I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)

By EllaCharlotte

3.4M 55.4K 3.4K

Erin Daniels is part of the East Forest Pack, not only that but she's the Alpha. In a male dominant race this... More

I am the Alpha
I am the Alpha - Part 2
I am the Alpha - Part 3
I am the Alpha - Part 4
I am the Alpha - Part 5
I am the Alpha - Part 6
I am the Alpha - Part 7
I am the Alpha - Part 8
I am the Alpha - Part 9
I am the Alpha - Part 10
I am the Alpha - Part 11
I am the Alpha - Part 12
I am the Alpha - Part 13
I am the Alpha - Part 14
I am the Alpha - Part 16
I am the Alpha - Part 17
I am the Alpha - Part 18
I am the Alpha - Part 19
I am the Alpha - Part 20
I am the Alpha - Part 21
I am the Alpha - Part 22
I am the Alpha - Part 23
I am the Alpha - Part 24
I am the Alpha - Part 25
I am the Alpha - Part 26
I am the Alpha - Part 27
I am the Alpha - Part 28
I am the Alpha - Part 29
I am the Alpha - Part 30
I am the Alpha - Part 31
I am the Alpha - Part 32
I am the Alpha - Part 33
I am the Alpha - Part 34
I am the Alpha - Part 35
I am the Alpha - Part 36
I am the Alpha - Part 37
I am the Alpha - Part 38
I am the Alpha - Part 39
I am the Alpha - part 40
I am the Alpha - Part 41
I am the Alpha - Part 42
I am the Alpha - Part 43
I am the Alpha - Part 44
I am the Alpha - Part 45
I am the Alpha - Part 46
I am the Alpha - Part 47
I am the Alpha - Part 48
I am the Alpha - Part 49
I am the Alpha - Part 50
I am the Alpha - Part 51
I am the Alpha - Part 52
I am the Alpha - Part 53
I am the Alpha - Part 54
I am the Alpha - Part 55
I am the Alpha - Part 56
I am the Alpha - Part 57
I am the Alpha - Part 58
I am the Alpha - Part 59
I am the Alpha - Part 60
I am the Alpha - Part 61
I am the Alpha - Part 62
I am the Alpha - Part 63
I am the Alpha - Part 64
I am the Alpha - Part 65
I am the Alpha - Part 66
I am the Alpha - Part 67
I am the Alpha - Part 68
I am the Alpha - Part 69
I am the Alpha - Part 70
I am the Alpha - Part 71
I am the Alpha - Part 72
Questions and Answers....
Character Index (based on from before any pack changes and deaths)
Announcement - Ps: there's a second part

I am the Alpha - Part 15

51.2K 877 41
By EllaCharlotte




Extra thanks to my fans, voters and commenters you guys make my day and motive me to keep going!!!

I have dropped off the hot list :\ So come on guys give me some motivation and let's get this book back on there!!!! :P

thanks again

hope u lyk it

COMMENT, VOTE, FAN..... pretty please :)



Edited: 25/9/11



I had meant to start school on Monday but the East Forest Pack’s scent wasn’t anywhere. It was as if they had disappeared. Yeah the place reeked of them but it was old by a few days at least. But today is different, I woke up with a surge of warning rush through me. So their Alpha must be back in town... Time to stir things up a little.

Pulling up to the School in my sleek red Ferrari I can say I’m definitely turning some heads. Damn, how could I let myself forget about the new herd of babes I can lay? Some of these girls are desperate, pulling their shirts down and hitching their skirts up. I’m definitely gonna have some fun at this school.

Walking through the buzzing crowd of students, most straining to get a look at me as I walk past; I find the office. My eyes scan the small and shabby building round the front of the school and can’t help but compare it to the school in out town that is immaculate and huge. Nice to know the standard of living this pack keeps itself to. Pushing the door open and walking to the front desk I search for any sign of werewolves but they once again aren’t here, not yet anyway.

“I’m new here” I tell the middle-aged lady at the desk as she appears out from one of the back rooms.


“Cole Suruat”

“Ah yes Cole, here’s your time table and locker combination” She hands me a manila folder with a small smile.

“Thanks” I utter before strolling out of the office and towards the main school.

Taking a deep breath I try to catch a trace of them, but nothing. God damn it...They better show up to school, my patience is running a tad low and I won’t be able to act innocent and pretend not to be a werewolf if I get pissed. Sure I’ll know who they are but being new around here they won’t be able to tell if I’m a wolf, I had disguised my sent in the forest so they would tell it was a wolf but not relate it to me. Yeah they will be clueless to say the least.

