Skinny Dipping -H.S

By fuxkingharrry

217K 7.4K 10.1K

"Wish we could take it all off and just exist" DO NOT PRINT MY WORK! T.W. Mention of death, slight drug abuse... More

Oat Milk Latte.
Shitty Beer.
Be My Enemy.
Whatever You Want.
Fun Ruiner.
Chicken Noodle.
Do you like the view?
Sorry, soulmates.
You Know I Love You Right?
I Think I Just Quit.
I'll Buy The Yarn.
All You Have To Do Is Ask.
I'm sorry, I have to.
You're not going to forget it are you?
What's his name?
You're like a hot nerd.
I have to call my sister.
Ass Steak.
Messy, Tangled, and Heated.
Mac and cheese stain.
Are you talking to God?
Who Makes Rules For Sex?
Did you get in his pants or not?
Skinny Dipping.
Scarlett Jimothy.

Adds Some Spice.

7.4K 247 461
By fuxkingharrry

A/N: I truly have never loved a dynamic between my characters so much... mean that.


    Sierra has been home for over 24 hours now and she still has yet to talk to either of us about what happened at the doctor. The world class surgeon that seems to have all the answers or at least that's what I had thought. I thought she would be the one that would be able to help here, that's what Sierra had said but it seems there's something that no one is telling me or Harry. After we all ate breakfast yesterday we asked her and she said she would talk when she was ready which made me panic.

    Birdie wouldn't talk because she's a good person and she's respectful just like she should be which is the exact opposite of what I am. So of course I want her to talk but no one will, and that's unfortunately Sierra's right. Harry has repeatedly told me that she'll talk soon but soon isn't soon enough when I don't know what's going on at all, and I'm completely in the dark. So I'm going to get answers and I'm going to get them now.

    "Sierra, open up." I bang on the door, and I hear nothing on the other side. I do hear footsteps start down the hall, and I don't have to look to see who they belong to.

    "Scar, come on, give her some time." Harry speaks low, and nods his head back down the hall, trying to be soft with me.

    "She's had a day. I need answers. This is so unfair, for her, and all of us but keeping all of us in the dark isn't the answer." I argue, and he doesn't want to argue back. I can see it in his features. I know he wants answers the same way I do.

    "Sierra, are you ready? Can we talk to you please?" He asks through the door, trying to be just as kind to her. He hasn't had to sit here all day like I have though. He's been at the office with Birdie. I've been working too.. Harry brought home more fabric for me, but I can't think or focus on it. Not at all. We hear commotion from behind the door, and then I see a shadow under it, she's right here, right on the other side.

    "I don't want to hear you guys argue with me.. If I open the door, and we talk, you can't tell me no." She speaks out, and I look at Harry, and he nods to me. He's a lot more agreeable than I am though. So I might just have to put up the fight of my life to hold my tongue the best I can.

    "Fine, now let us in." I push on the door handle again, and she unlocks it, letting both of us in her room that is still somehow clean. She doesn't ever miss a step I swear. Sierra and I are very similar but very different in so many ways. She's a lot more sleek, more classy, and put together. She doesn't wear as much color, her outfits are still risky, and fun but normally black and white and that's the same with her room. It's minimal, chic, and cute just like her. I sit on her bed, and Harry stays standing until Sierra tells him to sit down too with her hand. He sits next to me, one leg on the ground and the other curled on the bed. I sit with my knees crossed and my hands in my lap looking straight at my sister.

    "What's going on?" I ask her straight forward.

    "Alright so you can't talk till I finish speaking do you understand?" She asks me, and I scoff.

    "Why are you pointing fingers at me, and not him too?" I ask, throwing a hand in Harry's direction.

    "Because I'm respectful, and I don't like to interrupt." He tells me, which makes me scoff again. "Just telling you how it is darling." He shrugs, and I roll my eyes.

    "He is right though. You have a habit of interrupting us when we get to the good part, so no interrupting for you." Sierra tells me, and she pulls out a big envelope.

