Skinny Dipping -H.S

Bởi fuxkingharrry

214K 7.4K 10.1K

"Wish we could take it all off and just exist" DO NOT PRINT MY WORK! T.W. Mention of death, slight drug abuse... Xem Thêm

Oat Milk Latte.
Shitty Beer.
Be My Enemy.
Whatever You Want.
Fun Ruiner.
Chicken Noodle.
Do you like the view?
Sorry, soulmates.
You Know I Love You Right?
I Think I Just Quit.
I'll Buy The Yarn.
All You Have To Do Is Ask.
I'm sorry, I have to.
You're not going to forget it are you?
What's his name?
You're like a hot nerd.
I have to call my sister.
Adds Some Spice.
Messy, Tangled, and Heated.
Mac and cheese stain.
Are you talking to God?
Who Makes Rules For Sex?
Did you get in his pants or not?
Skinny Dipping.
Scarlett Jimothy.

Ass Steak.

5.7K 237 364
Bởi fuxkingharrry

A/N: Cutest chapter to date. Mark my mf words.

Yes I know the title is weird but... it works, just read. I'm telling you.


    Can I get used to something like this? Something so subtly wonderful... Waking up to Scarlett Cole against my chest isn't something normal for me. It's not something I'm used to but it's something I absolutely adore. It's something that I genuinely cannot get enough of. It's more real now too. It's more real because the girl lying on my chest loves me, and she wants me, and I want her, and she's my best friend but she's so much more. I know when she wakes up this dream-like state won't be what I see. She'll be confused, and ready to pounce like she always does. But after that.. After that I hope nothing changes besides what happened last night.

    I sit up in bed, no shirt on my body, my arm stretched across her back, the other holding my phone. Her skin warms mine, and she's wearing my shirt. She's wearing my shirt, and she's not wearing anything under it besides a lacey pair of underwear.. I haven't gotten to see her naked yet, but I will. I haven't stripped her down, and I haven't touched her the way I liked but I will... That all depends on how she wakes up, which she's starting to do now. She moves softly at first, Groaning only a bit until her eyes open, and then she starts to sit up quickly, and I sit up with her.

    "You're with me darling.." I sit up, and speak softly in her ear. She looks over her shoulder quickly, her eyes landing on me. She relaxes a bit, then throws herself back down. I lean back as well, sitting back down against the headboard.

    "Well, goodmorning to us I guess." She says with a sigh.

    "You don't sound too pleased.." I speak to her.

    "I was having a good dream." She tells me, and I furrow my brows.

    "You don't ever have dreams." I look at her from the side. "What kind of dream?" I ask her.

    "A sexy kind." She tells me, and I raise my eyebrows.

    "Who was involved?" I ask, and she smirks, blush coming to her cheeks.

    "Me obviously, and you might've been, but.. Well it's not weird is it?" She asks, and I laugh.

    "No it's not weird." I tell her, knowing she's still trying to understand her feelings and get used to saying them out loud.

    "Good, well in that case I've had so many sex dreams about you... At first it was like.. Really weird, but it's how I realized I really had feelings for you." She tells me, nodding her head, reminiscing. I'm not sure if she's picturing the sex dreams or thinking of us back in the day, but either way I;m fine with it.

    "You realized you had feelings for me by picturing me naked?" I ask her, and she tilts her head.

    "Well when you put it that way it makes me sound like a shitty person." She laughs, and I do too.

    "Did you really never notice I had more than a friendship feeling until after I told you?" I ask her remembering all the things we would do and how we would be with each other, how everyone else saw us. The jokes people would make, the way I looked at her, the way I still do look at her.

    "I always had a feeling but I always ignored it because I told myself it wasn't actually there, and that I was making it up." She tells me, making me wonder when she started having feelings for me.

    "So why did you react the way you did when I told you the first time, Scar?" I ask her, brushing her hair off her shoulder, letting my fingers linger on her neck only for a little.

