Noona [Ateez]

By FeistyPeanut

75.3K 1.9K 426

In which a young, single mother is appointed as Ateez's new stylist, make up artist, and assistant manager, a... More

Code Name Is Ateez
A to the Z
Let's Get Pretty
An Old Friend
You And I
The USB Dilemma
Who's The Father?
If The Shoe Fits
The Date
One Step at a Time
A Little Space
Watch Over You
Difficult Things
Want You To Stay
Wanna See That With You
Getting Fired
My Maknae
The Question
Confession Pt. 2
Be Mine
Something More Precious Than Me
Make It Right
The Talk
One Chance
Make It Right Pt.2
Announcement of Hiatus
An Important Message
Fun and Games - Ready? Start!
Fun and Games II - You're it!
Fun and Games III - Hide and Seek
Fun and Games IV - The MVP
Fun and Games V - Don't Wanna Play Anymore


1.1K 27 4
By FeistyPeanut

Moments later
Bosam's Point of View

I was scared. I'll be the first to admit it, I was shitting my pants as everyone else left the meeting room after the first meeting was over– except, of course, for Jaehyun, the CEO, and myself.

The concerned expressions on the guys' faces as they walked out didn't help either.

I helplessly glanced at Jaehyun. He looked back at me with a serious, determined expression and gave me a small, confident smile accompanied by a curt nod.

That did help. It made a wave of relief wash over my anxious heart. That was his characteristic "leave it to me" smile. It was the same smile he gave me years ago when Rowoon was born as he held my hand back at the hospital.  The same smile he gave me when he'd visit me at my mom's place to check on us, after promising he'd find work for me.

Jaehyun was so dependable. He hadn't failed me once. If he was confident... I'd just have to trust him.

I'll be honest, I sort of blanked out and let Jae do most of the talking. I couldn't tell you how he did it, but he saved my ass again. It's not that I wasn't paying attention, it's that I started to feel like an outsider in my own body at one point. Like I could see myself and my surroundings from far away, and I was struggling to listen to what was being said, trying very hard to stay in the moment and not be overwhelmed by the surreal experience.

Something similar had only happened twice before. First, when we found out about my father's death on the news. Second, the meeting where my relationship with Rowoon's father was exposed and I was fired. But I could remember those two instances perfectly, almost like they were burned into my brain. This time, it all felt like a big blur.

I felt more aware of what was going on, like I was back in control of my consciousness, only once we were outside the meeting room.

"Bosam, are you okay?" Jaehyun asked as I was looking around a bit disoriented. We were in the hall where all the meeting rooms were. Alone.

"Huh?" I asked. His face softened empathically. "Jeez, you're really out of it... Sammie, it's okay. Rowoon will be able to come with us, it's all gonna be alright. We'll figure it out together. We always do." He reassured me, with that confident, determined smile of his that always helped me feel safe.

Maybe it was the fact that things had been so hectic lately, maybe it was the lack of sleep, I don't know exactly what it was, but hearing that from the one man in my life who had never failed me made me tear up. I rushed into him, wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, muttering a small "thank you so much, Jae."

"Aw... Don't mention it Sammie. Anything for you." He said, hugging me back. I stayed in his arms for a few moments, needing to feel comforted, but then Jiho's words echoed in my head.

"I mean, the guy always had the fattest crush on you..."

I pulled away at that, my face suddenly somber as I looked up at him. I had to ask him. I had to make sure that wasn't the case.

I looked around and peeked into one of the meeting rooms. Luckily, it was empty. I grabbed Jaehyun's wrist and pulled him inside.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Jaehyun said as I closed the door behind us and looked at him.

"Jae, we need to talk." I said, making him chuckle awkwardly. "Uhm.. okay? What about?"

I took a deep breath, wondering how to ask or what to say. We were staring at each other, tension growing the longer neither of us said anything.

"Jiho said youhaveacrushonme" I rushed out after a few excruciating moments of awkward silence and staring.

Jaehyun seemed taken aback. "Oh? Is that what he said?" He said, seemingly calm. His face only looked a little surprised, but nothing more. Gosh, why was he being so hard to read?

I nodded enthusiastically. "So? Is it true?" I asked, eyebrows arching in worry.