    "Okay fine, I'll shut up if you just tell me what's going on in your brain." I tell her, waving my hands.

    "These are pictures of it." She takes pictures of her scans out, showing both of us, and I don't know how she expected me to speak when it's gotten bigger, and it looks like it does. I really am speechless... This isn't going to be good information. "It wasn't supposed to get bigger... But they don't think it should get any bigger than this.. Either way, it's pressing, and it's not doing any good right now.." Sierra tells me, and I want to say something but I stop myself when she gives me a look.

    "I know what you were going to say you were going to say well get them to take it out, but I already said that to the new surgeon.. She said she would.. She said she's taken out tumors just like mine before but never as big.. She said even the smaller ones had really heavy risks, and.. Well, I'm too young to die without experiencing anything.." She tells me, and I furrow my brows wondering where she's going with this.

    "Basically I have a 75% chance of survival from this surgery which is really good. The odds are high, but not high enough for my liking... I want to live. I want the surgery, but not before I get to do some things I've always wanted, and see things I've always wanted just in case the 25% wins, and I think that's fair. I think I deserve the chance to try things I never got to, and do things I've always wanted, and I don't think either of you should tell me no. If I can come to terms with the thought of dying, then the two of you can't tell me no." She argues, and I feel my chest light up.

    "Sierra I wouldn't tell you no.. But I'm just trying to understand here.." Harry speaks up, not letting me.

    "I am going to do the surgery, but I told her, I will do it at the last possible second. I still have plenty of time before I have to get it. So I'm waiting until I have to, and before then I'll do everything I want.. And I'll hopefully get to do it with the people I love the most." She motions ahead to the two of us, and I feel my heart clutch again.

    "Sierra.. Is this putting you more at risk?" Harry asks, his thoughts more clear than mine right now.

    "No actually. The doctor suggested it. She told me to take a vacation, spend time with my family.. She actually praised me for having the outlook on this that I did, and I don't blame her. She sees so many people that are torn up with things like this. It's not a death sentence if I can be happy before I go under the knife.." She tells me, and it clicks in my head. I can't be selfish. How can I be mad at her if she wants to live before she dies? And how can I be mad if she's going to accept the thought of dying? Because it feels like she's giving up? It would feel like that if she wasn't so hellbent on living her life.. She's not giving up, she's just... preparing..

    "Okay.." I nod, and both Harry, and Sierra look at me like I have four heads.

    "What?" Sierra asks me.

    "I said okay.. I'm in.. I just have to know what I'm getting myself into.. I'm not jumping out of a plane, and I refuse to swim with any dangerous sea creatures, I will not go out that way.. Other than that I am game." I tell her, and watch as she starts to smirk.

    "Do you want to talk about this at all? Are you just saying this because you don't know how else to react?" Harry asks me.

    "No, I'm saying this because she's asking us to do something for her, and as someone who is healthy and able I don't know why I would say no... If she promises there's no added health risk for her then yes, I'm all in." I look at my sister, and see her eyes soften to me.

    "I promise.. No added risk.. But I want Birdie to come.. To be with us." She tells me, and I notice something else in her eyes.

    "Okay.. I agree too then.. Whatever you want.. And of course Birdie is involved, she's just as much part of this as any of us are.. You two seem really close." Harry looks at Sierra, and I watch her face closely, in a sister way, and I see it.. I see the way she looks to Harry like she's wondering what he means by that. She's being very suspicious right now...

    "We are close.. Thanks to you guys obviously." She motions between us, and I don't ever see Sierra get shy or awkward but that's what she's doing right now. I narrow my eyes at her, and she sighs when she looks at me. "Fine..." She groans, and I gasp.

    "No fucking way!" I shout, and Harry looks between the two of us.

    "What's going on?" Harry asks, and I still stare in front of me, watching as she rolls her eyes.

    "Sierra, and Birdie. That's what's going on." I tell him, and he furrows his brows.

    "Wait.. Really?" He asks, looking at Sierra.