I find my locker is in the main hallway number ‘214’ and I decide to get it sorted out before the bell goes. Come on they have to show up sooner or later.

The bells rings loudly, echoing around the halls and I am suddenly swarmed with students heading towards their lockers, the girls wink at me and sway their hips as they strut past while the guys either seem not to take much notice or glare at me for taking up the female’s attention. Like it’s my fault I’m hot.

Still no sign of them; fuck this is frustrating.


“Ten more laps!” Erin’s yell sounds from across the field before she starts to run after us.

I don’t think I’ve ever sweated so much in my life and that’s coming from a werewolf. We have been training since 8am for several hours straight. Erin is sternly preparing us for the game on Friday. I don’t think I’ve ever done so many push ups or so many crunches in my life. She even made us do plank for five minutes several times over until we all collapsed in sweaty heaps.

Sure we all complained and wined but we know this game isn’t going to be handed to us besides it’ll be funny when they realize that even though they are ten times stronger we have gotten stronger too. They’re not even in our league.

“Boo!” Erin yells suddenly from directly behind me making me snap out of my thoughts. Damn that girl is quick; she was on the other side of the oval last time I looked. “Come on Jack, I’ll race ya?” She smiles cheekily before putting in another burst of speed. She is so on.

I push myself faster, letting all my energy fall into each stride and I find myself catching up. She laughs obviously reading my thoughts before going up into what in a car would be seventh gear out of five. Damn her; I growl playfully still chasing after her but she has already finished the lap.

Panting out of control I collapse on the ground, every inch of my body aching and soon the rest of the guys slump themselves down beside me. No one utters a word as we focus on trying to get some oxygen back into our lungs.

“Good work guys!” Erin grins looking down at us all while pulling out a hose and showering us with a rush of cold water. “I thought you might need to cool down!” She smiles once again at us all before clipping the hose to a pole so we get a constant light shower of water. She is obviously out of breath too but she is in better shape because a lot of the time she umpires while we go head on with each other.

Sighing she grabs a water bottle and gulps it down at an alarming speed. Is she struggling to cool down? :  : ‘I need to cool down okay? So don’t freak’ : she whispers in my head. Freak... shit what is she going to do?

I look up at her and eyes lock with mine. After a moment her stare intensifies as she gives me a silent warning. What is she going to do? She starts panting and then pulls her shirt off leaving her in just a black cropped sports top. What the fuck?! She then grabs a hair tie off her wrist and wraps her brown hair up in a messy bun. I watch too exhausted to move as she grabs a sports towel off one of the benches and pulls it around her neck using it to get rid of the sweat dripping off her. Finally she unzips her trackies and pulls the legs of them off so they are short, shorts length.

No sister of mine is wearing that! Put your clothes back on! I know you can hear me Erin!

: ‘Look it’s only for a few minutes and besides I know all the guys on the team and they know not to touch me. Chill.’ :

I can’t just sit here with my sister wearing less then she ever does even to bed. I get up making my way over to her. I find the guys all watching me probably wondering how the hell I can stand right now. Oh crap, bad idea; now thirteen sets of eyes are tracing Erin who is dripping with water. I stand in front of her, blocking their view and scowl. Not happening.


Great now thirteen guys are staring at me. I know it was a stupid idea but I couldn’t help it I was just too hot. I can’t help smirking down at them as they lay there dumbstruck taking in my defined abbs and toned legs. Being a wolf does wonders to your body. Their faces are hilarious, especially Jacks who looks like he’s about to throttle them.

Suddenly Jack is standing in front of me, partially blocking their views. Then guys in my Pack start getting up and walking over to me; effectively blocking the rest of the team from seeing me much to their obvious disappointment.

“Erin,” Jack growls deeply “Go put some clothes on”

“Geez, calm down I was over heating it’s not like I would do this shit on purpose! It’s not like being oogled at by the whole football team is my favourite hobby. Beside I know you all, I trust you all”

“Just go” He half pleads

“Fine” I say leaning down to pick up my shirt and chucks before jogging towards the locker rooms. I take a deep breath getting a whiff of myself, I need a shower!

I sigh in contentment, the cold water feels so good! I’ve always loved cold showers they feel so nice against my naturally hot skin. If usually I was above normal temperature I must’ve been burning alive at the end of that final lap, I’m surprised there aren’t scorch marks.

