bat, grimm and the cat can fi...


294K 13.4K 658

Harry is on the run after inflating his aunt. He encounters a large black dog, the boy spontaneously takes hi... More

Hello people:)
Escape and a new friend
Thoughts in the night
I thought I had holidays
Bathing fun, or something
A birthday present to run away from
The rest of the birthday
Nocturnal thoughts 2
Shopping with Snape and Dog
An unpleasant truth
Nocturnal thoughts 3
Everyday life begins
A necessary divorce
Man or dog?
Dark magic
Sirius Black
Holiday stress and gather allies
Rat hunting plans part 1
Rat hunting plans part 2
An evening with friends
Three men vs. wild magic
A train ride is funny part 1
A train ride that's funny part 2
Articles and more
A theory raises questions
Turbulent times
Rat trapped/ Rat in a trap
Help for Remus
Freedom for Sirius
No more games
Family Black
Three schools
A reason to risk your life
The first exam
After the fight
Dancing lesson
The ball
The second task
The most important person
The beetle's core
The third task
It was not planned that way
The reason
After the tournament
Wasted vacation
Fish on the hook
An overdue law
Feather and groove, or dog and cat?
She needs behavior lessons herself
Sirius in father mode
A true lord
It makes bones shiver with fear
Veela Nest
Off to the etiquette
Proper behavior at the table
I 'm ill?
Politics is tough business
Seats, seats, and more seats
Not sick but stupid
Cat in love
Draco's friendship
Harry Werther
The pack invades the village
A letter against loneliness
A nice evening
Christmas morning of a special family
Christmas with Lucius
The reason behind the festivals
Not a boring celebration?
Just a normal boy
The last letter for the time being
Full throttle into summer
Recreation for adults
Finally breathe again
Lessons at the ball
how it goes with the Greeks
Revenge for the big mouth
Festival of the senses
Hand kisses and gigolo
Silver star
Cultural exchange part 1
Cultural exchange part 2
Wonderful acquaintance
Cord disconnection with starting difficulties
one week vacation part 1
One week vacation part 2
Nice days part 1
Nice days part 2
A Victorian lady
Off to the sixth year
Lucius' household
A brilliant strategy
Prologue and Epilogue
part 2

Soon a new director

1.3K 74 2

My dear Harry!

Thank you for your wonderful letter, I enjoyed it very much as always. And that answers your question right away, no, you shouldn't change your writing style, I love it just the way it is. .yes, you write a little messy and not always in the correct order, but of course you write. You are one hundred percent in every sentence.
.I've already told you once that I mostly only deal with business letters or petitioners. ..In most of these letters I only read what the writer thinks I would like, in other words, there is no trace of truth in the words. .these people would be much more likely to get there if they didn't crawl up my ass. Maybe people think I'm arrogant because I react very annoyed to lying correspondence. .in other letters, on the other hand, I have to be insulted by the flower, not even the truth.
I only get honest letters from you, your fathers, Draco and some magical beings with whom I am friends. .and each of you writes uniquely. Even if you didn't sign your letters, I would always know who they are from. Well, with you and Draco I also know your owls. But you know what i mean
.please keep your naturalness, I really enjoy it to the fullest. Now, even more with the fleet nib. You already realize that the pen only writes what you think?

.I don't want to go into the giveaways at the moment because we all had to go through it. The companies really don't seem to think about what they are giving the students. Not much seems to have changed since my time. .but we can talk about it when we see each other. I can tell you some stories from my school days that you will definitely like.

.what I don't want to sweep under the rug, however, is the behavior of Albus Dumbledore.When I got to the place where you describe the man suddenly taking his brother's place, I was about to go to Hogwarts and hang a certain old man with his beard on a gargoyle. .But then I remembered that you were in a very good mood and not afraid, so I decided to read on first. Which in the end was more than worth it and saved me an embarrassing appearance.
.the headmaster's behavior was absolutely unacceptable, there is no question about that. And how he behaved towards his brother was also nowhere near appropriate, to say the least. .at least it is now clear why he hired the man in the first place. This is certainly not how Aberforth Dumbledore imagined his teaching career to be.
.I can well imagine how you felt when you realized who was really standing in front of you. Kudos in this case go to Ms. Granger for her quick comprehension.
.and as you have correctly recognized, Amelia Bones is indeed a genius. The woman knows exactly what she is doing, her punishments have always been very well thought out and excellently chosen. She knows where it hurts and how to protect the victims. .the woman definitely wanted to prevent panic, you saw that quite correctly. I will show my gratitude to the lady for her foresight.
However, that does not mean that there will be no further sanctions for Albus Dumbledore. .this man has once again proven how ruthless he is to achieve his goals and your teachers no longer see that either. .Today I received an angry letter from Minerva McGonagall in which she asked me to do so, or rather asked me to work with the parents' council to find a solution. In any case, it cannot go on like this. .none of the teachers is willing to accept this man as headmaster any longer. Least of all his own brother.
I will therefore sit down with the other parent representatives tomorrow and look for a solution. .don't worry, we will no longer expose you students to such a man. At some point it's over, we've shown way too much patience with him.