    "Yes, really. I can so read her face, she's an awful secret keeper. When were you going to tell me you had feelings for her?" I ask Sierra.

    "I never even came out to you, so I didn't really think about telling you I had a crush on your hot friend, and his hot intern?" She explains, and I roll my eyes.

    "You don't have to come out to me. I think you can like whoever you want, and I never would have speculated if you didn't just make it weird, and you just made it weird.. Have you kissed? Have you had sex? Are you dating? What's the details? Tell me everything." I get excited, and Sierra sighs, but smiles, and she throws herself between Harry and I, laying on her perfectly made bed. She takes the beanie off, showing off her head, and her cheeks are rosy.

    "Well first off she is.. She's just wow.. Seriously she's so smart, and Scarlett she looks up to you so much, and I do too, and that's how we first bonded, we were talking about you and your clothes, and everything ,and all your designs.. She loves you like I do, and then I thought she had a crush on you so I asked, and she laughed at me, and then she hinted at me, and she didn't make it weird, but I had never thought about it right? Not about being with a girl, but that she would be interested in me.. Especially with me being sick, and then she was, and.. And I thought she was dating someone else. Turns out she was just dating... As in trying to date someone but never finding a match, so we went out.. A few times without either of you knowing, and we have kissed, and no we haven't had sex but.. Well we are dating, and she's definitely going to be pissed that I told you without her here, but we're dating." Sierra is gushing, and I can't help but let my jaw drop.

    "I cannot believe  this has been going without me knowing.." I stare at her, and Harry shrugs.

    "I mean I made out with you, and got you to admit your feelings, and she didn't know." He argues, and Sierra agrees with her face.

    "She didn't know for one night!" I argue back.

    "Well in our defense, if I hadn't carried you downstairs with them there, then they probably wouldn't have known.." He argues more, and I furrow my brows.

    "Wrong again! You're too clingy to let me sleep in my own bed so she would have found out either way." I argue.

    "She's right. You are clingy." Sierra agrees, and Harry rolls his eyes.

    "Sue me." He shrugs. "So you and Birdie.." Harry lays back with my sister, and I do too.

    "Me and Birdie... You and my sister.." She speaks out.

    "Me and Harry." I speak it out too.

    "Me and Scarlett." His voice sounds a bit more dreamy than mine does.

    "I think this is what was meant to happen." Sierra tells me.

    "You getting cancer or me dating my best friend, and you becoming a lesbian?" I ask.

    "You dating your best friend, and me becoming a lesbian.. Cancer is cool too though.. Adds some spice." She shrugs next to me, and I nod.

    "Did you just refer to a tumor that's killing you to 'spice' in your life?" Harry asks, and me and Sierra laugh together. "I love you two." He chuckles to himself. "Seriously.. I really do love you two.. So much." He speaks out, and I feel my chest tighten at his words. The way he's become a protector, and a caretaker, as well as so much more on a personal level to not only me but my sister is heartwarming.. He truly is a gift that neither of us deserve but somehow have had the pleasure to have.

    "I love you."

    "I do too." Sierra adds. "I'm probably going to have to tell mom and dad I'm kind of dying." Sierra tells me, and I cringe. "Sorry, I know you don't like the d word." She apologizes and I shake my head.

    "She cringed at your mum and dad, not the other." Harry speaks for me.

    "What he said." I add.

    "Do you think they deserve to know?" She asks, and I shrug.

    "That's not my choice, or his.. If it was my choice I wouldn't tell them. They haven't reached out to me, or you since they kicked us out.. They don't deserve it.. But you're a better person than I am so do what you think is best for you, and your state." I tell her.

    "I think they put us through enough and don't get to make this harder for me." She tells me. "But.. If I do die, then I want them to know.. Not to make them feel bad, but just so they can know.." She tells me, and I nod.

    "But you won't die. We're going to hang on to that 75% because that's a big chance, a lot bigger chance than a lot of people get.. And we're going to do whatever it is you want before that surgery whenever it is.." Harry tells us, and I nod again.