Please say no, please say no, please say no... I begged in my head.

"Yeah," he said, cracking an embarrassed smile.

My stomach dropped. "Wait- sorry, I'm dumb. No. No, Bosam, I don't have a crush on you, calm down. I did use to have a huge crush on you though. Actually, more than that, I think I was seriously in love with you. But not anymore- I'm actually seeing someone right now, and I'm thinking of marrying her." He corrected himself.

I was dumbfounded. All I could do was blink slowly in response, trying to process the information.

"Okay, let me explain-" he said, sensing that maybe I needed even more information. "I always had a bit of a crush on you. Back in highschool, I always thought of you as that cute tomboyish hoobae of mine. But we didn't really talk until the internship, so that was it, I just thought you were cute." He said, waiting for me to nod, indicating that I was following so far, before continuing.

"But then we became friends and started to lean on each other because of the internship. I got to know you and..." He said, looking away with an embarrassed smile and scratching the back of his neck. "I started to really fall for you. I was gathering up my courage to ask you out when I saw the way you and Chucky were interacting. You guys were flirting. I thought there was no way I could compete with that and sure enough, you guys started dating not long after you got promoted. To be honest, it hurt like a motherfucker. I thought about quitting for some time, especially when you started to lean on Jiho and Jihoon. I felt like maybe I was just a bother, someone who wasn't needed anymore and... I should just go."

"Jae..." I whined, feeling awful that he thought this way because of me. He chuckled and waved his hand dismissively, "Relax, dude. Obviously I didn't quit. I... kind of ultimately took all those things as a challenge and started working harder and harder to maybe, just maybe, become someone competent enough to compete with all the guys around you. And look where that got me! Yeah, I didn't get with you, but all my hard work got me very far into my career and now I also have a wonderful girlfriend that I want to marry- you should meet her someday. She was actually... A big part of how I got over you. 'Cause after you guys broke up, you know I... I really thought it might finally be my chance. But when even when I was there for you at your lowest, even helping with the baby, and you still called me your friend... I guess that's when I started to realize that's all I'll ever be for you." Jaehyun said.

Every word that left his mouth was hitting me like a ton of bricks. "Jae..." Was all I could apologetically, ineloquently say. "Yeah... Honestly, I didn't take that indirect rejection very well. I took to drinking and... One day, my usual bartender was gone and there she was in his place. We would talk and talk as I drank and eventually I started to heal. I asked her out on a whim, but then seriously fell for her. We've been dating for a year now, and I'm thinking of maybe popping the question. I'd like it if you met her first though. See what you think of her." He said, smiling at me. I nodded a bit, dumbfounded. "Sure. Just say when."

I felt very distracted for the rest of the day. I needed to figure myself and my feelings out. I needed guidance, so after we got home, I asked Seonghwa to please watch Rowoon, promising I'd tell them about the second meeting at dinner, and then took a cab to my destination.

I knocked on my mom's door. Soon, my mother's surprised face was in the doorway, letting me in.

"Wahhh what is our Sammie doing here on a week day? I'm so happy. Come in," she said with a bright, surprised smile that caused her small eyes that strongly resembled my own to nearly shut in bliss.

"Thanks mom," I said without thinking- she wasn't praising me or anything, but just the way she reacted to seeing me deserved a thank you.

I wrapped my arms around her and made my sweet mother let out a chuckle as I lifted her off her feet in a tight hug. "Aigoo- did you do something? You're in trouble aren't you?" She said playfully, since I've never been the super affectionate type.

She was being playful, but I still felt guilty because she didn't know she was right.

I inhaled her comforting scent before letting out a small sigh as I put her back down. I wish I could put my mother's scent in a candle. She smelled like... sitting comfortably by the fireplace on a cold winter day. Warm, sweet, and with a hint of peppermint. She smelled like home.

"Mom," I said, once we had settled down in her living room, looking down nervously at my feet, "I am in a bit of a pickle."

She sighed patiently "It's the new job, isn't it?" She asked. I nodded shamefully, still not meeting her eye. "Well as long as you're not getting involved with those idols like you did last time," she said, chuckling awkwardly, probably thinking there was no way in hell I'd be stupid enough to trip over the same stone twice.

