My Empire of Dirt

By treble_maker1212

1.2K 60 387

After everything Johnny has gone through over the past few years, he had finally met his wits end, but perhap... More

I Hurt Myself Today
A Darker Side Revealed
Thank Your God and Get Off Your Knees
I'm a Liar I'm a Cynic, I'm a Sinner I'm a Saint
Tell Me that You're More Than a Sick Fascination
Just Tonight, I Won't Leave
Go to Sleep I wish You Well
How My Fingers Found You So Quickly
You Make Me a Sinner 'Cause I Ain't No Saint
With Ecstacy and Sorrow
Don't Let The Madness Change Us
Slow Down You're Doing Fine
I Must Confess I'm Addicted to This
I Wanna See All Your Scars
Push Me Away
I Wanna Walk, But I run Back to You
You Say Everything Changed, You're Right
I'm Dangerous, I'm Warning You

We Are Nothing But Pretty Trash

64 2 18
By treble_maker1212

Two years later...

"Fasten your seatbelts and move your seats back to their upright position, thank you for flying with Delta and welcome to Los Angeles." A soft feminine voice spoke over the intercom, making Johnny glance up before turning to Vic.

"Home sweet home." He chuckled, buckling his seatbelt.

Vic smiled, subconsciously playing with the ring on his left ring finger, still unused to the feeling of it. He and Sheva had gotten married a few months prior, but had both went on tour immediately afterwards, so he was excited to get home, and actually be able to go on his honeymoon with his wife.

Johnny of course had been his best man, he was so happy for his longtime friend and brother. Vic and Sheva both wanted to keep the wedding small and intimate, so they could enjoy their wedding without paparazzi ruining it.

The band and crew filed off the plane, heading straight to the baggage claim. Johnny scrolled through his Instagram in boredom as he waited for his bag, and paused when he saw a post from Gretchen.

She had moved on and found a lovely guy, and now they were apparently engaged according to the photo of them grinning ear to ear at the camera with her left hand held up to the camera.

The singer smiled and liked the photo, leaving a comment to congratulate them, her Instagram was private so he wasn't worried about the internet losing their mind over him commenting on his ex's post.

""-I don't give a fuck! Johnny? Tell this jackass that baby butterflies don't exist." Nikki huffed in frustration, turning to her frontman.

Johnny glanced up in confusion, having not been paying attention to the conversation. "A baby butterfly is just a cattapilar?" He said slowly, glancing at Leo who looked horrified by the statement.

"Don't say that!" He gasped, throwing a hand over his heart in dismay.

Dylan snorted, shaking his head as he scooped up his duffle bag. "Don't tell him about what dolphins do to baby sharks, he'll lose it."

"Excuse me-?!" Leo exclaimed in horror.

Johnny cackled, grabbing his own bag before he went out to the front entrance, looking for his uber. He got on Twitter for a bit, seeing a random headline that made him nearly burst out laughing.

'The Relentless frontman, Johnny Faust still a bachelor? The singer has been living the single life since his breakup with longtime girlfriend, Gretchen two years ago!'

Johnny covered his mouth to hide a smile. 'Oh if only they knew...' A chuckle caught his attention, and turned to see Dylan behind him, looking at his phone screen.

"They really think they know everything, huh?" Johnny snorted at that and nodded, turning his phone off and slid it into his pocket when uber notified him that his ride had arrived.

Dylan was still single, unsurprisingly, but had actually managed to get clean and now only drinks casually, he seemed a lot happier now.

"I'll see you soon, bud." He said, waving at the drummer as he walked towards the car.

"See ya, mate. Give the little one a hug and a kiss from all of us!" Dylan shouted, making Johnny smile and nod.

Once he arrived home, he payed the driver and grabbed his bags from the trunk, walking into his house and sighed in relief, he loved touring more than anything, but after months on the road, he was ecstatic to be back with his family.

"Daddy!" A sweet voice squealed from the top of the stairs. Faith was stood behind a baby gate in a baby blue one piece swimsuit, jumping up and down in excitement at the sight of her father.

"There's my girl!" Johnny exclaimed, sitting his bags down and bounded up the stairs, opening the gate and scooping the now three year old up into his arms.

"I miss you, daddy!" She said, wrapping her arms around his neck as he spun her around.

"I missed you more, sweetheart." Johnny whispered into her hair, bouncing her around as he walked into the living room, smiling when he saw Vivian standing in a green bikini.

"Hi, V." He greeted, pulling her into a warm hug.

"Hi, J. We missed you!" Vivian replied, pulling back to kiss the side of Faith's head.

"God, I missed both of you too. How's school been?" The singer asked. Vivian had been in veterinary school for over a year after finally agreeing to let Johnny help with the cost.

"Its been good! I got a call back from that clinic, and I'm gonna start interning there in two weeks!" She said in excitement, making Johnny grin.