    "Because I thought one of us was having a seizure or that maybe there was a glitch or like the space time continuum was fucked up or something." She tells me, and I tilt my head down at her. "I'm serious, I needed a minute to process what you were saying because it was incredibly hard for me to believe.. Back then I wasn't as confident, and I always thought you saw me as your little sister or something. I never thought you saw me as an equal and I never thought you would.. So, I ran away, thought about how to respond, and decided I was no good for you... Then you left me like roadkill." She jokes, and I scoff.

    "I did not leave you like roadkill, and if it was my choice I would have stayed and fought for you the same way I have been since I came back... Don't doubt that for a second Scarlett." I tell her, bringing my hand up to her neck now, holding it so my fingers touch the nape of her neck right where her hair meets.

    "Why did you leave then? If you didn't want to, then why did you have to?" She asks, and I was waiting until she asked again. I knew I couldn't wait forever to tell her, I knew I would have to and after everything she and Sierra have trusted me with I know I need to trust her the same.. She deserves that much.

    "You remember my biological dad, the one I couldn't stand?" I ask her, and she nods as I lean back, not touching her, but looking right at the ceiling.

    "The one who barely contacted you.." She remembers right away.

    "Yeah, stopped talking to me when I was around twelve I'd say, and I didn't hear from him after that, same with Gemma, and what I thought was my mum.." I tell her, and I don't look at her reaction.

    "Your mom didn't stop talking to him?" She asks, and I shake my head.

    "She didn't.. She tried to make sure he had no contact with us.. He was incredibly successful, and he left us.. He left us when I was really young, and I hated him for that, but I hated him for cutting me out even more, but he never wanted to, that was all my mum." I tell her truthfully.

    "What do you mean?" She asks.

    "He left because he had a drinking problem, and he knew if he didn't go away he would put us, my mum, and his career in the way.. He left my mum with a good bit of money, and he admitted himself, but my mum was too ashamed, too proud to let him come back so they got a divorce.. I didn't know he had a drinking problem, I thought he had just... Just left and disappeared. That's what she told me." I tell her, trying to not sound as bitter as I feel. She's my mum.. I love her, I owe her almost everything I have but...

    "How could she do that? Lie to you like that?" Scarlett asks, and if there's one person I know will understand me, and where my feelings come from I know it's her.

    "She was scared. She didn't want us to ask questions we didn't want answers to, and she was hurt because she felt like he chose alcohol over his family, which was the exact opposite of what he did... In my opinion at least." I shrug, and run my hands through my hair.

    "What happened though.. Why did you have to leave?" She asks.

    "Because he was dying, and my mum couldn't lie anymore because all he was asking for was me and Gemma." I tell her, and Scarlett is looking at me now with sad eyes, not only sad, but angry eyes. "Okay I know you're going to get mad at me, and that's fine but let me finish my story first okay?" I ask, and she nods.

    "Of course, go ahead." She gives me the floor again.

    "I left so quickly because I didn't know the full extent of everything. It was all up in the air, and I had no clue what to do. I didn't want to tell you anything because I didn't know anything Scarlett, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen when I got home. I thought about maybe calling you later on, maybe even flying you home with me to meet my family, or be there with me but things were too dark, and too messy, and too confusing." I tell her honestly.

    "When I got home I was mad.. Mad that he would even try to talk to me after over ten years of pretending I didn't even exist, and then Gemma stopped me before I could do anything stupid. She explained what our mum had done, what happened, She made me see how wrong I had been about him... He'd even been sending checks to my mum, expensive checks to her every two weeks to make sure she could take care of us.. He cared so much, but he never got the chance to." I tell her.

    "What happened to him?" She asks quietly.

    "His drinking caught up to him, His liver started failing, and he couldn't get a transplant because of his past.. He was sober ever since though, he thought maybe if he stayed sober long enough our mum would let us see him again." I tell her.

    "Harry..." She looks at me with only sadness now, and I shake my head.

    "That's why I have what I do. He left his name to Gemma and I. His money, his fortune, his stock, everything. We divided it up between me, Gemma and mum, and I invested a lot, and made a lot more than what I was given in that short amount of time.. I invested in things I was interested in. I bought out other companies, and branches, and I manage it all, or hire people too. As to why I came back? Well you, you were the main reason... But I needed to get out of the dark, and that's all I felt there with my mum.. I knew if I stayed I would loathe her, and I couldn't.. So I left so I could hold the little bit of hope I had for her together, and so I could find someone I knew made me happy so long ago, and I did." I tell her, looking at her again.

