Falling, Peter Parker

By thiams_heart

49.2K 1.1K 46

"I believe you." Olivia Stark the daughter of Tony Stark finally gets trusted into helping her father out, bu... More

Signing over
Government property
Truth be told
Technology sucks
Spidey spirit
Space & Scotland
Take it
Starting over
Back in business
Back to the past
Gone, Gone, Gone
Failed plan
Chaos magic
Disaster follows us
Dont play with fire
She knows
Can't tell what's real and what's fake
Welcome to the Netherlands
Final play
Befriending the enemy
Lady liberty
Back in the game
The real enemy
Memory Lane
Old friends, New tricks
The other Avengers
Not just a little witch
The girl you were then

American Wizards

866 17 0
By thiams_heart

Inside a ship, Ebony Maw walks among the bodies of dead Asgardians. He steps over them as he speaks with no mind, as if they were scattered pieces of dirty clothing on a bedroom floor, "Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos."

Loki is with the Black Order. He watches Thanos, Thanos looks out of a large window, "know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail, nonetheless" he grabs Thor by the head, "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say I AM." Thanos holds up his hand to reveal the Infinity Gauntlet, which already hosts the Power Stone.

Thor spits blood from his mouth, "You talk too much."

"The Tesseract, or your brother's head" Thanos says to Loki, "I assume you have a preference."

"Oh, I do" Loki smirks, "Kill away!" Thanos sets the gauntlet on Thor's temple. The power stone glows brightly. Thor suffers in pain, Loki looks away from his brother's pain and has just thought for a few seconds, "ALRIGHT, STOP!"

"We don't have the Tesseract" Thor states, "It was destroyed on Asgard" Loki glances at Thor like he knows something he doesn't. He lifts his right hand into the air and the Tesseract reveals itself, "You really are the worst, brother."

"I assure you, brother, the Sun will shine on us again" Loki states.

"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian" Thanos says.

"Well, for one thing: I'm not Asgardian" Loki states, "And for another, We have a Hulk." Loki dives out of the way as Hulk emerges and fights Thanos. Punches are exchanged and Thanos is forced into the wall of the ship.

Maw stops Black Dwarf from interfering, "Let him have his fun."

Thanos defeats Hulk and dumps him to the ground. Thor tries to interfere but Ebony Maw binds him to the ground, "Allfathers, let the dark magic flow through me one last time." Heimdall summons the Bifrost, which carries Hulk away.

"That was a mistake" Thor sighs, Thanos stabs Heimdall through the heart, "NO!!! You're going to die for that!"

Ebony Maw shuts Thor's mouth, "Shhhh" he holds the Tesseract, on one knee, "My humble personage bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp."

Thanos crushes the Tesseract, revealing the Space Stone. He places it on the gauntlet, "There are two more Stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan."

"Father, we will not fail you" a Thanos follower says.

Loki emerges from a separate section of the ship, "If I might, interject. If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena."

"If you consider failure experience" Thanos says.

"I consider experience, experience" Loki shrugs, "Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard. Odinson. The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."

Thor squints and notices a dagger in Loki's hand. Loki attempts to stab Thanos, but fails, "Undying" Thanos repeats, "You should choose your words more carefully."

Thanos tightens his hold around Loki's neck. He makes eye contact with Thor before he increases his force on Loki's neck, "You will never be a god."

Thanos snaps Loki's neck, killing him, "No resurrections this time." Thanos teleports away with the Black Order.

"No" Thor sighs, "Loki." Thor is released from his binds. He crawls over to Loki's body, which has not returned to it's Jotun form, and lays his head down on Loki's chest, shedding tears for all that he has lost. The ship explodes. The Bifrost sends Hulk across space to Earth.

"Seriously?" Doctor strange sighs, "You don't have any money?"

"Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual" Wong says.

"I'll tell the guys at the deli" Strange scoffs, "Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical Ham on Rye."

"Oh, wait, wait, wait, I think I have 200" Wong states.

"Dollars?" Strange questions.

"Rupees" Wong corrects.

"Which is?" Strange asks.

"Buck and a half" Wong answers.

"What do you want?" Strange sighs.

"I wouldn't say no to a Tuna Melt" Wong shrugs.

Bruce crash-lands on the Sanctum stairs, "Thanos is coming. He's coming."

Strange shares a look with Wong, "Who?"

"Slow down, slow down" Tony says, "I'm totally not kidding."

"You're totally rambling" Pepper smiles.

"No, I'm not" Tony denies.

