The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

371K 10.8K 3.8K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 21

6.8K 188 31
By YamagsuKami

It was a peaceful sight.

The sky was adorned with the orange and yellow tones of the sunset.

A green covered the ground below it. Vegetation all over the place. The wind making the leaves of the trees dance at the rhythm of the breeze.

In the middle of all that beauty there were two figures, one a male and the other a female.

The female had long white hair and pair of scarlet eyes which were fixed on the sky above her. Her looks was impassive yet it had a hint of seriousness. A small breath left her lips as she turned to see in front of her the man...

He had long black hair and had two crossed blades attached behind his waist.

While he had a quit similar impassive look his showed a visible amount of uneasiness. He was young... Younger than her at least.

She beckoned to the black haired man to come closer something he obliged and bowed respectfully at her presence.


He greeted with a respectful tone of voice.

"Kid... It's time. He is coming..."

The man frowned at those words

"Why now of all times your father comes for you?"

"Because he's dying. And he is no fool. He knows is better to take me out if picture before he dies. Because if I live after his demise than I'll be the new God. And he won't allow that."

"He... is dying. It's hard to believe it."

The woman scoffed.

"Start believing it, kid. Everything dies sooner or later. As well as me, as well as you. Even this ground that we walk on will die. What makes you think that God won't perish?"

He took some time to analyze the woman who was his master and saw the almost imperceptible but present concerns on her eyes.

"It's strange, master. To see you so... frail and hopeless."

She didn't seemed offended by the sentence. Her eyes went up to the sky back again.

"I'm not a fool, kid. I may prideful but that doesn't mean that I'm a fool. He is who He is and I'll die. But for me, death isn't an end, is a new beginning."

Some golden lightnings started to lit up the sky and she knew that they didn't had much time.

"It's time for me to pass the torch until I rise up again. Be my replacement until the day that I lie my feet back again on this land of humans."

"Why you refer to it as if it was a temporal matter? You will die. The End."

"I already told you, it's not an end is my beginning. I will come back soon. More importantly... I hope you're ready.. if not all the time I spend to build who you currently are was mere a waste of my time. I would hate for that to be a fact."

The man understood what she meant and got on his knees while looking up at her.

She raised her hand and a black energy started to swell up before it formed a black sword with bright red details on it. A dark energy surrounded her body as her red eyes glowed brighter.

"Why are you giving me this?"

He couldn't help but to ask to the woman.

"Because when I die, Father will take this and give it a use that I certainly don't want for it. I prefer to lend it to you instead of him doing whatever he wants with this power. I decide where my power goes not him."

"Why don't use this power to defeat him?"

"With or without it I'll die anyway. He might be dying and weak, but he is still God. If he wants he can write me off his book. But before lending it to you... I need to ask for something."

"What is that... Master?"

She took a breath before explaining.

"The war will keep going even if their ace cards perish. When you're strong enough, do me a favor. End the war."

Her request seemed to take him by surprise

"How will I do that?"

"When I disappear... Beelzebub will take charge. He always schemed behind my back to someday take the power of the devils for himself. The only reason why those three consider me their leader is because of my power. But as soon as the owner dies the dogs will eat everything on their way."

"Get to the point."

The man requested already feeling how his skin started to bristle by the lightings that grew violent and louder.

"What I'm asking you is for you... to kill the Satans. Beelzebub, Leviathan, Asmodeous. Kill them all. And leave the devils scram all over the place."

"How this will end the war?"

"The devils will lose their four Satans. The angels will lose their God and the fallen angels... well the Fallen angels doesn't have much. All this will lead to a death point where no one will dare to start another bloody War."

"You want peace..?"

This made her chuckle.

"No. I want to reign forever and that won't be possible if such powerful beings are still on the game. Clear the board for me when I come back, my disciple...."

He took some time but nodded.

"Consider it done... My Master. I will Kill the Satans."

She smiled with satisfaction as the Black energy started to swirl and went directly within the man on his knees.

As soon as the energy made its way inside his body he screamed in pain. Black veins started to cover his power as a black shadowy mist started to surround him.

The vast black energy was coming out the woman's body as if it was transferred to the man in front of her. She could feel how she grew weaker now that such power left her.

"Don't die..."

She let out as the man screamed louder. He could feel how his entire body was heating up and his heart was being gripped tight by a tremendous force.

The blade that was on her hand also turned into black energy and went inside of him.

He placed his hands over the ground as he breathed harshly. The pain subsided slowly... or maybe he was getting stronger and could withstand it properly?

With a last scream, the energy disappeared inside his body and he panted.

"Look up."