My dear Harry, as much as I love our letters, I miss you so much. .I want to hold you in my arms, make you laugh, ride out with you. Play together with Beast, Strom, your crazy dragon and Hedwig. And run together as wolf and sand cat through the forest and meadows. .there are so many things I want to do with you. I never would have thought that two months without you could be so long. But that's probably how it is when you fall in love with someone, but you can't always have them with you. .that's why I'm all the more looking forward to Halloween so that we can meet. On that day I will try to catch up on everything that we have missed so far. And maybe I can finally teach you how to kiss properly. .you don't always have to faint. It's all about breathing properly, through your nose, not through your mouth.

I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Much love yours


."Harry got another letter from his Malfoy!"
"Ginny, he's not my Malfoy."
"Right, he's your Lucius," the girl giggled.
"You're more silly than Gabrielle and Fleur," the green-eyed man scolded.
“But she's telling the truth. .everyone recognizes who the letter is from. Your body language says it all. The only thing missing is the hearts in the eyes, "agreed Ron to his sister.
“Besides, you're bright red again. What is he writing to you? .Neville wanted to know.
"In that case our Skunk would have passed out by now," Hermione stated dryly.
"Stop it now," the young man wailed.
"With what, I'm just telling the truth."
."Even. Human every time the man kisses me I fall away. how embarrassing is that? I'll ruin everything with that, every kiss ends the same way. I feel like a silly virgin in a Victorian novel. "
."Harry, the women were upset back then because they couldn't get enough air because of the tight corsets," lectured his brunette friend.
“That would just be missing. In any case, Luc wants to teach me to kiss, ”the young man mumbled.
."How romantic," Ginny enthused.
This time Harry didn't complain about the redheads' testimony, he secretly agreed with her.
“Oh yes, he will meet with the other parent representatives tomorrow. About the thing with Dumbledore. "
."Finally!" His friends cheered in chorus.
Harry smirked, he had the feeling that Albus Dumbledore's days at this school were numbered very soon.

As always when he meets with Harry, Lucius had come a little earlier. .As a result, he was now standing in the cold, wet October wind and was very happy about his warmth.
'I am acting like a teenager. The only thing missing is that I draw hearts on my parchments. .even my house-elves giggle when they see how I behave. Well, I behaved similarly to Narcissa, but nobody was happy with me. That alone should have been a warning to me. "
.He looked at the passers-by sullenly.It was always the same, when it was Hogsmead weekend, not only were parents romping here to see their children, but also a lot of curious people waiting for the latest gossip from the school. .and then there were numerous witches and wizards who represented various companies and looked for future employees here. On closer inspection, Lucius even recognized some people from the Ministry and some restaurants. .and, ....
'Wait a minute, isn't that the head of an escort agency? What is he doing here? ’Just looking at the guy made Lucius sick. This magician, Arnold von Ehrenhausen, didn't look like a pimp, but he was. .even if someone who actually took care of his "employees" and would never allow you to take more out of your ladies and gentlemen than what you had paid for. .his employees were also allowed to decide for themselves how far they were willing to go. And that was mostly just dinner in high society. His good reputation had earned the magician the prestige of the highest noble houses. .what was it that his employees could easily fit into the higher society and were as cultivated as one could wish. .quite a few young men and women who worked for Ehrenhausen later married into aristocratic families. Still, someone like that had absolutely no business in the vicinity of a school.
.Lucius was just about to approach the man when he heard happy voices behind him that he knew only too well.

