Lover..... (Legacies AU)

By tvduxlarry

14.3K 393 394

The salvatore boarding school has never been a safe place, but with Hope mikaelson it has never been more vul... More

1. Gone Too Far..
2. Can we just get over with this?
3. I Miss You..
4. That person did not care
5. Back Home
6. New Day Same Prey
7. Love In Disguise
8. Trouble In Paradise
9. Tryouts
10. How can I forget?
11. Hallouween
12. How can I love myself?
13. Happy 16th
14. Miss Mystic Falls
15. What do I have to be thankful for?
16. Work-Mas
17. A New Year
18. You always come back home..
19. Founder's Day
20. In Another Life
21. The day It all Ended
22. Valentines
23. The Fundraiser
24. When They Died.....
25. The Devil's Birthday
26. Happy Birthday..
27. Prom Queen
28. Senior Party
29. Goodbyes
31. Back to square 1
32. Epiphany
33. The Unraveling
34. Another Side
35. History

30. The Baddest Bitch

223 8 13
By tvduxlarry

Okay guys this chapter is gonna be pretty different than the others I have been planning this for a long time and It is finally here. I am having a writer's block so I am gonna post my next chapter on 1st Jan so there will be a small break and I have decided that the pic will end around the end of Jan because that is when we get the new episode so once my story finishes the legacies episodes can keep you enteretained. also in this chapter everyone in the og squad is already here and Kathrine is finally going to make an entrance.

APRIL 16TH 2030

Today had been about a week since Kathrine ripped out Cleo and Jed's heart and handed it to their loved ones.

Everyone was scared knowing that Kathrine could strike anytime, anywhere and to anyone. The school was on full security mode, there had been spells put, boundaries added and traps set to catch Kathrine.

Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, Davina, Damon, Elena and Bonnie were the part of the originals squad that had been back for this. As much as Caroline wanted to come back she knew she could not as she was tracking Kathrine with Freya and Keelin back in New Orleans.

Hope was scared as hell, she knew that the next heart that Kathrine held in her hands could be of hers. But that was not even the worst, she was worried that she would hurt someone else she loved and she could not lose that person.

Meanwhile, Lizzie was trying to be in denial of everything trying to act as if this was a daily problem but deep down she knew it was not and she was worried about her getting hurt or even worse dying in front of Lizzie's eyes as Kathrine held her heart in her.

Josie was calm in this situation. She had been trying to find more and more spells and work on much better protection. She knew that Kathrine was a human or vampire but she was not a witch so she could not break that protection that Josie could provide with her magic. She did have to dive into dark magic a few times but she kept it in control not going too far. But she was doing this all for one person.

Penelope was scared for the first time in her life, not for herself but for Josie. Even through all of her tries at the end of the day it came down to Josie for her. She was probably the only one in the squad that had her feelings clear about a person.

Mg was trying to keep up the spirits and make sure no one lost hope because he knew that of there was no hope they would lose the battle before it even begins and Mg did not want that. Even though he was worried and scared inside he could not show it outside.

Ethan knew that Mg was hurting inside he helped Mg whenever he could and he made sure that he was okay in the middle of this whole mess. He did not mean to overstep either so he just asked how he was once in a while and just checked up on every now and then to make sure he was okay.

Overall the school was in deep trouble and everyone knew that. They had made schedules for watching and everyone had a few hours so they could rest and work in the rest of the hours. At night usually Damon and Marcel were awake while everyone else had morning shifts, all though no one really slept the past week. 

Hope and Lizzie had been trying to sleep together in the bed. Both of them used to lay down but neither of them was really able to sleep and Hope was a vampire so sleep was not needed for her but for Lizzie it was very important as she was a witch.

Like everyday both of them were laying in Lizzie's room with their feet tangles and their hands brushing each others as Hope had taken a few sleeping pills to go to sleep.

But as she woke up from a nightmare she controlled herself to not shout but she saw Lizzie by her side, sleeping peacefully. Hope saw the time and it was 7 am. Their shift was going to begin in some time but they still had time.

Hope moved closer to Lizzie as she nuzzled her head in Lizzie's neck and threw her right leg over Lizzie's. She was close enough to Lizzie to hear her heart beat even without the vampire hearing. She could see how Lizzie was just calmly sleeping after so long.