    "So you really only came back for me?" She asks me, almost like she doesn't believe me.

    "Yes.. I interviewed for this job, and sent in my portfolio all electronically first of course. I made sure I had everything settled, and I told my mum and Gemma what I was doing of course, but it was for you." I tell her honestly.

    "Well now I can't be mad at you, that's sweet." She throws her hands down.

    "Sorry to disappoint." I smirk.

    "No, I am going to be mad.." She sits up on her knees, and I prepare myself. "Well first I'm going to say I'm.. I'm really sorry, not because you need to hear that but because to have your parents betray you is worse than anyone else so I.. I'm sorry that you trusted your mom, and I'm sorry she hurt you, and I'm sorry you lost someone so important to you... I.. I'm sorry." She touches the side of my face, her hand hesitant to do so, but I feel warm against the touch, holding her wrist as she holds me.

    "You didn't do anything so you don't need to apologize.. I was the one that needed to apologize, I-"

    "Yes I'm getting to that, I just didn't want you to think I was heartless." She shuts me up, and I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest.

    "Right.. Continue then." I nod my head, and she takes a deep breath.

    "Harry!! I cannot believe you wouldn't even warm me, you tell me you're in love with me instead of literally anything else? You could have said... Oh, I need to go back to England because of family issues.. Oh I also love you.. But I'll be back! Maybe you could have even left the I love you out, but you.. You could have warned me! You could have said ''Hey Scarlett, my bestest friend, my bestie, I've got to fix some stuff, but I still love you!" She yells, and I try not to smile, but I can't help it.

    "Should I have said it exactly like that? Scarlett.. My best friend, my bestie?" I ask, mimicking her voice, and she rolls her eyes, pushing my chest back.

    "I'm serious Harry, some warning would have been nice.. I know you cared about me, but what you did made me feel like you didn't... You're a stupid boy." She pushes my chest again, and I grab her hands pulling her close.

    "I'm so stupid? So stupid yeah?" I ask, and kiss her cheeks, watching her laugh, watching them turn red, feeling her squirm as I kiss her all over, hearing her squeal, and now I really do feel like I might have entered the gates of heaven. "You're right.. I'm incredibly dumb to ruin the friendship we had, but I'm incredibly sweet and romantic for coming back for you aren't I?" I ask, pulling her on top of me, bringing her straight to my chest.

    "You are incredibly stupid for moving halfway across the country for someone you're not even sure still lives there, or wants to see you. What if I was married with two kids and a dog?" She asks, and now I laugh.

    "You don't want kids.. And you're more of a cat person anyways.. I did think about the husband part though, and then I remembered no one was perfect for you the way I was, and I know every other man should know that too.. So I was hoping for the best, and expecting it too." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes.

    "You have a big ego." She tries to scold me but she can't.

    "And I have a big mouth too, perfect to kiss you with." I joke, planting another kiss on the corner of her mouth. "Come on.." I nod to her, pulling her out of bed. The two of us make our way into my bathroom, which I wish was ours, and I look at her as she walks in front of me, reaching in front of her over the counter to grab her toothbrush. Her perky ass peeking from under my tshirt. I need to stop. Now or I'm going to have a hard problem to ignore for the rest of this morning. I look away from her, and at myself in the mirror as I brush my teeth.

    "So will you be my girlfriend now, that's the next step right?" I ask her, mouth full of toothpaste, and she looks at me with wide eyes, her toothbrush working in her mouth.

    "No! I don't like that word!"She speaks her words muffled by the pink toothbrush.

    "Then what are we?" I ask her, spitting in the sink, and bringing the toothbrush back to my mouth.

    "People that like each other." She tells me, her words barely coming out.

    "But I don't like you..." I spit again. "I love you." I tell her, tilting my head with a smirk.

