A Darker Side Revealed

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"FAUST I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR, IM BREAKING IN!" Lily shouted from the outside his house, ringing the doorbell repeatedly until she switched to just pounding her fist against the solid wood.

She had tried calling him a few times and even texted him, but to no surprise, he didn't answer, not that she thought he would.

Lily had been texting him every day for months, ever since she had found out Gretchen miscarried. She was worried about him and she wanted him to know that she would be there for him, even if things were bad between them.

The bassist knows she was naive in thinking that everything would just magically be fine in the band and that Johnny wouldn't hate her for everything.

She cursed and stomped back to her car, digging around her glove box until she found the old spare key that she was sure Johnny had forgotten he had given her along with the rest of the band so long ago.

Lily was jumping up and down as deafening music blared throughout the mansion, swarms of people packed inside when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and lips moved up and down her throat, she didn't bother turning around though, she already knew who it was.

"Saw some cute girls we could play with tonight." She said loud enough to be heard over the music.

Johnny hummed, running a hand up to squeeze at her ample breasts. "Sounds good to me, we just need to ID them, wouldn't want you accidentally fucking a seventeen year old again." He laughed against her ear, making her shiver before she nodded towards the stairs.

"Wanna get a hit beforehand?" Lily asked, grinding back against his hips.

"You actually think I'll say no?" Johnny snorted, nipping at her shoulder and sliding his hand up to wrap around her throat.

That was before it all went to shit.

She ran back up to the entryway and opened the door, thankful the alarm wasn't on and walked inside.

She knew she shouldn't be there, she knew Johnny would be pissed to see her, but it seemed that she was the only one who was willing to put up with his bitch fits to make sure he was ok.

Everyone kept saying he was fine, that he just needed time, that tour just ended so he was unwinding, but she didn't buy it.

At all.

She had been at home- alone- and out of nowhere felt this overwhelming dread. Lily had found herself pulling up Johnny's contact name in her phone and called him.

He didn't answer and usually she wouldn't be shocked, obviously he wouldn't answer, but something in her gut made her call again.

And again.

And then she texted him, but got no reply. Maybe he blocked her?

She checked social media and he was still following her, so she DM'd him, but nothing.

That's how she found herself inside of Johnny and Gretchen's foyer at one in the morning. It wasn't like she had anyone to talk her out of doing this or stopping her.

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