    "Speaking of.. What do you want to do?" I ask her.

    "Well one of the things was to see you two get married, but you're dating and that just happened so I'm not going to push it.." She jokes, and I smile to myself.

    "Thanks for that. It was hard enough getting her to date me, I don't think I could get her to marry me in the span of a month or two." Harry speaks out, and I sit up.   

    "Are you insinuating that you would marry me?" I ask him, and he props himself up on his elbows to look at me.

    "Let me answer that for you.. Scarlett, the man next to me would literally lay his life down for you even without being asked.. He would marry you right now, and probably would have already proposed if you had been dating for long enough.. So don't ask stupid questions anymore, I don't have much time left on this earth and what I do have left I don't want filled with your stupidity." She tells me.

    "What she said.. Minus the stupid part. You're not stupid." He defends.

    "You are." Sierra speaks out. "Anyway, this is about me, not you two and your cute love story.. I'm the main character.. Next thing I want to see your runway. I want to see your show, and all your designs, and I want to see Birdie, and Harry write about it.. Seeing your dream come true is just as much a life goal of mine as it is yours Scarlett, and I want to see it before I die, so get to work." She snaps her fingers at me, and I scoff.

    "You can't rush art." I argue.

    "I can't but a massive brain tumor might be able to." She argues, and uses the only argument she'll ever need to use.

    "I will do everything I can but it's just as much on him as it is on me." I tell her pointing at Harry. He has all the connections, not me.

    "I want to skydive." She tells me, and I gasp.

    "I said I wouldn't jump out of a plane!" I look at her, and she looks at Harry.

    "Oh no.. You're not dragging me into this.. I'm afraid of heights." He shakes his head, and looks at me.

    "Those were my boundaries from the get go. You never stated any, you have to jump." I tell him, and he gasps.

    "What about your girlfriend?" He shouts.

    "You'd really offer up your intern to risk her own life for you? Rude." Sierra scoffs.

    "Yeah, very non gentleman-like." I tell him, and he whines.

    "Why do I have to do it!" He throws his hands down.

    "Because you're the big brother in this situation." Sierra argues.

    "Which means I should be the most responsible, and say no." He fights.

    "I have cancer, so you have to." Sierra gives him the card he can't fight back on, and he throws himself back down.

    "You're dying so you want me to die with you? How's that fair?" He jokes, and this is the first time I've heard him say something wholeheartedly insensitive which makes both of us laugh.

    "Think of anything you want to do, and we'll do our best to make it happen." I tell her.

    "That's the thing I really don't have any specifics except the three I just mentioned.. Really I just want to live the next few to the fullest. Go to the beach. Swim in the ocean. Dance, and party, and drink, and have fun, and spend it with the two of you. That's it. Nothing specific, just living life." She tells me, and I nod.

    "Agreed." Harry speaks.

    "Agreed." I chime in.

    "Then it's settled.. But for now, I'm going to stay the night at Birdie's.. Can you guys have sex now so I don't hear you when I stay here?" She asks, and I take a pillow, and cover her face, holding it there. Harry takes the pillow and starts to walk away.

    "No smothering your sister, she's already dying, that's unfair.. And no pressuring your sister into having sex with me. She already wants me, you don't have to give her incentive." He jokes, and I throw another pillow at him which he catches. "Nice try." He winks. "I'll be upstairs working on getting things together for a possible show for you alright? Goodnight Sierra, I love you." He comes back to her, and kisses her forehead before turning around and walking back out of the room.

    "You know I see him as a more of a brother but...Your boyfriend is-"

    "I know.." I sigh, despite her using the word boyfriend which still makes me internally cringe. "He really is the sexiest man alive. Seriously.. Have you ever in your life seen hotter?" I ask her, and she shrugs.

    "I mean no.. Mostly because his personality is hot, which makes his looks even hotter. That's the only way I can put it." She tells me, and I nod.

    "He's got a really nice body too." I tell her.

    "If you want to fuck him then do it, don't explain it to me." She shoves me to the side.