After an hour of Hope lying down next to Lizzie. Lizzie woke up, this time it was not a nightmare it was an alarm clock. She woke up to Hope being spooned by her. Lizzie was close enough that she could feel the her body warmth.

Hope heard the alarm clock as well and stood up a little as she said, "Good Morning"

"Good morning, how long was I asleep for?" said Lizzie

"I do not know myself, I was took a few of the sleeping pills to knock me out and the next thing I know is that I wake up with you by my side sleeping" said Hope

"well we should get ready our shift starts in an hour" said Lizzie as she was getting up but Hope stopped her by holding her hand.

Lizzie turned to see Hope who was currently holding her hand ever so gently that it made her flutter. Hope's soft touch against Lizzie's hands gave her butterflies

"Just stay?" said Hope

Lizzie was mesmerized by Hope and she could not tell if Hope was tired or she just needed to someone right now but without questioning it, Lizzie went back in the bed. She spooned Hope knowing she needed it.

Like this both of them stayed in bed for a while until they had to get up and ready for their work as today was going to be hectic like every other day in their lives nowadays.

Meanwhile, Kaleb was sitting in the study hall alone when Mg saw him sitting by the window all alone looking outside and he understood that he must be feeling lonely.

Mg walked upto Kaleb and sat beside him in silence not wanting to over step or disturb him while he was having his own time. Mg had just got off his cycle so he had plenty of time to wait till one of them spoke up.

Lizzie was off for her duty until she got a text from Finch. Lizzie had just got ready so she dropped the towel she was covering her hair from to the floor. She was already dressed but her hair were still wet. She opened the text.

Finch: Hey

Lizzie: Hey How are you?

Finch: I am fine but can I talk to you? I know you have your shift but it is kind of important...

Lizzie: Yeah sure just give me five minutes I will be there

Finch: Great thanks for coming

Lizzie: No problem :)

Lizzie shouted to Hope in the bathroom "You take this duty I need to go help Finch". She knew that Hope could clearly hear her as she had vampire hearing.

Lizzie walked to Finch's room. Our number one priority was to make sure that Finch and Kaleb were okay above everything else and everyone knew just how important it was as both of them had just lost the love of their lives and Kaleb had gone far enough to say that he wanted to die as well so everyone knew just how dangerous this whole situation was. 

Lizzie walked in Finch's room where she saw her sitting on the ground with her back against the bed as she had a box of tissues with her on her left side and some food on her right which was barely eaten.

Lizzie said, "Hey, You okay?"

"yeah" said Finch as she look up to Lizzie who was walking up to Finch.

"Do you need something?" said Lizzie as she sat on the ground beside her.

"Actually I want to ask you something to be very honest" said Finch as she gulped.

"Yeah sure anything" said Lizzie as turned toward Finch

"So Josie once told me you once loved someone named Sebastian?" said Finch

"Yeah..." said Lizzie as she looked down to the ground

"I heard that, both of you loved each other deeply" said Finch as Lizzie just stayed silent not sure what to say or how to saw it as she was torn between many thing when he came in her life.

"Listen I know we were never exactly best friends or anything but I like to think that I was something to you and I now that I can think of the pain you felt when you lost him, I want to ask you, how did you feel once he was gone?" said Finch as Lizzie looked back to Finch who was barely keeping her tears from bursting and Lizzie appreciated how she managed herself.

"I don't know honestly I think I just found someone who helped me, that person just makes me forgot about everything when im near, that person somehow calms all my nerves like she did when I found about the merge, this person is just like comfort and feels like home" said Lizzie as she gazed off in her thoughts about her.

"I can not do this" said Finch as she cried a little

"What are you talking about?" said Lizzie as she snapped back to reality looking at Finch.

"I want to die" said Finch as Lizzie's mouth shaped in to an O and she had no idea what to say or do at this point

"And I have been doing some research, and nature has a balance, a person goes and a person can come back" said Finch as Lizzie was confused as to where this was going and how she should react to this.

"If I die you can channel that power to bring back Sebastian" said Lizzie as she got up.

"No- no you cannot do all that for me" said Lizzie as she walked back looking a little afraid.

"I can and I want to, You have been through enough and you deserve happiness and this will help me as well I will be with Jed and you can be with Sebastian" said Finch as she got up trying to calm Lizzie down.