"Lost me" Pepper shrugs.

"Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?" Tony asks.

"Yeah" Pepper sighs.

"Okay, and then you're like, Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?" Tony continues, "Oh! Someone's watching. I'm gonna go in my pants."

"Right. And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee" Pepper states.

"Yes" Tony smiles.

"Yeah. Everybody has that" Pepper tells him.

"Right! That's the point I'm trying to make" Tony says, "Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid together. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?"

Pepper nods in understanding, "Right."

"Morgan!" Tony remembers, "Morgan."

"So you woke up, and thought that we were-" Pepper says.

"Expecting" Tony interrupts.

"Yeah" Pepper sighs.

Tony becomes excited, "Yes?"

Pepper shakes her head, "No."

"I had a dream about it" Tony reminds her, "It was so real. And Olivia is never around anymore so we need another kid."

"If you wanted to have another kid, you wouldn't have done that" Pepper points to Tony's chest attachment.

"I'm glad you brought this up, cause it's nothing" Tony states, "It's just a housing unit for nano particles."

"It's not helping your case" Pepper tells him.

"No, no, it's an attachment" Tony says, "it's not a-"

"You don't need that" Pepper states.

"I know" Tony sighs, "I had the surgery. I'm just trying to protect us. The future, us, and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet, instead of, you know."

"Shirts?" Pepper guesses.

"You know me so well" Tony smiles, "You finish all my sentences."

"You should have shirts in your closet" Pepper states.

"Yeah. You know what there should be?" Tony questions, "No more surprises. We're gonna have a nice dinner tonight. Show off this Harry Winston. Right? And we should have no more surprises. Ever. I should promise you."

"Yes" pepper smiles.

"I will" Tony kisses Pepper.

Doctor Strange comes through a portal, "Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way."

"I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something?" Tony asks.

"We need your help" strange tells him, "Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake."

"And who's we?" Tony questions.

Bruce comes from behind Doctor Strange, "Hey, Tony."

Tony looks surprised, "Bruce."

"Pepper" Bruce says.

"You okay?" Tony asks. Bruce gives Tony a hug, not answering.

Wong uses magic to show the universe and five out of six Infinity Stones, "From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, boom! The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurdling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence."

"Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time" Strange states. Strange opens the Eye of Agamotto, revealing the Time Stone.

"Tell me his name again" Tony says.

"Thanos" Bruce tells him, "He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes out half the population. He sent Loki! The attack on New York, that's him!"

"What's our timeline?" Tony asks.

"No telling" Bruce shrugs, "He has the Power and Space Stones, that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe! If he gets his hands, on all six Stones, Tony-"

"He can destroy life on a scale hither to undreamt of" strange interrupts.

Tony leans against a cauldron, stretching casually, "Did you seriously just say hither to undreamt of?"

"Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?" Strange questions.

"Is that what this is?" Tony asks, The Cloak of Levitation smacks Tony's arm, "I'm going to allow that. If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?"

"No can do" Strange states.

"We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone" Wong adds, "With our lives."

"And I swore off dairy, but then, Ben & Jerry's named a flavor after me, so" Tony shrugs.

"Stark Raving Hazelnuts" Strange sighs.

"It's not bad" Tony defends.

"A bit chalky" Strange states.

"A Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge is our favourite" Wong says.

"That's a thing?" Bruce questions.

"Whatever" Tony sighs, "Point is, Things change."

"Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change" Strange tells him, "This Stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos."

"And still conversely, it may also be his best chance against us" Tony states.

"Well, if we don't do our jobs-" strange says.

"What is your job exactly, besides making balloon animals?" Tony interrupts.

"Protecting your reality, douchebag" Strange smirks.

"Okay, guys, can we quick cable this discussion right now?" Bruce queens, "The fact is that we have the Stone. We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone, and we have to find him now."

"Yeah, that's the thing"  Tony sighs.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asks.

"Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder" Tony states, "He's offline."

"What?! Tony, you lost another super bot?!" Bruce exclaims.

"I didn't lose him" Tony defends, "He's more than that. He's evolving."

"Who could find Vision, then?" Strange asks.

"Probably Steve Rogers" Tony sighs.

"Oh, great" Strange says.

"Call him" Bruce orders.

"It's not that easy" Tony states, "God, we haven't caught up in a spell, have we?"

"No" Bryce says.

"The Avengers broke up" Tony tells him, "We're toast."

"Broke up?" Bruce queens, "Like a band? Like The Beatles?"

"Cap and I fell out hard" Tony states, "We're not on speaking terms."

