Lover..... (Legacies AU)

By tvduxlarry

14.3K 393 394

The salvatore boarding school has never been a safe place, but with Hope mikaelson it has never been more vul... More

1. Gone Too Far..
2. Can we just get over with this?
3. I Miss You..
4. That person did not care
5. Back Home
6. New Day Same Prey
7. Love In Disguise
8. Trouble In Paradise
9. Tryouts
10. How can I forget?
11. Hallouween
12. How can I love myself?
13. Happy 16th
14. Miss Mystic Falls
15. What do I have to be thankful for?
16. Work-Mas
17. A New Year
18. You always come back home..
19. Founder's Day
20. In Another Life
22. Valentines
23. The Fundraiser
24. When They Died.....
25. The Devil's Birthday
26. Happy Birthday..
27. Prom Queen
28. Senior Party
29. Goodbyes
30. The Baddest Bitch
31. Back to square 1
32. Epiphany
33. The Unraveling
34. Another Side
35. History

21. The day It all Ended

208 9 23
By tvduxlarry

Yes you all, if you think this is the Stefan's memorial chapter let me tell you that you are very correct and this chapter will reveal who the monster is so in the corner of this text there will be a plus sign so I suggest that you comment right now who you think the monster is and no no cheating. Let's see how many of you can guess. Also keep commenting on the side of the chapters who you think is the monster.

Anyways so I am not sure if this is the day Stefan passed away or not but in this story let's say there is.

And also this might leave you a bit confused but trust me it will all unravel in the next chapters.

Feb 9th 2030

So, here was the day, the day that Stefan Salvatore died and the day the mysteries of Mystic Falls were over for a while, it wasn't until the prodigical daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson came.

Stefan was a hero to the town and especially to the supernatural community of Mystic Falls, He was a good person who would always be remembered. To keep the memory of Stefan alive the School held a memorial every year on his death anniversary. 

It was one of the most important events of the year and there were some rules to be followed this day but only a few students will be allowed to actually work with everyone in preparing for the funeral and only those few will be allowed to attend.

These few usually was just Lizzie and Josie as they were the only ones who Stefan really impacted but this year Hope and Penelope were also invited to help out and attend as Hope also got the feeling of family now as she did meet him a few times as a kid but that was it.

She knew better than anyone how losing a member of a family felt and these guys were family now, at least to Hope they were and to them Hope was.

So, a few days before Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Kol and Davina came for this funeral. Caroline arrived today whereas everyone arrived a few days earlier. Kol and Davina had also had quite some interactions with Stefan way more than what we know.

This was going to be a spectacular as this was the 10 year anniversary of his death. Lizzie and Josie were used to this stuff but to Hope and Penelope this was new, it was different, having a family.

Lizzie in the morning was already making sure everything was fine. Everyone knew that Josie and Lizzie were saved by Stefan many times but if anyone could grieve and plan a funeral it was Lizzie so she was obviously going to help out.

This was the first year that it would be without Alaric but everyone knew he was mentally there and he would have been wanted to be there.

Like this Caroline wanted to talked to Lizzie. She had to clean herself up because Stefan's death anniversary was always very emotional to Caroline. It was the day she was married and widowed. 

For Bonnie even though he had killed Enzo, she had forgiven him and everyone knew that Enzo was not the only person she loved, she loved Kai as well some how but she never could tell how.

Davina had met Stefan quite a bit when Bonnie used to call her up for help and Kol had obviously been there in the whole mess so he knew Stefan pretty well.

Then was Elena, Elena loved Stefan she always will, she used to date him but it was more than that now.

The most painful one was Damon, Stefan and him had fought like dogs and done worse that the worst things to each other but at the end of the day any of them would die for each other and they did.

Meanwhile Marcel and Rebekah were already there and Rebekah and Stefan had history but it was not romantic anymore and Rebekah was okay with it but she still missed him as a friend while Marcel never felt jealousy towards Stefan, he and Stefan went rather smoothly and they were always there if they needed a drink.

Like this many people from before had also come to attend Stefan's funeral because he was a good person and everyone knew that.

So, Caroline wanted to talk to Lizzie because she had received a letter saying that Lizzie did not want to talk to her and obviously Caroline was upset so she got off her plane and before meeting Elena, Damon, Bonnie or anyone she went straight to Lizzie's room hoping to see her.