    "I do, but I don't know when.. Is there a standard to this kind of stuff? Do I have to go through the steps. Should I give him head first then should I have-"

    "This isn't high school you don't have to go through the bases. You either fuck him or you don't. You fool around or you don't.. And either way.. That was on my list. I need to hear that you two have had great and wonderful sex before I pass on to the afterlife. I also want to steal a car, kind of like grand theft auto the video game.. I don't know why but that always sounded so fun to me." She shrugs as if she didn't just tell me she wanted to commit a felony.

    "Sierra, you just mentioned committing a felony like it wasn't a felony." I tell her.

    "Well if a cop catches us I can pull the cancer card." She tells me.

    "Well considering only one of us has a license and it's me, and I don't have cancer we can't pull the cancer card.." I argue, and she sighs. "I'll figure something out, but for now, you go get some, and I'll.." I stop myself, thinking about what I'll be doing.

    "Get some too?" She asks me, and I hesitate.

    "No. Leave me alone okay?" I start to walk to the door, and she tries to catch me before I reach it. "Seriously Sierra, I tell you a lot, but this is something I'm not talking to you about. Please have a good night, and tell Birdie I need to have a talk with her!" I punch my words, and Sierra smiles, skipping back into her room.

    "Okay, no more arguing, and I will." She blows me a kiss, and I roll my eyes.

    "I love you. Text me if you need me." I tell her, and I go to my room, and grab my sketchbooks, deciding to go work next to Harry if that's what he's doing and he's working on basically the same thing I am, why not do it together. I grab swatches of the fabrics he's brought me as well as my sketchbook, still piecing together some things, and when I get into his room I see him sitting on his bed, one leg hanging off of the bed, the other folded on the soft comforter, his laptop sitting on his leg. He has some notes scattered, and his glasses are sitting on the bridge of his nose. He smiles at me with closed lips as he sees me walking in with my arms full.

    "How's the line coming?" He asks softly, looking back down at his notes, moving some things around.

    "Um... I don't really know. I think it's good work.. I think I know what I want to name it." I tell him.

    "Really? This isn't just this line, this is your entire brand?" He asks, and I nod.

    "Yeah. I was thinking since I based the entirety of my style in designing off of a fake old man named Jimothy I needed to include him, but I didn't want to just name it that.. And I didn't want to just use my name despite the fact that it has a ring to it.. I think I want my brand to be Scarlett Jimothy." I tell him, and he smiles to himself, still not looking at me.

    "It's special.. I like it, and it's definitely unique in a good way." He tells me, always taking so much pride in everything I do, and boosting my confidence like he always does. I hear the elevator ding downstairs from the open door of Harry's bedroom, and we both look up, and then back down, knowing Sierra has gone for the night.

    "This is going to be a lot of work, getting all of this settled within two months but I can make it happen.. I need to ask you though, no walls, no lying, nothing.. What do you need help with? Do you need assistants? Do you need a space to work that isn't your room? What do you need?" He asks me, and I sigh.

    "Can I turn into the boss for a second?" I ask him, and he laughs.

    "Scarlett, you are my boss in this. I do whatever you say.. You were always the boss." He tells me, and my cheeks flush. That's exciting..

    "Oh.. Well.. In that case.. I need to not live there. I'm living in here now." I tell him, and he furrows his brows. "I mean, I need the space.. You're already doing a lot, and I don't want you to have to rent a space for me, so I can use what was my bedroom as a space to make, create, model, design.. It can be my workshop if you'll let me move some of my things up here.. And stay with you.. Only if you're okay with that." I remind him, and his smile has grown wider and wider every word I've spoken.

    "Yes.. Done, I'll move my clothes as soon as this conversation is done, just say the word.. Decorate it how you want, have as many stupid throw pillows as you want. I don't care." He agrees, and I smile, looking at his lips and then his eyes, and then his lips, and I stop, looking back down to my things. This isn't.. It's still not normal for me. Just being present in my feelings with him, and being able to act on this.. It's almost embarrassing? I think that's the word I would use. Because I feel embarrassed that him saying that made me want to kiss him, but it was sweet, and he's sweet.