"I'm so happy for you!" Being a vet was all Vivian had ever wanted, so he was ecstatic for the younger woman.

"You guys going for a swim?" He asked, sitting Faith down, and watched in amusement as she ran off towards the sliding glass door, trying in vain to push it open herself.

"Yes, you're welcome to join us." Vivian said with a grin, following the toddler to the door and opened it to let her run outside.

"Sure, why not. Let me get changed real quick." He said, going into his bedroom to grab a pair of swim shorts and walked out onto the patio entrance in his room, and over to the pool, smiling at the two girls.

"Daddy! Daddy! Watch me!" Faith yelled, jumping into the shallow end of the pool where Vivian caught her, keeping a close eye on her even though she was wearing a floaty.

"That was so cool, Faith!" Johnny encouraged, walking over to the edge and sat down, letting his legs dangle in the water.

Lily had gotten home from tour a few days before he did, she had released her second solo album earlier in the year, and it had been a huge success, he was so proud of her.

Vivian glanced behind him and smiled slightly, but before he could turn around, he was suddenly shoved into the pool.

He came up from the water to see Lily standing at the edge of the pool with a grin. "Hey, darling." She greeted warmly, trying not to laugh as Vivian and Faith cackled, and Johnny glared at her playfully.

Johnny stared at her for a long moment before he lunged forward, grabbing her by the hand and drug her into the water with him.

"Hi, gorgeous." He grinned when she popped out of the water, sputtering from shock.

"You're an ass!" She snorted, kissing him deeply, and wrapped her arms around him, unable to keep herself from holding him, they hadn't seen each other in person in nearly a month, and she missed him desperately.

"You started it!" He retaliated, hugging her tight against him, smiling down at her.

"Hi, Lily!" Faith said, swimming over to them, Johnny picking her up and held her in between them.

"Hi, baby doll! I haven't seen you in forever!" She said, holding her arms out for a hug that Faith happily returned.

"Lily, watch me jump!" She begged, grabbing Lily's hand, and started pulling at it until Johnny sat her down in the water and let her drag his girlfriend over to the edge of the pool.

Vivian swam over to Johnny, smiling at him sweetly. "So... when are you going to marry her?" She asked, laughing when Johnny whipped around to look at her in shock. "What? I'm just curious!" She defended.

Johnny wasn't sure what to reply, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Lily, but he wasn't sure if marriage was something that they needed or something that Lily would even want. Marriage was a social construct above all else, he didn't need a piece of paper to prove that he loved her... but he did like the idea of having some sort of symbol.

"I'm not sure if marriage is for us, but I do want to do something to just... I don't know, i guess i want her to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her without it seeming like I'm pressuring her into something that neither of us really want." He explained with a shrug, unsure of what else to say.

Vivian nodded in understanding, turning to watch Lily and Faith, smiling as the bassist let the girl ride around on her back as she swam, making her giggle hysterically.

"She's been a great step mom to Faith." She said softly, glancing back at Johnny who was also watching the two with a loving gaze.

"She has, yeah." The singer agreed, leaning back against the wall of the pool.

Lily glanced over at them and frowned. "Are you talking about me?" She asked warily.

"Of course not!" Vivian said with a too bright smile, making Johnny snort.

"We would never talk about you, darling!" He said, throwing a hand over his heart in offense, a playful grin spreading across his face when she scoffed, and rolled her eyes. "I love you." He called out.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Love you too." Lily huffed, turning away to take Faith over to a large floaty and sat her on it.

"Oh yeah, I'm keeping her forever." Johnny nodded, making Vivian smile.


Lily stood in front of the large windows that looked out over Los Angeles in hers and Johnny's bedroom, the lights sparkling through the night sky. She brushed out her wet hair- now a honey brown that faded into a soft pink- a towel wrapped around her body as she waited for Johnny to come back when he was finished putting Faith down for bed.

A pair of arms wrapped around her waist. "She asleep?" Lily asked, putting her hands over Johnny's and leaned back against him.

"Yup, we tired her out today, so she was out before I even got her to bed." The singer chuckled, pressing a kiss to her shoulder as he looked out at the rolling hills and city lights.

Lily giggled. "I have so many interviews to do next week." She groaned, turning in his arms, and pressed her face into his neck.

"I do too." Johnny huffed, kissing the top of her head. "I've missed you ." He whispered, sliding his hands down her back, and over her ass.

"Oh have you?" She asked coyly, sliding her hands down Johnny's chest as she looked up at him, a mischievous smile spreading across her face.

"I have." He drawled out, lifting a hand up to cup her chin, and tilted her face up to him, kissing her slowly.

"Prove it." Lily whispered against his lips, making Johnny grin, and reach between them to undo the loose knot of her towel, letting it fall to the floor and pool around her feet.