    "I don't like the word boyfriend, it's odd, and weird, and childish and it gives me the heebeegeebees." She shivers, and I roll my eyes, brushing my tongue now.

    "Then what do you call people who love each other, that are exclusive?" I ask, my tongue hanging out.

    "Who said we're exclusive?" She asks, and I stop, tongue back in mouth, eyebrows raised, toothbrush lowered. "I'm joking.. Don't give me the serious look." She turns back to the mirror, and I shake my head, returning to brushing.

    "I will give you the serious look when you say stupidly serious things... I need an answer." I tell her.

    "Why? So you can tell all your friends and coworkers?" She jokes, and I look at her seriously again.

    "Um... Yeah? Hello? Have you seen you?" I ask her, motioning down, and she flicks me off with one hand as she continues brushing her teeth with the other.

    "You're so obnoxious." She spits in the sink, pulling her hair to one side, and I cross my arms, leaning against the sink, done brushing my teeth.

    "Yeah, I know. Still not an answer." I nod my head, and she sighs, gripping the sink.

    "You're my person... I don't care if that's been used before that's the only way I can explain it. You're not my boyfriend, you're everything in one. Boyfriend, bestfriend.. Person. You are my person. Got it?" She asks, and I nod, moving quickly to her so I can lift her up. She squeals, and I laugh, moving her up, and lifting her on my hips, her legs latching around my waist. My hands sit awkwardly, and I make eye contact with her.

    "Can I touch-"

    "You can touch my ass." She nods, and I hold her the right way, making it easier for the both of us as we see eye to eye right now.

    "You're my person. I can live with that.. But I did already know that." I tell her, turning to leave the bathroom.

    "Where are we going?" She asks.

    "Downstairs, to make you breakfast." I tell her.

    "I haven't even brushed my hair yet!" She yells, and I laugh.

    "Don't forget one on the way out then." I tell her, and she leans to the side right before I walk out of the doors of the restroom, grabbing a brush from the counter. She wraps her arms around my neck, and she starts to tickle the back of my neck with her fingers, they toy with my hair, and I smirk at her, watching her as her lips turn up. I walk out of my room, and down the cold stairs.

    "You're so pretty in the morning.." I tell her softly, and she gorans.

    "You're so cheesy." I know she loves it though. I lean forward, and she leans back and right as soon as she does I notice the other two people in my kitchen, staring at the two of us, and for Scarlett's sake and mine I let go, and instantly regret that the moment it happens.

    "Scarlett.. Scarlett, are you okay?" I ask her, and she groans, and then pushes my chest.

    "You dropped me! You said you'd let me fall but I didn't think you meant bruised asscheeks on the hardwood floor dropped me kind of falling you jackass!" She tells me, and though I do feel really bad, I nod my head behind her, and she looks over her shoulder from the floor, her eyes going wide. She screams, bursting my ear drums and covering her mouth all at once as Sierra and Birdie sit on the barstools staring at us with their jaws dropped. Silence hanging between the two of them.

    "What.The.Fuck." Sierra speaks slowly, and I stare ahead at the two of them.

    "Yeah.. What the fuck.. Made you drop me on my fucking ass. You see Birdie, and Sierra every day, why are you shocked now?" Scarlett asks, starting to pick herself up off of the floor, and I try to help but she pushes me away. "No touching." She warns me with a pointed finger, and a stern face, and I scoff.

    "I didn't expect them to be home! And either way, I didn't know how you wanted to tell them, I wasn't sure if you'd even want to, so how did you expect me to react?" I ask her, following closely behind.

    "I don't know? Normally!" She yells, opening my freezer almost hitting me in the face with the door.

    "I panicked!" I tell her as she takes out an incredibly large steak. "Don't you dare put that on your ass." I warn her and she does, and I know it was just to spite me. "Scarlett Cole, do you know how expensive your ice pack is?" I ask her.

    "Well good thing when you cook it, all the germs go too.." She argues, and though it's a decently good argument, I still don't care.

    "Come on Scar, I'm sorry I dropped you, I wasn't expecting people this early, things were so good, you can't be mad at me now." I plead.

