We Are Nothing But Pretty Trash

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Two years later...

"Fasten your seatbelts and move your seats back to their upright position, thank you for flying with Delta and welcome to Los Angeles." A soft feminine voice spoke over the intercom, making Johnny glance up before turning to Vic.

"Home sweet home." He chuckled, buckling his seatbelt.

Vic smiled, subconsciously playing with the ring on his left ring finger, still unused to the feeling of it. He and Sheva had gotten married a few months prior, but had both went on tour immediately afterwards, so he was excited to get home, and actually be able to go on his honeymoon with his wife.

Johnny of course had been his best man, he was so happy for his longtime friend and brother. Vic and Sheva both wanted to keep the wedding small and intimate, so they could enjoy their wedding without paparazzi ruining it.

The band and crew filed off the plane, heading straight to the baggage claim. Johnny scrolled through his Instagram in boredom as he waited for his bag, and paused when he saw a post from Gretchen.

She had moved on and found a lovely guy, and now they were apparently engaged according to the photo of them grinning ear to ear at the camera with her left hand held up to the camera.

The singer smiled and liked the photo, leaving a comment to congratulate them, her Instagram was private so he wasn't worried about the internet losing their mind over him commenting on his ex's post.

""-I don't give a fuck! Johnny? Tell this jackass that baby butterflies don't exist." Nikki huffed in frustration, turning to her frontman.

Johnny glanced up in confusion, having not been paying attention to the conversation. "A baby butterfly is just a cattapilar?" He said slowly, glancing at Leo who looked horrified by the statement.

"Don't say that!" He gasped, throwing a hand over his heart in dismay.

Dylan snorted, shaking his head as he scooped up his duffle bag. "Don't tell him about what dolphins do to baby sharks, he'll lose it."

"Excuse me-?!" Leo exclaimed in horror.

Johnny cackled, grabbing his own bag before he went out to the front entrance, looking for his uber. He got on Twitter for a bit, seeing a random headline that made him nearly burst out laughing.

'The Relentless frontman, Johnny Faust still a bachelor? The singer has been living the single life since his breakup with longtime girlfriend, Gretchen two years ago!'

Johnny covered his mouth to hide a smile. 'Oh if only they knew...' A chuckle caught his attention, and turned to see Dylan behind him, looking at his phone screen.

"They really think they know everything, huh?" Johnny snorted at that and nodded, turning his phone off and slid it into his pocket when uber notified him that his ride had arrived.

Dylan was still single, unsurprisingly, but had actually managed to get clean and now only drinks casually, he seemed a lot happier now.

"I'll see you soon, bud." He said, waving at the drummer as he walked towards the car.

"See ya, mate. Give the little one a hug and a kiss from all of us!" Dylan shouted, making Johnny smile and nod.

Once he arrived home, he payed the driver and grabbed his bags from the trunk, walking into his house and sighed in relief, he loved touring more than anything, but after months on the road, he was ecstatic to be back with his family.

"Daddy!" A sweet voice squealed from the top of the stairs. Faith was stood behind a baby gate in a baby blue one piece swimsuit, jumping up and down in excitement at the sight of her father.

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