"Tony, listen to me" Bruce demands, "Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not."

Tony hesitates, before pulling out the cellular phone Steve mailed him, Before clicking Call, he pauses. He hears unusual sounds, "Say, Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would you?"

Strange looks up at one of his stray hairs fluttering, "Not at the moment, no."

Tony looks at the opening on the ceiling and sees metal scraps flying by outside. He exits the Sanctum and scans the chaotic surroundings. He helps a woman up, "You okay?" The woman ignores him and runs away. A car crashes in on a pole behind Tony, "Help him! Wong, Doc."

"Go! Got it!" Bruce yells.

Tony puts on his sunglasses, "Friday, what am I looking at?"

"Not sure" Friday tells him, "I'm working on it."

"Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc" Tony tells strange.

"Might wanna use it" Strange states.A huge circular ship floats near Bleecker Street.

On a bus, the hairs on Peter Parker's arms stand up. He looks out the window and sees the ship, he slaps Olivia's shoulder who's sat next to him on the bus. She looks out the window and sees the ship, "fucking hell."

Peter taps Ned from the seat in front of him, "Ned, hey. We need you to cause a distraction."

"Holy shit!" Ned yells, "We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!"

Peter opens a window using his web shooter. He exits the bus with Olivia close behind him. Students scramble to the windows to see the spaceship.

The two teenagers are now in their suits and make their way towards the ship.

"Friday, evac anyone south of 43rd Street, notify first responders" Tony orders.

"Will do" Friday says.

Doctor Strange stops the ship's engine. The dust clears. Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf exit the ship, "Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to-"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today" Tony interrupts, "You better pack it up and get outta here."

Ebony Maw looks at Strange, "Stone keeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

"Certainly not" strange states, "I speak for myself. But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

"It means get lost Squidward!" Tony yells.

"He exhausts me" Ebony Maw says, "Bring me the Stone."

"Banner, you want a piece?" Tony questions.

"No, not really" Bruce sighs, "but when do I ever get what I want?"

"That's right" Tony says. Bruce attempts to release the Hulk. Instead of Hulk coming out easily, the most that turns green is Bruce's neck, "Been a while. Good to have you, buddy."

"I just" Bruce stutters, "I need to concentrate here for one second. Come on, come on, man."

"Where's your guy?" Tony asks.

"I don't know" Bruce replies, "We've sort been havin' a thing."

"There's no time for a thing" Tony tells him.

"I know" Bruce says.

"That's the thing right there" Tony says, "Let's go" Bruce gives out a loud grunt, but fails to release the Hulk, Tony glances at Strange, "Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards."

"Tony, I'm sorry" Bruce sighs, "Either I can't or he won't-"

"It's okay" Tony sighs, "Hey, stand down" tony looks over to Wong, "Keep an eye on him. Thank you."

"I have him" Wong tells him.

As Black Dwarf approaches the team, Stark dons his Iron Man suit. He defends himself and casts the Dwarf back to Maw, who dodges him.

"Where'd that come from?" Bruce asks.

"It's nano-tech" Tony answers, "You like it? A little somet-" Ebony Maw hurls Stark up and attacks the rest of the team. Wong summons a shield.

"Dr. Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us" Doctor Strange teleports Banner to the park.

Stark returns and joins the fight, "Gotta get that stone outta here, now."

"It stays with me" strange states.

"Exactly. Bye" Tony flies away but is cut off by Black Dwarf, sending him to the park.

"Tony, you okay?" Bruce asks, "How we doing? Good? bad?"

"Really, really good" tony replies, "Really good. Do you plan on helping out?"

"I'm trying" Bruce tells him, "He won't come out."

Black Dwarf arrives to the park. Throwing his hammer at Bruce, "Hammer" Tony pushes Bruce out of the way. Tony's energy beam deflects off Black Dwarf's shield, slicing down trees.

Bruce crawls under a fallen tree and begins to hit himself, "Come on, Hulk. What are you doing to me? Come out! Come out! Come out!"

"No!" Hulk says.

"What do you mean, no?" Bruce questions.

Stark is knocked down by Dwarf, but is shielded by Peter Parker, "Hey, man. What's up, Mr. Stark?"

"Kid, where'd you come from?" Tony asks.

"Field trip to MoMA" Peter shrugs. Black Dwarf grabs Parker and throws him away. Olivia swings over to Peter and catches him mid air, "Thanks, liv."

"What is this guy's problem, dad?" Olivia asks as her and Peter land on the ground.

"He's from space" Tony states, "He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard."