Caroline knocked on the door and slightly opened it to see lizzie sitting on her bed with a few tissues and a check list for all the things that needed to be done.

Caroline said, "Hey can we talk" 

Lizzie nodded as she knew that Stefan's death was hard on Caroline so she tried to not hold a grudge.

"You know, this was the day I lost Stefan, but it was also the day I married him, he was, is and always will be the most epic love of mine. He was a human and I loved him I knew he was gonna be gone one day I just did not expect it to be so fast." said Caroline as Lizzie controlled her tears and made sure Caroline was okay by holding her hand.

"I can not imagine how bad it must be for you" said Lizzie

"Well yeah but I learnt this lesson a little late but you should never push away those whom you love and I love you Lizzie" said Caroline and Lizzie was a little confused on what just happened.

Like this Caroline left the room leaving Lizzie confused in her thoughts wondering why was Caroline apologizing. It was safe to say that Lizzie could not figure out why Caroline was constantly apologizing to her when it kind of should have been the other way around.

After this by around noon everyone was busy prepping the funeral and Lizzie was managing the seats and Penelope and Hope were always around each other because they were the only ones here who did not have a personal connection to Stefan Salvatore, while Josie was busy managing a few decorations and doing things here and there.

"So what are we supposed to do next" said Hope

"I think we should just sit I do not want to overmine any of them" said Penelope as both of them sat towards the back.

As all of this continued Caroline, Damon, Elena and Bonnie were sitting in the front row. Kol, Davina, Marcel and Rebekah were sitting in the second row.

Lizzie, Josie, Sarah Salvatore and Matt Donovan were sitting in the third row.

While Penelope and Hope were sitting in the last row.

Damon got up from his seat to make a small speech for Stefan's funeral, he started by saying, "Stefan and I were always a team, even though we fought each other if it was anything else we were always a team. He and I did many bad things to each other that I personally do not exactly feel good in telling on his funeral, but he was a hero and so was his hero hair" said Damon as everyone gave a small pained chuckles.

"But he went and closed hell and saved you all from a very bad fate, witch is something you all must be thankful for, because of course hell is gonna open its doors wide for me" said Damon as everyone gave a small pained chuckle as a few rubbed the tears.

"But you know, at the end of the day he was my family, he was my always and forever." said Damon as Hope got a small shiver from her body.

And once the whole thing ended everyone gathered around his grave to lay down petals and spread it around. 

While spreading the petals Hope noticed that someone had put a whole rose on the grave, which seemed weird as we were not allowed to, so Hope nudged Penelope as she was the one with her, she said, "Who put that rose over there?"

"Probably Miss Caroline, it makes sense for her to put a red rose" said Penelope and Hope shrugged it off, she knew it probably meant nothing but little did she know that it did mean something and she will regret not paying attention to it later.

Meanwhile Caroline goes to her old room where she used to say, her eyes were read from tears and she could barely keep it in and hold it when she was in her room she burst out screaming shouting and saying, "I love you Stefan I always I will" as she fell to her knees.

When Caroline fell to her knees she felt a paper beneath her leg instead of wood, she moved her knee to see the paper perfectly and neatly packed in a beautiful red ribbon and seal, the letter had a perfect embroidery that said Stefan.

Caroline immediately called a meeting to discuss what was in it and to open it. Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Marcel, Rebekah, Kol, Davina, Lizzie, Josie, Penelope and Hope gathered immediately to know what Caroline had found.

"What happened care?" said Elena

"I found this letter and it says Stefan on it and I wanted for it to open with you today" said Caroline.

"Well then let's do it" said Rebekah.

"Okay" said Caroline as she carefully opened the ribbon to see a card and the card said, 'Stefan was not the only one who died today'

Caroline could not read the card aloud she was too shocked and stunned to.

"You okay mom?" said Lizzie as Caroline passed her the card so she could read, Lizzie read out aloud, "Stefan was not the only one who died today" as Hope and Penelope and Josie looked at each other.

"Bonnie are you betting deja vu as well" said Damon with a chuckle of pain

"Unfortunately I am" said Bonnie as she gulped.