She ordered and he rose his head only making her smirk.

His bright orange eyes pierced hers.

Success... It was a success the transfer

"Stand up and walk as a new being... For you are the New Morningstar."

As soon those words left her the sky seemed to crack with a loud thunder. From the golden crack countless of winged figures came out flying.

"The Legion..."

She muttered as her eyes glowed red and in total fourteen wings came out her back, six were black while the other six were white and the remaining two one on each side resembled to bat-like wings.

"W-what is that..?"

The man who recovered himself from all the pain said with shocked eyes.


The woman practically ordered as a sword appeared on her hand.


"Know your place, pupil. Your strength is meaningless in comparison of what you're currently witnessing. You would only be a burden. Only the strongest are those who can decide and you're a mere kid."

He frowned. Hesitantly he started to run from the area.

The angels headed to her as she let out a breath along with a smirk.


Y/N opened his eyes abruptly as erratic breaths escaped from his mouth and drop of sweats were cascading all over his body.

He growled as he sat up on the bed before wiping the sweat off his forehead.

His respiration was still agitated.

Did... that was a dream? It surely didn't felt like it.

The woman... she saw her previously on another dream, so similar to Valiana. But that wasn't the case with the man... He didn't recalled seeing him anytime.

Y/N brought his hands to his head as a headache attacked him.

After what happened the other day with that strange man he attempted to communicate with Vritra, he couldn't. There was only one thing that may be the reason of that, Vritra didn't wanted to talk with him. That alone gave away a lot of things.

Vritra knew things that he didn't know... Things he didn't wanted to tell him...

The dragon had been avoiding to speak with him because he knew what the boy was going to ask him and he wasn't eager to answer any of his questions.

Once again Y/N tried to establish contact with his dragon but to no avail, it didn't worked.

"So that's your way of dealing with an issue? Keeping me in the dark? You think that will keep me alive? If you don't speak things will get difficult... for both of us, Vritra. Talk to me..."

Y/N was certain that he could hear him, but he received no answer. Nothing.

He let out a heavy breath.

How frustrating. He had the answer he needed within him but at the same time he couldn't get them. Something reachable but unreachable at the same time. The only way to get the answers was through Vritra but if he decided to keep silence he would get nothing.

That man... who was he. He was strong really strong... Maybe even stronger than him. And that was bad... Someone who he didn't know bear an equitable to his power. That was dangerous.

It brought his feet back to earth to think that he wasn't the biggest fish out there. There were people that may overpower him out there in the wild.

Stronger... He needed to get stronger. By any means necessary.

Another sigh escaped him as he was about to get off the bed but something grabbed on him.

An slender arm was around his stomach keeping him in place.

He looked to his side and saw a girl sleeping next to him on the bed. Xenovia... who was naked. Why?

The brash movement made the girl wake up.

Y/N had a confused face as she sat up with a somnolent face and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning... My King."

She yawned after greeting him.

He had told her to call him only Y/N more than once.

"Good morning, Xenovia. Why are you in my bed? Naked nonetheless. And like I said, just call me Y/N."

Xenovia tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. But I just wanted to help you..."

"Help me? How so?"

"At night I heard some noises coming out from your room, so I decided to take a look inside your room just in case an intruder made its way to your house. But that wasn't the case, in fact, it was you who were making the noises."

Y/N raised an eyebrow.

He didn't snored nor sleepwalked. Or at least he  believed that.

"I was snoring?"

Xenovia shook her head in denial.

"No. You were complaining, as if something was hurting inside of you. I firs thought that you were having a bad dream, but you didn't only were complaining but also shivering, so I thought you maybe would be cold. Using the information that I got from certain sources, I decided to share my body heat through skin to skin contact to warm you up."

Y/N was silent for a bit until he sighed.

She only tried to help him and he couldn't be too harsh on her. It's not like she was educated properly about these sort of things. Christianity only expanded ignorance through their teachings these days.

"Yeah. Thanks for that I guess, but don't do that without telling me first, I don't like surprises. Put some clothes while I go for a shower."

He said as he pulled away the sheet over his body and headed towards his bathroom.

As soon he started the shower the water started to drop over his body.

Y/N closed his eyes as he felt the hot water travel all over his body.

But then he felt how an sound similar to an echo resonated on his head.


The young male heard his dragon speak up to him.

A wave of relief washed him. Maybe he was going to get some answers.

"Vritra... Good to hear you. You know already what I'm going to ask."

I'm sorry for not answering your callings... I was..

"You were planning what to say to me and what not, right? What you're about to say now is merely a script that you made in your own head. However, that doesn't matter as long as the information you're going to give me is the Truth."