"Thunder, please stay here!"
"Oskar, the same goes for you, stop this race."
.the voices were Harry and Draco, both chasing after their miniature kites, laughing almost hysterically. Much to the amusement of the other Hogwarts students.
.lucius would have laughed too if the two toys that had come to life hadn't flown exactly in his direction.
"If you charcoal me you can experience something," warned the blond man.
.Oskar also turned away obediently, but the other dragon didn't even think about it, stared at him with his ice-blue eyes and then cheekily opened its mouth. The result, however, was not a fire but a jet of ice. .with the outside temperatures not exactly the truth either.
Gasping, Draco came to a stop in front of his godfather and snatched the miniature kite out of the air. .wildly he shook the little black toy that looked at him innocently.
"Are you completely crazy? What was that supposed to mean? You can't just turn Uncle Lucius into an ice sculpture. When I say no, I mean no. .do you understand?"
The rumble of thunder looked up at his master and then made a sound that was very unusual for a dragon.
"Did he just belch?" Harry inquired.
"Unfortunately. This guy always does that when he makes fun of me. .he just doesn't take my words for granted. Maybe I shouldn't have exaggerated his height like that. Now he thinks he's the big guy, in the truest sense of the word, ”grumbled the blonde.
."How big can he make himself?", Lucius wanted to know.
“Five meters. Uncle, please excuse me, I managed to breathe life into the rumble of thunder, but unfortunately no manners. I didn't want him to attack you. "
."Maybe you should take him to class with my brother?" Ginny smirked.
"Percy would kill me if my toys started freezing people," Draco muttered.
"He'd rather laugh himself broken," suggested Ron.

.the discussion was interrupted by a loud laugh. A laugh that came from none other than Severus Snape, who had just joined their small group.
.Sirius, who of course accompanied his husband, had long since said goodbye in a fit of laughter.
"What's so funny, Sev?"
"You, have you ever looked at what Rolls of Thunder did to you?"
.Lucius quickly conjured up a mirror and knew after one look why his best friend had laughed so much. His eyebrows were frozen and icicles were hanging from his collar.
“I look like Father Frost. .thunderous rumble, you really have no manners, "grumbled the blonde.
The only answer he got was a burp. Whereupon the youngsters started to laugh again. With the exception of Draco, who blushed and scolded his dragon.

.after Lucius had de-iced himself again, he pointed to Arnold von Ehrenhausen.
"I hope for him that he is not looking for any future employees here among the students," he growled.
.Sirius hissed insults and then went to the undesirable gentleman.
"No insults, you know he has every right to be here," Lucius reminded him.
."As long as he doesn't get too close to the students and presents them with any job offers, I have no problem with him," the Black assured him.
"Who is that?" Harry wanted to know.
“Skunk, you're still so innocent. .like a virgin a hundred years ago, ”Draco purred.
"Roll of thunder, take it," Harry growled.
And to everyone's surprise, the disobedient dragon did that too.
."Damn it, don't do that, I'm not a popsicle," the blonde yelped and tried to flee from his own toys.
"I can still remember the difficulties I had with Oskar and Beast at the beginning," Harry chuckled.
."Please don't remind me of it. Your monster book caused some of the most embarrassing moments of my adult life, ”Severus groaned.
"But it made us closer, especially on my bed."
"HARRY! .leave such personalities, I'm your father now. "
"Oops, sorry old habits."
"At least you opened and didn't say im," Severus sighed.
Lucius and the teenagers smiled.
."Great, and I've probably missed the best again," Sirius grumbled.
"Not really," grumbled Severus.
"Did you talk to the guy?" Lucius asked.
“Yes, but he only visits his own children. Do you see?"
.von Ehrenhausen was now standing with two young people who were visibly happy to see him.
“Hm, these are the Luxors. Why do you have a different name than your father? ”Severus wondered.
.“According to von Ehrenhausen, so as not to associate them with his business. That is why they bear the mother's name. He has a very seedy business for my taste, but he also has more honor than many others. .the man wants the best for his children, and he certainly won't achieve that if they are associated with a high-class pimp. "
.in the meantime, Draco had explained to Harry who the named man was.
"I wonder if his wife used to be a noblewoman too?" Mused Ron.
.Harry shook it inwardly, it still gave him goose bumps to know that the word noble lady in the magical world meant a prostitute of the noble class.
"Can we change the subject? .luc, what exactly did you get out of your meeting? Nothing has changed, Dumbledore is still the headmaster, ”Harry complained to his partner.
."Come on, let's go somewhere else, I don't feel like talking about it in the middle of the street," suggested the blonde.