I pursed my lips and blushed slightly. "Yah, Do Bosam. Tell me it's not that." I heard her say, her playfulness that was previously in her tone leaving completely, now replaced with a stern voice.

"It wasn't my fault mom! I was forced to go on a date with him!" I said defensively, finally meeting her eyes.

"Yah, Do Bosam! How is it not your fault, huh? No one can force you to go on a date with someone! Who, huh? Who can do that? Who forced you?" She asked, placing one hand on her hip and pointing at me with her other one.

"Lee Jaehyun did! Lee Jaehyun, my boss, gave me an order to go on a date with him." I said, maintaining eye contact.

"Aish this brat- look down! You're getting scolded. Are you lying to me? Look at me when I'm talking to you." She said, making me blink in confusion as she contradicted herself, but did what she said anyway. "I'm not! You know I don't lie! I ignored him a lot at first, he had a crush on me and I was being really cold to him so he'd leave me alone! I swear I was! You can ask him if you want!"

"And then what?" She asked in a challenging tone. "Uh... and then I uhm... got drunk once and he asked me on a date. I said yes because I was drunk and Jaehyun made me go on the date so as to not hurt his feelings." I said, looking down at my hands as I started to nervously fiddle with my fingers.

"Hm. That's weird. I always thought he liked you. You should've gone on a date with him. Him I accept. That man was always there for you. I wonder what changed." My mother said making me throw my hands up in frustration.

"So was it just obvious to everyone except me that he liked me?" I asked, frustrated with myself for being so short-sighted. My mom chuckled a bit "Honey, I thought you knew and were purposely friend-zoning him. Most men don't through all the lengths he went through with you just to be friends with a woman." My mom said meaningfully.

I started to get a headache. "Aish, let's stop talking about him. He doesn't like me anymore anyway, and that's not even what I came to you for. I wanted to get your advice on the boy I'm currently dating-"

"Break up with him." My mother said immediately with a straight face. "Mom!" I protested. "Why? You asked for advice. You want to know what I think?" She asked, looking like she was fully ready to diss me and all my life choices.

"Yes but I want to you at least listen to what I have to say, like, at least get to know him-"

"Alright. Then take me, I want to meet him." She said, giving me a challenging expression.

"Eh?" I said ineloquently, her request hitting me like a sucker punch. "I-I meant through my stories of him," I said, but it was too late. My mom was now set on meeting Jung Yunho.

"Why? It's better if I meet him. Are you serious about dating this man?" She asked me. I felt very put on the spot by the question. "I... I don't know. But I think he's different enough to give him a proper chance. I haven't felt this way about someone in so long, mom. I didn't think I wanted to have another shot at love but... he makes me feel like maybe I can do it." I said, trying my best to explain myself.

My mom stared me down as I did. I could practically see the gears turning in her head. "Right. So take me to him. Let me meet him. You know you can be very foolish and stubborn when it comes to love, so before you even fall deeply in love with him I want to make sure you're not making a huge mistake again." She said, standing up to get her purse.

"What- now?" I asked, feeling a bit nervous. This was all happening so fast. "That's right! Let's go," she said. And just like that, I was on my way back to the dorms with my mom in the car. And man did I have a bad feeling about this.

And we're back! Sorry for the wait 🙏🏼 we got a puppy and the first few weeks of having him were obviously a bit hectic trying to get used to raising this practice baby to the best of my ability. But I'll do my best to bring you fairly frequent updates once again. Hope you all had happy holidays and that your new year is filled with wonderful moments, great opportunities, and loads of happiness. Do you have any New Years resolution? I don't really do New Years resolutions, but I do want to be more consistent with my updates. You guys have given my story so much love, and I want to return it with hard work, perseverance, and consistency.

As always, thank you so much for reading. Please remember to vote and share with your fellow atiny if you think they might enjoy my little story <3 you already know I love hearing from you guys so please let your thoughts, feelings or even predictions known in the comments. Honestly hearing from you guys makes my day like you wouldn't believe 🙈💜.

QOTD: what did you think of last chapter "Jealousy"? 👀 it was different from what we usually see in Noona in a lot of ways so, thoughts?? 👀

Lastly I really love and appreciate you guys. Thank you for sticking around. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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