Vritra stood silent for a while.

That man... is dangerous. I highly recommend you to not approach him and if you get to ever see him... Run.

Y/N scoffed

"I don't runaway from any sort of battle and you know that, Vritra."

If that's the case, you wouldn't be nothing but a fool if you engage him, at least not at the moment.

"How strong is he?"

I'm not sure at the moment but back when I last saw him he was at the level of a Satan Lord... even higher.

That piece of information silenced him. Maybe the Satan Lords weren't the strongest beings but they were still among them.

Critically speaking he wasn't as strong as the Satan Lords, maybe he could deal with them, maybe injure them fatally, but at the end he would perish. Y/N didn't saw himself defeating Sirzechs. And that fact unnerved him.

If that man was stronger than Sirzechs it was a severe problem.

"Who is he? And how someone so strong managed to stay out the radar for so long."

It's normal. Given the fact of who he is and what he did in the past it's understandable that a very few amount of people actually knows about his existence. He is.... My previous host. He was The Black Dragon Emperor before you.

"That's not possible. Sacred Gears only transfer to other users when the host dies. Or if the Sacred Gear is taken out forcefully and that will end on the host dying. Why he is alive and you're with me?"

Vritra once again fell silent at the question.

"Vritra! I need to know or else I might end up dying."

I am not... like my brothers. The only way to pass my Sacred Gear is to transfer it directly to another host by the previous one. Right now, you're the Third Black Dragon Emperor.

Y/N widened his eyes in realization.

"If that's the case... then that means that man transferred you directly to me? If that's the case I need to be somehow related to him. I don't think he will just give such power to a random person. But Vritra, you haven't answered my question just yet or at least you haven't answered it fully... What's that man's name?"

Like so many times. Vritra seemed hesitant of answering the question. But he decided to answer it either way.

Have you heard of the tale of Cain and Abel.

"Yeah. Cain killed his younger brother, Abel out of envy. What does that have to do with all of this?"

God didn't hated or felt any despise towards anyone, not even to his failed creations. There was no room for malice on his vast being.... However... there was someone who actually managed to gain God's... "dislike" if you could call it that way. A man who got on his bad side. The first Killer, the First son of Men. The Strongest Human of all times. Cain Primus.


Xenovia saw how Y/N came out the bathroom with a serious expression, seeing him so serious and focused was a strange thing to witness.

However, in midst of her curiosity she couldn't help but to blush slightly at the sight of the man in front of her. No clothe covered his upper body and the drops of water only made it look even more.... Alluring.

She narrowed her eyes when her eyes wandered over his torso and noticed some scars on it. While they were visible the pass of time healed them to the point that they camouflaged with his skin.

He had one on his right arm, one on his back and the last one and bigger of them was on his stomach area.

It made her even more curious at how he got those.

Y/N noticed her gaze on him and smiled a bit.

"I'm sorry, I should put something on besides some pants huh? Sorry, I'm just used to it when I am at home."

"Please don't."

He tilted his head to the side with a faint smirk

"You don't want me to put anything on?"

"N-no! I mean yes! What I mean is... that this is your home while I'm just a freeloader. Your house your rules."

Y/N chuckled as he grabbed a shirt to have some decency in front of her. He wasn't like those guys who liked to brag about his so "great" body. In fact, he didn't liked any eyes over his bare body. Main reason why he used lots of clothes.

"Uh... Y/N. May I ask... how you got those?"

Xenovia asked as she signaled to his scars and Y/N hummed as he finished putting his shirt.

"As you may be expecting they aren't pretty memories yet I feel proud of them, even if they don't look so appealing. These... are a constant reminder of my roots. A reminder that I wasn't always who I am and that once... I was weak."

He saw how Xenovia was getting fixated on the conversation and wanted to hear more.

"What do you mean... that you were weak..?"

"Exactly as it sounds, Xenovia. Unlike many other, I wasn't born with extraordinary talent. I was frail and weak. Given to the fact that I was a pure human, my body wasn't exactly the best for the kind of sacred gear that I was given. It was a long and tough journey to reach up to here, but I'm proud of my achievements. However... my path hasn't ended just yet, I still have long way to go. Much more power that I need to acquire."

And more now that there was someone as strong as that man on the area. Getting stronger was fundamental.

"More importantly, we should start getting ready for school."

He was about to go to get his uniform before he was stopped by her.

"Y/N. I have a question. I apologize in advance, but I took notice of something in your drawer that peaked my curiosity...."

She raised some sort of small package that Y/N gasped at just the sight of them

"What is this..?"