    "What was that?" He asks, and I keep looking at my things.

    "Hm?" I ask, flipping through my sketchbook.

    "You just did a weird thing..." He speaks, furrowing his brows as I glance at him.

    "Weird thing? I didn't do anything weird, what did you do?" I ask, and he tilts my chin up towards him with his pointer finger. My eyes connect with his, and then he kisses me softly, letting his finger trace my jaw until his fingers touch right behind my ear, holding my face. I push further, kissing him and he pushes back, leaning into me, and I breath him in, feeling my stomach clench as he slides his tongue between my lips. I'm on my back now, both of us completely shifting our things around us, and not caring as they mix up, and move. He hovers over me, his body pressing to mine in such a perfect way I feel like I might melt under him, and then he touches me. His fingers on my hip, touching my skin, right under my tshirt as he kisses me, and I remember who's kissing me, and I remember this isn't a dream, this is real life, and I break from him, and roll out from under him.

    "Cool." I nod to myself, tucking my hair behind my ear.

    "Did you just say cool?" He asks, and I nod.

    "Yep, so cool. You're just so cool." I speak out, turn around, and walk to the bathroom. I'm going to be sleeping in the same room as this man, and he's going to want to sleep with me.. Obviously duh. I want to as well. Because he's hot, and has a sexy body, and he probably knows where all the things are and could probably actually make it enjoyable for me, but like... After we have sex then what? What if.. What if this is what ruins this? I don't know why I didn't think about it before actually.. The thought of being butt ass naked in front of someone as attractive as him...

    I mean I'm totally hot, but... There's so many things that could go wrong, and we've been best friends for so long, and of course I've had dreams but.. But this is totally different. Obviously he won't run away screaming but.. But this is a big deal.. And we haven't even gotten there yet, we were just making out, and I totally freaked out which was stupid on my part, and now he's probably wondering what the hell I'm doing in here.. Maybe he doesn't care.. No he probably does, but do I want to talk to him about this? I face palm, letting my hand hit my forehead. Sierra would yell at me if I didn't talk to him about how I'm feeling about this.. I have to. I sigh, and open the bathroom door, seeing him look up, his glasses still on. He sits unbothered as he was before we started kissing.

    "You weren't confused?" I ask, and he nods.

    "No I was.. I am. But you left for a reason so I let you, and now you're back.." He states.

    "Are you going to ask?" I ask him.

    "Do you want to tell me?" He asks, and I nod. "Okay then yes I do want to ask.. What was that? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, and I shake my head, and sigh.

    "I'm scared to have sex with you." I tell him honestly, and he chokes, and looks at me from the side. He stares for a second, catching his breath, and then he shuts his laptop, and collects his things, moving them to his nightstand so he can actually talk to me with no distraction..

    "I'm sorry, but what exactly are you afraid of, and where is this coming from? We were kissing, that's all I was doing... Did I-"

    "No you didn't do anything.. I just know that with me staying with you every night, and you and me being.. More than friends now. We're going to have sex sooner or later, and I'm scared to have sex." I explain.

    "In general?" He asks, and I shake my head.

    "Oh no.. Just with you." I smile, and he furrows his brows.

    "I'm not following... What's the problem with me?" He asks, pointing to his chest.

    "Well, we've been over this before. Nothing.. And there's nothing wrong with me either, I'm hot, and very good in bed. But not good in bed with you, and someone like you... You know? I feel like that sounds bad, but you're like.. Good at everything, and I'm.. I'm just scared.. I don't know. I don't want it to be bad. I want it to go right, and it's weird going from best friend to.. Literally having intercourse.. Isn't that weird?" I ask.