"I just cannot right now" said Lizzie as she walked out of the room.

Finch was too emotionally bruised to even run behind her as she ran out of the room confused, sad and angry but Finch was confused but she thought the overwhelmness of your love makes you act like this.

Meanwhile Mg was in his room, he was sitting on his desk as he was working on more ways to find all of this and finally end this as he could not take so much of this.

Kaleb walked in Mg's room as Mg immediately dropped his pen and he did not expect Kaleb to come after everything that had happened with them and he knew that Kaleb was mad at him for replacing him with Ethan but in Mg's mind Kaleb was always his best friend and will always stay that but Ethan was just something else and Mg did not know what that was.

"Hey" said Mg

"Hi" replied Kaleb as Mg offered a seat for him to sit on.

"How are you doing?" said Mg

"I am fine" said Kaleb as their was a slight awkward silence. Then Ethan walked in saying, "Okay so I got the fruits and I asked Josie for the-" before Ethan could finish he saw that Kaleb and Mg were sitting together.

"I am sorry I should-" said Ethan and before he could finish Kaleb said, "No it is fine I was just leaving"

"You do not need to go" said Mg as Kaleb was getting up

"I think I need to, and I am sorry I did not realize this earlier" said Kaleb

"What?" said Mg but Kaleb just gave him a small smile and Mg was not sure what that meant or if he was okay with it or not.

Mg not knowing what Kaleb wanted let him go because he knew that holding him back could not do any good either ways.

He saw Ethan over there by his side in his room and both of their eyes met like they did everyday and Mg loved that about him and how his eyes glistened even in the toughest of times.

After all of this the Original Squad which meant, Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Kol, Davina, Rebekah and Marcel were sitting in the office as all of them were contemplating what they should do and what all had to happen. 

Right now it was Josie, Ethan, Penelope and Mg's shift going on but Hope decided to help them as well so the original squad could finally discuss what had to be done.

Damon and Elena were sitting on the couch while Bonnie was sitting on the main headmistress seat. Rebekah and Marcel were sitting on the two chairs in front of Bonnie. Davina was sitting on a chair next to the bookshelf while Kol was slightly leaned on the small coffee table next to the bookshelf.

"So, first we need to figure out what she is right now" said Elena

"What do you mean what she is" said Rebekah

"See, Kathrine was about to die as a human but when she came back from hell she was a vampire but she was born a traveller, so what is she now?" said Bonnie

"That is a lot" said Marcel

"She could be just a traveller or a normal human with some people to help her it is not important that she is some kind of supernatural legend right now" said Davina.

"But what if she is?" said Damon

"Well then it is safe to say we are all doomed" said Elena

"Kathrine always had one power and that was her clever mind and how she always survived" said Bonnie

"She was a survivor" said Marcel

"You know I have been wondering about this for a while and when I got the call from Elena that Caroline could not come Damon was there as well but now that we know it was not Damon or Elena the question is who was the other person?" said Rebekah

"Well I would like to guess Nadia" said Bonnie

"What if it was Kai?" said Elena

"It can be Nadia but Kai died once hell was closed so he was not in hell he was in oblivion" said Marcel

"What about Mason Lockwood?" said Davina

"He was her lackey once" said Damon

"Maybe it was that witch from Bonnie's bloodline who Kathrine used during the masquerade" said Kol

"Well all I can say right is that Kathrine has had many alliances in the past but she was broken a lot of them as well so we do not really know who it is and I am not even sure how this whole thing is gonna happen but it is safe to say that Kathrine will not go without a fight" said Elena

While they were all talking about this Lizzie was in her room and she was sitting against her bed when she called Hope and Hope did not pick up but Lizzie was crying and she was done and she did not know what to do.

The call went to voicemail so Lizzie decided to rant to the voicemail.

"Hope, What have you done to me? Why do I care? why do I love you? why? I tried hating you but I am only capable of loving you. You are tattooed on to my skin and heart, and the more I try to erase you the deeper you sink in" said Lizzie as she cut the call feel empty and all she wanted was Hope all she needed was Hope all she needed was her home.

But Lizzie knew that she had to clean herself and she did exactly that she cleaned up her mess and walked down her room to the main sitting area where she grabbed her shoes and she ran to the office where she knew the original squad would be sitting and she had to tell them about Finch's plan and everything.