Right... she didn't know pretty much close nothing about sexual stuff. It was his place to tell her... probably.

He took that thing out from her hand in a quick movement

Azazel gave them to him some time ago and he actually never used them. That old man was an issue sometimes.

"Xenovia, you know how babies are made, right?"

The teenager wasn't eager to give her the birds and bees talk to her

Much to his relief she nodded

"Through penetration and fertilization."

"Yeah... well these things are called condoms. Couples use these to prevent them from having a child along with other methods."

"That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't they want to have kids? It's human nature to procreate and give birth to babies for the future of humanity."

"Indeed it is. But sometimes people aren't ready to take care of a kid and it's the most responsible thing to not have it if you're not ready. Raising a kid is.... something all life long, is no game."

"You want a kid?"

The sudden question made him jump in surprise.

"It wouldn't be ideal for me to have any kids, even if that's true I want to have some in the future."

"Why wouldn't be ideal? I'm certain you would be a great father."

"Thank you for the compliment. But due to my status as a host of a powerful Dragon my life is at constant risk. People are greedy when it come to powerful things and what resides within me is the definition of power itself. Meaning that there're people stupid enough to try to take my sacred gear by force. And of course if they cannot get it through conventional ways then they're going to aim for the heart."

Y/N eyed at the clock and saw that it was about to get late.

"We should get going by now. Or else we'll get late.."

Genuinely, he didn't wanted to keep talking about this subject. While he constantly said that the future was important he wasn't someone to think about it much.


Y/N felt how the breeze brushed against his face as he looked to practically nowhere.

He was just standing on the roof of the school while he looked to the horizon with a serene face.

Today he decided to skip class while he thought about... pretty much everything. Mainly the things that Vritra told him.

Cain Primus... The first born of Adam. The first son of men. He was powerful... really powerful. Not only judging by Vritra's words but also he felt it when the man placed his hand over his shoulder. His presence was... choking.

He also... was his predecessor. The second Black Dragon Emperor. That meant that the man was possibly his worst opponent. He knew all the strength and weaknesses of his powers. What a problem.

Coming to think about... if Cain was the second and he was the third... who was the first one?

Vritra didn't told him.

That Dragon was hiding lot of things from him. And for what? Maybe he didn't trusted him which was understandable, he too wouldn't trust anyone with such information. However, if Vritra got to fully trust him... both would get stronger.

If a host has a perfect link with their dragon they could reach heights beyond any imagination, Gods even.

A perfect Dragon Emperor.

However that needed trust and trust took time... a crazy amount of time. Did he had so much time?


He needed to get stronger... but how? Training of course, but any normal sort of training wouldn't provide him with the power he sought or at least in the time he wished. Something more he needed something more...

Y/N sighed

Thinking it much wouldn't do him any good. However, he couldn't relax either.

It was possible that sooner or later he would meet with Cain... and he highly doubted that the man wanted to teach him how to use the power of the Shadow Dragon. Why in earth he transferred Vritra to him in the first place?

There couldn't be any other way to pass The Black Dragon Emperor power if it wasn't through direct transfer by the previous host. At least that was Vritra said.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a strong presence on the area. Inside the school...

The power was great in magnitude enough to make him frown.

Probably he needed to check...

Even if the presence was powerful no danger he could feel coming out from it. So it wasn't a direct threat, at least.

Y/N didn't felt like using the stairs so he jumped out the roof only to land in the school grounds. Luckily everyone was taking class so no one was outside to look at him, yet it was reckless of him to do a jump that no normal human could survive at.

Hopefully the concierge didn't saw him.

He walked inside the school following the strong presence.

It took him to the ORC....

What a coincidence. Who might be inside of the ORC at this moment.

Looks like he needed to check.

Opening the door he walked inside without any sort of knocking. Not like he lacked of manners but he was a little curious of who was inside the ORC with such power.

What met him was the sight of Sirzechs in the middle of a conversation with his sister, Rias.

As soon he stepped on the room everyone went silent. Except for Sirzechs who smiled at the young one.

"It's you Y/N. Good to see you're doing just fine."

The casual way he greeted him brought some curiosity.

"Uh... Brother, do you know him?"

Rias asked the older one who chuckled softly.

"We're old acquaintances. We could even call ourselves friends. Isn't that right, Y/N?"

Y/N laughed

"I guess we are, We played chess once."

"You two played chess together?!"

Once again Rias said surprised

"Oh yeah, and he actually won me."

"He won? You? Brother."

Sirzechs was actually the one to teach her the ropes of chess and he was unbeatable... at least to her.

