Semper - Fred Weasley

By enaja1811

53.5K 1K 440

Two redheads One love In good times and bad In health and sickness At least that's what they thought... a Fre... More

Author's note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
The Wedding - How It Looks Like
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII

Chapter VIII

1.2K 28 9
By enaja1811

„Has anyone seen my mascara?"

Parvati came out of our shared bathroom, wearing only a towel. That poor girl was terribly nervous because Harry had asked her to be his date for the Yule Ball. I felt bad for her, because I knew that Harry panicked, so he only asked her because he knew no one asked her for a date yet either.

„No, but you can use mine.", I smiled at her.

I sat on my bed, just in my underwear. A towel still on my head while I tried to paint my nails, because I wanted them in the same emerald green as my dress.

We all had beautiful dresses.

Hermione's dress were made of a floaty periwinkle-blue material, and with Lavender's help, she had straightened her hair, which was tied up into an elegant knot at the back of her head.

Parvati and Padma wore similar pink and orange sari-style dress robes. The only difference were that Padma had a pink choli and an orange sari and Parvati's were the other way round. They both wore their long black hair open.

Lavender's dress were a minty green that ended just above her knees. Her curly hair in a simple up do.

Mine was a long dress in emerald green, with a semi-sheer top and a deep V-neckline. I had my long red hair in curls and a half bun.

It was half past seven when we were ready and made our way down to the great hall.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I was focused on my steps to not trap over my own feet. I was definitely not used to wearing heels.

Our three roommates were ahead of us. That left Hermione and me time to talk.

Hermione didn't tell anyone but me about her date with Victor. She was hoping Ron would have asked her. But now she was very excited about Victor.

When we reached the stairs that led down to the great hall, we stopped. We looked at each other and reassured one another without words.

It was common for the Triwizard Champions and their partners to dance the opening dance. To be honest, not exactly something I was looking forward to.

Hermione took my hand and with a last deep breath we walked around the corner and took the first steps on the stairs.

When we first were spotted by our classmates, the conversations stopped and heads were turned towards us.

I saw Cedric standing beside Victor. Both of them were grinning widely as soon as they saw us. I waved at Cedric and smiled back at him.

He looked handsome in his black dress robes, a white dress shirt and a black bow tie.

My gaze wandered and when I saw him I nearly tripped. If it wasn't for Hermione still holding my hand I most likely fell down the stairs.

He stood with George whose date were Lee, even if they won't admit it, and Angelina.

When his eyes met mine I quickly looked away.

I do not care about him. I do not need him.

As we reached the end of the stairs Cedric and Viktor approached us.

He took my hand and kissed the back of it.

„You look absolutely beautiful, Penny."

„Thank you, dress robes really suit you."

The door opened and the other students entered the great hall. McGonagall came over to us and ordered us to wait until everyone was inside.

And then it was time for us. We entered the great hall under the eyes of our classmates and teachers.

It was beautifully decorated and I stared in awe at the huge Christmas tree that stood in the center of the hall.

We lined up and when the music started playing we started dancing. Dancing with Cedric felt easy, very easy. Like walking over clouds. He was incredibly talented and knew how to lead his partner.

With every step we danced, I felt more and more comfortable in his arms.

After a short time the song changed and we decided to grab a drink. We walked over to the large table that worked as a bar.

Cedric picked up two mugs from the table and handed one to me.

„To a great and unforgettable night.", he held out his mug in my direction.

„To a great and unforgettable night. Cheers!"

He took my hand and led me to a table in the corner. We both sat down and watched the crowd in silence.

It felt peaceful and I was comfortable in Cedric's presence.

„Would you like to dance?", he asked after we emptied our drinks.

„Absolutely, yes!", I grinned.

He jumped out of his chair and pulled me behind him.

When we reached the dance floor he spun me around under his arm and I laughed at his action.

The Weird Sisters played an up beat song and we jumped up and down to the beat.

Hours passed and we had so much fun.

Currently I sat alone at a table while Cedric got us new drinks. I bobbed my head to the rhythm of the music and watched the students with a smile.

Most of them had already left, only a few couples were still on the dance floor.

And then my gaze fell on a certain couple. They danced tightly together and whispered in each other's ears.

And when I thought it couldn't get worse, Fred leaned down and kissed her. And suddenly a little kiss turned into a heated make-out session.

Fred's hands cupped her bum and her hands found their way in his hair. I couldn't get myself to look away. But I should have done it.

They broke apart and Angelina's left hand dropped from Fred's neck. She dragged her hand slowly down his chest and abdomen, then she tapped at his belt buckle. I saw him nodding and then they hurried out of the great hall.

Just at that Cedric arrived with our drinks.

„Are you okay?", he asked.

I grabbed the drink from his hand and gulped it down. Sadly, there's no alcohol in it.

„I'm perfectly fine. Wanna dance?", I smiled up at him.

He watched me for a second as if to check if I really were okay. But then he nodded and followed me to the dance floor.

A slow song was played, I put my arms over his shoulders and Cedric wrapped his arms around my waist. I breathed in his scent, I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes.


