How My Fingers Found You So Quickly

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After rain pouring outside for the entire day and both residents of the beach house taking up space in different areas to avoid each other, the storm finally let up, but the dark, angry clouds painted across the horizon told them that this calm was only temporary.

Johnny stood on the balcony outside of his bedroom, watching as the dark swirl of clouds floated across the horizon.

He had always loved the rain, especially when it stormed. Most kids would go running to hide in their parents bedrooms when lightning flashed and thunder roared outside, he would go running straight to the window to watch. His mom had always just laughed and shook her head. Of course her strange little boy with dreams of being a rockstar would love storms.

In that moment though, he hated them. A storm is the exact reason he was stuck here with his former bassist for God knows how long.

Things had been... excruciatingly uncomfortable to say the very least. He had basically hidden himself away in the bedroom for the whole day, only leaving it to grab food when needed.

He shot up twice since lunch. The singer wasn't proud of himself by any means, but he needed to numb himself, and he had to make sure Lily wasn't around to see it.

He couldn't allow her to see any of it.

Johnny had no idea where Lily was holed up in the house, probably downstairs or in the guest room she had claimed. After what happened in the kitchen, he knew he needed to keep as much distance between himself and the bassist as possible.

The feeling of her warm fingers trailing across his skin had sent a shiver down Johnny's spine. No matter how far he pushes her away, how rude he is to her, how much he downplays and denies their past for what it was; she still had a knack for worming her way into his head.

Maybe she never left his head to begin with?

Maybe its not his head that she has taken up residence in?

As he watched the sun dip down below the horizon, he noticed how calm the water was. Fuck, a swim sounded so good to the singer in that moment. He knew that he couldn't go out far seeing as the storm could blow back in at any moment and there were probably an insane amount of riptides, so he wouldn't get any deeper than waist deep.

He walked over to his dresser and opened one of the drawers to pull out a pair of swim shorts and stripped off his sweatpants to slide on the swimwear.

The singer knew the water was probably freezing, but he needed to take his mind off of everything that didn't involve heroin.

Was this self destructive? Possibly.

Was it a better option than his usual form of coping? Most definitely.

'You know...I can think of ways to cope that are infinitely more fun than swimming in freezing ocean water or doing drugs. All you need to do is find Lily and-' Johnny cut off that intrusive thought quickly.

That was the last thing he needed to do

He opened his bedroom door and poked his head out to see if Lily was around, when he saw no sign of the woman so he stepped out and walked down that hall quietly, tiptoeing down the stairs.

Lily sat on the window seat with her knees pulled up to her chest as she watched the waves roll against the shore, it was strangely calm, but she knew it wouldn't last very long.

She had watched new girl for a while, and sent emails to Maya and her producer, but the rest of the day had been filled with silent boredom as her and her temporary roomie avoided each other.

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