He pressed her up against the window, kissing her slowly as he slid his own shorts down his hips, and dropped to his knees, winking at her before he lifted one of her legs up, and sat it on his shoulder, kissing across her thigh slowly, making his way to her cunt, running his tongue up the center teasingly.

Lily leaned her head back against the cool glass, running a hand through her lover's dark hair as he suckled at her clit. "Mmm..." She hummed in pleasure.

Johnny pushed a finger into her slowly, thrusting it in and out at a leisure pace, lapping at her clit until she started panting and her legs began to tremble.

Their sex life was amazing of course, but at this point, it was no longer the most important part of their relationship. It was just another form of intimacy for them, not  the main source of their relationship like it once was.

Lily moaned, pushing her hips forward to chase the pleasure that the singer was giving her, his finger crooking just right to hit her G spot.

Johnny pulled away, and looked up at her with a smile, keeping his fingers inside of her as he stood up, pulling her into a deep kiss as he thrusted his hand  quickly.

He pulled out his fingers suddenly, and turned her around to face the window, sliding his shorts and boxers down, stroking his cock slowly as he kissed up and down her back, and across her shoulders.

Lily moaned softly when he pressed into her slowly, one arm wrapping around her waist, and his hand gripped her breast, kneading it as he started thrusting into her.

"Fuck! Right there, baby." She rasped out, reaching back to tangle her fingers into his hair.

Johnny groaned at the wet heat that surrounded him, and nodded, mouthing at her jaw as he turned his hips just hit that erogenous spot inside of her.

They both knew that neither one of them would last very long, so Johnny slid his hand down, and started pinching and circling her clit quickly, making her throw a hand over her mouth to hold back a scream of delight.

She knew that Faith or Vivian wouldn't be able to hear them from downstairs, but she was still cautious to not traumatize her step daughter.

Johnny was panting heavily, pleasure coiled in his stomach painfully and his heart stuttered as his orgasm grew close, making him turn Lily's face towards his and kissed her roughly as he picked up his pace.

Lily clawed at the cool glass in front of her, her legs shaking fiercely, and her core contracting like a vice around the singer's throbbing cock.

"Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me! I want to feel it!" Lily chanted, pushing her hips back to meet Johnny's thrusts.

They didn't bother with pulling out or condoms anymore since Lily had an IUD, and she was glad she got it, there was nothing better than hot cum dripping down her thighs after being fucked within an inch of her life.

Johnny cursed at that, burying his face in her shoulder as his hips jerked a few times and his cock pulsed as burning hot cum shot into Lily's body, making her cum as well, biting down on her fist as waves of mind numbing pleasure crashed into her.

"I love you." He mumbled, pulling back, and swept his girlfriend up into his arms, carrying her over to the bed, and layed her down, crawling in next to her.

"I love you too." She replied, cupping his face in her hands as she slid her tongue across the seam of his plump lips.

Johnny layed back, pulling Lily on top of him, and smiled up at her, pushing her hair out of her face.

"How was tour?" She asked, pressing her face in his neck.

"Good, Vic didn't fall off stage once." He chuckled, pulling the blankets over the both of them.

"Oh my God, I'm so proud! They grow up so fast." She exclaimed in mock surprise, wiping a non existent tear from her eye.

Johnny laughed at her antics, and rolled them over so they were both laying on their sides.

"What about you? How was your tour?" He asked, kissing her forehead sweetly.

"It was fucking amazing!" She said with a grin, wrapping her arm around his waist.

They layed there in silence, and Lily nearly fell asleep when Johnny spoke again.

"Would you ever want to get married?" He asked, genuinely curious as to what her thoughts were on it.

Lily pulled away and looked at him, shock and horror so evident on her face that it made Johnny burst out in laughter.

"I'm not proposing, honey. I just want to know your thoughts on marriage, because it's not important to me if we get married, I want to be with you forever, and I don't need a piece of paper to prove that." He said once he stopped laughing, smiling when she slapped his chest playfully.

"You scared the shit out of me!" Lily huffed, rolling onto her back. She hadn't really thought about marriage, they never talked about it before. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Johnny, that was obvious, but she didn't know if she really bought into the whole marriage concept.

"I-... I don't really think we need to get married, like its not a big deal either way, but if we did, I'd just want to elope." She shrugged.

"Ok, so we just continue with what we have, and if we ever want to get married, we can." Johnny said with a nod.

Lily looked at him, and smiled. "Really?" She asked curiously.

"Well, yeah. Like I said, I love you more than anything, I don't need to sign a piece of paper to prove it." The singer replied, kissing her softly.

"I love you too." Lily said, snuggling into his chest before they went to sleep.

Their relationship wasn't the most conventional, but they had finally figured out their life and this family, and all the shit they went through to get to this moment was worth it.


AND WE'RE DONE! Hope you all enjoyed this story🖤

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