Books & A Full Moon (Hermione...

By _Anxiety_sucks_

52.7K 1.6K 333

Summary : your the Daughter of Remus lupin, your dad gets a letter from Dumbledore to become Defense against... More

Chapter 1 The Letter!
Chapter 2 : Diagon Alley!
Chapter 3 : The Golden Trio
Chapter 4 : Platform 9¾
Chapter 5: Train Rides And Dementors
Chapter 6 : To Hogwarts
Chapter 7: To Dumbles Office With Professor M
Chapter 8: Sorting (Finally)
Chapter 9 : Time For Class
Chapter 10: Divination
Chapter 11: Care For Magical Creatures!
Chapter 12: Buckbeak
Chapter 13 : Sirius Black Sighting!
Chapter 14 Dad's Class!
Chapter 15: An Incedent With A Boggart
Chapter 16: Hogsmeade(really A Date With Hermione)
Chapter 17 : Emotions And Talking To Dad
Chapter 18: Sirius Black Strikes!
Chapter 19: Full Moon!
Chapter 20: The Werewolf Lesson
Chapter 21: Medical Wing And Quidditch Match
Chapter 22: Quidditch In The Rain & Dementors!
Chapter 23: Hospital Wing (again)
chapter 24: Learning something new
chapter 25: The Shrieking Shack
chapter 26: Scared Slytherins
Chapter 27: Fudge in Hogsmeade
Chapter 28 : Secrets have risen
chapter 29: The secret is out!
chapter 31 Hungover Werewolf
Chapter 32 skipping rocks
Chapter 33 Marauders map
Chapter 34 Insults and Divination
Chapter 35 Draco gets Punched
Chapter 36 Scabbers is back
Chapter 37 Buckbeak's death
Chapter 38 Padfoot
Chapters 39 Secrets revealed
Chapter 40 Full Moon
Chapter 41 Morning after
Chapter 42 Saving Sirius
Chapter 43 confessing
the end
Book 2!

chapter 30 Memories

722 25 4
By _Anxiety_sucks_

Welcome to chapter 30 so sorry for the wait!

Third person pov… 

When Y/N left the shrieking shack the black dog she was talking to turned into a man but not just any man he was Sirius Black, Sirius smiles softly as he watches his daughter leave.

“so she is my daughter” he said softly.  

He then remembered the day he and Remus bought her home from the hospital. 


After being in labour for 22 hours Remus flopped onto the sofa and left Sirius with their new-born baby.

Y/N started crying while in her carrier, “shhh shhh its okay, Daddy’s here” he said rocking the baby in his arms while he walked around their cottage. 

Y/N was born months before Harry, so she got lots of visits from James and Lily the two loved the little baby, Y/N was the marauders princess, those were happier times. 

When James and Lily died Sirius had gotten word that a traitor was in the order so being the self sacrificing hero he is.

the dog left in the middle of the night, but before leaving he kissed his husband’s forehead and tucked his daughters’ blanket around her tiny body before getting on his motorcycle. 

He then rode to the potter’s house. 


when he got there, he was to late… 

when Remus woke up the next morning, he was greeted by a group of Aurors outside his home and Sirius was nowhere to be seen. 

 “Mr Black, we are here to tell you that James and Lily potter have been murdered” Remus’ heart broke after hearing that. He held his cub tighter in his arms.

“Another is because Sirius Black has been arrested for the murder of 12 muggles, peter Pettigrew and James and Lily potter”. 

The werewolf froze, he didn’t talk, eat or sleep for days but then he remembered his pride and joy Y/N Hope Lupin.

He soon got slowly out of his depression and back of his feet, he got his life back together.

He went back to Remus Lupin not Remus Black he left that name behind him as well as his ring. 

He then raised Y/N away in the countryside keeping her safe from Sirius. 

End of flashback… 

By the time Y/N got out of the womping willow it was pouring down with rain, so she ran to the secret passageway back into Hogwarts undetected.

she walked pass her dads office she hesitated and turned back around she took a breath before knocking loudly on the door. 

A few seconds later the door is opened and their stands Remus Lupin, obviously drunk Y/N could see that he had also been crying.

“Dad” whispered Y/N eyes wide she has never seen her dad like this before, so she walked in and held his arm and walked Remus over to the couch and sat him down.

“oh, Papa what happened” she whimpered watching her Dad sleep off the alcohol, she draped a blanket over the man and kissed his forehead.

before making her way to his room wearing some of his pyjamas and sleeping in Remus bed she curled under the covers crying herself to sleep after she saw the state her precious person was in, she cried and cried until she had no more tears left.

The end! 

Hoped you liked this chapter so sorry for the wait I haven’t had any ideas for this chapter until now, so here it is chapter 30.

I cannot believe I’ve gotten so far with this book, thank you for all your support I love all you wonderful readers. 

Bye! See you next chapter. 

Word count: 616

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