"I don't take credit, I cheated. And you weren't taking me seriously."

"You cheated? On chess? Is that even possible?"

Y/N shrugged at her question.

"I got my ways."

Y/N eyed at the other that were on the room. Not only Rias and Sirzechs were here but also the entire peerage of Rias and Grayfia.


He greeted the maid politely which gained a nod of the woman.

It was obvious that Sirzechs already knew about the revelation of his identity to Rias peerage... But at the same time they didn't know the real reason why he was "close" to Sirzechs and Grayfia.

And it was better that way. That past would remain buried for eternity. Hopefully.

"If you don't mind me asking, Sirzechs. Why are here?"

Many in the room thought him as rude by the way he referred to him by his first name. After all, he was the Current Demon King.

Sirzechs face turned a little bit more serious.

"You see.... I'll be giving the grounds a preliminary look because your academy is hosting the three - way conference between devils, angels, and fallen angels."

He already had informed of this to Rias before Y/N arrived.

But in contrast of what everyone of belonging to Rias peerage felt when they heard such thing, he didn't felt surprise... not at all. He felt... a little mad.

The three leaders of the factions were going to have a conference on a human place. That only meant trouble and disaster. Nothing good could come out from such thing.

Why they couldn't have their conference on other place besides a human ground?

Maybe he was overthinking or maybe not... That was about to get see

However, he kept that to himself.

"But come to think about it... We haven't booked out a hotel just yet... Do any of you can suggest one?"

Issei raised his arm a little wanting to have a word.

"Why not just stay at my place?"

Sirzechs eyes lit up a bit

"Great idea. I've been meaning to pay a visit to the people looking after my sister."

At this Rias blushed in embarrassment as she was denied fervently

"No! Come on!"

Her brother would only try to embarrass her.

Y/N chuckled a little at this.

He eyed at the door about to go. Everything was okay for the moment. Sirzechs wasn't really a threat to anyone. Even if the man had an astounding power he rarely used it and he swore that Sirzechs hated any type of violence.

About the conference. Y/N was certain that Sirzechs would play the peaceful part, also Azazel. Even if the fallen angel leader was the most unpredictable man that he ever met... he wasn't fond of anything close to destruction...

But now the real question came at play. What about Michael? He never met him... At first anyone would say that the leader of the so holy angels would only aim for peace and that may be true... But it could be the other easily. Not all angels were pure and kind... Some were assholes. Because being an asshole wasn't exactly a sin marked by the Bible.

However, he wasn't that worried about Michael. Mainly because of her sister, Gabriel. If Gabriel was the definition of a kind and benevolent angel her brother couldn't be far from that.

Y/N walked to the door but he felt how a hand grabbed his shoulder stopping him from going.

Turning around he saw that the one who stopped him was none other than Issei.

"Is something the matter, Issei?"

Issei was a little hesitant to let out the words.

"Would you want to stay at my house? Since President's brother is staying there I would like for you to be also there. Plus... I think it's time for us to talk about all of this."

"Oh? A slumber party? Seems fun, we can talk about our crushes and braid Sirzechs's hair."

"Y/N, I'm being serious."

"Yeah I know. And that's why I'm creeped out."

Issei just looked at him with some serious eyes and he sighed heavily

"I'll go. But make sure you got an extra mattress because I'm not sleeping with another dude on the same bed."

"Will do... And thanks for... taking care of that freak from yesterday. The White Dragon Emperor."

He definitely took care of her, in more than one way.

"Anytime. Well, I have to leave, see you at night. Oh and Issei when I get there you better have.."

"Ice cream, yeah I got it."

Issei finished his sentence with a faint smile.

"Exactly. See you then."

Y/N went out the room leaving the peerage members by themselves.

Inwardly he couldn't help but to wonder.

What would come out from this three-way conference? Would actual peace be a reality...?

That was about to be seen.

Thank you for Reading!

A/N: Hope you've enjoyed the chapter. I been meaning to ask about you guys opinion about my story spelling. Like many of you may have noticed, my first language isn't English so I struggle to actually write the words out sometimes. Though by the pass of time it has been getting a lot easier to actually write in English. But yeah, I'm no way near perfect and I know that sometimes my writing style can be somehow "repetitive" sometimes, I tend to use the same words over and over again and that's a little frustrating for me. This is just a minor concern of mine.

And thank you for the support on this book. We reached 31 thousand of reads in what? Like three months I think and that's a huge feat for me. Thank you all it really means a lot to me to see you all enjoying what I do even if it isn't the best.

For the hundredth time, thank you all and merry Christmas and just in case I don't get to say it, Happy new year too.

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