"What happened?" said Josie clearly having no idea of what happened.

"We figured the monster" said Marcel knowing who it was and all of the originals squad remember exactly who it was.

"Think of the only person worse than cade" said Bonnie as everyone's hearts dropped.

"The person who knows where all of our weak spots are" said Bonnie after a small pause.

"Someone who wants to kill us all over and over again" said Bonnie as all of them sighed but Hope, Josie, Lizzie and Penelope were still confused about who they were talking about.

"The one who will stop at nothing till us and everyone we love suffer" said Bonnie as she looked down.

"The one who wants revenge for what we did to her" said Bonnie as she looked back up at everyone.

"Just don't say it" said Damon as he gulped.

"The myth" said Rebekah

"The legend" said Kol

"The baddest bitch of all" said Caroline

"Kathrine" said Damon with a sigh.

Penelope and Hope and Josie and Lizzie were shocked at what they just learnt they thought Kathrine was off the list as she had been in hell.

"But how?" said Hope

"It makes so much sense now" said Rebekah

"What do you mean?" said Lizzie

"Remember the dress you wore on founder's day? well that was Kathrine's back in the 1800s" said Rebekah

"No, mom sent me that dress her-" before Lizzie could finish Caroline said, "I did not send you anything" said Caroline

Josie scrolled in her phone to show a picture of Lizzie from that day as Damon said, "That is Kathrine's"

"Wait, remember when we were here and on Miss Mystic Falls Mg left Lizzie because he saw a girl already, hurt and he said that the girl was saying how some girl did that to her" said Elena

"That is right Mg told me as well" said Josie

"Wait did you send me the letter?" said Caroline

"What letter?" said Lizzie

"For founder's day, you told me not to come" said Caroline as the look on Lizzie's face was confused about what was Caroline talking about.

"She has been toying with us for so long," said Davina

"But wait, Damon and Elena gave me the letter" said Caroline

"But we were in New Orleans?" said Damon

"Then it was Kathrine and someone else" said Caroline

"Wow this is messed up" said Penelope

After this shocking turn of events, everyone went to their room needing the sleep.

Hope was laying down in her room when Lizzie went in her room to check up on her and make sure she was okay.

"you okay?" said Lizzie

"I am okay" said Hope as she made place for Lizzie to sit.

"Today was interesting" said Lizzie

"Yeah and I kind of wanted to talk to you about something" said Hope as Lizzie sat next to her on the bed.

"Promise me not to remove the bracelet I gave you," said Hope

"Okay but what if I am at my wedd-" before Lizzie could finish Hope held her hand in which Lizzie was wearing the bracelet.

"Wear it for always and forever" said Hope as her light blue eyes met Lizzie's dark blue eyes.

Lizzie knew how important Always and Forever was for Hope and how she never said it until something was very serious

"I promise" said Lizzie.

Hope gave a small smile looking at Lizzie and as Lizzie was about to get up, Hope said, "would you mind staying for a while? Just for once?" said Hope

"Yeah sure" said Lizzie as she turned back to Hope and laid down next to her as she kept an arm around her waist. 

Lizzie and Hope both held on each other tightly preparing for what was coming and for the dreading moment that Lizzie would have to let go, and Lizzie loved Hope enough to let her go.

Lizzie got up from the bed and as she was standing at the door with her back turned towards Hope she closed her eyes tightly not letting the tear drop fall and even Hope was bright awake.

Lizzie wanted to look at her just for another moment and hold her for another moment but she walked out that door to her room.

Hope and Lizzie both could not sleep that night but neither of them knew whether it was because of Kathrine or the fact that they were not together and they were not holding each other close.

Like this another day at the Boarding School was over.

Okay so now you know who the monster is. So how do you feel about Kathrine? Also any comments on this chapter. Also please comment things that you want for to happen because one of you mentioned you like Stefan and Caroline so I made sure to add that in here similarly if you want something just please add it.

Also now you will see Hope and Lizzie and Hope and Josie actually progress. Also I have structured the chapters till chapter 24 and the next chapter will be Valentines. I think it is pretty clear what it will be about. 

Also please comment, vote, follow and add this to your reading lists. I appreciate any of you doing any of these.

Love you all take care and see you all in the next chapter.


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