Grabbing the mini shampoo and conditioner that I keep in my gym bag I start combing through my hair. After making sure my hair is completely sweat free I reach for my towel wrapping it around me as I step into the locker rooms. I don’t have to worry about anyone being here because no one has PE in the morning today.

I reach my locker pulling on a clean bra and undies. Letting the towel slip I find I forgot to bring a change of clothes. Frantically searching through my gym locker I find a pair of long black jeggings that I keep for when I do dance. Yep, I dance, in fact I’m pretty pro but I always stop for football season. Dancing is the one and only girly thing I do but no one except for the people in my dance class know very much about it especially not my pack. I mean they know I danced when I was little but they are completely unaware that every off season I rejoin the dance company.

Now for a shirt, I search around finding nothing. Crap I only have a hoody and I’m still to hot fort that right now. I pull on another crop top that I usually use under my sports uniform in PE. Whatever, I’m showing my stomach again. I throw on my grey high tops and head towards the guys change rooms technically shirtless. The guys are all sitting in the football team room waiting for me and all look up as I walk into the room and start oogling again. Well at least my bottom half is covered this time.

“Jack I forgot to pack a shirt, do you have one I could use?” I ask ignoring the rest of the panthers who are now getting death stares from my pack. Hah, serves them right.

“Sure sis” Jack says in obvious relief that I’m not going to demand to wear no shirt for the rest of the day. He rushes past me returning a few seconds later with a red shirt. I grab it off him pulling it over my head finding it reaches my mid thigh. I pull a hair tie out of my bag and knot the shirt up in the back making it fit me a little better. I flick my hair off my shoulders before turning to look at the team.

“I’ll say it again good job today guys!! We are gonna burry them Rovers!!” I yell resulting in a chorus of cheers and whoops from the guys.

“Panthers on three!” I yell putting my hand out in front of me

“1, 2, 3.... Panthers!” We yell loudly enough that the sound echoes throughout the corridors.

“Now get your asses outside there is an esky full of Apple-tizers on me!” I yell before running out of the room hearing a rush of footsteps behind me. I make it to the field and rush to where I put the stash before training this morning. Grabbing the esky I run back towards the guys pulling it with me. Then open it up to reveal a stash of apple-tizer, grab myself one I then back off so I don’t get trampled by a herd of sugar craving teenage boys and werewolves alike.



Where are they? Walking out towards the canteen and grabbing my lunch I search around for them. I can smell where they usually sit and that they are near by but only that. A bunch of slutty girls with matching hairstyles and implants are hanging around close by; Cheerleaders. So where is the football team?? Is that where the pack is?

One of the cheerleaders turns around noticing me standing around and motions for me to come over. “You’re the new guy, right?” She asks playing with her long bleached blonde hair flirtatiously

“Yeah, Cole” I say smirking at her obviously easy attitude

“Cole, I’m Katrina” She smiles at me with her baby blue eyes twinkling. “This is Ashley, Brittany, Megan, Jessie, Candi, Amber, Tiffany and Sam” She introduces what must be the cheerleading team.

“Hey” I reply still smirking. I’m definitely going to have fun with some of these airheads.

 A wave of power and the unforgettable scent of the East Forest pack washes over me and turning around my eyes finally reach them.


They come strolling towards their seats as another wave of power hits me almost making me fall back a step. Six typical, strong, pack orientated werewolves. They are built like football players and like all werewolves they stand out amongst the human guys effectively turning several heads as they walk. One of them has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and its obvious the power is flowing from him; must be the Alpha. He is laughing with the girl who is leading them towards their table her long brown hair trailing behind her. Since when do wolves let females in their packs?

Damn she’s hot! She’s definitely the she-wolf I had smelt with the Alpha. She reeks of him. In fact she seems to have all their scents laced around her. What is she, some kind of entertainment? They seem to gravitate around her none of them talking just smiling and laughing, must be the link. I let my eyes scan her body taking in her black jeggings, converse and the resting on the oversized t-shirt she has tied up behind her back. Is it the Alpha’s?

A few guys start whistling but the wolves all glare at them telling them to back off the second the sounds comes out of their mouths. Protective much? The girl just smiles and rollis her eyes as if she is used to it by now.

Yep, I’m definitely taking her as my own. I like a challenge, getting to this girl is certainly going to offer that. I can’t help smirking as I imagine  getting her alone with me and then destroying her pack. 

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