Bondi Rescue Oneshots

By Miyapettersen

40.6K 406 206

I will do requests but i wont do anything with Y/N. More

We're proud of you, kiddo
It could happend to anyone
It's okay to ask for help
I'd never let you drown
The new lifeguard
I'm (NOT) okay!
I would be suprised if you didn't have nightmares..
Merry christmas kiddo!
We're family, we will always be here
Rescue injury
Father and son
If someone ever ask me about the definition of idiot, your name is the answer...
3,1 K!!!!
I belong here, I promise
Are we too young for this?
Alone (Alternative ending)
The lifeguards as things me and my friends have said or done
Are.. Are you wearing nail polish?
Choosen family is still family
You can always come back home
Youre not alone anymore
I'm scared
Where'd All the Time Go?
Be more careful ey?


935 13 6
By Miyapettersen


Sadness. It was all he felt at the moment. He was standing by the edge of the cliff closest to the beach. He was vaguely aware of the fact that someone was slowly making their way over to him. He felt raindrops hit his face and heard the distance rumbeling in the sky.

"It is dangerous to be standing up here. Especially in these conditions." He heard a deep voice say to his right. Hoppo, he could recognize his voice even in his sleep.

"Why don't you back away from the edge and come with us" He heard a bit lighter voice say from his left side. He couldn't quite recognize the voice. He knew it sounded familiar but he couldn't figure out where he has heard it before.

He turned around to face the two. His eyes scanned their faces. It was Hoppo and Reidy who had found him.

"Blake? What are you doing up here?" Hoppo asked

"Just watching the sunset" He knew his voice sounded like an automatic answer but he didn't care, not right now anyways.

It took a bit of convincing but he joined the two and walked to the tower to dry off.

Hoppo drove him home even tho he lived over an hour away from the beach. His parents weren't home but he was used to that.  They were never home anymore, always working.

And that left him alone. All alone, no friends and no family to turn to. Well, maybe not all alone.. He had some razorblades, those had become his best friend.

He dosen't remeber much from the point where he was dropped off to the point where he was back on that cliff once again.

But this time noone was there to stop him from reaching his goal. So he took the final step and jumped over the ledge.

He felt a powerful gust of wind following the entire way down before he felt himself hitting a rock, he was still concious when a wave took his body and brought it closer to the beach.

Slowly but surley he felt himself getting dragged down towards the bottom. Dark spots quickly filled his vision and he let the darkness consume him.

It was only hours later when his body was discovered by the lifeguards. The funral wa sheld a week later, his parents didn't even show up.. Just the lifeguards.

Hoppo and Reidy were the one who found his body, they as well as everyone else regret the fact that they didn't even notice it. He was struggling right under there noses and they didn't even notice or ask him if he was alright.

From that day they were more open with one anothor when they were sad and they made sure that the new lifeguards were able to be open as well.

They would always honor Blake and the live he had and the lives he saved.

Their little brother, their son was now 6 feet under.

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