    "When you say the word intercourse? Yes it is weird.. The thought of having sex with you? No it's not weird to me.. I'm still adjusting just like you are, and we're not having sex yet, and we wont be having sex till you're just as ready as I am and vice versa.. There's no rush to us because we have the rest of our lives to be and do whatever we want with each other.. Come here." He motions for me to move to him, and I turn on my side but that's not enough for him. He rolls on his back, and pulls me to him, lifting me up, and moving me around like I weigh nothing until I'm straddling him. "Look at you, you're in charge. You're on top, you're the boss just like you like." He tells me, crossing his arms. "You call the shots. I'm ready when you are darling." He tells me, and I look down at him.

    "Well for starters, I like to be the boss out of bed, not in bed.. But that's besides the point.. I guess I just.. I... I don't know." I cover my face, instantly feeling embarrassed, and he takes my wrists, moving them from my eyes and intertwining our fingers so he's holding me, connecting the two of us.

    "Tell me." He nods his head, a soft smile on his lips. This is when I feel safe.. When we're comfortable, and friendly while also feeling so whole, and romantic.. This is safe, and green right now.. I know why..

    " I spent so long... Years actually talking to everything about you but you.." I tell him, and he furrows his brows.

    "Elaborate darling." He pushes on.

    "I talked to my walls, and my sister, and the few friends I had.. I even talked to my mom about you when I spoke to her. And I talked to Jimothy about you and he's not real.. I can tell all of those things my feelings yet it's so hard to tell you.." I admit, and he smiles.

    "I had no idea the world knew about me through your eyes." He tells me, and I shrug.

    "I guess what I'm trying to say is I have a problem seeing things for what they are instead of what they can become.. Like when you were a kid and you thought avoiding cracks on the sidewalk meant it would save your mom's life... Even if we knew it wasn't true we still did it to prevent something bad from happening." I explain.

    "So you're trying to avoid anything that could possibly screw this up?" He asks, and I nod. "And you're afraid having sex with me would ruin this?" He asks, and I shrug.

    "I don't know.. It just seems so... uncertain. I know how you are like this, I know you like this, and I like you like this.. This is safe. That's not safe.. That's.. I don't know." I shrug, and he sighs, sitting up, but still keeping me on his lap. He props himself up, and holds my face with the other hand, letting his thumb draw across my cheek.

    "First of all I'm going to tell you something my sister would always tell me when I was young, and something she told me after you had told me maybe, and I was telling her all the fears and doubts I had and I was always being a bit of a pessimist too.. She told me to let light be light." He tells me, and I tilt my head. "She said that if something is good let it be good. Let it be what it is.. That's exactly what we have. It's good, and it's new, and there's really nothing that can change that but the two of us, and how we treat each other. So don't wait for the bad, or look for it. Let light be light. Let the good things be good things Scar.." He brushes my hair out of my face.

    "I can try." I nod.

    "Good, that's all I ask from you.. As for the sex thing, I understand it.. I get it because I kind of feel the same to an extent.. This is comfortable because we've been here.. In a friendlier way than we are right now, but we've been here.. We've never been there.. We can take our time.. I have no doubts about how perfect it will be, and I have no doubts in you or myself.. The ball is in your court, I'm in no rush to love you because If I have anything to do with it, I know I'll be loving you the rest of my life Scarlett.. I mean that.. This is as slow or fast as you want.." He promises me with his words, and I smile softly, looking down at his lips, and then back to his eyes. "But can you promise me something?" He asks me, and I nod.

    "What?" I ask.   

    "Please... If you want to kiss me, just do it.. You drive me crazy when you look at my lips like you need permission.. You're my.. My person, kiss me when you want to-" I kiss him, locking our lips, feeling him smile, and feeling his dimple carve into his cheek under my hand and I smile just the same, my hair hanging over us like a curtain. I break, our lips still hovering over one anothers, our hands still touching each other's faces. "God you were so worth the wait.." He whispers, and then he kisses me again, as always melting every fear I had away..


A/N: dropped a few bombs in this chapter... how are we feeling?

ALSO! Find someone who thinks you're worth the wait!!!

I love y'all, see you soon! *virtual hugs*

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