I tilted my head up to look at him.


„Can I kiss you?"

I did not expect that. I thought about it for a moment. But I wanted to. I wanted to give him the chance. And so I nodded.

Cedric put his hand on my cheek. His thumb caressed my cheekbone. And then he slowly leaned down.

His lips felt familiar. Soft as I remembered them. The kiss started slowly. He then tilted his head to one side and my lips automatically moved against his. He ran his tongue against my lower lip and I opened my mouth. Our tongues met and moved together. He pulled me closer and I tilted my head to the other side to intensify the kiss.

After what felt like an eternity we pulled back and looked in each other's eyes.

„Wow...", he whispered, his voice deep and raspy. „that was amazing."

It actually felt good. I'd nothing to compare to but it was good. I felt good.

The only couples left were Ginny and Neville, some Beauxbatons students, us of course and George and Lee. The latter's stood at the bar. Both laughing, their pinky's intertwined, barely visible.

I smiled at them. I didn't know what's stopping them from coming out officially. But even tonight they pretended to attend the ball just as friends.

My feet hurt, I was tired and I got a headache. But Cedric enjoyed it so much that I didn't want to say anything.

When the clock struck midnight, I couldn't help but felt relief. I just wanted to go to bed.

The band stopped playing and the teachers sent us back to our common rooms.

Cedric walked me to the Gryffindor common room.

I took off my shoes and let them dangle in my hand. I loosened my bun and my headache got better immediately.

Cedric walked next to me, one arm loosely on my hip while humming to himself.

There were still students in the hallways. Some cried in the arms of their friends, some made out, and some of it was more than just making out.

We arrived at my common room. We just looked at each other before Cedric spoke.

„Thank you for this wonderful night. You can't imagine how happy you've made me. I hope it won't be the last time. I really like you a lot."

He leaned down and pecked me.

„I had a great time too. That really would be nice. Good night, Cedric."

„Good night.", he smiled at me one last time before he turned around and left.

„Handsome young man he is. Nice choice.", the Fat Lady spoke. I just rolled my eyes and told her the password.

The door opened and I stepped in. Nobody was in the common room so I decided to sat down by the fireplace before I went to bed.

I lay down on the sofa that was closest to the fireplace. I found a blanket and put it over my legs. It wasn't particularly cozy in my dress, but I just wanted to enjoy the quiet before going to bed.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Guilt and regret, that's what I felt when I left Angelina's dorm. I didn't know why I agreed to her.

Of course, I've slept with other girls before. But it was never my intention to sleep with her.

I walked quietly down the stairs that led from the girls' dormitories down to the common room.

The fire in the common room was on all night. But I didn't expect anyone to be here at that time.

I went closer and smiled when I saw Penny lying on the sofa. The covers pulled up to her chin, one hand under her head and her lips slightly parted.

My heart ached when I looked at her. She looked so peaceful and happy. How much I wished I was by her side tonight.

I should have talked to her much earlier. I should have apologized. How could I be so stupid?

She was my friend and I didn't want to lose her.

I slowly leaned down to her and stroked her cheek.

Her eyes slowly began to open and I smiled at her.


I must have fallen asleep, because when I felt something touch my cheek, I started to open my eyes.

My dress felt uncomfortable against my skin. My head hurt and the arm I was lying on felt numb.

When I finally opened my eyes I saw Fred crouched down next to me. I nearly jumped up from the sofa. I wasn't expecting him.

„What are you doing here? Why aren't you in bed?", I sat up and looked him up and down. „oh.. I see...".

Only now did I notice how he looked. His hair was messed up. His dress shirt was unbuttoned and no longer tucked in his pants. There was a hickey on his neck and lip gloss at his collar.

„Looks like you've had fun.", I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I threw the blanket off of me and stood up. Suddenly I felt dizzy. The room began to spin around me and I squeezed my eyes shut to stop it.

„Whoa, slow down. Are you alright?", Fred rushed to my side and put his hands on my shoulders to support me.

„Don't touch me!", the spinning had stopped and I pushed his hands away.

He held his hands up and watched me before he reached out for my hand to grab it.

„I said don't touch me! Don't touch me with those hands of yours that just fucked Angelina.", I said through gritted teeth and his face went pale.

„Are you serious right now?", he took a step forward. His eyes narrowed at me.

„What do you expect? Fucking Angelina and now that I'm with Cedric, you think you can just come back to me? I thought we were... friends." I breathed in and shook my head. „no.. that's a lie because actually I thought we were more than just friends, Frederick.. But you proved me wrong." I felt tears in my eyes.

„Penny...", he began but I interrupted him by holding up a hand.

„No, I don't want to hear it. Not tonight. Just.. I just need to think about everything and you should do that too!", with that I left and stormed up the stairs to my room.

I knew that it wasn't only his fault, but my anger took the best of me. And I meant it, I needed to think about it.

Cedric had become important to me. And the feelings kept getting stronger. I didn't want to give that up right away. I wanted to be happy. And I wanted Fred to be happy too. But right now we couldn't make each other happy.

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