You Say Everything Changed, You're Right

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Vivian walked up the flight of stairs leading to the main kitchen, wanting to start on breakfast for herself, Johnny, and Faith. Obviously she had her own little kitchenette on her floor, but she wanted spend quality with the three of them together since Johnny would be leaving for tour in a couple of weeks.

She went to his bedroom door, and knocked on it softly, waiting a bit before she pushed it open. Faith had slept in his room the night before so she would get used to it.

Faith was sitting up in her crib, smiling sleepily at Vivian when she saw her. "Mama!" She yawned, rubbing at her eye.

"Hi, sweetie." She whispered, glancing over at Johnny's bed to see him still asleep. "Wanna help me wake up dada?"

Faith reached up, giggling when Vivian picked her up, walking towards the bed quietly before she sat the wriggling child onto Johnny's chest.

Johnny's eyes fluttered open at the sudden weight on him, and the sound of giggling, a smile spreading across his face when he looked up at his daughter.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a chuckle, his voice raspy from having just woken up.

Faith flopped forward onto his chest, babbling with a mix of half recognizable words including dada.

"Oh really? Yes, I completely agree." He nodded seriously, sitting up and let her slide down into his lap, now staring up at him with a grin.

Vivian laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed as she watched the two of them. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asked, pushing Faith's hair out of her little face.

"Nana!" Faith squealed, suddenly much more awake.

Johnny kissed the top of her head. "You want bananas?" He asked, smiling when she nodded profusely. "Ok let's get you a banana." The singer swung his legs around over the edge of the bed, standing up to walk into the kitchen, Vivian following close behind.

He sat her in the high chair, and grabbed a banana from the fruit basket, peeling it before he tossed it in the garage, moving to sit down at the table next to her, breaking off a piece and held it out to her.

"So, you meeting up with Gretchen today?" Vivian asked, grabbing a couple of bowls, and a box of cereal, sitting them on the table before she went to get the milk from the refrigerator.

"Yeah." Johnny sighed, watching as the little girl shoved the piece of banana into her mouth, chewing on it happily.

"How do you think that's gonna go?" She said as she sat down across from the singer, sliding the carton of milk over to him.

"I have no idea." He mumbled, pouring himself a bowl of cereal and began eating, helping Faith polish off the rest of her banana.

"How do you want it to go?" Vivian pushed, curious as to what his answer would be.

She was never around Johnny and Gretchen, so she had no idea what their relationship was like, but she spent an entire weekend with him and Lily, so she had at least some idea as to what that relationship was, and frankly, she was rooting for the bassist, as crazy as that sounded.

"I- I want closure, and I want answers. That's how I want it to go." He finally said after contem his words.

That's all he needed.


Johnny sat at a booth in a small, cafe style restaurant at the west side of Hollywood, it was a little hole in the wall place that he could go to that the paparazzi had yet to ruin for him.

"Here you go, hon." The waitress, a small woman in her mid forties said with a smile, handing him two menus and the drinks that he went ahead and ordered for himself and for Gretchen.

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