Lizzie burst into the room with her eyes still red and puffy, she said, "Finch wants to die"

"What?" replied Bonnie immediately

"She told me, she said she is done and she wants to die" said Lizzie as Rebekah gave Lizzie a glass of water as she could see that Lizzie was not okay.

"How? Why?" said Damon

"Well she also said that she wants me to bring back Sebastian" said Lizzie as everyone felt silent for a second.

"Well, if it makes you happy maybe you should" said Marcel

"Maybe we should all go to the entrance hall we should check up on them" said Elena as all of the originals squad and Lizzie walked out of the office to the entrance hall in silence to see the Penelope, Josie, Mg and Ethan with Hope standing and looking towards the wall opposite to the entrance and at first the original squad was confused.

But then they walked towards the center and as all of the were facing the opposite of the entrance on the wall there was a big red stain of blood.

All of them were too numb and surprised with the blood stain to move or say anything all of them were still and there was not a sound. There was pin drop silence. All of them were shocked to their very core and scared as hell not knowing what to say or react in a situation like this.

For the squad this was new, seeing such an enemy that left even the originals squad numb and silent and they were more scared than ever of the legend that was Kathrine pierce or Katrina Petrova. She was clever and no one knew how it came in the school but they all knew that it was Kathrine.

"Sooooo" said Kathrine as everyone immediately turned around to see Kathrine in her usual color black with thigh high black boots and classic blood red lips.

"Did you all miss me?" said Kathrine with her classic smirks.

"Kathrine" said Elena with a sigh

"How are you miss wanna be doppleganger" said Kathrine to Elena

"Also I was hurt Damon that you did not pray for me at the funeral because after all Stefan did die beside me didn't he" said Kathrine as Damon gulped.

"How is my favorite Mikaelson? yes Rebekah I am talking about you, you were my favorite too bad I am not in the mood of favorites but you did a good job getting Marcel the big bad vampire" said Kathrine as she mocked Marcel and Rebekah while she kept moving towards them.

"How are you Kol? also Davina you might have to give me tips, I was never able to get a Kol Mikaelson, the only brother I could not compel with my beauty" said Kathrine as she kept moving as gave a wink towards Davina and Kol.

"How are you Bonnie? does it feel good to know your whole try of keeping me in hell failed" said Kathrine.

"Mg and Ethan and Kaleb how does it feel to be in this dynamic? also where is Finch?" said Kathrine as everyone looked at each other once.

"And here is the great Lizzie Saltzman, you know you are a very interesting person" said Lizzie as Hope tried casting a spell but it deflected from Kathrine. Kathrine burst into laughters.

"Good try baby Mikaelson, and I have to say, Lizzie and Hope, this is a duo I never imagined. Hope Andrea Mikaelson would let the whole world on fire but not let a flame touch lizzie" said Kathrine as Hope and Lizzie looked at each other for a second.

"You know Hope I was about to send like a parcel saying It is okay to love them both but Little did I know you have always only loved her" said Kathrine to Hope

"Lizzie I understand you, I mean how do you tell someone who you grew up hating that you will die loving them" said Kathrine with a smirk.

Before anyone could say anything Kathrine walked to Lizzie and grabbed her neck as she tore her neck open and started feeding blood from her. Hope immediately vamped to Kathrine and cast a spell to push her back making Kathrine fall to the ground and making her smash against the wall as Hope caught Lizzie before she fell to the ground 

"Good job, but Lizzie will die either way now no blood can save her except maybe yours, Hope but she is going to die within a matter of minutes" said Kathrine with a smirk as she got up.

"No" shouted Hope as she but her hand and offered it to Lizzie so she could feed from it.

"No-o o.. I will no.. drink- you" said Lizzie as she could barely talk but she tried not to drink Hope's blood at all costs.

Thankfully Mg reached her side in time and bit his hand and offered it to Lizzie and Lizzie drank from Mg leaving Hope puzzled as to why would she not drink from Hope who was gladly offering her, her blood. 

As everyone turned to see Kathrine again who was this time holding Kaleb by the neck with one hand in his chest.

"No don't kill him" shouted Mg as everyone saw what was happening.