"Great American Harry Potter" Olivia scoffs.

Wong and Strange are fighting against Maw. Maw lifts several bricks from the ground and turns them into sharp points. He sends them towards Wong and Strange. The two make portals and send them back towards Maw. Maw moves a car to protect himself, but one spike still hits his head, creating a cut.

Wong is knocked back into rubble and a car, falling to the ground unconscious. Strange flies forward to fight Maw but is knocked back into a building, bricks trapping him, "Your powers are quaint. You must be popular with children."

Maw tries to grab the amulet holding the Time Stone but jerks back when it burns his hand, "It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable."

"Then I'll take it off your corpse" Maw pulls Strange away from the building and throws him to the ground. Several wires leap around around different parts of Strange's body. One cord, is slowly tightening around his neck

"You'll find" Strange grunts, "removing a dead man's spell- Troublesome."

"You'll only wish you were dead" Maw says, Strange falls unconscious and is Maw moves to grab him. The Cloak of Levitation flies Strange away, "No!"

Strange passes through the park, "that's the wizard" tony tells the teenagers, "Get on it!"

"On it!" Peter chases Strange through Manhattan, with Olivia hot on his tail. Maw attacks Peter, throwing him through a billboard, "Not cool!"

Olivia attempts to anchor Strange to a lamppost, but Maw breaks the lamppost, sending Olivia, Peter and Strange up in the ship's tractor beam, "dad? We're being beamed up."

Olivia holds peters hand as he hangs off the side of the ship as the ship goes higher up, "I'm slipping" Peter yells.

"I can't hold you" Olivia tells him, as she's about to drop peter she grabs his other hand.

"God I love you" Peter sighs.

"Hang on" As Black Dwarf jumps towards Tony he is sent through a portal. Tony turns towards Wong, the one who made the portal, "Wong, you're invited to my wedding" Tony begins to fly towards the large ship, "Give me a little juice, Friday" Tony's feet thrusters turn morph together into a larger one, "Unlock 17-A and 9-B" two pods jettisons from the New Avengers Facility, "Olivia, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you both."

"But you said save the wizard!" Peter yells, Peter, based on lack of oxygen, pulls off his mask, Olivia retracts hers too, "I can't breathe!"

"You're too high up" Tony states, "You're running out of air."

"Yeah! That makes sense" Olivia shrugs.

Peter passes out, "let go of him Olivia!" She let's go of peters hand and he free falls, but not before the pod reaches him, "Olivia let go!"

"Don't die. Don't die" Olivia removes herself from the ship and falls until the other pod reaches her. It attaches itself to her, Peter becoming the Iron Spider and Olivia getting a pink and black iron suit.

Now being able to breathe, Peter lands on a bottom part of the ship, standing up heroically, "Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!"

"Happy trails, kid" Tony says, "F.R.I.D.A.Y, send them home."

A large parachute extends from the new suits, sending both spiraling back to Earth, "Oh, come on!"

Tony boards the ship, trying to get to the main bay and keep the Time Stone out of MAW's hands, "Boss, incoming call from Miss Potts" Friday states.

"Tony?" Pepper questions, "Oh, my God. Are you all right? What's going on?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" Tony tells her, "I just think we might have to push our 8:30 res."

"Why?" Pepper asks.

Tony looks at the ship around him, "Just cause I'll probably not make it back for awhile."

"Tell me you're not on that ship" Pepper sighs.

"Yeah" Tony says.

"God, no. Please tell me you're not on that ship" Pepper exclaims.

"Honey, I'm sorry" Tony tells her, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say."

"Come back here, Tony" Pepper demands, "I swear to God. Come back here right now! Come back!"

"Boss, we're losing her" Friday states, "I'm going, too-"

Peter manages to stick to the outside of the ship, Olivia is hanging from below as peter holds a beam, "pull yourself up. I've got you!"

"If you drop me I'll kill you parker" Olivia yells as she makes her way up the beam to beside peter. They both climb inside.

"We should have stayed on the bus" peter states.

"You think?" Olivia shouts turning to face the boy, "you seriously need to let the adults handle things. I was actually quite excited for that field trip."

"You were?" Peter scoffs.

"Fuck no" Olivia yells, "but it's better than being in damn space, bug."

"Shut it, shadow" Peter sighs.

"Where you going?" Bruce asks Wong.

"The Time Stone's been taken" Wong states, "The Sanctum remains unguarded. What will you do?"

"I'm gonna make a call" Bruce tells him. Wong nods in understanding and closes the portal.

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