I Wanna Walk, But I run Back to You

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"-I think it might be great for- Lily? Are you even listening to me?" Val huffed, kicking Lily's chair to get her attention.

"What? Sorry, can you repeat that?" Lily said awkwardly, her mind somewhere else entirely. She sat up in her seat a bit in an attempt to show that she was paying attention.

After she had gotten home from the beach house, she did the only thing she could do, she threw herself right back into work, heading into the studio to continue working on her upcoming album.

"I said that the song should be in drop B to make it a lot gnarlier and dark." Val repeated, flipping her blonde locks over her shoulder as she leaned over her schechter guitar.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, we'll lay down a demo to see what it sounds like, and if it works, we'll lay down vocals for it." Lily said with a nod, drumming her fingers against the desk as she hummed the melody of the song.

She wanted to call Johnny, she had no idea if he was still at the house, or if he had come home already, but she would be lying to herself if she were to say that she didn't care, or that she didn't miss him. She felt fucking ridiculous seeing that it had only been a few days.

The bassist wondered if he missed her too? Logically she knew he probably did, he basically told her that he loved her, but the doubts in her mind told her that he and Gretchen were already back together, and he was too much of a bitch to tell her.

'I was always a backup anyways, I shouldn't be surprised if he chooses her.' She thought with a sigh as she watched Val and their producer set up to record.

Why did she even care though? She was a young, hot, bisexual, upcoming solo artist! She could get literally anyone she wanted at any time! She could go out to any random bar and just point at someone, and get to sleep with them.

'Well... it may or may not have to do with you being in love with him, you dimwit!' Ok, sure. That wasn't incorrect... but, she didn't want to acknowledge it at the moment.

It was easier to pretend that it meant nothing... maybe that's why Johnny denied what they had for so long?

Maybe she should go hook up with someone? She didn't want a relationship, not after this and Jade, but who knows? It might be good for Lily to go out and have some hot, meaningless sex with some stranger.

She pulled out her phone, and found herself going to her camera roll, a pained smile spreading across her face as she looked at all the photos from the beach house. One of her favorites was one in particular of herself, Johnny, Vivian, and Faith all piled up on the singer's massive bed.

Faith had woken up during the night crying, so Johnny went into Vivian's room to try and help her get their daughter back to sleep, but eventually, they ended up back in Johnny's room with a very much awake Faith.

They all climbed in bed, hoping that she would eventually fall back to sleep, but after a while, all of them ended up falling asleep. The photo was taken the next morning when Lily woke up, she was pressed into Johnny's left side, and Vivian was asleep on his right, her hand resting just below Johnny's on Faith's back where she was fast asleep on Johnny's chest.

Their perfectly broken family.

She wondered how Gretchen would feel about Vivian and Faith living with Johnny. The girl had a heart the size of fucking Alaska, so she was positive she would be ok with it, but Lily knew it wouldn't be easy on her, watching Johnny have his family when Gretchen lost her baby.

If that didn't make things complicated, Lily didn't know what would.

"Oh my God, Lily! Pay attention for three fucking seconds!" Val groaned, throwing a pic at her bosses head. They were close friends at this point, so it wasn't like Lily would fire her or anything, Val was one of the best guitarists she'd ever seen so it would be stupid on her part to do that.

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