"Listen Mg, I am sorry I now know what Ethan is to you and it is not a friend you know he is something more and I am already dead inside so do not mourn me and go and get him. Forget me and run for him you need him, not want him and both of you live your lives to the fullest" said Kaleb

"Awww that was nice but goodbye" said Kathrine as she winked towards Mg and pulled out Kaleb's heart and then threw it towards Mg who fell to his knees.

"So now that I have killed two people already who should I murder next?" said Kathrine as she walked back to them. 

"Oh wait I know you two" said Kathrine as she vamped towards Damon and Elena and took out two vials of blood one in light red and other in dark red.

"What do you think you are doing?" Marcel as he took out his upgraded vampire fangs.

"Oh love I am not going to kill them I am gonna make them the things she hates" said Kathrine as she made Damon and Elena gulp the vials of blood. Elena drank the light red one and Damon the dark red one.

"Bye bye see you on the other side" said Kathrine as she snapped both of their necks at the same time.

"They are dead" said Penelope

"Yes love but not for long, the loophole was that anyone with the cure could drink their vampire blood to become a vampire again and trust me it works like magic" said Kathrine

"You all are speechless how cute but trust me I not done yet" said Kathrine as she vanished into thin air.

Hope was too numb to even cry she saw Lizzie die in front of her and she could not be any more upset she walked in the study room trying to go to their room and cry in her and Lizzie's bed.

She had just heard what Kathrine said about lizzie and it cannot be true Hope Mikaelson could not be in Love with Elizabeth Saltzman. Hope could not believe what Kathrine had just said.

She was trying to go but Josie found Hope in the study room and she shouted, "Hope wait" 

Hope turned to seem Josie standing and both of them were standing in the middle of the study hall.

"Listen thank you so much for doing it for Lizzie" said Josie as Hope was confused as she could only think of one think.

Hope could not love Lizzie and Hope needed to make all the feelings go away she could not do it anymore. 

Meanwhile Lizzie woke up and she had a blood bag lying next to her and before anyone could say anything she drank the blood bag and got up running to the left of the study hall looking for Hope as she could finally admit that she loved Hope. 

Penelope was also walking and she found herself on the right side of the study hall looking at Hope talking to Josie.

Josie could see Penelope on the frame of the right door of the study hall and she knew she loved her but she needed to get rid of it and she needed a break from her.

Hope could see as Lizzie walked in with a happy face and as Lizzie took one step as she was about to go and hug Hope and tell her how she loved her Hope grabbed Josie's neck with her left arm and kissed her passionately.

Lizzie stopped, she was numb with pain and Hope opened her eyes as she was kissing Josie and she saw Lizzie standing there looking at her and Hope cried, she had tears rolling down her cheek.

Josie could see Penelope while she was kissing Hope and for then first time in a long time she saw Penelope running away in tears.

Hope on the other hand was crying but she still kissed Josie hoping all of her memories of Lizzie would go away but they did not but lizzie did. She could not see the pain anymore she walked away from there running to her room. 

Hope did not run after Lizzie and the more she tried to erase Lizzie the deeper she sinked in. Hope was trying not to completely burst into tears.

Lizzie walked in her room and she sat in Hope's room the whole night hoping that Hope would come and give her an explanation but she got none. She git nothing. 

Lizzie could not handle it anymore she grabbed one of the pill Bonnie once had to nullify her magic which also nullifies her vampire side so it nullified the vampire side. 

Lizzie knew that the pills would kill her but she knew that loving Hope and the pain would kill her faster.

Lizzie took about 10 pills not even caring to count them, Once she had them she fainted on Hope's bed.

Lizzie grew up hating Hope but she died loving Hope.

Okay guys I am so sorry if you cried during this because I cried while writing this and I am so sorry for the late update. PS I was listening to all too well 10 min version so I got carried away in the last part.

I have been going through some mental issues and I am genuinely sorry but the next chapter will be placed after the summer vacation and unfortunately this is not the lowest point. 

But trust me once the worst is over they are only gonna up from there also my next update will be some time later I am not sure I am still going through some stuff but yeah. 

Hope yall had a merry christmas and happy new year may the next year be better and good for all of you out there. 

Also thank you to everyone who has been reading this fic and has been through all of this.

Comment, vote, follow and add this to your reading lists I appreciate any of you doing any of these.

I love yall take care and see you in the next chapter.


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