Girl Crafter

By pinkpixel

13.7K 517 270

Told from the perspective of a girl crafter! After realizing that bravery doesn't make you strong, this girl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3:The Dream
Chapter4: The Adventure Continues....
Chapter5: So It Begins...
Chapter6: The battle
Chapter7: Déjà Vu
Chapter8: Is This What Death Feels Like?
Chapter9: This MUST end!
Chapter10: I tried.
Chapter11: The End?
Chapter12: You Never Know
Chapter13: Notch!

Girl Crafter

2K 129 55
By pinkpixel

I was crouching behind a piece of cobble hoping it wouldn't see or feel my presence. 

I gulped and I was sweating, and quietly crying to myself.

"Why why why did I feel the need to be brave and explore the caves?!" AGH I was so mad at myself. Finally I found some courage. I looked at my diamond sword, and stood up I ran and slashed right through the skeleton crushing his bones. As I caught my breath... SSSSSSS......BOOM.

RESPAWN IN 3...2...1...


Ouch... I got up and looked around... I saw trees and a beach... But I live in a jungle biome!  As my memories came back to me I realized what had happened. 

" NOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed. My invetory was empty... What am I going to do? 

I decided I could try to find my old home again. (sigh) And the adventure begins. I started collecting some wood. I had 24 in no time considering I was filled with anger. 

"Gah, I hate creepers. I HATE CREEPERS." 

I decided to make a crafting table... Made some sticks then a wooden pickaxe. I started walking around trying to find a cave I could collect some cobble from the outside. 

Finally after walking around for a few minutes I found one. I collected two pieces when all of a sudden there was an arrow in my back.

"OW WHAT THE HECK!?" I turned around and saw a skeleton standing there with an evil grin on his face. I sprinted out of the cave and noticed it was already mid-day. I sighed and went looking for another cave... Before I found the next one, I was in a snow biome. I spotted a cow so I took out my crafting table and used my two cobble for a sword. It slowley walked looking for a patch of grass. I hid and stood as still as I could behind a spruce tree. Then... it was right next to me. Not even looking to the side. 

"WHACK" and off rolled his head.

Hm. That was easier than I thought. I had a big smile on my face. I saw a cave out of the corner of my eye so I went over to it and started to collect some cobblestone. Thank goodness there weren't any monsters in here. Right now I'm to tired to even fight a zombie. After I collected around 30 pieces I walked out of the cave.

Right when I got out... I gulped and my heart sank..... 

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