Only when they were all seated in a nice eatery that used to be known as Eberkopf did he begin to talk.
.“Something has certainly changed. You know that the director has been arrested since his last appearance? "
The youngsters began to grin gleefully.
."I can still remember the happy face of McGonagall when she announced that over dinner."
"Ron, it's Professor," Hermione warned.
The redhead ducked his head guiltily and glanced at Severus. .he just grinned at him.
"Five points for the kind reminder, Ms. Granger."
"Yeah, it just makes me feel guilty," Ron muttered into his sparse beard.
Harry shook his head in amusement.
."Okay, so the old man is under arrest, but to what extent is that supposed to help? And is it certain that he won't come out again? "
Lucius nodded.
“Quite sure, after all, Amelia took care of the required spells. .with the ritual guards, to be precise. What does that change? Quite simply, until a better director is found, Dumbledore, the older one, stays right where he is now. .he no longer even has the ability to command the house-elves, ghosts, or images. Even Fawkes ignores him. No matter what his director's room looks like, it is and will remain a prison. Don't worry, the chimney has also been taken offline. .and he has a jailer, Argus Filch. "
Draco slapped the table enthusiastically.
“That's why we've seen him so seldom lately. But isn't that unfair to the man? "
"And you, of all people," chuckled Ginny.
."Hey, since he had magic, Filch has been totally fine."
"I don't think it's unfair either, just think how much he's changed," Hermione pointed out.
"What do you mean. Miss? "
.instead of saying something, Hermione glanced at Harry, who was pulling out a photograph that Dennis had given him.
"That's what she means."
.lucius had to look three times to recognize Argus Filch in the young man grinning at him from the photo.
"Looks like his own son," he marveled.
“It's because of the magic he now has. .apparently he takes the waves of magic the old man is emitting best of all, "Severus explained to him.
"So he's no longer a Squibb," said Lucius happily.
"I guess you can say," Harry agreed, and put the photo back in his pocket.
."That also explains why McGonagall thinks Filch should be the new headmaster from next year."
The words were hardly out of Lucius ’mouth when his audience pestered him with questions.

.lucius let the pack fidget a little and calm down. Even Severus couldn't hold back right now. That way they wouldn't really be able to listen to him, so he was patient.
"Well finally. .yes, you heard that right, Minerva McGonagall herself suggested that the current caretaker should soon become headmaster. She doesn't want to give up teaching herself, that's why she doesn't want the post. .and if Filch continues to absorb magic waves at this speed then nothing stands in the way. That's why he's playing jailer at the moment, he's working his way into his future position. Of course the old man doesn't know anything about it yet. .At the moment he thinks that we just won't trust him that he's doing his job right, ”Lucius smiled.
“I don't think so, old Filch as headmaster. Sirius chuckled.
.Nobody knew what to say to that, they were all just too flabbergasted by this news.
Lucius meanwhile looked at his young friend and held out his arm to him. .immediately Harry slid closer to his partner and snuggled up against him.
"Wow, that was quick, and we're forgotten," laughed Draco.
“They also had to go without each other for a long time. .we can see each other every day, the two of them are not so lucky, ”Ginny said, understandingly.
“Who else is for leaving them alone? We could check out our brothers' shop, ”suggested Ron.
.the proposal was accepted unanimously, and the next moment Harry and Lucius were alone.

"Where did they all go?" Harry said, amazed after a while.
.the blonde smirked, apparently his little one had once again not noticed anything around him.
“It's a very nice compliment if you only have eyes for me. Your friends and fathers said we deserved a little time for us. "
."Oh," Harry couldn't find out more at the moment, much more he just enjoyed his partner's presence.
“Tell me, where were Ms. Lovegood and Mr. Longbottom today? They usually belong to your core. "
."Luc, today is Halloween."
"I know, but that doesn't answer my question."
Harry looked up with a chuckle.
“Yes, it does, at least if you know Luna. .Today is the best time of the year to find magical beings, especially those who usually hide. "
"I see, and of course Mr. Longbottom wants to help his girlfriend hunt some fantastic beasts?"
."Like that," Harry confirmed.
"Then let's hope for both of them that they will find what they are looking for."
Lucius put his hand under Harry's chin and lifted the young man's head a little.
"I missed you," the blonde whispered.
."It was the same for me, letters are nice but they don't replace being together."
"Exactly. By the way, I cast a confusion spell, so no one can see us. May I kiss you?"
.Harry's white streak began to glow and his face lit up too.
"Yes very much."
"Don't forget to breathe nicely through your nose," breathed the blonde.
And before Harry could reply anything, Lucius ’lips were on his.

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