The Drug of a Sinner // Jung...

By K_S_Jae

27.8K 986 129

"What? Did you enjoy last night?" The girl noticed the way those eyes focused on her and she smiled satisfied... More



1K 42 2
By K_S_Jae

A new week had started and Y/N was in the college cafeteria with her friends. Everything that happened was still very strange to process, but it was done; she had signed Wooyoung's contract and, that very morning, she was able to pay for her studies.

Although the simple fact of having obtained that significant sum of money so suddenly took her out of her comfort zone, she had no regrets.

Chris, Sam, and J.C were laughing around her, pulling jokes and bringing memories to the table. It had been almost two years since the squad had formed, but many times they felt as if they had known each other for a lifetime.

Y/N adored each one of them. They showed interest in her, but they never intruded on her life beyond what she allowed them to know.

The more she analyzed her life, the more grateful she was to live it.

When it was time, everyone went to their respective classroom to face the last class of the day. Y/N liked to dedicate herself fully to class, without distractions, which is why she rarely noticed when the hours passed. And that day was no exception, as soon as the teacher finished the class, she arranged her things and left the place.

She took a deep breath when she went out and paused, licking her lips. Then she started walking in the opposite direction from her apartment.

The day before, after signing and making official her peculiar relationship with Wooyoung, the boy had indicated that she should move in with him. Y/N made no objection -she had no intention of starting off badly, much less did she see the problem in it- and agreed. So, Wooyoung told her later to only bring the things that she found most necessary.

In a way, that brought her a wave of relief; that only meant that, if at some point the coexistence between them was ruined and she needed a break, she would still have her little apartment with most of the things. She was not forced to do anything.

She had not seen Wooyoung in the hallways all day, not even a trace of him, but she supposed it was normal since it was not something that she used to draw her attention to; she had never been aware of it before. Usually it was just her and her group of friends. Nothing mattered to her apart from that; she had no reason otherwise.

Or it used to be like that.

When she arrived at the large house in which she had agreed to live, she noticed that the door was still locked. Wooyoung was not there.

She frowned slightly, with some intrigue, and searched in her bag for the spare key that the boy had given her, entering the place as soon as possible.

A chill ran through her body as she closed the door behind her. Once again, the magnitude of the place had taken all of her words away. She had not even been through a week yet, but she had a feeling that she would have a hard time getting used to all of that.

Silently, certainly intimidated by her dimensions, she settled her bag on her shoulder and walked around the place. Trying to remember the exact way, she reached her personal room and took a seat on the bed.
Despite everything, Wooyoung had given her a lot of space. Literally.

Y/N put her bag beside her, looking around her and smiling slightly. Then, after a few minutes, she got up again and left the room, ready to familiarize herself with the place; she did not want to look awkward all the time.

She walked the corridors trying to make a mind map to remember the location of everything, although at the moment she only knew that Wooyoung's room was at the end of the corridor, there were three bathrooms on the top floor, the main room was downstairs, as was the kitchen and... That was all she could remember.

When she finished her tour, she returned to the main room and took a seat in the armchair with a blank mind. She looked around silently and drummed her fingers on her knees, pursing her lips. In fact, she had nothing to do. She had no pending jobs or investigations to work on, the place seemed immaculate, so she could not even find something to clean, she could not call Sam given the high chances of him wanting to go meet her at the apartment...
She definitely had to find something to kill time with.

Then, she remembered the bookshelf in her room and decided to go find something to read. Later, she returned to the same chair and started her mission.

The hours passed while Y/N was immersed more and more in that new world on her hands. She was almost halfway through the story when the front door closing was heard. She immediately knew that Wooyoung had arrived, so she closed the book and put it aside, focusing her gaze on the entrance of the room, expectantly.

However, minutes passed and he never appeared.

Puzzled, she got up from the couch and walked slowly out of the place. The slight sounds the boy made led her to the kitchen, where she found him with his back to her, in front of the counter.

"Jung?" She asked with an inevitable bad feeling.

Wooyoung turned around, confirming her intuition.
The first thing she noticed were the drops of blood staining his shirt. She immediately moved her gaze, discovering that the blood was coming from his lip. The boy had a bruise on his cheekbone and right eye.

"Jung! What happened?" Y/N approached him immediately, concerned. "H-How...? When-...?"

However, Wooyoung kept his lips sealed. Without saying a word, he just stared at her with a blank expression. Y/N carefully took his face in her hands and analyzed it for a few seconds. Even though he did not express any kind of pain, she knew that his eye was threatening to swell shortly.

Then, she separated from him and went to the refrigerator to put a couple of ice cubes in a bag, returning as soon as possible.
Obtaining no resistance from him, she put the ice on his eye and stared at his face.

"What happened?" She reiterated now more serious, though unable to hide her concern.


Y/N narrowed her eyes and grimaced. A heavy sigh left her body.

So, she took the boy's wrist to guide his hand to the bag on his face and make him hold the ice; in that way she could give him space. However, as soon as she raised his hand, she noticed the wounds on his knuckles, still bleeding.

She looked up and made eye contact with Wooyoung. He focused on her pupils and sighed, knowing that there was no other way; if he did not speak to her, he would only worry her more.

"Someone tried to rob me." He answered. "They couldn't. I had to defend myself, that's all."

Y/N was silent, noticing how the boy spoke of it without major importance.

"Hey, I know how to defend myself." He added when he saw the anguish on the girl's face. "They are only minor injuries."

Then, a smile appeared on Wooyoung's face and Y/N felt the pressure on her chest decrease.

"Don't move." She told him then.

The girl broke away from him and went quickly to one of the bathrooms on the second floor. She remembered seeing a first aid kit in one of them during her tour.

When she finally found it, she went back to the kitchen and started healing Wooyoung. She cleaned his wounds carefully and bandaged his hands. He only appreciated the concentration in Y/N's pupils every time she passed an alcohol swab over one of his wounds, as if she was trying at all costs to avoid hurting him.

When it was done, Y/N smiled a little calmer and turned to the counter, putting the things back in the medicine cabinet. Although the fact that what happened did not change, knowing that she at least had been able to treat his injuries, left her more calm.

Wooyoung approached her slowly and wrapped her waist with his arms, pulling her closer.

"Where does all this concern come from?" He whispered, resting his chin on her shoulder.

Y/N felt a heat reaching her cheeks and she smiled slightly. Wooyoung's arms were around her body carefully and firmly, making it impossible to ignore their closeness. She finished closing the kit and gave him a look over her shoulder:

"You look horrible."

Then, Wooyoung gave a laugh and released the girl from his grasp. She rolled her eyes hiding a smile and left the kitchen with the medicine cabinet in hand.

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