Missile now! Target Seattle!

Tamaki: what?! Are you crazy?!

Akihito: trust me!

Captain Toaru: <This is captain Toaru of IJN Yudaichi of Harekaze-class SSBN Submarine. Target confirmed>

Meanwhile in IJN Yudaichi Submarine

Yudaichi Crew 7#: target confirmed! Targeting Seattle!

Yudaichi Crew 5#: Target lock! Your order?

Captain Toaru: Fuck them out! Fire!

Yudaichi Crew 7#: firing Trident II. Missile away

Back to Suzaku

Britannian Navy Officer 6#: <Sir! There a activity in the east!>

Suzaku: what?!

As he looked to the east with a vision in his Lancelot, he saw a missile rising out of the water and hurtling away

Suzaku: there's a another submarine! Firing that position!

Britannian Navy Officer 8#: <Sir! There's another submarine on the west!>

Suzaku: what? West?

A submarine submerged to the surface and then opens the 2 missile hatch and the missile is fired

Suzaku: dang it!

But strangely, one of them entered the water and the other was still flying, but the missile that flew towards the Britannia Navy Fleet was only one, and at that moment the missile passed Lancelot. After passing through Lancelot, the missile exploded in midair right in the middle of the fleet and generated a shockwave that knocked out the systems of all the ships of the Britannia Navy. And also Lancelot was hit and the system went out, but Suzaku was able to eject

In one of the Britannian Navy Destroyer

Britannian Navy Captain: what happened?!

Britannian Navy Officer 7#: all system went blackout!

Britannian Navy Captain: went blackout?!

Inside the sea

The second missile exploded in the middle of the Knightmare Portman Type-2 swarm and disabled all Knightmare systems

Inside the Submarine

Kallen: what happened?

Black Knights 7#: Sir! All Britannian Navy Fleet has been went blackout and they can't used their weapon!

Akihito: it's a missile with EMP warhead, or Electromagnetic Pulse, EMPs are short bursts of electromagnetic radiation. This naturally occurring or man-made phenomenon generally disturbs, even damages, electronic equipment.

Kallen: that make sense

In the sky

Gino and Anya has come, but they too late, all Britannian ship has went blackout

Gino: geez. What happened?

Anya: it says there's a shockwave that damaged the electronic equipment in the ship and the Knightmare

Gino: where Suzaku?

Gino saw that Suzaku was on one of Britannia's battle carriers

Gino: ah, there he is!

In those Britannian Battle Carrier

Gino: what happened? Why all ship went blackout?

Suzaku: I don't know, there a missile with weird warhead that damaged and turn off the electronics, all the ships went blackout

Gino: well, we will take you from here

Akihito: <well, you need have 2 hours to turn on all of your ship>

Gino: who is this? Oh I get it, that Akihito guy, eh?

Then then Gino's Tristan picked up Suzaku and flew away, but they saw a Knightmare who was a different type of Vincent, and took Zero in his arms.

In inside the submarine

Kaguya: Master Zero!

Back to Knight of Rounds position

Suzaku: So this…this is your answer to me?

Lelouch: Don’t shoot! Shoot me and you’ll be disobeying your lady’s orders.

Suzaku: What?

Lelouch: I hereby accept the offer extended by Viceroy Nunnally. Yes, I will join the Japan’s Special Zone.

Back to the submarine

Kallen: He wouldn’t.

Ohgi: Zero’s surrendering to them?

Tohdoh: But he can’t!

Back to Knight of Rounds position

Suzaku: Are you serious?

Lelouch: Zero orders you! All members of the Black Knights, You shall participate willingly in the Special Zone!

To Be Continued.

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