    "Yeah I can be. You bruised my ass."

    "I'll make it up to you." I promise.

    "How?" She asks.

    "Kiss her ass." Sierra chimes in for the first time, and both Scarlett and I look to the side. Birdie and Sierra smile and wave, and I look back to Scarlett as she waves back, still holding the steak to her ass. "Do it in private though I don't want to see you kiss it." She tells me, waving her hands between the two of us.

    "You could have set me down instead of literally dropping me eight stories." Scarlett argues, and I roll my eyes.

    "Don't be overly dramatic."

    "You are pretty tall... She's not being overly dramatic, just say 'you're right' and move on." Birdie argues, and I sigh.

    "You are right. I shouldn't have dropped you, end of story. I'm sorry Scar.. and I'm sorry I bruised your ass." I tell her, and she nods with a smile.

    "I'm sorry I used your expensive steak to ice my ass."

    "Forgiven, now give it back you freak." I hold my hand out and she hands the steak to me. I bring it to my freezer, and set it up top.

    "Top shelf steak is the ass steak, everyone remember." I tell them, and everyone nods.

    "Okay now that the ass situation is done, can we talk about how you two seem extra coupley today." Birdie motions between us.

    "Well that would be because we are coupley... Because she's my girlfriend." I point to Scarlett, and Sierra screams while Scarlett yells, and points to me.

    "No!" She yells and I sigh, watching as Sierra continues screaming, and running over to me. I yell over Sierra's continued screams, and Birdie's added squeals. "She's not my girlfriend!" I yell, and they both stop immediately. "She's my 'person' as she says." I tell them ,and they both start screaming again, jumping up and down.

    "Throw a party!" Sierra yells.

    "Call the newspaper!" Birdie yells.

    "Get them a room!" Sierra screams, still hugging me.

    "WHEN IS THE WEDDING!!!" Birdie screams too, both of them not stopping. I look at Scarlett, and she is sitting comfortably on the counter, her arms crossed over her chest, the biggest smirk on her lips as she watches the two girls smother me.

    "What about her? Doesn't she get any of this?" I ask the two of them.

    "No? We're celebrating your success.. You competed, and you defeated the big beast that is Scarlett's pride.. She gets nothing but a hot rich boyfriend that she can also call boss.. Hot." Sierra tells me, and they both continue jumping and hugging me, while also squealing. Sierra never struck me as the girly screaming type. But I guess everyone has one thing that might break them.. This was her thing.

    "Thanks.. All in a night's work, right?" I joke.

    "It took a lot longer than one night to get me there." Scarlett tells me, and she's right it did. Sierra has now stopped which has now made Birdie stop.

    "Wait did you two have sex?" She asks, pointing each in a different direction.

    "No." We answer at the same time.

    "Okay but when you do have sex can you tell me everything?" She asks Scarlett, and I shake my head to her as Sierra looks at her. She gives me a sorry look, and shrugs.

    "She always gets the inside scoop.. Harry, sister comes first, sorry, she gets to know if you're a hit or miss in bed." I watch her shrug, and I raise an eyebrow, looking between her Sierra, and Birdie. Birdie eyes me, and so does Sierra, they share eye contact, and I roll my eyes.

    "Hit." They speak at the same time, and I plug my ears.

    "Ew, fine. Tell them whatever you need to tell them, but leave out some details okay. Leave something up to the imagination." I tell Scarlett, and she scoffs.

    "Do you know how bad of an idea it is to leave things up to Sierra's cancer ridden imagination?" Scarlett asks, and Sierra nods.

    "Bad idea." She agrees.

    "Seriously, you should have heard on the car ride." Birdie defends.

    "The three of you are unstable." I tell them, and Scarlett touches her hand to her chest.

    "How kind." She jokes, and I watch the three girls in front of me, and see my family. My best friends, my sisters, and my girlfriend.. My person on the end. My people. All in different ways, but the best ways.. And right now I'm so incredibly happy this is what my life looks like...




I love this little family. Time to rip it up a little bit... *cue evil laughter*

Just kidding..
Am I?

Ily guys I mean it!! *virtual hugs*

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